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Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Vocabulary List
(All Levels)
Written by Tanner Becker
A.K.A. Ashitaka
Copyright 2006 by Tanner Becker
This vocabulary list was compiled to help people prepare for the
JLPT tests. In this document you will find a list of commonly used
words in the tests from all four levels. I hope this will be of use
to you.
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The entries below were compiled from various sources, and was varified using WAKAN
and in a few cases EDICT.




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The color above will match the kana color of the corresponding level. This is for
all Levels except Level Two, which i will leave alone for now do to its length.
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[] /(n) civility/courtesy/compliments/sociability/graces/(P)/
[] /(n) relation(ship)/(P)/
[] /(n) interval/(P)/
[] /(adv) dare (to do)/challenge (to do)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to look up (to)/to respect/to depend on/to ask for/to
seek/to revere/to drink/to take/(P)/
[] /(n) dirt/filth/(P)/
[] /(n) deficit/go in the red/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pass/spend/to reveal/to divulge/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to become red/to redden/to blush/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) (1) ascent/rise/slope/(2) freshly-drawn green tea (esp.
in sushi shops)/(3) advance income/crop yield/(4)
death/spinning/completion/stop/finish/(5) after (rain)/ex (official, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) resignation/acceptance/consolation/
[] /(n) bad thing/bad person/
/(n) (abbr) accelerator/(P)/
/(adj) (1) gaudy/showy/excessive/(2) vicious/
[] /(n) chin/(P)/
[] /(n) yearning/longing/aspiration/(P)/
[] /(n) flax/linen/hemp/(P)/
[] /(n) birthmark/blotch/nevus/
/(adj) wretched/miserable/shameful/mean/despicable/abject/
[] /(v5k) to deceive/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vivid/clear/brilliant/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (uk) to sneer at/to ridicule/
[] /(adv) don't take me wrong, but.../I'm sorry/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) flavor/meaning/significance/
[] /(v5r) to be in a hurry/to be impatient/(P)/
[] /(v1) to fade/to discolor/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) value/price/cost/worth/merit/
[] /(vs-s) to be worth/to deserve/to merit/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) hit/success/reaching the
mark/per .../vicinity/neighborhood/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (suffer) deterioration/growing
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) treatment/service/
/(adj) not enough/too quick (short, long, etc.)/
/(adv,n) easily/readily/quickly/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) kind offices/mediation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) overwhelm/overpower/overwhelming/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pressure/coercion/oppression/(P)/
/(n) up/(P)/
/(v1) (uk) to give an order/to place an order/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) stress/pressure/(P)/
[] /(n) object/aim/end/hopes/expectations/(P)/
[] /(n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/(P)/
[] /(v1) to address/
[] /(n) heir/successor/(P)/
[] /(n) putting off/postponing/(P)/
[] /(n) oil painting/(P)/
/(n) approach (in golf)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) contrary/opposite/inverse/(P)/
[] /(v1) to behave like a spoiled child/to fawn on/(P)/
[] /(n) rain gear/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sweet flavor/mildness/flattery/stupidity/
/(n) amateur/(P)/
[] /(n) net/network/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to manipulate/to operate/to pull strings/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fear/to have misgivings/to be doubtful/to mistrust/
/(adj-na,n) uncertain/vague/ambiguous/(P)/
[] /(n) fault/error/indiscretion/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make a mistake/(P)/
[] /(n) walking/
[] /(v5m) to walk/to go on foot/(P)/
[] /(adv) beforehand/in advance/previously/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to lay waste/to devastate/to damage/(2) to invade/to
break into/(P)/
[] /(n)
[] /(v5r) (1) to be renewed/(2) to stand on ceremony/to be
formal/(3) to take a turn for the worse/(P)/
[] /(adj) rough/rude/(P)/
[] /(n) hail (i.e. falling ice balls)/
[] /(n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should
/(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) the truth/fact/as it is/frankly/(P)/

/(n) alkali/(P)/
/(n) alcohol/(P)/
/(n) aluminum (Al)/aluminum/(P)/
/(n) hour/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to join together/to face/to unite/to be opposite/to
combine/to connect/to add up/to mix/to match/to overlap/to compare/to check
/(fr:) (n) questionnaire (fr: enquete)/survey/(P)/
/(n) encore/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assassination/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) mental arithmetic/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) hint/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be anxious/to ponder/
[] /(adj-na,n) rest/(P)/
/(adv,exp,n) sure enough/as usual/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,exp,n) moderate/right/random/not
[] /(n,vs) excuse/explanation/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor's office (surgery)/clinic/dispensary/

