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you will

development workshop -creacin de organization

the primary reason for the choice of Tocancipa as an area for

the function of the organization "you will do" is the great
centers of drug addiction and insecurity that occur in our
village (do not let yourself consume

our name is to give motivation to drug-dependent to take the

initiative to join our support centers and also a slight name
you can be friendly. (Drugs that young people are frequently
consume marijuana, cocaine and herohina)

there are big problems in our people and we have to do

something we can not allow this to continue to submit, take
action on the matter and prevent our youth follow loss

our vicion is to help drug-dependent poor to abandon the

vices that plague and prevent vallan the street to commit
crimes (their problems are also our problems)

at the moment we are an organization in gestation then we

need help: donations, volunteers, people our quest for reality
and to have our center of attention for addicts

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