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Caguiat, Gian Daniele T.



2015 06526
Celia Bonilla


I woke up in the middle of nowhere, dark and desolate. I was sprawled

against the cold floor. My body felt heavy but I managed to push myself up.
As my vision adjusted to the darkness, I was able to somehow picture the
faint images around me. I was in the middle of an enormous empty room, no
furniture, no light, but it sure was full: Every corner was filled with doors and
hallways that seemed to go on forever. Even the ceiling and floors had doors
of different sizes. Puzzled and confused, I panicked at the sight of the
peculiar place. Is anybody there? I asked, despite the knowledge that
nobody was there to help me. I was alone. I wanted to get out of that
daunting place as soon as possible. I ran to the nearest door even though I
didnt know where it would lead me, took a look back at the door-filled room
and whispered to myself, Anywhere, anywhere but here, I carefully opened
the door and stepped inside.
I was yet in another room, but this time it was lit. I went further inside,
and heard faint voices as I approached. I quickly hid in the shadows to listen
to their conversation.
Mother, please dont leave me, the little girl said as she sobbed in
her mothers arms.
I wont leave you, dear. The mother softly replied.
Is father angry again? asked the child.
Dont mind your father, please go to sleep.
Who was the lady that father was with,
mother? I dont want father to hurt us anymore. Why is he always furious at
us? the child continued to ask as tears fell down her face.
crying my love, were going to hold on okay? the mother patiently answered
as she tried to choke her tears up and forced put on a comforting smile. Oh,
I know. I will sing you our lullaby until you fall asleep. She said.
As the woman sang, it was as if the world stopped spinning. The whole
world came to a halt, to listen to her beautiful voice. Even the crickets
quieted down and the owls stopped hooting. Every letter, word, and tune was
so heartfelt that it embraces the soul. Because of this, the little girl quickly
fell asleep. The mother gently kissed her childs forehead and quietly exited
the room. That was when I realized that tears were streaming down my face
as well. I was startled when I heard a loud crash from outside the room

followed by the echoing voice of a man.

You never listen, dont you?! the man shouted angrily.
Keep it down, please. The children are sleeping, his
wife answered.
I told you that you CANT leave! I am not allowing
you, do you understand? the man said.
Please, Im begging you-. . . the womans cry
was interrupted as her husband struck her and hit her repeatedly.
If you dont want to get hurt, do
not speak! Just listen to me and do as I say. The man commanded.
Hey, get up from
there. . . Get up from the floor right this instant. . . the man nervously
called, but the woman lay on the floor, motionless.
EElsa? ELSA! shouted the man as I heard distant ringing of bells.
ELSAAAA! the ringing got louder and louder that it filled my ears to
the point that it hurt.
KRIIIIIIIIIIIING! I covered my ears and closed my eyes, desperately
trying to block the deafening sound away. Enough, enough! I screamed.
When I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed in the old apartment
where my sister and I lived. My clothes were drenched in cold sweat so I got
up and turned my alarm clock off. As I left my room I heard the tiny voice of
my little sister, Joy.
Do you know what time it is? Youre going to be late! I quickly took a
bath and got ready. Joy was standing in the living room, carrying her stuffed
toy while scratching her sleepy eyes. I went to her and said, Its still early,
go and head back to bed. Food is on the table if ever you get hungry. Auntie
might come later to watch over you so make sure to lock the doors, never
ever open it for anyone and stay indoors. Ill make sure to get home as soon
as possible, okay? She gave me a big grin and replied, What do you think I
am, a child? I laughed as I lifted her up into the air and then gave her a big
hug. Of course! You are my little princess after all! I replied. Do your best
at school! If ever you feel like giving up, just hold on!
My name is Feliza Olivares, a sixth grader in elementary school while
my little sister is named Joy. We live in a humble apartment that our
grandmother from Australia rented for us. Grandma pays for everythingtuition fees, electricity and water bills, food, as well as the salary for our
auntie to take care of us. But auntie only ever comes home once in every few
weeks, or months even. Not once did we feel loved by them. Ever since our
parents left us, we became a burden to our relatives. Like a pair of dirty old
socks that nobody ever wanted to keep. Its not like money was a problem to

