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Fenton, Chrystal EAO:EX

Turner, Sara J NRTS:EX o n behalf of Bangert, Wilf R NRTS:EX



Mo nday, June 27, 2016 ~ 1:26 AM


NRTS NRPP Stee.ring Committee

.NR:TS NRPP Steering Committee Assistant s; Grant, Nelson T. NRTS:EX; Medd, Andrew
MATERIALS A TTACHED: Monday's ''Focus. o n Sector Operating Model" ADM Steering
Committee meeting
N RPP ~SCMeeting_2 016_06_27 -AGENDA.pdf; NRPP-$0M_AD M.-DisC:\.ISSion Deck_FINALPPTX; Appendix -N j=l.S Authorization Workflow ..:workshop -Proposa lv9.pptx; Appendix -NRS Authoriz~tio n Workflow Model UN Informa~ion Sheet v2.docx.




Attached, you will find materials fon his afternoon's meeting.

Wilf Bangert
Assistant Deputy Mi ni.ster I NRS Transformation & .NRPP
Natura l Resou rce Secto r Transform at io n Secretariat
.Phone: 250. 387.6096 I Fax: 250.952:0 821

Learn more.: Natural Resource Permitting Project

from: Bangert, Wilt R NRTS:EX

Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 4:20 PM
To: NRTS NRPP Steering Committee
Cc: NRTS NRPP Steering Committee Assistantsi Grant, Ne.Ison T NRTS:EX; Medd, Andrew NRTS:EX
Subject: Monday's ''Focus on Sector Operating Model" ADM Steering Committee meeting

Hel lo ADM St ee ring Co mmittee mem bers,

As discuss at t he last Steering Comm ittee meeting, we have schedu le a meeting for t his Monday (Ju ne
27th) to further discuss the Sector Operating Mod.e.I and Authorization Workffow projects. Attached is the
agenda for the meeting.
rn the session , we will be asking y ou to validate t he design principles that will set t he direction for o u r
effo rt and you r ehgagement in these projects . This work wrll define t he m eaning of 'sector t ra nsfbrm.atio.ri'
by documenting a model t hat will enable its. implem entation. It will identify overlaps, redundancies and
ot her opportunities for leaning, ~tand ardizing and opt imizing sector operations.
The meeting will

~ I sa

be covering a proposed NRS Authorization Wo rkflow engagement model.

In addition t o Mo nday 's meetin g w e a lso have fe w oth er key asks from you :

Sector Operating Ma.d ei (and Blueprint)

Be ava ilable over the n ext 2-3 weeks for a 3 0 minute overview session on the blueprint and
another 3 0 minute interview on the Sector Operating Mode l

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Nominate a Subject Matter Expert within your business area (at a decision-ma king level) who
showld be lncl ud.ed in several design workshops (first workshop at end of July)

Authorization Workflows

Nominate a Subj ect Matter Ex:pert within your "business area (at a decision-making level) who
should be included i.n a fiv~ day -Authorization Workflows workshop to be held late September
/early October

Looking forward to the meetrng and the disc1.1ssions.

Wilf Bangert
Assista:nt Deputy Minister I NRS Transformation & NRPP
Natural Resource Sector Transformation Secretariat
Pho:ne: 250. 387.6096 I Fax: 250.952.0821
Learn more: Natural Resource Permitting Project

Page 64 of 3321 EA0-2016-62612

NRS Authorization Workflow

Engagem.e nt Process
M .odel UN

What is Model UN?

Format to be used is Model United Nations (UN) . It is a facilitated activity in which participants
typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and .:Simulate UN committees.

Model UN has potential to address future sector wide decision making needs and is a new tool
for Learning Organization Practitioners to 1,.1se.

Whv is-the Workshop Needed?

This unique engagement process will allow for t he-efficient, effective and "Sector-wide
endorsement .o f NRS Authorization Workflow. The NRS Authorization Workflow provides a
standardized w.o rkflow for authorizations and obligations for the natural resource sector. TO
achieve endorsement, the following questions needed to be addresse.d:

Do we have all the attributes captured?

Do we have all process requirements identified?

