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Shofiyah Amdad 115060140

Basic writing

Phrase is a word or collection of words do not contain the subject verb pair.
e.g : a little story of me
Sentence is a group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a complete
Positive sentence ( something that exist or happening ) e.g : I like ice cream.
Negative sentence ( does not exist or not happening, contains the word not or
negative word ) e.g : Im not very good at math.
Interogative sentence ( ask a question, ends with a question mark ) e.g : where
are my books?.
Article. a/an : indefinite article, used with singular noun. a begin with consonant,
an begin with vowel. E.g : John is reading a book , Have you ever seen an
The : definite articlealready knows which person/ thing you mean. E.g : turn the
television off now.
Other : plural or countable non specific noun. e.g : this book has other
Another : singular non specific countable noun. e.g : Id like another piece of cake.
Preposition is a words that show a connection between other words.
Prep of place ( where something happen ) : under, beside, in, in front of, over.
Prep of time ( when something happen ) : at, in, on, during, by, past, before, until.
Prep of direction ( where something is going ) : after, along, towards, out of.
Prep special use : of, for, with, instead of, except, like, as, than.
W H question.
Who, asking about a person e.g : who is he?
What, asking about a thing or idea e.g : what is he job?
When, asking about a time e.g : when are you leaving?

Where, asking about a place e.g : where is he from?

Why, asking about a reason e.g : why we have to do that?
Which, asking about one special object out of at least two e.g : which one is your
How, asking about a way of doing something e.g : how old is he?
Parts of speech

Action or state.


Thing or person.

I like english
This is my cat.


Describes a noun.

I like big cat.


Describe a verb or
adj or adv.
Limits or
determiners a noun.
Replaces a noun.

My cat eats
I have 3 cats and
some fish.
Keii is japanese. He
is handsome.
We went to school
on Monday.
I like naruto and
Ouch! That hurts.


Link a noun to
another word.
Joins clauses or
sentences or words.
Short exclamation,
sometimes inserted
into a sentence.

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