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Review Sheet for Test #3

HRE 1550 Spring 2016

Chapter 7
1. Leadership
o The process of influencing employees to work toward the achievement of
o Leadership and management go hand and hand
Management has five functions
o Leadership style is based on your behavior
2. Leadership Trait Theory
o Assumes that there are distinctive physical and psychological
characteristics accounting for leadership effectiveness
o Personality types effect leadership style
o Traits do play a role in leadership success
o There is no universal set of leadership traits but people continue to write
about leadership traits being important
o big 5 personality have a preferred leadership profile, high surgency and
conscientiousness being positively related to successful leadership
o high agreeableness and low adjustment being negatively related to
leadership success
High surgency / higher conscientiousness= positive correlation to
successful leadership
High agreeableness/low adjustment=negative correlation to
successful leadership
3. Ghiselli Study
o Most publicized trait theory
o List of 6 traits that are important but not necessary
Supervisor Ability
Need for achievement
Self assurance
4. Behavioral Leadership Theory
o Good leadership is rooted in behavior


In 1930s a study at university of Iowa identified 3 basic leadership

behavior styles
Autocratic- leader makes decisions and closely monitors
Democratic- leader allows participation in decisions, does not closely
Laissez-faire- leader leaves the employee alone for the most part..
Allows employees to self monitor for the most part
Leadership was found to affect employee behavior
Two dimensional leadership styles
Structuring and consideration styles
1945 Ohio study to determine effective leadership styles
Developed an instrument known as the leader behavior
description questionnaire in which respondents perceived their
leaders behavior toward them on two distinct dimensions
Initiating structure- the extent to which the leader
takes charge to plan organize direct and control as the
employee performs the task
Consideration- the extent to which the leader
communicates to develop trust friendship and respect
Job centered and employee centered styles
Michigan state
They identified the same two dimensions but called them by
different names
Job centered- this is the same as initiating structure
Employee-centered- this is the same as consideration
Leadership styles
Different combinations of the two dimensions of leadership
result in four leadership styles
The leadership grid is based on the two leadership
dimensions - concern for production and concern for
The grid is a model identifying the ideal leadership
style as having high concern for both production and
a. The impoverished manager bottom left corner
(1,1)- this leader has low concern for both
production and people. The leader does minimum
b. The sweatshop manager bottom ride (9,1)- this
leader has a high concern for production and a
low concern for people. The leader uses position
power to coerce employees to do work

c. The country club manager top left (1,9)- this

leader has a high concern for people and a low
concern for production. This leader strives to
maintain good relations
d. The organized person manager middle of all
boxes (5,5)- this leader has balanced medium
concern for both production and people.
e. The team manager top right (9,9) this leader has
a high concern for both production and people.
This leader strives for maximum performance
and employee satisfaction
Leadership grid training identifies a persons preferred
leadership style from 1 of 81 combinations of concern or
production and people.
Trainees taught always use 9,9
Nutshell- assumes there is three distinctive styles that effective leaders can use
consistently. The first is the two dimensional leaderships style which initiates
structure and consideration styles and job centered and employee centered styles.
The leadership grid is a model identifying the ideal leadership style as a high
concern for both production and people. Lastly transformational leadership is
leaders bringing about change innovation and entrepreneurship
5. Transformational Leadership
o Focuses on change, innovation, and entrepreneurship
o Three stages
Recognizing a need for revitalization
Creating a new vision
Institutionalizing the change
6. Contingency Leadership Theory
o Assumes the appropriate style of leadership varies depending on the
o Attempt to create win-win situations through support and direction
o Based on two dimensional behaviors
o The major difference is selecting the appropriate behavior considering
situational factors
o Contingency theories:
Contingency leadership theory
Leadership continuum
Normative leadership theory
Situational leadership
o Contingency leadership theory
Fielder (1951)- leadership style is a reflection of ones personality and
is basically constant