Have we captured them correctly'?

Agreement on the sequencing and dependencies - how/when they are used e.g. how a
referral is done, how friage is handled in the future, etc.

Agreement on exceptions and how those will be handled.

Maximize staff input now and minimize burnout by not needing to repeat the process for every
authorization or creating duplicate processes.

Foc1,1s on the process only, organizational design considerations will be captured and addressed
at a later date.

How Will It Work?

Each Ministry dedde:s on. the composition and leadership of the delegation team they feel t hey
need for adequate representation.

An unlimited number of delegates are allowed per Ministry. Attendance ani;l pre-work
completion is mandatory before and for the duration of the workshop.

All NRS Ministries are required to send representatives (delegates) to t he workshop:

Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation;


Energy and M ines;


Forest Lands & Natural Resource. Operations, and;
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NRS Authorization Workflow

Engage.m ent Process

Model UN


Natura l Gas Development.

Each Ministry js restricted to a single vote. There is no veto power. Delegates are fully
empowered to m ake bind in~ decisions about work flow process standard.i zation.

Delegate Role and Responsibilities

Delegates must resolve all issues within the workshop format.

Delegates m ay reach out t o " experts" during the session for adv ice or clarification.

A pre-work shop orientat ion and out line of preparation ies w ill be held in advance. This
will occur in the July/August tirneframe.

Who Should Attend?

Folks who are highly motivated to make the Natural Resource Sector "processes" work better.

Extroverted comniunic.a tors and people connectors.

Introverted t hought leaders and t hinkers.

Natural leaders wh o lead by example and are well respected.

Open to compromise and comfo rtable with negotiation.

Creative proble.m solvers ..

A diversity o f backgrounds, locations or experiences in.such areas as: clerical, policy,.

authorizations, compliance, management, finarn::e, decision making, analysis, etc.

ADM or OM participation/visibility during the event is important. Several options to achieve

that goal are avallal:i le.

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NRS Authorization Workflow Business

Endorsement - Appendix

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NRS Blueprint - Future State Model for the Sector


NRS Authorization Workflow



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NRS Authorization Workflow


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NRS Authorization WorkflowSector Endorsement and Validation

Unique engagement process proposed that w ill allow for the efficient; effective
and sector wide endorsement.

Do we have all the attributes captured?

Do we have all process requirements identified?
Have we captured them correctly?
Agreement on the sequencing and dependencies - how/when they are used e.g.
how a referral is done, how tri.age is handled in the future; etc.
- Agreement on exceptions and how those will be h~ndled.

Maximize staff input now and minimize burnout by not needing to repeat the
process for every authorization or creating duplicate processes.,

Focus on the process only, organizational design considerations will he

captured and addressed at a later date

NRS Authorizatioa Workflow



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NRS Authorization Workflow - Workshop Form.a t

Format to be is used is Model United Nations (UN). It is a facilitated activity

in which partici'pants typically role-play delegatt=s to the United Nations

and simulate UN committees.

All NRS Ministries are required to send representatives to the workshop

(Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, Agriculture., Energy and Mines,
Environment, Forest lands & Nat ural Resource Operations, Natural Gas
Developme rit)

Each Ministry decides on th composition and leadership of the delegation

team they feel they need for adequate representation.

An unlimited number of delegates is allowed per Ministry. Attendance and

pre-work completion is mandatory before and for the duration of the

Each Ministry is. restrkted to a single v.ote. There is no veto power.

Delegates are fully empowered to make binding decisions about work flow
process standardization.

NRS Authorization Workflow



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NRS Authorization Workflow - Workshop Format

Delegates must resolve all issues wjthin the work~hop format.

Delegates may reach out to "experts" during the sessio n for advice or

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ft. . . .lF
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A pre-work shop orientation and outline of preparat ion activities will be

held in advance. This will occur in the July/August timeframe.

Model UN i.s a format that hqs po tential to address future sector wide
deci'sion making needs. An new tool for Learning Organization
Practitioners to use.