them anyway because with how much they earned, providing us with
financial support was like buying candy from the store. Joy is the only reason
I keep on striving to do better. The meaning to my existence. Someday, I
want to show everybody that we are not as helpless as they think we are. I
know that I would be able to give a bright future to Joy, my little ray of
I think of myself as a good person. Sundays I go to church, every night
I pray to God for guidance and support. But still I cant help asking, why?
Why does He keep on doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this
kind of fate?
Feli, why is my hair falling off?
Its 4:20 in the morning on a Wednesday. I woke up even before my
alarm went off. I glanced at my uniform and my toga, the ones that I would
be wearing later today. Olivares, I murmured. My last name is in the middle
of the class list, so it would be quite a while before my name is called. I went
straight up to Room 212 of New Era Hospital where Joy is confined. My big
sisters here! My sister whos graduating at the top of her class! she
exclaimed, loud and cheerful enough for the nurses to hear her. Oh you, I
whispered as I kissed her forehead, unable to hide my smile. Wheres
auntie? I asked. She left yesterday, told me she would just be out for a bit.
What are you still doing here? Its your special day! You still have that speech
to deliver. Its best for you to be early or else I would be the one to snatch
those awards from you! she said. I cant leave you here alone. I answered
anxiously. Dont you worry, Ill be fine! Nurse Sam would be here to look
after me. Just bring home the bacon and Ill be happy! she assured me. Are
you sure about this? Promise me youll be okay. I
said. I promise, Ill
wait for you. Good luck with your speech I believe in you. Just hold on! she
said cheerfully.
Im happy to see her lively again. But I could never overlook her
miserable state. Her pale skin as white as the clouds, her very thin and weak
body. But despite all of that, and her long beautiful locks missing from her
head, to me she is still the most beautiful being in the world.
Your speech was terrific, Feliza! exclaimed the school principal as I
walked down from the stage. Thank you very much maam, for helping me
with getting my college scholarship as well! I replied with gratitude. You
deserve it, child. Congratulations to you! she answered as she shook my
J-Joy?! Joy! No. . . It cant be! Dont leave. Dont leave me! Hold on!
Hold on, Joy! I cried and begged endlessly. My shrieks and cries were

echoing through the room and corridors. I was back at the hospital, beside
my sister, still wearing my uniform, my neck heavy with the medals and
awards that mean absolutely nothing now. Not at a time like this. I couldnt
do anything else but to cry and watch as the doctors and nurses struggle to
save my dear sister. Gradually my eyesight became blurry and everything
was spinning. I couldnt hear anything. Every bit of sound was clogged into
my ears. I could only hear the distinct sound of the heartrate monitor, one
long and loud Toooot! The doctors came up to me. I could see them talking
but I couldnt hear a thing. Toooot! My eyes were blurry from my tears but I
know exactly what he was saying. Joy is gone.
I woke up from the loud whistle coming from the playing field. I gazed
through the window at my secret place in the library. I could see students
outside running around in their P.E. uniforms. I was sitting in my usual spot in
the university library over at the Filipiniana section, hidden from everybody.
My face was wet again from the tears. It seems like I went on another trip to
memory lane in my sleep. The nightmares havent stopped ever since that
day at the hospital. I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely noticed the
person that was staring at me from the shelves. It was a guy, about my age.
He looked familiar because Ive seen him in the campus before. Montez? I
think thats what they call him. I was waiting for him to speak, or even laugh
at me. He might even think Im ridiculous for hiding and crying behind the
tall mountain of books but he didnt. I was irritated and I was about to make
him leave but instead, he said:
So this is where you go to cry as well, huh?
I dont believe in love. Ever since my sister left me, it was even hard
for me to believe in God. But when I met Daniel my view in life suddenly
changed. Its as if my life had a meaning again. I may not be able to bring
back what I have lost, but he was there to help me shed light to my life and
open my heart and mind once again to new beginnings.
His name is Daniel Montez. When I first met him I wanted him to get
away from my sight. But when I was able to get to know him, I became
happy again. I was able to tell him everything thats bothering me, past and
present. My mothers name is Elsa, and my sister is Joy. He knows
everything about me, even the feelings that Ive kept inside for so long. He
listened with his heart and mind open. Whenever I feel hopelessness he just
smiles and says to me Remember, no matter how deep the ocean is, the
duck only has it at chest-level! I could never imagine how someone who has
problems as well could remain cheerful as he is. Thats why I asked him.
Because of Him. He answered as he looked up at the sky. But what

surprised me was what he said after, But whenever I feel like Im about to
give up, I just tell myself, Hold on!
My name is Feliza Montez, Dr. Feliza Montez. Before I became a doctor I
first crawled through the depths of hell to survive college and med school.
But I didnt do it alone, I had my husband Daniel with me all throughout the
way. Now he is in the skies, working as a pilot. We are both content with our
lives and happy with our jobs and I am very proud of him for that. I just came
home from a long day at the hospital so I sat down the couch and watched
the news. I looked at the time,
7:32 PM, hes about to land!
BREAKING NEWS: Aircraft AIRGEN 340-315 of the Philippine Airlines
crashes in Cebu, only 3 passengers out of 60 survived.
My body felt like it was drained out of blood, my vision got blurry and
everything was spinning. Aircraft AIRGEN 340-315 of the Philippine Airlines
crashes in Cebu, only 3 passengers out of 60 survived. AIRGEN 340-315,
thats the plane that my husband is boarding! Thats his flight! Only 3
passengers? What about the pilot? My husband is the pilot! Gone! Everything
is gone! Everyone I care about is gone!
Im back. Back to that dark, cold room with endless doors and
hallways. NO! STOP! I dont want to be here anymore! I looked at the knife
in the kitchen, I was ready. There is no reason for me to live, no meaning in
my existence. I was ready to give everything up, even my own life. I walked
towards it, finally! All my worries, all the suffering would be gone. Then
suddenly. . .
There were knocks on the door but nobody was there. A chill went
down my spine as a faint whisper passed by my ears. . . Hold on.

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