Leaders do not change styles

Determines whether a persons leadership style is task or relationship
oriented and if the situation matches the leaders style
Leadership style
Situational favorableness-degree to which a situation enables the
leader to exert influence over the followers
The more favorable the situation the more power for leader
The three variables
Is leader- member relations good or poor?
Is the task structured or unstructured?
Is position power strong or weak?
Determining the appropriate leadership style
Starts with question 1 -> questions 3to determine the
situation and appropriate leadership style
NUTSHELL- contingency leadership theories assume that the appropriate
leadership style varies from situation to situation. The contingency leadership
theory of fielders model is used to determine weather leadership style is task or
relationship oriented and weather the situation matches the style. Leadership
continuum identified boss centered and employee centered leadership at the
extremes. Normative leadership theory allows for the user to select from 5 leaders
the one that is appropriate for the situation. Situational leadership is a model for
selecting from four leadership styles the one that fits the employees maturity level
in a given situation
7. Situational Supervision
o Hersey and Blanchard
o A model to select form 4 leadership styles matching the maturity level of
the employee in any given situation
o 1- telling
o 2-selling
o 3-participating
o 4- delegating
o Depends on capability level of employees and the specifics of the situation
o Supervisory/employee interactions have two categories
Directive behavior- focus on getting the job done
Supportive behavior- focus on encouraging and motivating employees
Capability- what level of education experience, skills do they have
o Levels of employee capability
8. Supervisory Styles
o Not one best supervisory style exists in all situations
o Based on the Ohio state two dimensional leadership styles supervisoremployee interactions fall into two distinct categories

Directive behavior- your focus on directing and controlling behavior

to ensure that the task gets doe. Tell employees what the task is and
when, where and how to do it, and oversee the performance
Supportive behavior- you focus one encouraging and motivating
behavior. Explains things and listens to employee views, helping
employees make their own decisions
The style you should use depends on the situation and the situation is
determined by capabilities of the employees (s) which there are two of
Ability- do the employees have the experience, education, skills, and
so on to do the task without direction
Motivation- do the employees want to do the task? Will they perform
the task without encouragement and support?
Employees capability can be located on a continuum from low to outstanding
which you will determine by selecting the one capability level that best
describes the employees ability and motivation for the specific task and the
levels are as followed
Low needs lots of direction and supervision-lack motivation
Moderate need some supervision-may have high motivation but still
need direction, support, and encouragement
High- high in ability- but lack confidence- needs lots of support and
encouragement to get motivated
Outstanding- got all the knowledge and are highly motivated on there
Tell employees what to do, closely oversee performance, Give little or
no support, Make decision by yourself
Capability level is low- he employees are unable or unwilling to do the
task without directions
Involves high directive- low supportive behavior
Is appropriate- with low capability employees
Give very detailed instructions
Sell employees on doing the job your way, oversee performance in
major stages, may include their input in your decision but you have
final say
Capability level is moderate- employee have moderate ability and are
Involves high directive high supportive behavior
Is appropriate- interacting with moderate capability employees
You give specific instruction overseeing performance
At the same time you support employees by explaining why the task
should be preformed as requested and answering their question

Work on relationships
Provide little or general direction, Let employees do the tasks their
way, Spend limited time overseeing performance, Focus on end
results. Make decision together but you have the final say
Capability level is high- the employees are high in ability but may lack
self-confidence or motivation
Low directive- high supportive behavior
Appropriate when interacting with employees with high capability
If task needs to be done you should tell them how to do it but ask
them how they are going to accomplish it
You should make decisions together with the employees
o Laissez-faire
Provide little or no direction and support. Let employees make their
own decisions
Outstanding- the employees are very capable and highly motivated
Low directive- low supportive behavior
Appropriate when interacting with outstanding employees
You merely inform employees of what needs to be done
You answer questions but provide little if any direction
Employees are highly motivated and need little if any support
You allow employees to make there own decision
9. Trust-5 Dimensions
o Integrity-being honest truthful and sincere
People want to work in a culture of integrity
Tips to develop integrity include
Be honest Be fairo Competence-having technical and interpersonal knowledge, ability, and skill
People need to believe that you have the skills and abilities to carry
out your commitments
Tips to develop competence include
Be conscientious Admit your mistakes and apologizeo Consistency-using the same behavior in similar situations
Tips to develop consistency include
Keep your commitments Practice what you preacho Loyalty- looking out for the interests of others
Betrayal triggers intense emotional reactions
Tips to develop your loyalty include

Chapter 8

Maintain confidence Dont gossip negatively about individualsOpenness-accepting new ideas and change
They give the full truth
Tips to develop your openness include
Self-disclosure and the johari window- self-disclosure enhance
human relations and what takes the level of trust to the
identification level.
Johari window- has four regions representing the
intersections of two axes
a. The degree to which information about you is
known to or understood by you
b. The degree to which information about you is
known by others
Risk self-disclosure- developing trust through self disclosure
does include the risk of being hurt disappointed and taken
advantage of, although people often fear the risk of self
disclosure the rewards of improving human relations and
personal friendships are worth the risk

