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1.What music should be allowed in society; what music should be banned/why?

As far as I am concerned, any kinds of music that are appropriate, fair-sounding, positive and meaningful
are allowed in the society, since those kinds of music can help us relate a feeling of cohesion or social
connectedness. Simultaneously, they are great tools for relaxation and entertainment.

I think we should ban music within extremely insulting and violent materials.

By offensive, what I mean is violent and denigrating material. There is harm when society sees this
material as acceptable and this is extremely negative to the next generation. This is so sick to our society
because of the content of these songs. When these lyrics talking about killing and raping people, when
they tell you it is okay to beat a woman if she disagrees with you or makes you angry and people buy
this, there is harm. It shows that society is prepared to accept this content. But just like we don’t allow
people to go around talking in public about how they are the master race and all others should be killed,
we should not allow this kind of hate speech to permeate into society. The longer lasting effect this has
is on children; they grow up in a society where saying this and thinking this seems okay, because the
whole society tacitly approve it. When this kind of acceptance is allowed to permeate into a child’s
psyche, there is serious harm. 

2. Is music inherently corruptive, or is that simply a value that society places on it?

No, I disagree with the statement that music is inherently corruptive and I think music, at the first place,
it is a kind of pure substances that human beings artificially valued something into it. Moreover, music
communicates with us directly and can influence us in the course of our lives. This can be further
assumed that its effect on society as a whole is the same. The music of the present defines the current
status of the social collective.

3. Why does jazz music, and by extension Shidaiqu, seem to have negative historical connotations?

Since early jazz showed the general black humanity and the black consciousness to the society and
culture. Benny Goodman, a famous Jazz star, who defied criticism to form a black and white mixed band.
Additionally, King Oliver recorded a song called "Zulu's Ball" in 1923, and his trumpeter, Louis Armstrong
later recorded a song called "King of the Zulus" in 1926, and his 1929 recording of “Black and Blue" is
considered one of the earliest examples of Black civil rights in jazz. He wrote "My only sin, It's the color
of my skin." in the album. Billie Holiday, known for her bluesy vibe, was even more direct. She released
an album called Strange Fruit in 1939. It describes the lynching and hanging of Thomas Shipp and
Abram Smith in 1930 (lynching has always been an important issue in the history of black oppression in
the United States). The lyrics compare the bodies of black youths to fruits and criticize the biased

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