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Section headings you will need to include:


Joel Conlin

Individual/Team name
Team members and Team roles
Game title
Game description
What kind of game are you making? How does it play? What have you been
doing to create gameplay?
What platform are you using and why?
What have you been working on? What have you been using?
What have you been working on? What have you been using? Are you
recording? Composing?
What have you been writing? Have you been writing a narrative or
What are you coding your game in? How is the coding process going? Have
you encountered major bugs? Is the game able to be played yet?
What challenges have you faced? How have they been overcome? What is
left to address?
Have you used material from other sites, repositories, or resources? Why
have you used them, where are the originals located, and what are they
bringing to your work?
Joel Delta 6
Mitchell: Music and Background Design Joel: Game Creator and Sprite maker
1V1 Space Battle and Single player space invaders/ single player space
Our game is based on space invaders but instead of versing invaders you
verse your friends which can be more fun and more exiting. But we still
made the normal space invaders game so that if you enjoy that more you
can still play that and the two player version.

28/7/16 We have made both out two player game and one player game
know we will work on the backgrounds of our game and characters.
26/7/16 We have disced to make our two player game into a two player and
single player game which we are still working on the selection and a home
screen for our game.
21/7/16 Today we made our two gun ships look better and more
19/7/16 Today we got our characters to shoot but we still cannot find a way
to make the win when they get to a certain number of pointes
14/7/16 Today we made the base of our game we made the character move
and than we made the look good.
12/7/16 Today we changed our game platform because I thought that I could
make to many levels to easy so I wanted more of a challenge so we decided
to do scratch.
2/8/16 We fined tuned our game and made it so when the space invaders in
the single player mode are hit the disappear and we improved the home

4/8/16 Today I worked on the home screen of my game and I also took many
screen shots that I am putting into my GGD today.

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