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Without any warning the bottom of the bag split wide open, and fish guts

went flying. Instead of the whole bag going over the fence in front of me, the
bag busted open behind me. I quickly looked up to find Annette covered from
head to toe with fish guts. There were even a couple of the heads lying
motionless on top of her head. The rest of the fish guts were scattered all
over her body. There were parts on her legs, down her arms, and even some
lying on her shoulders. Her shirt was disgusting, but probably the worst part
was her face. Some pieces had landed on her cheek, and there was a little
strand hanging out one of her nostrils. Annette could barely keep one of her
eyes open as something was oozing off one eyelid. She was standing there
holding her arms out in a helpless position crying something that sounded
UhUhUhUh. My friends and I wanted to help, but the sight of her
caused everyone who had been playing nearby to burst out in laughter. We
laughed and we looked and we realized she needed help, but what could we
do without touching her?

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