[] /(n,vs) running away from home/leaving home/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to revive/to resuscitate/to make use of/(P)/
/(adv,int) how?/in what way?/how much?/however/whatever/(P)/
/(adv,int) (uk) indeed/really/phrase meaning agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) anger/hatred/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) chic/style/purity/essence/(P)/
[] /(n) objection/dissent/protest/(P)/
[] /(n) something one lives for, very important/(P)/
[] /(n) misunderstanding/estrangement/disagreement/crossing
without meeting/going astray/
[] /(v5m) to be enthusiastic about/
[] /(n) rearing/training/nurture/cultivation/promotion/
[] /(adv,n) many/numerous/
[] /(v1) to arrange (flowers)/(P)/
[] /(n) different opinion/objection/
[] /(n) intention/idea/inclination/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) switching over to/
/(adv,int) now/come (now)/well/crucial moment/
[] /(n) disposition/spirit/willpower/obstinacy/backbone/appetite/(P)/
[] /(n) migration/immigration/(P)/
[] /(n) clothing/costume/outfit/garment/dress/(P)/
/(v5r) to touch/to tamper with/(P)/
[] /(n) the opposite sex/(P)/
[] /(n) historic ruins (remains, relics)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) still/as yet/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dependence/dependent/reliance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)/entrust (person with
[] /(n) (1) crown (of head)/summit (of mountain)/spire/(2) easy
win for one/(3) something received/
/(adv) very much/exceedingly/extremely/
[] /(v1) to damage/to impair/to spoil/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stir-fry/(P)/
/(v5r) to pity/to sympathize with/to console/to care for/to be kind

[] /(n-suf) city/(P)/
[] /(adv) unconditionally/as a rule/(P)/
[] /(adj) remarkable/considerable/(P)/
[] /(n) all present/all concerned/all of us/(P)/
[] /(n) a part/a portion/a section/(P)/
[] /(n) parting/
[] /(adv,n) one side/one phase/front page/the other hand/the whole
[] /(n-adv,n-t) a glance/a look/a glimpse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) evenness/uniformity/monotony/equality/
[] /(n) a series/a chain/a ream (of paper)/
[] /(n,vs) all together/batch/one lump/one bundle/summing up/(P)/
[] /(n) (abbr) drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)/
[] /(adv) at a stroke/with a single swoop/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) (1) a look/a glimpse/glance/(2) first meeting/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) all/everything/without exception/the
[] /(adv,n) one mind/wholeheartedness/the whole heart/(P)/
/(adv) rather/sooner/might as well/(P)/
[] /(n) a region/a zone/the whole place/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) complete change/about-face/
[] /(n) intention/aim/design/(P)/
[] /(n) a change/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to carry on (e.g. in ceremony)/to run a business/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to challenge/to contend for/to make love to/(P)/
[] /(n) (flash of) lightning/
[] /(n) prayer/supplication/(P)/
/(n) snoring/(P)/
/(adv,n) now/at this late hour/(P)/
[] /(adv) yet/still/more/besides/(P)/
[] /(n) emigration/immigration/emigrant/immigrant/(P)/
/(int) reluctantly/by no means/unwillingly/(P)/
[] /(adj) greedy/vulgar/shabby/humble/base/mean/vile/(P)/
/(adv) awfully/terribly/
/(adj) unpleasant/disgusting/repulsive/indecent/lewd/dirty/lascivious/
[] /(n) will/desire/ambition/(P)/
[] /(n) clothing/(P)/
[] /(n) power/might/authority/influence/
[] /(n) clothes/clothing/garments/(P)/
[] /(n) different opinion/objection/
[] /(n) stamp/seal/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) gloom/melancholy/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) retirement/(2) retired person/(P)/
/(n) interchange/
/(adj-na,n) international/(P)/

