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Task 5

Standards: FEAP 4e: Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and
the students parent/caregiver(s)
Description: For this task, you will be writing two letters concerning FCAT results.

To the Parents of Kenneth,

I am writing this letter to discuss Kenneths overall achievement score on his most recent
FCAT assessment. I will be discussing Kenneths scores with you based on a criterion-referenced
assessment (CRT). CRT scores show mastery, instead of your students score being compared to
other students scores his score is compared to a performance standard in order to show areas that
Kenneth has mastered or areas he has not mastered based off a general performance level.
That being said, Kenneth received an overall achievement level 3 in reading. In CRT
scores they provide cut off scores for each level. A level three includes scores from 1972-2145.
Kenneth was at the high end of the level 3 giving him a raw score (number of items answered
correctly) of 2140. Kenneth was tested in the reading areas of words and phrases in context,
main idea, plot, and purpose, comparisons and cause/effect, and reference and research.
From these areas he received a composite reading score (score across the areas) of a 37. CRT
scores also allow you to determine a confidence band (range of possible scores if the test were
taken again). If Kenneth were to take the same test again, his score would probably range
between 2064 and 2216. Kenneth received a passing/above grade level performance level on this
years FCAT.
The past four years Kenneth has continued to have above grade level performance levels,
and he continued to progress in his raw scores from 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, this year
however he hit a small decline from 2009-2010. In 2009 he received a 2214, this year though as
you know he received a 2140. Not much of a decline, but something to focus and work on to
better for next year.
Based on the content areas, Kenneth has many strengths, and just one weakness.
Kenneths strengths are in, words and phrases in context where he earned 6 points out of 8
points possible. His next strength was Comparisons and Cause/Effect where Kenneth earned 8
points out of a possible 9 points. The final content are that he showed strength in was Reference

and Research where he earned 10 points out of a possible 11 points. The one area that seemed to
be Kenneths weakness was Main Idea, Plot, and Purpose in this content area Kenneth earned
13 points out of a possible 17 points.
In conclusion, after analyzing these scores, I would like to provide support in the main
idea, plot, and purpose content area for Kenneth. In some individual guided reading time I would
like to address this content area by practicing finding main idea, plot an purpose together to see
exactly where his trouble lies in that area, address it, then spend time strengthening his ability to
identify those components in his reading practice. As far as his stronger content areas I would
like to provide a bit of enrichment in order to help him continue to grow and achieve perfect
scores in the future. I would like to also address these areas in a one-on-one guided reading
conference as well in order to see where I can best provide enrichment for him to grow with.
Ms. Tomlinson

To the Parents of Salma,

I am writing this letter to discuss Slamas most recent FCAT score. I will be discussing
Salmas scores with you based on a Norm-referenced assessment (NRT). The NRT scores
compare students to other students allowing people to establish norms for scoring interpretation
while also reflecting the population at large.
Salmas math and reading scores were the scores reported in this assessment. In reading
she received a raw score or scale score (number of items answered correctly) of 721, and in math
Salma received a score of 704. Then, we look at the percent Salma got correct compared to the
percent other students got correct giving us a percentile score of 98 in reading and 96 in math.
These percentages tell us how many students scored lower than Salma. So we now know that
since she scored in the 98th percentile in reading that means she scored as well or better than 98%
of other test takers. The same goes for math, she scored in the 96th percentile for math meaning
she scored as well or better than 96% of other test takers. Now we will observe her stanine score

which breaks up the normal curve for the test into 9 equal sections. Stanine scores of 1-3 are
scored low, 4-6, and scored average, and scores of 7-9 are scored high. Salma was scored a 9 in
both reading in math which means she was scored high in both subjects.
I feel it is very evident that Salma does not have very many weaknesses in her reading
and math content areas. She shows strength in all areas but could use a bit of support in data,
statistics, and probability. Because of this slight struggle she had in that content area I would like
to spend some time with Salma in the content area of statistics and probability to discuss where
she feels she is struggling and practice some problems with her to help her grow in that specific
area. I would like to encourage Salma in other areas to spend some time enriching herself and
push herself to always try to learn more and strive for better. During that enrichment process I
would like Salma to come to me with any questions. During Salmas enrichment process I would
like to support her by assessing her in those same content areas to see if there is any progression.
In conclusion, I am here to support Salma and encourage her to continue down the bright
path she is currently striving towards. Please know that if you or your daughter have any
questions I am here to help. This enrichment process will continue to allow Salma to grow.
Ms. Tomlinson

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