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Inferior extremity

Meralgia paresthetica

Compression of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of thigh against the

inguinal ligament

Pelvifemoral space
Lies below the inguinal ligament similar to apex of the axilla

Femoral triangle
Laterally medial border of sartorius

Medially the medial border of adductor longus

Base is formed by inguinal ligament

Floor is formed by lateral to medial: iliacus, psoas major, pectineus and

adductor longus

Femoral sheath

Fascia transversalis


Fascia Iliaca

Femoral sheath

Lateral compartment
Femoral artery

Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve

Intermediate compartment
Femoral vein
Medial compartment known as femoral canal

Upper part of femoral canal is known as Femoral ring

Boundaries of femoral ring

Anterior: inguinal ligament/ Poupart's ligament

Medial: Lacunar ligament aka Gimbernat's ligament

Posterior: pectinate ligament aka Cooper's ligament

Lateral: septum separating it from femoral vein

Femoral ring is closed by Lymph node of Cloquet/ Rosenmuller LN

Anterior compartment of thigh

Flexion, abduction and lateral rotation at the hip joint: Honeymoon ms

Gracialis causes adduction and medial rotation at the hip joint: Anti rape

Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis

Vastus intermedius

Vastus lateralis

Last four form the Quadriceps femoris , inserted on the base of the patella
and continues as Ligamentum Patellae, inserted on the tibial tuberosity

Action is

1. extension at the knee joint

2. Locking at the knee joint

Sartorius and inguinal ligament attached at ASIS

Rectus femoris and Iliofemoral ligament attached at AIIS

Thus rectus femoris also does flexion of the hip joint

Femoral nerve
Largest branch of lumbar plexus

Lies in the iliopsoas groove

Lies outside the femoral sheath

It has a trunk, anterior and posterior divisions

Similar to mandibular nerve

Branches from trunk

Nerve to iliacus

Nerve to Pectineus(lateral half)

Anterior division
One motor: sartorius

Two cutaneous: medial and intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve of thigh

While lateral was a branch of lumbar plexus

Posterior division
Four muscular: quadriceps femoris

One cutaneous : saphenous nerve:

Supplies the skin on the medial aspect of the leg and the foot upto the
great toe

Thus the largest cutaneous branch of femoral

Femoral artery
Continuation of External iliac, Below the inguinal ligament

Pierces the Adductor Magnus in the adductor canal to form the popliteal

In the femoral triangle

Superficial epigastric artery

Superficial circumflex iliac artery

Superficial external Pudendal artery


External pudendal

Profunda femoris

Muscular branches

Branch in adductor canal

Descending genicular artery( last branch given by the femoral before
piercing the adductor Magnus

Medial compartment of the Thigh

Obturator nerve
Anterior division

Adductor longus

Adductor brevis


Medial half of pectineus

Posterior division
Adductor Magnus

Obturator externus

All the ms responsible for adduction and medial rotation at hip joint

Posterior compartment of the thigh



Biceps femoris

Ischial head of Adductor Magnus

Criteria for Hamstrings

1. Origin: ischial tuberosity

2. Insertion: Tibia or Fibula

3. Nerve supply: Tibial part of Sciatic nerve

4. Action: extension at the hip joint and flexion at the knee joint

Tibial collateral ligament

Degenerated part of Adductor Magnus

That's the reason, adductor Magnus is considered a hamstring although it

inserts on adductor tubercle on femur

Fibular collateral ligament

Peroneus longus

Oblique popliteal ligament


Sacrotuberous ligament
Long head of biceps femoris

Sacrospinous ligament
Coccygeus muscle

Articular disc of TMJ

Lateral pterygoid

Oblique cord
Degenerated part of Flexor Pollicis longus

Extends from ulnar tuberosity to radial tuberosity

Detached part
Anconeus is a detached part of medial head of triceps
Articularis gene is a detached part of Vastus intermedius

Short head of biceps femoris is NOT a hamstring as

1. Arises from Linea Aspera of the femur

2. Supplied by common perineal nerve

Ilio tibial tract

Formed by splitting of Deep Fascia of thigh/ Fascia Lata

Muscles inserted
Gluteus Maximus

Tensor fascia lata

Inserted at
The anterior aspect of the lateral condyle of tibia

Extension at the knee joint

Abduction and flexion at the hip joint

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