1. What is motivation?
o The internal process leading to behavior to satisfy needs
o Working to address our needs and wants
o Importance- being able to motivate yourself and others is critical to your
career success
NUTSHELL- the motivation process steps are need -> motive -> behavior ->
satisfaction or dissatisfaction
2. What is the Performance Formula?
o Performance= ability X motivation X resources
o All three factors need to be high if not performance will suffer
o When peoples needs are not met-generally they become dissatisfied and low
o Factors affecting performance= ability motivation and resources
3. Difference between content motivation theories and process motivation theories
How are each of the theories used to understand motivation? How would they be applied in
the workplace?
o Content theories- focus on identifying peoples needs in order to understand
what motivates them
o Motivating with need hierarchy and ERG theory General rule of thumb: Meet lower-level needs so people can work on

Process motivation theories- Attempt to understand how and why people are
o Motivating With expectancy theory
If something is always expected by someone one no matter what they
no longer feel the need to be motivated to try hard
o Motivating with equity theory
Be aware equity is based on perception (which can be right or wrong)
Rewards need to be fair- if people think they are not being treated
fairly then resentment and retaliation can occur
High performance needs rewarding- must have clear understanding of
what they need to do (input) to get rewarded (output)
How people feel is what counts most-what people know isnt
important as how they feel inequity makes for high emotionality
o Motivating using expectancy theory
Give clear precise goals
Tie performance to rewards
Make sure the reward is of value to the person (remember what one
person values another may not)
FINAL NUTSHELL: content theories attempt to understand what motivates them
well process motivation theories attempt to under how and why people are
motivated. Content theories can help you understand motivation by allowing you to
focus on the area of motivation and the importance of needs. They help managers
evaluate their own perception about employees and themselves. Content theories
help you understand motivation as well as can be applied in the work place in a sense
that these theories address more so the issues relating how to process work and
sustain itself over time.
What are some things that motivate individuals besides money? (Refer to Dan Pink
video-link on Blackboard)
o The ability to direct there own lifes
o The feeling of making progress
o For the purpose of doing something
o The need to want to make a change
Content Theories:
NUTSHELL-focus on identifying peoples needs in order to understand what
motivates them. Need hierarchy is the theory of motivation based on 5 categories
of need. ERG theory classifies existence relatedness and growth needs. The twoo



Using two factor theory to motivate employees

Motivation and happiness come from doing what you like and enjoy
doing it helps to meet higher order needs
Categorizes your needs into two categories and help you realize what
end of the spectrum need to be fixed in order to motivate you

factor theory is the classification of needs as hygienes and motivators. The

manifest need theory of motivation is the classification of needs as achievements
power and affiliation.
o Needs Hierarchy
Abraham Maslow
Peoples needs arranged in order of importance (basic -> complex)
Theory of motivation which is based on five needs
Physiological needs- primary basic needs
Safety needs-safe working conditions, salary increase to meet
inflation, job security
Social needs- opportunity to interact with others be accepted
and have friends
Esteem needs-your ego, status, self respect, recognition for
accomplishments, and a feeling of self confidence and prestige
Self actualization- you develop your full potential by seeking
growth, achievement, and advancement
o ERG Theory
Clayton Alderfer
Reorganized Maslows needs hierarchy into three levels
Existence- physiological and safety needs
Relatedness- social
Growth- esteem and self actualization
o Two-Factor Theory
Hygienes- lower level needs
extrinsic factors motivation from outside job
keeps people from being dissatisfied but does not
motivate people
Ex- bob gets a raise they are temporarily satisfied but
not for long due to the fact that they get accustomed
to that raise and want more
Motivators- higher level needs
Intrinsic factors motivation comes from the job itself
o Manifest Needs
Classification of needs as achievements, power and affiliation
Personality based approach to motivation and developed when
interacting with environment
No classification to lower level needs
Affiliation needs- same as social and relatedness needs

