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Name: Martel, Glece Jean P.

Year and section: BSECE 1-G

Significance Of Different Music Across The World In The Way We Have Lived?

Music could be defined as a collection of sounds and melodies. But there is more to that than
what music really is. This sole definition is a crude idea of what music is and would not fully define the
importance that music plays and occupies in our lives. Since time immemorial, from the old romantic
empire to the reign of the ancient Greeks, people have depended on music as a source of solace and
alleviation. Up until today, music plays such a big role and could be correlated with fast-pacing
globalization. But how? And in what way or ways?

The music industry is being impacted by globalization more than many other industries, and this
is primarily caused by technological advancements. Music arouses a wide range of subjective emotions
that satisfy human emotions. Music can be used as a tool for numerous purposes, including
communication, stimulation, and relaxation. It can, however, also be used as a weapon to reject
unfavorable feelings. It is an integral part of everyone's lives and, in some ways, a way of life for some.

Furthermore, instrumental music is a medium for international communication. It is a compass

to connect people from all around the world. The enhancement of heritage and cultural preservation is
another important function of music in world globalization. Music broadens one's viewpoint to think
with open-mindedness and empathy, which are necessary skills to sustain knowledge of the difference in
cultures across generations. Music guides people to interact with others' lives through interpretations of
sound. These people are more likely to accept others' cultural backgrounds, pertinent beliefs, and
relevant actions with respect and tolerance.

Thus, music is not solely based on its simple definition. The exploration of possibilities and the
unknown has been made easier by music. It encourages individuals to expand their awareness and see
the world from new perspectives. People are introduced to other cultural traditions and preferences
through increased awareness of various music cultures, which facilitates cross-cultural interaction and
promotes diversity education. Above all of these being said, this marks an important turning point in the
development of global connectivity.

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