/(n) (abbr) egghead/intelligentsia/(P)/
/(n) information/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) inflation/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to pass (examination)/(P)/
[] /(n) receiving/acceptance/
[] /(v1) to accept/to receive/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to inherit/to succeed/to take over/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be accepted/to receive (an application)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to catch/to stop the blow/to react to/to take/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) passive/passive voice/(P)/
[] /(n) charge (of something)/matter in one's charge/
[] /(n) movement/activity/trend/development/change/(P)/
[] /(n) swirl/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bury/to fill up/to fill (a seat, a vacant
[] /(adj-no,n) (uk) liar (sometimes said with not much
[] /(n) dozing/napping on the floor (in one's clothes)/
[] /(v1) to be frank/to speak one's mind/to open one's
[] /(v5r) to stop/to abort/to discontinue/to close/
[] /(n) (gram) negation/denial/negative/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake)/to devote oneself to/to
shoot into/to smash/to throw into/to cast into/
[] /(n) fan/(P)/
[] /(n) the items/breakdown/classification/
[] /(n) copy/duplicate/facsimile/transcript/
[] /(n) lawsuit/complaint/(P)/
/(oK) (adj) (uk) gloomy/depressing/(P)/
/(v5k) to look downward/to stoop/
[] /(adj-na,n) blank/cavity/hollow/empty (space)/
[] /(n) bowl/vessel/container/(P)/
[] /(n) ability/skill/facility/(P)/
[] /(n) rainy weather/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to urge/to press/to suggest/to demand/to stimulate/to
quicken/to incite/to invite (attention to)/(P)/
/(n) pretension/conceit/hubris/(P)/
/(adv,n) by nature/by birth/native/
[] /(v5r) to be buried/to be surrounded/to overflow/to be filled/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to give birth/to deliver/to produce/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to bury/
[] /(n) dried plum/(P)/
[] /(n) inside out/upside down/(P)/
[] /(n) (bargain) sale/
[] /(v5s) to put on sale/to market/to become popular/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to be moist/to be damp/to get wet/to profit by/to be

watered/to receive benefits/to favor/to charm/to steepen/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) flighty/fickle/wanton/unfaithful/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to exceed/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be planted/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) management/administration/operation/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) tedious/boring/being fed up with/(P)/
[] /(n) shipping/marine transportation/(P)/
[] /(n) freight rates/shipping expenses/fare/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) and so on/and so forth/comment/
[] /(n,vs) transport/carriage/(P)/
[] /(n) fate/(P)/
[] /(n) transportation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) making use of/application/investment/practical use/(P)/
[] /(n) hilt (of a sword)/haft (of a dagger)/handgrip/
/(n) air mail/(P)/
[] /(n) English letter (character)/
[] /(n) projection/
[] /(n) satellite/(P)/
[] /(n) reflection/image/(P)/
[] /(n) hero/great man/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) liquid/fluid/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/reading/(P)/
[] /(n) game/spoils/trophy/(P)/
[] /(n) neck/collar/lapel/neckband/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) elegant/(P)/
[] /(n) a means, e.g. of living/
[] /(ik) (adj-na,n) harmony/smoothness/
[] /(n) veranda/porch/balcony/open corridor/(P)/
[] /(n) coast/shore/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n,vs) production (e.g. play)/direction/(P)/
/(n) engineer/(P)/
[] /(v1) to perform (a play)/to play (a part)/to act (a part)/to
commit (a blunder)/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to perform/to play/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) along railway line/(P)/
[] /(n) marriage proposal/engagement/(P)/
[] /(n) long way/distant place/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) tail/ridge/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to herd/to corner/to drive/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to expel/to drive out/(P)/
[] /(uk) at/in/on/
[] /(v1) to age/to grow old/(P)/

[] /(v5u) to bear/to owe/(P)/

[] /(n) emergency/
[] /(adj-no,n) gold/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor's visit/house call/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) subscription/application/(P)/
[] /(n) mantle/cover/shroud/
[] /(n-adv,n) perhaps/almost all/majority/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) large build/large pattern/
/(n) OK/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) grandiose/exaggerated/
[] /(n) outline/summary/
[] /(n) heaven/firmament/the sky/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) automatic/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) open/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) (1) overcoat/(2) over/exceeding/going
beyond/exaggeration/(3) ball hit over the head of an outfielder (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) full width/large scale/drastic/(P)/

