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1. What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years?

2. Have you had an experience you would say has impacted the direction of your
3. Have you had to make an important decision that affected the direction of
your life?
4. Are there people you dont like? Are there people that dont like you?
5. Where do you consider good places for a couple to be romantic?
6. What has been an embarrassing moment for you?
7. Are you ever bored?
8. What are good leisure activities a family should try to do together?
9. Are you okay that I still might have some feelings for my Ex?
10. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?
11. What do you think of this expression: Where there was fire, ashes remain.
12. What sort of future financial plans/goals do you have?
13. What is your biggest goal in life?
14. What is your favorite book/author?
15. Describe yourself in 3 words.
16. Tell me your 3 weaknesses.
17. Who is your hero, do you have more than one?
18. What are the most important things in life?
19. What questions would you like me to answer?
20. What are your bad/good habits?
21. What are your point of view of the world? Liberal/conservative,
22. What would you do to leave an impression on a person on your first date?
23. What to you would the perfect life consist of?
24. Is there an age where being a virgin, you think, would be awkward?
25. Whats been your most intimate experience? What it emotional as well as
physically intimate?
26. Can you have emotional intimacy without physical intimacy?
27. Do you still have feelings for an ex?
28. How long did your most intimate relationship last?
29. Do you regret any of those intimate experiences with that person?
30. Have you ever had the feeling you were being watched, in general, not
during, you know.
31. What was your most conflicted emotional moment?
32. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
33. What is your opinion about same gender relationships?
34. Do you think the past matters in a relationship?
35. How would you react if I told I have had a relationship with a partner of the
same gender?
36. Do you believe in any god or gods? Why? Are you spiritual?
37. Do you have any opinions about politics?
38. Do you have any hobbies?
39. Have you ever experimented with legal/illegal drugs?
40. What do you think is the key to good parenting?
41. Do you like pets in the house? Do you like pets?
42. What is the weirdest thing about you to most people?
43. Tell me something about your first kiss.
44. If your parents dont like me for some reason, is that a deal breaker?

45. Have you ever had a one night stand? If you did, do you regret it?
46. Do you believe in soul mates?
47. Do you have a criminal record, any contraction of diseases?
48. What is your dream job?
49. Are you willing to stay away from your family if you ever have to for a job?
50. Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to know?
51. If you could meet a famous dead person, whom would you like to meet?
52. What do you think about unfaithfulness in a relationship?
53. Do you think love at first sight is possible?
54. If your job started negatively impacting our relationship, what would you do?
55. Who is your favorite fictional character and why?
56. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?
57. Do you have any regrets in life?
58. What is your ideal vacation?
59. Do you have a favorite movie?
60. If you are allowed to do just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it
61. What are some things about you that you take pride in?
62. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
63. What is your earliest memory?
64. What do you like most about you?
65. Will you be OK with me hanging out with you and your friends?
66. If you could change something about your life, what would it be?
67. Have you ever taken dancing classes? Do you like to dance?
68. Do you think it is important to learn any form of a performing art?
69. What are you looking for in a relationship? In the long term or short term?
70. If you have three wishes, what do would you wish for?
71. Which is the song that makes you happy?
72. If you could have a superpower, what would be your superpower?
73. Who has been the most influential person for you so far in life?
74. Is there a movie that makes you cry no matter how many times you watch it?
75. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would it be?
76. What is the best advice you ever received?
77. What kind of music do you like?
78. If you had a previous relationship, why did your last relationship break up?
79. Are you still friends with that person?
80. What was a good moment in that relationship?
81. What are the craziest things that youve done with someone?
82. What will you have accomplished at work/school one year from now?
83. If you could go on a road trip where would you go?
84. What is the best part about family life?
85. What is a favorite memory you have of being with your family?
86. Tell me 3 good points about me.
87. What are your expectations of me in our relationship?
88. Did you ever want to kill someone?
89. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much?
90. Is there anything I could do to make you think I am a bad person?
91. What would you do without electricity for 3 days?
92. Do you like to go shopping, not buying, shopping?
93. After I had asked you out for the first time, was there any part of you that

wanted to say no?

94. Where are some places you like to go on dates that might be different from
where we usually go?
95. What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open
relationship is?
96. Have you ever thought of adopting a child?
97. Is money more important to you or are relationships you share with people
more important?
98. What is it that you are passionate about?
99. Do you believe long distance relationships can work?
100. What are your thoughts right now about spending the rest of your life with
just one partner?

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