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Running head: BUSINESS PLAN

Personal Wellness Business Plan

Jessica Deasey, Lisa Frias, Deondra Gray, Sarina Thomas, Patrina Yazzie, Amanda Kelley
PPE 310
Arizona State University

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN

At our company, Everest Outfitters, we desire to transform into a company that cares
about and invests in the health and wellness of our employees. We sell products that promote
outdoor explorations, including technical gear, running shoes, hiking boots, and accessories for
our furry friends to keep them just as active. Recently we took a survey that shed light on the fact
that we are not investing as much care into our employees. Through this business plan we hope
to identify some areas that are promoting risk in overall health, and find a solution that works for
According to the National Research Council, Because environmental factors play a
fundamental role in shaping human health, locational issues are of central importance to
addressing health questions (2010, p. 67). Altitude, temperature, and even economic conditions
are factors affecting geographical conditions. Unfortunately, the basic needs of humans to
contribute to overall health differs from place to place. For example, most Americans have
access to clean and running water, but what about those in rural African villages? Spatial
location, although potentially creating health risks to those in the community, also has the
opportunity to teach us about specific ways we can take charge of our health.
Since Everest Outfitters is located in the mountains of Washington, there is access to a multitude
of outdoor activities. Unfortunately this does not always mean that those in our community are
able to afford the equipment to get outdoors and exercise. We are working on a program that will
help our employees be able to afford to purchase our items, or even rent them. From now on, we
are offering employees 35% off items instead of 20%. If our employees are interested in
purchasing hiking boots, snowboards, or running shoes, we are also going to give them
opportunities to use them. Once every quarter, the store will be closed for a day for management

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN

and employees to take a field-trip together. Here, we will bond and participate in some activity.
During the winter months, we may go snowboarding or skiing. In the spring and summer, hiking
or trail running will be our activity. Our new area of focus (creating days where we can bond and
learn a new skill/hobby) will put excitement in our employees and show them how getting
outdoors and exercising can be fun.
Employees who maintain poor physical health can cost their companies millions of
dollars due to loss of productivity. Poor diet and lack of physical activity can lead to obesity and
obesity-related illnesses, for example, heart disease and diabetes (Health Advocate, 2014). It is
important for the employees to maintain proper physical health because it will save them and the
company money in the long run. This company also sells products that promote health and
fitness so it is important for the employees to reflect the message of the company.
To increase physical activity and promote a healthy diet I have two strategies that are cost
effective and simple to maintain by the employees. The first strategy is to provide all employees
that choose to participate a pedometer. We will then track steps and at the end of every month we
will give our top 3 walkers a prize. These incentives could be desirable gear, for example, a
gopro, high end athletic wear, or shoes, we can also provide cash incentives or gift cards. To
promote a healthy diet I propose healthier options in the break room vending machines and
provide free fruit when the budget permits it, this will result in choosing healthier snack options
and we can provide pamphlets that can list the benefits of a healthy diet and provide examples of
healthier options to common unhealthy food. We could also keep coupons to healthy restaurants
in the area in the break room as well.
Mental Health is defined as the psychological, emotional and social well-being of an
individual, which includes how a person feels, thinks and acts. (Mental Health, n.d.) Major

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN

risk factors can be caused by biological factors in a persons genes, traumatic life experiences, or
family history of mental problems. Researchers found that 55% of absences from work by
employees were related to family issues. (Unknown Author, 2016) Some signs of mental health
problems include losing interest in activities, loss of appetite, unmanageable emotions, morbid
thinking, or inability to focus on tasks. Individuals can suffer various problems that result in
anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic, or suicidal behavior. (Mental Health, n.d.) Many
of these risks can be extremely painful for employees and cause other problems in physical,
social, and nutritional health.
Everest Outfitters chooses to provide their employees support for wellness to find
meaning to life. Positive thinking opportunities such as using an optimism technique from
Shawn Achor, a happiness expert, with all employees to try simple tasks like sending a positive
2 minute email praising or thanking employees or participating in 21 days of positive
optimism like sharing 3 things they are thankful for each day and journaling one positive thing
from the day to boost happiness levels. (Super Soul, n.d.) One of his research experiments
provides the 10-5 Way strategy where employees in a hospital were trained to make eye contact
and smile within 10 feet of a patient and say hello within 5 feet. The results indicated within 6
months the hospital popularity increased by more patient visits, patients referred the hospital
based on quality and care and the doctors engagement and happiness levels were the highest
in the decade. (Super Soul, n.d.) Imagine these results at Everest Outfitters with our employees
and customers!
According to the Workplace Wellness guide, 83 percent of people feel stressed with one
or more things in the workplace. Those individuals who suffer from stress pose a huge threat to
their health. For example, they may fall into depression, or increase their risks of cardiovascular

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN

disease due to an increase in their blood pressure from stress. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 3 adults suffer from high blood pressure, which costs
46 billion dollars annually. However, many individuals are not aware they are at risk as it is a
silent killer.
The Workplace Wellness guide (2016), stated the following: stress and depression
increase healthcare costs more than obesity, smoking, or high blood pressure put together
(p.18). Therefore, the social health benefits of an individual is key for the success of not just the
employee but the entire company. An approach a company can take is to listen to the needs of
their employees by asking them. Secondly, providing opportunities that are warm, inviting, and
inclusive to reach every employee needs. A presentation of concerns in the workplace is vital to
build a healthy community in which the wellness of the company can improve as a whole.
Therefore, presenting employees with target goals can help build a workplace in which all
individuals have a long and healthy social health.
Everest Outfitters believes that our employees are the backbone of our company. We
want our employees to be healthy and happy physically, mentally and socially. We stand behind
these values and provide opportunities for our employees to connect with each other both in the
store and outside of the store. In store we provide our employees healthy snacks and healthy
competition that promotes health and social skills. We want to invest in our employees just as
much as we invest in our community.

Running head: BUSINESS PLAN


National Research Council. (2010). Understanding the changing planet: strategic directions for
the geographical sciences. 67-74. Retrieved from:
CDC (2015). High Blood Pressure Facts. Retrieved from:
Mental Health. (n.d.) What Is Mental Health? U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Retrieved on October 23, 2016, from
Super Soul. (n.d.) Shawn Achor: The Life-Altering Power of a Positive Mind. [Video]
Retrieved October 22, 2016, from
Unknown Author (2016). Guide to Workplace Wellness. Retrieved from

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