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Music has always been a dangerous and instructive art form.

Everywhere around the world, music has

played a huge part in people’s lives and cultures, eliciting deep emotional and spiritual responses and
offering powerful lessons. This perilously persuasive art has been part of political, religious and social
activities for centuries, and understanding the dangers and instructions of music can help us become
better fully rounded individuals.

The dangers of music are widely known, but oftentimes forgotten. Music has been a major influence on
public opinion since it began, ranging from highlighting injustices in the world to inspiring hate-filled
nationalism. In wartime, certain patriotic tunes were held up as a rallying call to support the cause –
often at the risk of inciting violence and intolerance. Music has even been used to create entirely new
social norms, such as the gangster rap of the 1990s that glorified crime and drug use.

The power of music to transform the human experience is undeniable, so it’s important to use it
carefully. As an art form, music provides us with a great platform to express our emotions and beliefs.
However, it’s important to be wary of how we use it – when it delves into dangerous territory, it can end
up hurting individuals or communities. It’s usually wise to use music to spread positive messages – like
inclusivity, charity and respect – rather than promote hatred, violence or a sense of superiority.

In addition to its dangerous side, music can also be an instructive art. Not only does it provide a powerful
vehicle for conveying ideas, but it can also be a great learning tool. Pop stars from different parts of the
world frequently collaborate in order to share their respective cultures. Music can also be used to open
up a dialogue between those of different ages, faiths and abilities.

At its core, music can tap into our innate ability to relate and empathize with others, regardless of our
differences. It can create connections, break down barriers and bring communities closer together. It also
has the power to inspire others and bring out the hidden potential in people, such as athletes and
scholars who have pushed themselves further with the help of inspiring songs.

In conclusion, music is a dangerous and instructive art form. While its power to inspire, motivate and
connect must be respected, it is also important to recognize its potential to hurt and divide us. By
understanding the inherent risks and potential rewards of music, we can ensure we use it safely to
spread positive messages and reinforce positive values.

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