NRS Authorization Wbrkflow


Page 72 of 3321 EA0-2016-6261 2

Who should attend

Ministry teams should be compo.sed of:
Fo Iks who are highly motivated to makethe. Natura I Resource Sector "processes" work


Extroverted communicators and people connectors

Introverted thought leaders and thinkers

Natural leaders who lead by example and are well respected

Open to comprom.ise and comfortable with negotiation

Creative problem so lvers

A diversity of backgrounds, locations or experiences in such areas as: clerica l, policy,

authorizations, compliance, mana_

g ement, finance, decisio n makingi analysis, etc.
ADM or DM participation/visibility durfng the event is Important. Several" options to

achieve that goal are available such as:

"ADM of the day;'

Opening and closing

NRS Authorization. Workflow



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How is Model UN structured? How does it work?

A facilitated, structured process is used to guide the delegates through the

engagement model UN process.

There is a general assemblv component:


Only voting delegates attend

Voting on prepared by com.mittees

Decision making body for the process

Mandatory that voting delegate attends

Fixed time for debate and voting

A chairperson oversees the proceedings of the general assembly to ensure

order and procedure is adhered to.

NRS Authorizat ion Workflow

I A_DM ~C v9

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How is Model UN structured? How does it work?

There is a committee component that :

Allows all delegates to participate and provide input on whatever topics

have been identified.
Only delegates with


interest on the topic need to attend

Delegates review the proposed requirements in detail They are free to

propose changes and improvements to the draft processes. When the
process has been fully reviewed, the group drafts a "resolution"
The resolution outlines any conditions, assumptions, rationale as to why a
process should be a particurar way and that the group is recommending
approval of the process that was reviewed.

These resolutions are brought back to the general assembly so that all voting
members can review the resoluti'on and vote. If the resolution .is "passed11,
that piece of work has been endorsed. If not passed, the resolution is return
to the "committee level" and further work is undertaken by the Committee

Committee sessions are professionally facilitated and have a support team

to assist
NRS Authorization Workflow



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- -- -

,ff,~). BRITISH
w q)LU!vtBJA

How is Model UN structured? How does it work?

Process repeats until all asp ~cts of the work flow have been reviewed,
resolution prepared and voted on. Once all pieces have been voted on, a final
confirmation vote is held so that the entire package is endorsed.

NRS Authorizat ion Workflow I ADM SC v9


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International Standards Deve lopment Model

1. Choreography and Modularity - Ratify to the conceptual model at a high level

and .agree upon terminology
2. Prioritize and Schedule - technical and business issues are raised as to what
can easily be put into a Shared Service within the NRS Online Service offering
for Authorization System and Engagement System.
3.. Documentation and Standardization - follow-up workshop of the whole group
to promote the products to a formal acceptance



& Test - Revrew and comment by groups on the results o'f Step 3.

5. lm.plementation and deploy- Deploy the pr:ocesses into the environment

6. Compliance and Certification - recognizes that change over time and this new
standard will be become the sector standard.

NRS Authorization Workflow




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Time Lines

By .End of June: ADM Steering Committee endorsement of workshop approach

- dedsion confirmed

Mid July: Final workshop participant Hst supplied to NRPP by Ministries.

Mid July-Aug 1: Distribute pre-work to attendees (delegates)

Model UN Orientation
Mechanics of the process
Simulations of simple Model UN process

Roles, responsibilities and expectations

Authorization matrix and first level of proposed authorizations processes

Request for input on services use.d in business area


Team assignments

NRSAuthorii.atlon Workflow




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Logistics & Budget

Transportation, Lodg-ing & Meals: Ministry Responsibility
Location:. Vancouver or Victoria if AD Ms/Exec Leadership to attend - vid eo
conferencing of ADM/Exec Leadership into session is also an option.
Date: September 2016
Orat.ion: Five-day workshop with extended hours during the session or option to
hold second session for an five days.
Fo.r mat : Model UN

NRS Authorization Wo rkflow




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NRS Authorization Workflow

Engagement Model

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- -- - -- - , --- .........

