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Analyzing the text part 1: Sorry Wrong Number p.

1. Read through line 15. Write down details that describe the setting. What effect
does this have on the setting of the drama?

2. Read through lines 34. Write specific text details that describe Mrs. Stevenson.
In your own words elaborate and describe what Mrs. Stevenson is like.

3. The first part of the plot is called the exposition. The exposition gives the
audience basic information about the conflict that will drive the rest of the plot.
Re-read lines 80-96 and write that the audience and Mrs. Stevenson have
learned at the same time.

4. Re-read and discuss lines 97-125. Pay attention to the stage directions,
lighting, dialogue because this helps the audience to understand that different
characters onstage are each in a different setting.
Use lines 110-125 to describe what the audience sees on stage.

5. Read through line 182. Write the stage directions that reveal how Mrs. Stevenson
is feeling and then explain in your own words.


Finally, Read through line 200 and explain Mrs. Stevensons conflict and how she
attempts to solve it.

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