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The blue bouquet (El ramo azul)


1.Where does the story takes place
That story takes place in a hotel located in a ghost town
2. What does the hotel owner tells the man before he goes out?
He was told what he should not leave the hotel.
3. Why does the other man wants the protagonists eyes?
He need blue eyes because her girlfriend request a bouquet with them.
4. What is the color of the mane eyes.
He had yellow eyes also knows as hazel eyes
5. Do you think this story is base done a true story? Yes? No? Why? Explain in 3
Really I dont know but would be real because in this world exist many people what
have psychological problems and they may be able to extract the eyes of the
peoples and more things, for this I have reason for believe what this story can be
base a true story.

6.Did you liked the tale? Yes? No? Why? Explain in 4 lines.
Yes, this story is so interesting filled as mystery and questions, first because the
girl wants a bouquet of eyes and because exactly needed be some blue eyes,
other question is exactly in what place is happened the story, if it was real or only a
fake, it is a well horror story and I can said what is spectacular and amazing, but
now I have many questions.

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