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Question 4

Digital Etiquette
Code of conduct
10 points of netiquette

Keep it relevant and professional.

Treat people the same way as you want to be treated as you would face-toRespect the time of others and be forgiving.
Be careful what you write about yourself and others on-line.
Make yourself look good on-line and avoid posting bad things about yourself.
Dont discriminate or criticize one another.
Dont use offensive language.
Respect other people privacy and dont interfere other people work.
Always think before you write or try to do something.
Share information with others effectively.

Penalties that apply for failing to meet these rules

1. If these rules are not followed the first step would be to send the user an
automatic email stating that they are breaking these rules.
2. The next step would be to limit their time access to the internet.
3. If the rules are still continued to be disobeyed they would then need to attend a
disciplinary hearing.
4. If the previous step has not corrected their actions then the final step would be to
take legal action against the user.
How you would enforce and manage this in your business?
I would therefore manage this in my business by creating a confirmation letter for
everyone to sign and confirm that they have read and understand the code of
conduct procedure and anyone who fails to apply and follow up with the code of
conduct will face the punishment penalty and will have to go over through the
procedure of hearing.
Sam, William (2014)(Code of conduct examples), Retrieved
Shirley, DE. (2013). Examples of code of conduct. In: STRDOM, J Code of conduct
in organization. 6th ed. Southern Africa: Oxford University Press. P135-139

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