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How did this happen? How does an average Joe, working at a grocery store

become a murderer? Me, Daniel Eastt, Assistant Manager - aspiring to nothing in life and

unhappily married. The answer is greed, everyman has a price. It all started a few days

ago, It was my best friend Billy’s birthday, he was turning thirty-three and I had bought

him a lottery ticket along with a few other small gifts. Lord knows no one close to my

pathetic ass would ever win the lottery, especially someone as close to me as Billy. Then I

got the phone call, may as well have been Lucifer himself calling me. “Daniel! I WON


twenty million dollars that night. He was going to give me ten thousand of it. Sure, Ten

grand is a lot of money, but not to a man like me, chalk full of debt and barely able to

support my habits. I wanted the whole pot.

A man knows what is right and wrong, a sane man at least. Was I insane? Or am I

just a victim of the adult life? The west, the enemies my ancestors from back home

always worried me about. Was I forced to do this heinous crime because I had no choice?

Life had cornered me; my wife had cornered me, not enough money, not enough food on

the table, not enough drugs in my system. My life was falling apart, and this winning

lottery ticket was the missing piece to my undecipherable situation. Thirty minutes away

from the burial ground I made yesterday and I’m getting scared, thinking about my

actions, my future and my wife. What will happen to Constance if I get caught? She has

no Job, I support her, most of her relatives are dead, maybe she can go back Puerto Rico

but she will definitely be unhappy for the rest of her life. I may not love her but she
surely loves me. It is no secret. Love has its sacrifices but no one is going to sacrifice

twenty years to wait for the one they love. She will move on, everyone does, even the

dead. This ride into the countryside may as well have be my dying swan song to my

normal life, I will complete my crime when I get to my destination, bury Billy and reap

the awards.

Twenty million dollars - Was it worth it? My best friend’s life and my wife’s

safety, lord knows I could give a fuck about myself. I was aiming for a dead end anyway,

work another twenty years to buy product I don’t need and support a family I can live

without. Buy into Capitalism and support a Neo-Fascist government, as they got rich

until someone had enough and waged an Endwar. How I killed Billy is not important, it’s

after the fact, after the sin, the aftermath. Nearing the field now, my soul slowly turning

into vapor, have I any morals? Was there an ethical answer to the crime I committed?

Maybe I was going insane right now, just thinking about my life and how I failed. My

mind was splitting.

Was Daniel Eastt in this vehicle? Driving to the point of no return, or was it the

Grim Reaper. Was I evil since birth, or did it take some getting used to. A man needs a

good reason to take a life; I guess money can satisfy god as it does the church, or better

yet, the devil. I’m full of regret now, I wish I could take the last twenty-four hours of my

life back, I wish Billy was still alive. I wish that lottery ticket never existed. It was to late;

I failed to live a good life, a normal life. I failed Constance and her wishes.

The world around me failed to convince me otherwise. Instead I murdered my

best friend in the means of power and greed, I should be sent to the ninth circle of hell,

beside Judas, being chewed by the jaws of Satan.

Finally arrived at the field; I parked my car and got out. Opened the trunk to see my best

friend staring at me with lifeless eyes. My mind distraught. Not even fazed. My pistol

lying beside Billy. Seven bullets left in the clip. Billy had two bullet holes in his chest;

He was long dead. Forgive me friend. I need the money.

The End

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