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1.The lid was removed from the first agar plate and the exposed agar portion
was placed in and out of the building for the duration of lab experiment . The lid
is replaced , the plate air was labelled and it was incubated at room
temperature .
2. By using a marker , a second petri dish is divided into half . The cotton swab is
moistened in sterile water . The swab was rubbed over our lab attire . The swab
was used to inoculate half of the second agar plate . The plate was labelled and
it was incubated at room temperature .
3. By using a marker , a third petri dish was divided into half . The fingers was
rubbed over the surface of the half of the third agar plate . The plate was
labelled and it was incubated at 37 C.

Petri dish 1
Petri dish 2

Petri dish 3

Petri dish
( air in the lab )

( our lab attire )
( our finger )

There is a large amount of small colony of microbes
The colony are differ in size
Some of the colony are opaque and translucent
Most of the colony are small in size
The colony is differ in size
Some of the colony is opaque and translucent
Most of the colony have moderate in size
There is one large colony of microbes
The colony are differ in size
Some of the colony are opaque and translucent
Most of the colony are punctiform in size

This experiment is conducted to demonstrate the necessity for proper
aseptic technique . Aseptic technique is the list of guidelines explaining how to
avoid contamination when transferring bacteria from one culture to another . The
major source of contamination when conducting aseptic technique are airborne
contaminant and the use of non-sterile equipment .
In our experiment result , most of the colony are differ in size . This
indicate that some the colony come from the different species . This is because
different species need different requirement . In a petri dish 1 which is placed in
our lab then exposed it to the air show there is a growth of microbial in the agar
plate . This shows that there are microbes in our surrounding air . Thus in

conducting aseptic technique we need to make sure that the air in the lab need
to be free from the living organism . This can be done by using laminar air flow
workbenches . This laminar air flow workbenches have HEPA filter that will filter
the surrounding air .
In the petri dish 2 , there is a large amount of microbial growth . This petri
dish 2 contains microbes that is coming from our lab attire . This shows that
when conducting aseptic technique there is contamination coming from our lab
attire . This will make our aseptic technique experiment is not valid . Thus we
need to make sure that our lab attire is clean .
In the petri dish 3 , there is one large colony of microbes and most of the
colony are punctiform in size . This petri dish contains microbes that is coming
from our finger . This shows that our finger and hand contain microbes that may
contaminate our experiment result is aseptic technique. Thus in conducting
aseptic technique we can minimize contamination that is coming from our hand
or finger by wearing sterile gloves . This will prevent direct contact of our hand
with the specimen in the aseptic technique experiment . Besides , we can also
limit contamination from our hand by washing our hand according to the the
Centres of Disease Control ( CDC ) guidelines before conducting the experiment .
. This petri dish was incubated at 37 C because that is our body temperature .
This is the temperature for the microbes coming from our hand can growth
From this experiment we can conclude that there is microorganisms all
around us . Thus in order to stay healthy we need to keep washing our hand
especially before eating .
From this experiment we can conclude that there is microorganism all around us .
This is because all the microorganism have different requirement thus some of it
can growth in our normal air .

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