Power and achievements are related to esteem, self actualization, and

One of the three tends to be dominant in each one of us and
motivates our behavior
Wanting to take personal responsibility for solving problem
Wanting to control the situation
Seeking close relationship with others and avoiding supervision
6. Process Theories:
NUTSHELL- PMT attempts to explain how and why people are motivated.
Expectancy theory is vrooms formula which states that motivation= expectancy X
valence. Equity theory is primarily a motivation theory which is based on comparison
of perceived inputs to outputs
o Equity Theory
Motivation theory based on the comparison of perceived inputs and
J. Stacey Adams
Many employees tend to inflate their own performance when
comparing themselves with others
People must perceive they are being treated equal to others
Based on perception
o Expectancy Theory
Vrooms formula
Motivation=expectancy X valance
Depends on how much someone wants something, how well do
they expect to be, and what is the value of the reward
7. Reinforcement Theory
o Skinner
o Motivation theory -behavior can be controlled through the use of positive
and negative consequences
o It is not about meeting needs it is about getting people to do what we want
them to do by answering the often unasked question whats in it for me
o Two important concepts used to control behavior -types of reinforcement
and the schedule of reinforcement
o Also behavior modification or operant conditioning
o Types of reinforcement
Most motivating
Rewarding desired behavior

Negative or avoidance
Avoiding a certain behavior to avoid negative consequence
Increases possibility of repeated behavior
When rein forcers are not given
The desired behaviors disappear
Least effective method of controlling behaviors
Lower morale, productivity
Encourages acts of sabotage, theft, etc
o Schedules of reinforcement
Two major classifications
Continuous reinforcement each desired and undesired
behavior is reinforced (every time)
Intermittent reinforcement- the reward is given based on
the passage of time or output.
The reward based on the passage of time- interval
based on output it is - ratio schedule
When electing to use intermittent
reinforcement there are four alternatives
a. Fixed interval schedule reinforcement
after set time, weekly pay check
b. Variable interval schedule- reinforcement
after an unpredictable time lapse, fishing
c. Fixed ratio schedule- reinforcement
after set number of events occur, after
selling 5 houses
d. Variable ratio schedule- reinforcement
after an average or variable or
unpredictable number of events occur,
slot machines
Is skinners motivation theory, which states that behavior can be controlled through
the use of positive and negative consequences, Which is done through 4 types of
reinforcement which are positive, avoidance, extinction, and punishment, as well as
two schedule reinforcements which are continuous and intermittent. Employees can
learn which behavior is and is not appropriate productive behavior is encouraged
well unproductive behavior is discouraged
8. What are some reasons why giving praise is such a great motivational technique?
o It develops a positive self concept and leads to better performance through
the Pygmalion effect
o Praise is a motivator and on of the most powerful techniques

Research shows praise motivates more then anything which creates better
o Meets growth needs
9. Steps for giving praise
Tell the person exactly what was done right
Look the person in the eye to show sincerity
Be specific and descriptive
Tell the person why it is important-state benefits
Stop for moment of silence-to feel impact of praise
Encourage repeat performances- reinforcement motivates person to
keep up the good work

Chapter 9

1. What is power?
The ability or right to control people or things
Is a persons ability to influence others to do something they would not
do otherwise (lussier)
Power is a necessity in all organizations
Some seek it- others reject it
Leadership and power go hand in hand
Based on perception
2. Difference between personal and position power-how can individuals gain more of
o Position power
Comes from your position in organization
o Personal power
Comes from who you are
HR guidelines
NUTSHELL- position power comes from the top-level management and is delegated
down the chain of command and personal power is derived from the person. You can
gain more position power by gaining a management job that entitles enables you to
gain and maintain the ability to hire discipline and fire your employees. You can gain
more personal power by projecting a positive image, take courses, as well as be open
3. Type of power?
o Coercive power
o Connection power
o Reward power
o Legitimate power
o Referent power

4. Seven

Information power
Expert power
bases of power
Coercive power
Involves threats and or punishment to influence compliance
Connection power
Is based on the users relationship with influencing people
Relies on the contacts or friends who can influence the person you
are dealing with
When you want something identify the people who can help you attain
it make alliances and win them over to your side
Reward power
Based on the users ability to influence others with something of
value to them
Have the power to evaluate your employees performance and
determine their raises and promotions
Legitimate powers
Is based on the users position power which is given by the
Employees tend to feel that they ought to do what the supervisor
says within the scope of the jobs
Is appropriate when asking people to do something within the scope
of their job
Most day to day interactions are based on legitimate power
Increasing legitimate power-let people know the power you possess
and work at gaining peoples perception that you do have power
Peoples perception that you have power gives you power
Referent power
Is based on the users personal power
Relies on personality and the relationship to gain compliance
Is particularly appropriate for people with weak or no position power
Increasing referent power- develop your relationship with others,
stand up for them
Information power
Based on the information being desired by others
People with access to information have more power
Increasing information power- have information flow through you,
know whats going on in the organization
Provide service and information to other departments
Expert power
Based on the users skill and knowledge
Being an expert makes other people dependent on you