[] /(n) flood/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) prince/lord/duke/public/daimyo/companion/subordinate/
[] /(v5s) to commit/to perpetrate/to violate/to rape/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to invade/to raid/to trespass/to violate/to intrude on/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cowardice/timidity/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to retard/to delay/(P)/
[] /(n) delay/lag/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(io) (n) deed/conduct/behavior/action/asceticism/
[] /(v5r) to give (someone) a treat/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be in one's place/to be installed/to settle
into/(2) to be obtained/to be settled/to be paid/to be delivered/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be in one's place/to be installed/to settle
into/(2) to be obtained/to be settled/to be paid/to be delivered/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be at peace/to clamp down/to lessen (storm, terror,
[] /(n) (giving) birth/
[] /(n) teachings/precept/lesson/doctrine/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to have one's own way/
[] /(v5m) to push into/to crowd into/
[] /(v5m) to be frugal/to value/to regret/(P)/
[] /(v1) to push aside/to advance on/
[] /(n) male (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n) flattery/compliment/
[] /(v5u) to attack/(P)/
[] /(adv) at the latest/
[] /(n) fear/horror/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be filled with awe/to feel small/to be amazed/to be

surprised/to be disconcerted/to be sorry/to be grateful/to be defeated/to

confess guilt/
/(v1) to stir up/to instigate/to flatter/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fall into/to feel down (sad)/(P)/
[] /(n) calm/composure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fallen leaves/leaf litter/defoliation/shedding leaves/
[] /(adj-na,n) 2nd in rank/second sign of the Chinese calendar/(P)/
[] /errand/
/(adj) frightening/huge/
[] /(n) all over/given in/given up hope/bring to knees/
/(adv,n) coweringly/hesitantly/(P)/
/(v5s) to threaten/to menace/(P)/
[] /(v1) to visit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attendant/companion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become weak/to decline/to wear/to abate/to decay/to
wither/to waste away/(P)/
[] /(n) surprise/astonishment/wonder/(P)/
[] /(n) of the same age/
[] /(adv) naturally/as a matter of course/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become frightened/to have a nightmare/
/(adj) abundantly/innumerably/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to threaten/to coerce/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wear/to carry/to be entrusted/to have/to take on/to have
a trace of/to be tinged with/(P)/
[] /(n) memory/sense/experience/(P)/
/(n) (1) a discount/a prize/(2) something additional/bonus/an extra/(3) an
[] /(n) Shinto shrine/
/(n) diaper/nappy/
[] /(n) plan/idea/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) meaning/tenor/gist/(2) effect/influence/(3)
appearance/aspect/(4) taste/(5) grace/charm/refinement/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to go/to proceed/to repair to/to become/(P)/
[] /(v1) to respect/to honor/to esteem/to prize/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to honor/to respect/to esteem/to prize/(P)/
[] /(gikun) (n) one's father/old man/one's boss/
[] /(conj) and/as well as/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to reach/to come up to/to amount to/to befall/to happen
to/to extend/to match/to equal/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) chance/suitable time/(P)/
[] /(n) cage/pen/jail cell/(P)/
/(n) orientation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to turn up/to fold back/(P)/
[] /(n) textile/fabric/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to weave/(P)/
[] /(n) I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) foolish/stupid/(P)/

/(adj-na,n) neglect/negligence/carelessness/(P)/
/(n,vs) carrying on one's back (e.g. baby)/(P)/
/(n) on-line/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) gentle/mild/moderate/(P)/
/(n) carpet/(P)/
[] /(n) deterioration/changing for the worse/
[] /(n) maritime/marine transportation/
[] /(n) imported goods/foreign money/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/reformation/innovation/(P)/
[] /(n) shell/(P)/
[] /(n) appearance/exterior/facade/(P)/
[] /(n) class/rank/grade/(P)/
[] /(n) channel/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/audience/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/
[] /(n,vs) holding a meeting/open an exhibition/(P)/
[] /(n) collection/recovery/(P)/
[] /(n) repair/improvement/
[] /(n) monster/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cancellation/rescinding/release/calling off/(P)/
[] /(n) Foreign Minister/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to injure/to damage/to harm/to kill/to hinder/(P)/
[] /(n) general statement/outline/
[] /(n,vs) forwarding/(P)/
[] /(n) class/level/stratum/hierarchy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reclamation (of wasteland)/cultivation/pioneer/(P)/
[] /(n) conversation/conference/discussion/interview/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/
[] /(n,vs) revision/(P)/
/(n) tour guide/(P)/
[] /(n) highway/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) corresponding/answering to/coming under/(P)/
[] /(n) in the street/(P)/
/(n) guidebook/
[] /(n,vs) intervention/(P)/
[] /(n) general idea/concept/notion/(P)/
[] /(n) development/exploitation/(P)/
[] /(n) height above sea level/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/looking after/(P)/
[] /(n) dissection/autopsy/(P)/
[] /(n) (abbr) imported/outpatient clinic/

