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By: Ashley Flores

Golden Ratio vs. Rule of Third
1. What qualities does each composition have uniquely?
What qualities do they have in common?
Golden ratio and the rule of third are equally because they both
need to use a grid another thing that they have in equal are that
they both have a special point on were to start looking.

2. What kinds of images would you shoot using the Rule

of third?
Some images that I would shoot using the Rule of third would be
that have a lot of details the reason why I want to have a lot of
details is because the Rule of third is where you look everywhere.

3. What Images would you shoot using the Golden

An image I would use for Golden ratio is having details that start
by one corner and end by the other corner because a golden ratio
is looking at a starting point and ending on the other side of the

4. Which do you like BEST?? Why?

The won I like best is Golden Ratio the reason why is because I
like how it start by the one corner meaning the starting point and

ending in the other corner I like how the patterns works and how
the details are very formal .

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