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------La Clase de

Espaol-----Dear Parents,
We have started our next unit in Spanish class. Here is the vocabulary we will be learning:
Los colores
1. Red = rojo
2. Green = verde
3. Blue = azul
4. Black = negro
5. Yellow = amarillo
6. Purple = morado
7. Gray = gris
8. Brown = caf
9. Pink = rosado
10.Orange =
11.Blanco = white
Telling time in Spanish
Es la - It is
Son las - It is
The numbers 1-12 are used
when saying the hour.
y media - :30 (thirty minutes after
and hour)

el reloj - clockQu hora es? What time is it?

Sra. Lasee
World Language Teacher

Numbers 1-100
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
11. once
12. doce
13. trece
14. catorce
15. quince
16. diecisis
17. diecisiete
18. dieciocho
19. diecinueve
20. veinte
21. veintiuno
22. veintids

23. veintitrs
24. veinticuatro
25. veinticinco
26. veintisis
27. veintisiete
28. veintiocho
29. veintinueve
30. treinta
31. Treinta y uno
40. cuarenta
50. cincuenta
60. sesenta
70. setenta
80 . ochenta
90. noventa
100. cien
Los Das
Monday lunes
Tuesday martes
Wednesday mircoles
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sbado
Sunday domingo
The student will:
-learn the 11 colors in Spanish.
-be able to count orally to 100.
-tell time to the hour and halfhour.
-write the numbers 0-12, and y

media when telling time.

-draw hands on a blank clock
when given oral or written time.

-write the time sentences in


- know the day of the week in


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