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Keaton Bender


2795 E. Cardella Rd. Merced, California 95340

T: (209)777-9070





I am a hardworking and dedicated Student, Worker, Athlete and Entrepreneur. And the
skills that i have learned through all of my endeavors, in school, work and all of my
involvement in the FFA, and sports has been able to teach me truly what hard work is
about, and teach me the fundamentals, and the basis for a good future as a contributing
part of our town and our society

El Capitan High School

Merced, CA August 2013-June 2017

Accomplishments and Honors

4.10 GPA
Through High school i have been involved in CSF and other academic
Ap courses, and numerous Ag courses such as Ag Vet Science, Welding and
Small engines

Lifeguard / Swim Instructor

Merced, CA june 2014-August 2014

Responsibilities and Accomplishments

Making sure the Pool is safe, And teaching less fortunate kids how to swim
My duty of safety was making sure that everyone in the pool was safe and that
the pool operated safely
My duties as a swim instructor, was to teach young kids how to swim and how to
stay safe in the pool
Through this job, i did a lot in teaching kids how to swim and to me that is huge to
to the fact that now those kids know how to stay safe around the pool

Skill Category #1 Metal Fabrication

I have for the past two years been starting my own business of Metal fabrication,
Building custom metal works for people
I have built everything from steel tables, to BBQ Trailers
Through this i have pushed my bounds as a fabricator, and it has pushed me to
be a better fabricator all together

Skill Category #2 Showing Dairy Cattle

This is skill that i am very proud of that has taken me a long time to master, from
the raising and the nutrition, to how to train the animal for shows
I have worked very hard in my showing career, showing for 5 years it has taken
me awhile to learn all the skills required to show, everywhere from the actual
animal itself, and the way that me as the showman presents myself in the arena
I Take pride in the way that i have learned to tame and train dairy heifers, and
also take care of them in the manner, where they look as perfect as possible for
the shows, and the hard work that showing animals has taught me.

and Related


Make this a bulleted list that includes any / all of the following:
FFA Chapter Officer
Volunteering at the homeless shelters
Water Polo, Swim, and Diving for 4 years
A member of the FFA organization, showing animals every year, and having a role
in the development of our new chapter.

Job Title
Employer Address St. Address
City, ST ZIP
Phone #

Job Title
Employer Address St. Address
City, ST ZIP
Phone #

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