Knowledge is power the fewer the people who possess the skill or
knowledge the more power the individual who does possess it has
Expert power is essential to people who have to work with people
from other departments and organizations
They have no direct position power to use
Increasing expert power- to become an expert take all the training
and educational programs your organization provides
Stay away from routine tasks in favor of more complex hard to
evaluate tasks
NUTSHELL_ coercive power that is based on threats and or punishment to
influence compliance. Connection power, which is based on relationships with
influential people. Reward power, which is based on the ability to influence other
with something of value to them. Legitimate power, which is based on personal
power. Information power, which is based on information desired by others. And
expert power is based on skill and knowledge.
What are politics?
o Is a network by which power is gained- transferred and used on others
o It is the process of gaining and using power
o Power and politics go hand in hand
o importance varies from organization to organization - larger organizations
tend to be more political
o And the higher level of management the more important politics become
In our economy money is the medium of exchange in other organizations politics I
the medium of exchange. Political behavior is used to develop relationships that are
necessary to get your job done. One political behavior is networking the process of
developing relationships alliances with key people for purpose of politicking.
Another is reciprocity, which involves creating alliances and using them to
accomplish objectives. And another one is coalition building which involves creating
a network of alliances to help you achieve a specific objective
Ethical vs. Unethical politics
o Ethical
Behavior that benefits both the individual and the organization (winwin)
o Unethical politics
Behavior that benefits the individual and hurts the organization (winlose situation)
Includes management behavior that helps the organization but hurt
that individual
Vertical politics/Horizontal politics
o Vertical politics
Are the relations with superiors and subordinates
Relations with your boss




a. Affects your job satisfaction

b. Can mean the difference between success and
c. Change your style to match
d. Your job is to help the boss be successful
Common expectation of bosses
a. Loyaltyb. Going over the bosss head
c. Cooperationd. Initiativee. Information
f. Openness to criticism
g. Regaining trust Relations with subordinates
a. The manager must consider the work to be more
important than employees needs
b. Managers get so busy with finishing the job done they
forget the needs of the employees
c. Managers must take time to develop effective human
d. Friendships
Managers should be friendly but not cross the
professional line
a. Open door policy
The practice of being available to employees
prioritize the amount of time spent with
NUTSHELL_ to develop effective human relations with superiors meet the
expectations of your boss be loyal be cooperative use initiative keep your boss
informed and be open to criticism. With subordinates be friendly but remember you
cannot be real friends with employees. Use an open door policy. With peers be
cooperative while competing with them and help them do an effective job. In your
relation with other departments be cooperative and follow the requirements they
o Horizontal politics
Are the relationships with your peers in your organization and other
To be successful you must:
Sharing and collaborating are vital

Balance being a good team and making yourself look

good as an individual
Dont see out faults in others- but when appropriate be
Dont go to the boss unless it is serious offense or a
You must likely will need the help of other departments and
organizations to succeed

8. Reciprocity
o Involves creating obligations and debts, developing alliances, and using them
to accomplish objectives
o When others do something for you, you incur an obligation that they may
expect to be repaid
o You create a debt that you may be able to collect at a later date when you
need a favor
o The more you give it the more people will give it back
9. What is a code of ethics?
o Establish guidelines that clearly describe ethical and unethical behavior
o feel proud of what youve done- ethical decision
o If you are embarrassed to tell people about a decision or action or
rationalizing it- probably unethical
o Business etiquette
Referred to as manners which is the code of behavior expected in
work situations
Many organizations weigh it as a criteria in hiring and promotions
Etiquette changes over time and different in diff situations
Two classifications are in person and digital and they overlap because business
etiquette can be done in person or digitally
10. What are the different influencing tactics?
o Need to be able to persuade people
o People respond to appropriate and compelling evidence not to coercion and
o There are 5 tactics that can be used to influence people
Anticipate their expectations
Use empathy
Make sure you know their expectations correctly
Keep the focus on them- whats in it for them
Look for win-win outcome always look for ways to make it good
for both parties
11. 5 influencing tactics
o Ingratiation (praise)


Works best in long term influencing strategy to improve relationships.

But be sincere to be effective
Rational persuasion
Logical arguments with factual evidence to persuade the person that
the behavior will result in meeting the objectives
Inspirational appeal
Attempts to arouse peoples enthusiasm
Personal appeal
Request people meet your objective based on loyalty and friendship
You rely on organizational authority that a reasonable request is
being made and that the person should meet your objective

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