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November 21 - 25

What students should be

doing at home. . .

Read for 15 20 minutes each

Practicing their multiplication and
division facts
Study spelling words

Upcoming Events

November 21 PTO Meeting

6:15pm @ Hamlow
November 23-25 No School
Thanksgiving Break
November 28 Safety Day

This Weeks Focus

Writing: the students will have the opportunity
to research facts about their informational
topics using Chromebook laptops and library
books. The students will learn the importance
that research plays on informational writing
and how it can make our writing stronger.
Reading: the students will be working on
Close Reading activities using one of our
trickster tale books. Close Reading involves
the students looking deeper into the text,
noticing details and patterns that the author
has purposely done in the story.
Math: this week, we will begin our portion of
the math unit that deals with time.
Specifically, the students will first review
their skills of telling time and then we will
jump in telling time before and after the hour.
Social Studies: we are beginning our new unit
over the diverse cultures that help make up
or country. Students will get a chance to
learn about a variety of languages, holidays,
clothing, and traditions that different cultures
celebrate. We will also take time this week to
talk about the significance of Thanksgiving.

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