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: Olivia Annalina Hutabarat

: 1432154

No permission
Experience can be delightful, depressing and disappointing, and it would not be forgotten
at anytime. Seven years ago, I and my family moved from Bandung to stay in Tanjung Kasau.
One day, my mother asked me to go shopping with her, but I didnt want. I lied to my
mother. I said there would be an exam the next day. My mother was happy and decided to go to
Tebing Tinggi alone.
I waited for my mother to go shopping. As soon as my mother left our house, I went to
the beach with my friends. We were using motorcycle to go to Pangandaran beach. As soon as
we riding across and old wooden bridge. Suddenly there was a load explosion. One of the tires of
our motorcycle was punctured.
I could have brought the motorcycle to the workshop to change the tires, but I didnt have
any money. My mother become very angry because I lied to her. I apologized and promised
would never happen again.
The lesson I learn is never to do that again. Lying can make the problem bigger and there
would be no ending.

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