Standard Process Model - NRS Authorization


.#.1f.:};,,, BRffJSH
..._5~ c0LUt-~lBIA

To develop a set of standard workflow (and supporting req uirements) for processing and
managing authorizations and ob.ligations associated with the Natural Resource Sector
How NRS Authorization Workflow will be used:
The NRS Authori zation Workflow establishes the foundation for how specific types of tasks are

done in the sector for processing authorizations and obligations. They will be used to acte.lerate
transformation and process modeling discussions with respective business areas.
Work done to date :

Leveraged the process taxonomy work that was done. in 2014 as the starting point.

Builds on previous engagements with business areas. (i.e. Integrated Decision Making, One
Process, Crown Land Improvement Project) and many other initiatives.

Documented a standard appro.ach for specific sector activities (i.e. make a payment) using a
series of business process models, business requ i rements, business rules., and use cases.

Next Steps:

Socialize in a workshop format the draft model with sector representatives for endorsement

NRPP - ADM Steering Committee Update and Discussion


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Workshop Option 1: Model United Nations


/:? .. 7: \ BHITISH


Model Unite.d Nations (UN) is a facilitated activity in which participants typically role-pl ay

delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Process is being adapted
to support .a facilitated engagement method that can be used for dealing with NRS
sector wide issues. Specifically, endo rsement of the NRS Authorization Workflo-w in an
efficient and effective manner,.

NRPP - ADM -Steering Committee Update an d Discussi on


Page 96 of 3321 EA0-2016-62612

Workshop Option 2: lnternati.onal Standard

Development Cycle (ISO)


Assess, evaluate and reach mutual c<!nsensus as to

which business processes wilrbe completed and when.


Develop corrrnon business process specification

seis (terms, definitions, lbrms) and integratewith





Permit extended user community to

reView, pro\iide feedback and test IOS
specification sets.

Implement &

Provide irt1>.~ntation. $upport,

track and forecasl adoption (upt~e) across user community.

~ . C~~~ji~-h~-~-&-1


Zlfi .... .

Choreograph and decompose key cross-company business

processes into manageable units.

Prioritize &


.i~ ...



conformance to mi>ure

The ISO Standard Development Cycle is a six step engagement process for gaining acceptance
by stakeholders. The process may include pre-wotk for participants to gain a solid background
on the issues. requiring acceptance. The process allows the business areas to customize
solutions based on their real unique needs, with input and review from other groups with a
shared interest in. the outcome. The engagement process would occur over multiple sessions
spanning several weeks.

NRPP - ADM Stee.tir1g Committee Update and Discussion


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Model UN vs. ISO: Pros and Cons

Option 1: Model UN

Option 2: ISO



Unique model that leverages established

processes to solve complex issues

buy-in and consensus on business process

Innovative process, new tool for the


Active consensus seeking process with

Step by step model enables participant's

to agree on one step before proceeding to

high levels of stakeholder engagement



Results oriented within

a hard timeline



Lengthier engagement process, leading to

higher costs and a delay in delivering

Steeper learning curve for participants to

business benefits. May result in

fully onboard to the process

Industry standard process used to gain

concurrent project work creating

Risk that this intensive process could lead

duplication as common workflow is

to emotional engagement as issues are


debated and resolved.

A process oriented approach

NRPP - ADM Steering Committee Update and Discussion


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Recommended Workshop Format

Model UN: Provides a unique and robust model that can be implemented across
government .to engage stakeholders in the re.solution of complex. issues.

NRPP - ADM St eering Committee Update and Discussion


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NR.S Authorization Workflow .Engagement



NRPP -ADM Steering Committee Update and Discussion


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NRS Authorization Workflow ask

Endorsement of the NRS Authorization Workflow engagement model.

Five day workshop to be held in late September /early October 2016.

Each Ministry to select and provide. names of participants (t.he delegate.s) by July
15 to NRPP.

Empower your deJegates to make binding decisions on the workflow for your

Confirmation of your active involvement during the engagement workshop


NRPP - ADM Stee ring C.ommittee

Update and Discussfon


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Contact Details

If you have further questions on any of these topics, please reach out
to Marcin .Zaranski at who will forward
your inquiry to the appropriate party.

NRP P -AD M Stee ring Cornm ittee Update and Discussion


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