1.1 Background: Section I

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1.1 Background
Along with the growth of development and the increasing of population growth, there is an
increase of human activity which implies the increasing amount of waste, especially in big cities,
including Bandung
Increasing population growth in Indonesia, causing increased domestic consumption of goods
and also lead waste generation. Every time garbage pile increased, if its not managed properly can
cause problems especially for healthcare. Piling waste generation is left without being managed can
disrupt the aesthetic and also can cause disease vectors
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution Number 18 Year 2008 Article 1,
paragraph 5, garbage is the rest of human daily activities and / or natural processes which form the
trash. Waste sources is the origin of waste. Whereas explained that waste management is a systematic,
comprehensive, and continuous that includes waste reduction and handling. Waste reduction, as
referred to include the following activities:
1. Reduce, which is to reduce the use of which will produce waste by way of limitation in a
certain amount.
2. Reuse, namely reusing waste that can still be exploited.
3. Recycling, that do recycle the wastes that have been generated.
With the enforcement of the concept of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling) in such laws, waste
management in Indonesia must encounter treatment since the source of the waste up to the landfill
(End Processing).
Waste handling activities consist of:
Sorting the garbage grouping by type or nature,
Collecting which taking and removing waste from the source to temporary shelters or to the
integrated waste treatment facility,
Transporting that pick up trash from the source or from temporary shelters or from the integrated
waste treatment leading to final processing
Processing that is within the context of changing the shape, composition, characteristics, and the
amount of waste, and
final processing of the waste in the form of returning waste or residues of previous processing
into the environment safely.
At the source, it is necessary to lug garbage. Lug garbage is a way of waste collection before it is
collected, transferred, transported and discharged into a garbage dump to prevent garbage scattering
and facilitate the process of waste collection. The form and material of the lug which can be used to
determine the effectiveness of the collection and removal garbage, especially the time needed for
In collection process several known patterns in the collection of which the pattern of individual and
communal patterns. In the collection of individual pattern made from door to door then transported to
temporary shelters, while the pattern of communal waste is collected at the point of collection and
then taken by officers to be transported to temporary shelters.
From the description above comes the attention to the importance of concept of garbage minimizing at
source, so it needs to do a study on the potential for waste recycling by identifying patterns of society
and the informal sector activity regards the reduction and recycling of waste
1.2. Formulation of the problem
Based on this background, the authors formulate the issues to be addressed, that:
1. What is the pattern of society in the activities of management and the potential reduction and waste
recycling in each residence?

2. How is the role of the informal sector in waste recycling?

3. What are the prospects use of waste in the waste management system?

1.3 Research purposes

The purpose of writing this report include:
1. Identify patterns of community management activities and potential for reduction and waste
recycling in each residence.
2. Identify the role of the informal sector in the recycling bin.
3. Knowing the prospects of use of waste in the waste management system.
1.4 Scope
1. Based on the background of the above problems, the authors wrote scope of the problem as
2. Waste as defined in this study correspond to the definition of garbage according to
Constitution number 18/2008 on Waste Management, is the rest of their daily activities and /
or natural processes in the solid form.
3. Waste management is meant in this study correspond to the definition of waste management,
according to Constitution number 18/2008, is a systematic, comprehensive, and continuous
covering waste reduction and handling.
4. Waste reduction activities include restrictions on waste generation, reuse of garbage and
waste recycling.
5. Waste management activities include segregation, collection, transportation, processing and
final processing of garbage.
6. Lugging garbage reviewed in this study in accordance with the dictates Waste Management
(Damanhuri, 2010) is a way of temporary waste collection at the source, both individual and
communal. The authors review the lug garbage trash containers in particular is level 1 and
level 2.
7. Garbage collection is referred to in this study in accordance with the dictates Waste
Management (Damanhuri, 2010) is a waste management is the process by collecting from
each source of waste to be transported to (1) a temporary shelter or to (2) waste management
in regional scale or (3) directly to the final processing site without going through transporting
1.5. Systematical Writing
The report is organized in a systematic task and consists of five chapters, which contains:
1. Chapter I: Introduction
Introduction contains research background, purpose and research objectives, scope, and
systematic writing.
2. Chapter II: Methodology
The methodology provides the techniques of data collection and data analysis
3. Chapter III: Results and Discussion
Results and discussion consists of data from interviews as well as analysis and discussion.
Analysis and discussion lists of potential solid waste recycling at the source, lug pattern and
the collection of a region and its evaluation, quantity and composition of the waste that is in
the source and run the informal sector and the role of the informal recycling sector.
4. Chapter IV: Conclusion
5. Conclusions and suggestions consist of conclusions and suggestions which contains
suggestions for governments, advice to the public, and advice to students.


2.1. Stage of Research

A study usually starts with a careful planning which followed the manual sequences are
arranged logically and systematically so that the results can represent the actual conditions and
accountable. Generally in conducting the study, the authors conducted a series of stages of literature
study, observation, interviews, sampling, direct measurement, data processing, review the tasks that
have been made previously, the identification and evaluation.
Methodology of the study is closely related to procedures, tools, as well design of the study
used in conducting research. Stage of the process in this research flows according to logical path. The
goal is to give apparent, orderly and systematic hints. The composition of these stages greatly
influence the quality of the obtained results later. Broadly speaking, these stages can be described as
in the following picture:

Studi Literatur

Identifikasi dan

Observasi dan

Sampling dan

Pengolahan Data

2.2. Methods of Collecting Data

In the implementation of this research as well to support the examined issues, we needed to take some
data are expected. Therefore, in gaining the data needed, data collection methods used as follows:
1. Literature Study
Literature Study is made to obtain the basic knowledge of solid waste management, especially
about the management system, pile of testing procedures, composition, and others. This
method is done by studying books, results of previous studies, magazines, reports and others,
which are closely related to the problem being studied.
2. Observation
Observations carried out by visiting research directly to that nearby the residence of the
author and some places where there Junkman, scavengers and collectors. Observations
conducted to obtain data field conditions objectively.
3. Interview
Interviews were conducted to obtain data from respondents directly about garbage pile, solid
waste reduction efforts, and solid waste management, as well other data which can not be
obtained when an observation by interviewing informants.
4. Sampling and Direct Measurement
Sampling of garbage pile is done once in four houses (including writers home) to find out
how many of garbage pile generated by one house per day based on income levels. Sampling
of garbage pile is done by calculating the weight, volume, and density of the garbage
generated by each house.

2.3. Methods of Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed with descriptive analysis qualitative and quantitative
method. Description Method describes the received data either from the literature or from
observation. Quantitative method focused on the statistics of the results of interviews with the
object of study, while the qualitative description analysis based on the literature and direct

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