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HTTP Upload Server Installation Guide

Ascom Network Testing AB

NT13-24718, 1.0, 9/6/2013

NT13-24718, 1.0, 9/6/2013



Installation and Configuration


Installing the HTTP Upload Server....................................................................... 1


Configuration ........................................................................................................ 1

Configuration of Port Number ............................................................... 1


Configuration of Maximum HTTP Post Size ......................................... 1

Supplied Upload Pages

Details of HTTP Upload Execution

NT13-24718, 1.0, 9/6/2013


The HTTP upload server is used by TEMS products to provide end-to-end control of
HTTP upload (or: HTTP Post) service testing. The server must be installed on a
machine connected to the Internet, and access must be allowed from the Internet to the
The HTTP upload server is available as a standalone executable package; it does not
require any installation. Simply copy the contents to the machine and start it. A good
practice is to include the HTTP upload server in the start-up script of the machine.
The server can only serve one connection at a time; parallel requests or connections
are not supported. You can however run multiple server instances on the same
machine, each with a different port number. See section 2.2.1 regarding port number

Installation and Configuration


Installing the HTTP Upload Server

There are two ways to install and run the HTTP upload server:

using the supplied EXE file

using an IIS server and copying the content files to the IIS web-root directory.

The server should be run on a server version of Microsoft Windows. Installing on a

client version of Windows will lower the number of possible simultaneous connections.
If you install using the supplied EXE, it is recommended that you restart the application
once every day.



The HTTP upload server has two configuration files: qvUploadServer.exe.config and


Configuration of Listening Port Number

In the qvUploadServer.exe.config file you set the servers listening port. The default
port is 9445.


Configuration of Maximum HTTP Post Size

In the content\web.config file you specify the maximum amount of data allowed to be
sent to the server in a single HTTP Post operation. The value maxRequestLength is
specified in kilobytes.
maxRequestLength=4096 means 4 MB
maxRequestLength=131072 means 128 MB
For more information regarding the web.config file, see:
NT13-24718, 1.0, 9/6/2013

Supplied Upload Pages

The HTTP upload server comes with two pages intended as destinations for HTTP
upload testing:



The only difference between the two is that DoUploadSave.aspx saves the content to
disk on the server, whereas DoUpload.aspx discards the content.
Note: There is no way to remotely remove the files from the HTTP upload server
machine. If the DoUploadSave.aspx page is used as the destination for
HTTP Post testing, it is recommended that you have a batch job on the
server clearing the data directory on a daily basis.

Details of HTTP Upload Execution

The HTTP upload (HTTP Post) service test sends data to the server. After this
transmission is completed, the server returns an acknowledgment confirming receipt of
all data. This is to ensure true end-to-end testing and to make the client aware that the
data has been properly received by the application layer at the other end.
Viewed in more detail, the communication follows the pattern depicted below. The
concluding response tail part is unique to HTTP upload testing.

Note: The description in this chapter does not apply to timed measurements where
the measurement can be aborted before the upload has finished.

NT13-24718, 1.0,9/6/2013

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