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& Photography Year 13

Evaluate your Madrid 15 hour piece
Create a double page in your sketchbook 5tled Evalua5on.
What is your work about?
How did you develop your idea?
What or who inuenced you?
Describe the process of crea5ng your work?
Was it successful?
How could you improve it?

Where next!
Con5nue to develop your ideas on Inuences.
Write a paragraph that describes your ini5al thoughts and ideas.
What aspect of Inuences will you be developing?
Make a new mind map with a focus on your new ideas.
What ar5sts might you use start researching ar5sts for inspira5on or extend your
knowledge on those that you have already studied if they are s5ll relevant.
Begin to make thumbnail sketches and /or take photographs to get you started.

Important Dates

Mock Examina@on 18th & 19th January 2017

Coursework deadline (including personal study) 31st January 2017
Feb 2017 Externally Set Assignment (ESA) exam paper given out.

Final Exam 10th & 11th May 2017

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