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Emilio Calabuig Santamaria

(Richard Taruskin text)
a) Sumary of the text from Music Dangers and the Case for Control in three
Richard Taruskin starts telling us how the Taliban have banned the music, burning and
destroying musical instruments and casette players and persecuting to all those who
dared to listen to music that was not under their power.
Next, he show us, by means of different examples in the music world, how music can
affect or be used by people with power as a manipulator of human conduct (hypnosis,
political propaganda...) and he ask himself if it can be the reason why the Taliban have
censured it.
Finally he conclude that taking seriosly the music, the best way is not to censure it, just
we should find a good way to controle it with the noble exercice of forbearance in order
to obtain that music does not inflict harm.
b) Interesting points
I didnt know this reality about the Taliban. Really I was so surprise when I read what
they make in order to control the music. Its for me and I think its for all musicians and
people who love music that burning instruments or making this sacrilege with the music
works, really it hurts. One sentence that I would like to remark is when he tell us that
those who listen to music and songs in this world, on the Day of Judgement molten
lead will be poured into their ears.
Another interesting thing it were all the examples that he use to try to approach us the
problem. Taliban, Nazis, Soviets... it was interesting how he use the terrorists to try to

show us the dangers of the music. But, the part more interesting was when he compare
the opera The Death of Klinghoffer with St. Matthew Passion of Bach. Without a
doubt it has been very educative reading about music. Sometimes I asked myself if we
approach inside the music how I would like to approach in this subject: inside the
scores, inside the real music, what really concern us...but in this text the author know
how to show us the different ways to use music in relation to the libreto, the scene, the
history... showing us that he is a good understanding of it.
For me its one of the most interesting text that we have read. I never thought about the
danger in music.

c) Points in desagree, I dont understand, more difficults or more strange.

I think I cant say any point that I have not understood but just I would like to say
something about the way how the author speak. Taruskin speak about Musics dangers
and about how to controle the music but, under my point of view, I think that he would
have to explain what he means when he say music. For me, music without text or
music without representation is not able to contribute with danger. I know that all is
music but, music like a piece played by instruments, never can give a powerful
influence on human conducts in the political way that he speak about...

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