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Here author stated that all student should follow the same syllebus until they go to
college. The statement sounds unreasonable from many perspective which question the
validity of the statement.
Firstly, from nursery to before going college is a very long period. People don't
need to figure out that much time what likes or what he wants to with their academic
life. It's true in some country until a certain period like standard five they
usually follow the same curriculum. But after that they are given choice to select
their interested courses in which they already have grown interest. But this doesn't
require that much time to think which he is interested.
To follow the same national curriculum by all student is somewhat unreasonble
because there are some school who are interested to follow their own curriculum.
In this case, to pressurize follow the national curriculum will be considered as a
bourden. People all over the country are not open to same opportunities so same
academic curriculum may not be succesful to impliment.
If they are made to follow the same curriculum there may be a lack of variety of
thinking in student. The period we are here talking about is very crucial in one's
growing up so if they follow the same syllebus until college it will backfired. We
see the great person were not bound to follow this type curriculum until college.
Finally, everyone is different in their own way and everyone is capable of different
virtues. If they can follow their dream or passion a little earlier it will be
blessing for them but if they follow the same national curriculum, it may turned out
to be curse for them.

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