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TESOL-Kuwait Special Interest Groups (SIG) Development Process

This document describes how the SIG development plans will be selected and conducted and
what the minimum requirements are for each SIG Development Plan.
1. Start the program: The program was announced on October 1st in the open meeting, and a
seminar/workshop will be provided regarding the program in the TESOL-Kuwait Conference
on November 17th.
The motivating award for this program is the fully funded all expenses paid attendance to
the next TESOL International Convention, 2124 March 2017 Seattle, Washington, USA,
hosted by Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages
(WAESOL) This grant to be awarded according the following criteria and the
mandatory minimum requirements detailed in this next section.

a) The awardee must be a member of TK

b) The awardee must be a member of a TK SIG comprised of at least 10 TK members
c) Award will be based on selection of SIG Action Plan(s): The awardee must develop a
knowledge asset development plan for the SIG which is relevant to the purpose of the
SIG and will support the development of the SIG. The Plan must include measurable
knowledge asset development activities that will be accomplished in Kuwait during
2017, including, at a minimum, all activities listed under 1f below. Deadline to submit
plan: January 1st
d) The plan must be approved by the Board as meeting the minimum requirements as
listed under 1f below before the SIG selects a plan. Deadline for preliminary approval of
plan by Board January 15th. All plans that support all activities listed under 1f below will
be considered by the relevant SIG(s). The Plan MUST include Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs), i.e. qualitative and quantitative metrics by which to evaluate the
success of the planned activities.
e) Each SIG must select a plan and commit together to implementing the plan by
January 31st.
f) The Awardee must lead the SIG in the implementation of the Plan, which must cover
the following activities and accomplishments at a minimum:
1. February: the SIG prepares a detailed plan for the knowledge assets development
activities for the year, especially the awardee/attendees learning and knowledge
networking activities to be conducted during the convention. Develop questions
to be answered, topics to be studied, collect relevant research and conduct
relevant research locally, arrange meetings to be conducted with specific experts
during the convention, including virtual conferences with experts to be shared
with SIG members using Internet conferencing.
2. March TESOL International Convention Knowledge Collection:
awardee/attendee will report live DURING the conference using Social Media, will
conduct-on-the-spot virtual conferences with experts and SIG members, will

document all learnings and post on a blog for immediately availability, will collect
convention materials to convey back to Kuwait and so on.
3. April: Knowledge Sharing and Collation activities to ensure propagation of
knowledge acquired from the convention
SIG 2016 Preliminary Knowledge Asset Development Report (written)
ii. Oral Presentation(s) and discussions
iii. One-one-one dialog regarding new knowledge
iv. Revised research and studies plan based on new learning
v. Update translational Pilot Project plan for September-December based on
new learning
4. April/May (by deadline) MUST submit proposal to TESOL International 2018
to present the outcomes of the SIG Pilot Project activities and outcomes.
5. June August difficult time to progress in Kuwait 2018 will see Ramadan in
June, Summer Holidays in July and August and then Hajj holidays from Sept 1-10.
Therefore during this time it is best to schedule individual research and in-depth
planning for the Pilot Project activities schedule for September-December.
6. September-December and into 2018: Pilot Project Research and Translational
(practical implementation) activities
SIG 2016 Preliminary Knowledge Asset Development Report (written)
2) Project/Knowledge Management: Monitor, measure and report SIG performance and outcomes
a) The President-elect will monitor and mentor the SIGs in this process to ensure that relevant,
meaningful and measurable knowledge asset development plans are defined and
implemented. Each SIG project will be measured according to the KPIs defined in the plan
and developed during the implementation of the plan.
SIG Development Project Action Plan Minimum Requirements (Selection Criteria)
Each qualifying SIG Development Project Action Plan Proposal must include the following, at
a minimum:
1. Specify proposed:
i. Name of the SIG
ii. Name of the SIG Development Project
iii. SIG Lifecycle: Start date and duration
iv. Project Lifecycle: Start date and duration
v. Thesis: what theories and ideas will be researched, refined and implemented,
vi. Final Outcome/ Results; new knowledge assets, products, services, learning methods
and tools, etc.
vii. Key Performance Indicators: metrics to measure the success of the project
viii. Name the SIG Development Project Manager/Leader this is the person who will be
responsible to lead the project and also is the person designated to attend the
ix. Name the Deputy PM/Leader - the alternate person to attend the Convention
must be a member of the SIG and engaged in the SIG Development Project.

x. Name the SIG leader (can be a different person than the SIG Development Project
Leader, who is committed to lead the SIG to sustainability (beyond the Project
2. Description of how the SIG Development Project will contribute to the growth of TK;
include estimates and descriptions of:
i. Growth in numbers of members and membership fees
ii. Types of new members who will be added
iii. Growth in credibility and reputation
iv. Growth in financial resources and viability (other than membership fees, e.g. grants,
scholarships, sponsors, products and/or services revenues, etc. )
3. Major Milestones describes how you will conduct and accomplish the project activities
that at a minimum will include:
i. 2016
(a) February - SIG Development Start-up activities and more detailed development
of the learning and research plan to be conducted during Mar-Apr
(i) Literature Review
(ii) Identification of relevant learning and research sources, their locations and
how to access them
(b) March Convention
(i) Preparations for learning to be accomplished in Convention
(ii) Arrangements for Convention learning opportunities
(iii) Convention attendance, meetings, interviews, communications, sharing and
(c) April Knowledge Dissemination
(i) Trip Report with preliminary findings and new questions
(ii) Follow-up questions to convention presenters and interviewees
(iii) SIG meeting(s)
(iv) Mid-Sept: Project Review meeting with TK Board
(v) TESOL meetings and presentations
(vi) Public Meetings and Presentations/Seminars
(vii) Press Releases
(ix) MOST IMPORTANT: Submit Proposal to TESOL to be a presenter in the
(d) Mid-May Mid-Sep: May 26-June 30 Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr, Summer Holidays,
Hajj, Eid Al Adha.
(i) Mid-May: Project Review meeting with TK Board
(ii) Final Research Plan
(iii) Preliminary translational implementation plan
(iv) Research and Research Report
(v) Implementation activities (if possible despite summer schedule)
(vi) Mid-Sept: Project Review meeting with TK Board
(e) Mid-Sept end of 2017 Implementation
(i) SIG Pilot Project based

All funds will be dispersed directly to providers, such as travel agent, airline, Hotel, etc. with
the exception of the per diem which will be providing in cash to each awardee before travel

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