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Listening in Communication

Researcher :

Jethro Neil A. Borja


Jeffrey N. Basierto


Communication Arts & Skills in Oral Communication

School Year :



This Term Paper focuses on the listening skill as one of the most significant
mode of communication as analyzed to be the poorly developed means of
communication. The writer believed that though the discussion of the topics
incorporated in this paper will help one advanced in themselves that said process
should be given prior attention for communication to accurately transpire.
The topics discussed in this paper included the definition of listening based on
different meaning offered by different references. What does it mean to listen, reasons
why we listen, why is listening important as well as the general types of listening. This
further discussed the best kind of listening, the listening process, types of listening,
levels of listening and finally the steps on how one will become a good listener.
The write hoped that this will be beneficial and useful to whosoever will read
through pages of this.

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