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I am talking about phobias. What I read on the internet says that according to
the American Psychiatric Association, a phobia is an irrational and excessive
fear of an object or situation.
The phobias can be divided into specific phobias, social phobia and
1.- Social phobia: involve a fear of social situations, this fear may center on a
very particular type of social situation such as public speaking or the person is
worried about others judging them.
2.- Specific phobias involve the fear of a particular object. Such phobias
typically fall into one of four different categories: situational, animals,
medical, or environmental.
The natural environment: water, storms, hurricanes,
Animal: Fear of snakes, spiders, dogs, birds, etc..
Medical: Fear of seeing blood, receiving injections, visiting
a doctor.
Situational: Fear of bridges, leaving the home, driving.
3.- Agoraphobia involves a fear of being trapped in an inescapable place or
situation. Fear of contamination. All things that can happen outside.
In order to face our phobias me need to go to the doctor y take some

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