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SECOND Lesson Plan

Lesson Name: __Personal Identification Verb to Be___ Lesson Number:

Institution: _____Colegio Gustavo Morales Morales________
Student-Teacher in Charge: __Javier Alejandro Landinez Segura____
Grade: _Eighth Graders__ Date:__09/17/16____ Week: ___2_____

The lesson will have its emphasis on the topic of personal identification and
information, including the use of the verb to be as a grammar aid. It covers
aspects like name, age, address and telephone number, family, occupation,
place and date of birth, height, weight, complexion, facial features, body
shape, color of hair and eyes, character, personality, likes and dislikes, and
tastes and interests.
This lesson could be considered one of the most important ones, because for
students it is a must to know all the information related to their identities as
citizens and members of a community. With it, students will be able to
interact in a very comprehensive way, with people around them, including
teachers, classmates, friends and relatives.
In this opportunity I will use the Communicative Language Teaching Method. I
chose this method because it emphasizes the ability to communicate the
meaning of the message, instead of concentrating in grammatical perfection.

The lesson will be given with some basic resources like blank papers and
pencils to take some notes and develop assigned exercises; photocopies to
solve exercises related to personal information, and markers to write on the
whiteboard and clarify some explanations. A tape recorded will also be used
to play some music in the warming up activities and to play some songs that
include the topics that will be worked with students. Songs and music will be
played from a laptop.

Another important resource is the Needs Analysis, which will be done at the
beginning of the class, after having done a review from the previous lesson.
Each student will be provided with a photocopy with the questions from the
needs analysis, and helping them to answer them in the most appropriate

Communicative: Students will be able to communicate

important personal information, like name, age, nationality,
and hobbies, among others.
Language: the verb To Be will be used in the lesson,
emphasizing in its conjugation in the present simple tense.
Learning: Students will learn the lesson through listening to
examples, reading information, and sharing ideas with

Type of
Warm Up

Slap Snap: (Name game)
1. Sitting or standing in a circle introduce yourself to the
person on your left and right and learn their names.
2. The person who knows the game starts by setting a rhythm
that is slap, slap (on the knees or hands) snap, snap (clicking
the fingers).
3. On the first snap you say the name of the person on your
left and the second snap you say the name of the person on
your right.
4. If you muck up you are out, and the others must
compensate by learning other names.


5. Other ways are to move seats, change direction etc.

How do you introduce yourself to a person? What information
do you think is necessary to share with these new people you


are meeting?
I start by teaching the students a song about the verb to be


and its correct conjugation with the different subject

pronouns. The song says as next:
I am, you are, he she it is, he she it is, he she it is, I am, you
are, he she it is, we are, you are, they are

The song is sung several times until students memorize it. At

the end students must sing the song alone.
After the song I will give the students a short written story
where the verb to be is used with all subject pronouns and I

will ask some questions about it.

What are the three ways to conjugate the verb to be in the
present simple?


I write all the subject pronouns on the whiteboard with their


corresponding form of the verb to be in front of them and I

ask the students to repeat after me as I read. Next I write to

the headings, different complements about simple and real
life situations. After that, I write some sentences on the
whiteboard without the verb to be and ask the students what


would be the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks.

What are the two different uses that the verb to be has? In
what two contexts is this verb used?


Photocopies are given to the students; these have several

exercises related to the topic, like sentences to fill in the
blanks with the correct form of the verb to be. The sentences
are mainly about personal information and related to
situations that are common for them, like life at school or at
home. Guidance is done during the activity to guarantee that


all the students will do the exercises correctly.

What is the most important and relevant information about


yourself to share with your classmates?

It is the time for the students to share, in an oral way, about


their personal information; so each student says an aspect

about his/her life to the classmates, like age, nationality or
hobbies; then he/she chooses another person to do the same.
The exercise continues until all the students have


What information would you give to a person who is
interviewing you and asks you to talk about yourself?


Students take their notebooks and write ten sentences

mentioning the most important aspects about their identities
and personal information. Talking about their own lives and
their relatives lives and making use of all the forms of the


verb to be in the present simple tense.

In this moment I have a conversational practice with the

students asking them some questions about them and about

their relatives. At this point students must be very accurate

and specific in their answers.

Each student stands up and shares with the whole class all


the personal information about them worked during the

lesson; they should speak of memory and not by reading from


their notebooks, ensuring to be as detailed as possible.

The students have to study the personal presentation of


themselves at home, including the correct use of the verb to

be. They are also asked to write some new ideas of the use of
the verb to be in the present simple tente, in different

Verb to be song, retrieved from:
v=LphiK6gHNXo on September 14, 2016.
ESL Jigsaws, retrieved from: on September 14, 2016.
Gamed to practice the verb to be, played on line in the page:
Printable to exercise the verb to be, retrieved from:
e/to-be-beginner/803 on September 14, 2016.


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