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Arcelia Salguero

British Lit. (3)
November 1, 2016
Family Over Electronics
I believe that family is more important than using your electronics.
1. Something I saw that lead me to this belief is when I am at family parties most of
the people are on their phones and dont pay attention to what's going around them.
2. The trigger moment in my life was when my brother left to bootcamp and I wasnt
able to spend much time with him because he spent most of the time on his phone.
3. My belief developed suddenly because when I look around I notice that most
people are always on their phones.
4. The belief provides a framework for other aspects of my life by me wanting to
spend more time with my family now that I still have them with me.
My I Believe Artifact
I created my belief statement based on what I see everyday at school, stores and parks.
Everytime I look around the school campus I see that most kids are not paying attention to their
friends they are just on their phones. I believe that people need to spend more time off their
electronics and spend more time with the people they love. I also believe that spending time with
your family brings most people a little bit of joy. The steps that I took to come up with my belief
statement was on what I saw on a daily bases everywhere I went. This artifact represents my
deeply held belief by saying that it is more important that to spend time with your loved ones
now that you have them until it's too late and you cant spend time with them anymore.

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