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Hello its Lawrence and ill be focusing on how celebrities can impact the youths vote through
their platform, Im Hailey and Ill be talking about why young people tend to not vote, Hello Im
Angelica and Ill be discussing the social media aspect of the elections and how it impacts it. So
welcome to our podcast where on today's episode our main topic will be the young voters
between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and how much they impact the election and why
they tend to not vote.

Information We Want Mentioned

Why dont we have many young Voters
1.) Well many young people actually refuse to go to the polls because of a lack of
trust in the political process. About only half of registered millennials refuse to associate
with one of the major political parties, meaning their issues are largely ignored in party
2.) Another reason would be young voters do not vote simply because they cant
relate to the candidates policies, Bernie Sanders did a really good job at discussing
topics such as college debt and racial issues which is why he had a huge following in the
young vote because those are topics that is important to millennials
3.) Lastly, studies have also shown that many younger voters rather vote for a thirdparty candidate instead of the two main parties democrat and republican which could
impact the two main candidates heavily because it will split the vote
Why The Young People's Vote is so Important
4.) Young voters make up almost 20% of the voting population. The fifth of
Americans eligible to vote are young people, so the youth vote has the potential to be
extremely influential
5.) There is no other age group in America that is as diverse as that of young voters,
making the demographic perhaps one of the best voices for political candidates who will
cater to the needs of more than just one group.
6.) A big reason why Obama won the 2012 election is because he was able to get
60% of the young vote in his campaign

How Social Media Can Help the Young Vote

7.) We know most young people in this current age have social media and this can
impact the election process and candidates use it in their advantage to sway voters in
their direction
8.) Trump has 22.7 million likes and followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
9.) Clinton is far ahead when it comes to YouTube, where her political ads have
drawn in 16.4 million views to Trump's 8.1 million
Trump, who started the campaign with 4 million followers, now has over
10.6 million, while Clinton, who began with about 1 million, now has 8.1 million, Trump
has posted 32,800 tweets; Clinton has just 7,260 tweets to her name

And In one of the articles that I was reading they were saying that hillary
told donald to delete his account
Celebrities Supporters
Celebrities can play a huge part in a candidate's campaign and tend to
sway many of their fans minds into voting for the candidate that they are personally
voting for. Hillary is really fortunate to have many big name celebrities on her side, many
of them support her views and would like to see her as the first female president that the
country has ever seen. Whereas Trump's celebrity supporters arent as big named as
Top Supporters of the Clinton Campaign are: Barack Obama, Michelle
Obama, Meryl Streep, Lady Gaga, Kerry Washington, LeBron James, George Clooney,
Robert De Niro, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Magic Johnson, Pharrell, Salma
Top Supporters of the Trump Campaign: Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Sarah
Palin, Ben Carson, Clint Eastwood, Kirstie Alley, Willie Robertson, Azealia Banks, Charlie
Sheen, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson, Hulk Hogan, Dennis Rodman, Kid Rock


Thank you for listening to our podcast we hope that this was informational and exciting and we
encourage you guys to vote this upcoming election because your vote always counts!

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