[] /(n) circulation/(P)/
[] /(n-t) outline/summary/gist/in brief/(P)/
[] /(n) ocean current/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) improvement/reform/(P)/
[] /(n) circuit (electric)/(P)/
[] /(n-t) sea route/(P)/
[] /(v1) to reflect/(P)/
[] /(v1) to look back/to turn around/to review/(P)/
[] /(n) (outward) looks/features/face/countenance/expression/(P)/
[] /(n) extracurricular/
[] /(v1) (1) to publish/to print/to carry (an article)/(2) to put
up/to hang out/to hoist/to fly (a sail)/to float (a flag)/(P)/
/(n) (uk) (shoe) heel/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to write down/to take dictation/to take notes/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to stir up/to churn/to ransack/to disturb/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(n) nucleus/kernel/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) status/character/case/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to draw/to paint/to sketch/to depict/to describe/
[] /(n) arts and sciences/liberal arts/
[] /(n) qualitative difference/disparity/(P)/
[] /(n) scattering/diffusion/(P)/
[] /(n) university graduate/(P)/
[] /(n) every kind/all sorts/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every other week/
[] /(n,vs) conviction/confidence/(P)/
[] /(n) reform/innovation/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) definition (math)/decision/settlement/(P)/
/(n) cocktail/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) acquisition/possession/(P)/
[] /(n) score (music)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guarantee/ensure/maintain/insure/secure/(P)/
[] /(n) revolution/(P)/
[] /(n) establishment/(P)/
[] /(n) academic background/(P)/
[] /(n) betting/gambling/a gamble/
[] /(n) cliff/(P)/
[] /(n) running fast/double time/(P)/
[] /(n) household economy/family finances/(P)/
/(n) (foot) race/

[] /(v1) to run (race, esp. horse)/to gallop/to canter/(P)/

[] /(v1) to wager/to bet/to risk/to stake/to gamble/(P)/
[] /(n) manufacturing/processing/treatment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) chemical combination/(P)/
/(v5r) to be bulky/to be unwieldy/to grow voluminous/
/(v5m) to pile up/to increase/
[] /(n) itemized form/itemization/
[] /counter for large animals/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) faint/dim/weak/indistinct/hazy/poor/wretched/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to grow hazy/to be misty/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike
[] /(n) Mars (planet)/(P)/
[] /(n) fossil/petrifaction/fossilization/(P)/
[] /(n) rivers/(P)/
[] /(n) synthetic fibers/(P)/
[] /(n) depopulation/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/theme/task/(P)/
[] /(n) brief remark/few words/
[] /(n) tidying up/finishing/
[] /(v1,vt) to incline/to list/to bend/to lean/to tip/to tilt/to
slant/to concentrate on/to ruin (a country)/to squander/to empty/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to harden/to freeze/to fortify/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beside(s)/while/nearby/(P)/
[] /(n) flower bed/(P)/
[] /(n) domestic animals/livestock/cattle/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj) yet/and/
[] /(n) epoch-making/
/(adv,n,vs) heartbroken/
[] /(n,vs) chorus/singing in a chorus/(P)/
/(adv,n) firmly/solidly/tough/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/concurrence/conforming to/(P)/
/(adv,n) solidly built/tightly/shrewd/calculating/(P)/
/(adv) once/before/formerly/ever/never (neg)/former/ex-/
[] /(adj-na,n) kitchen/one's own convenience/one's
/(n) cut/cutting/
[] /(adj-na,n) vigor/active/(P)/
/(n) cup/(P)/
[] /(ok) (n)
/(n) category/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to come true (wish)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grant (request, wish)/(P)/

[] /(n) (iron) hammer/(P)/

/(adj) be beyond one's power/be unable/
[] /(n,vs) becoming a
[] /(adv) previously/already/lately/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to protect someone/to take under one's wing/to plead for/to
stick up for/to cover up for someone/(P)/
[] /(n) stock (company)/(P)/
/(v1) to react to/to be influenced by/to go overboard for/
[] /(n) pollen/
[] /(n) money/currency/coinage/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(v1) to set up/(P)/
[] /(n) seasoning/flavoring/
[] /(adj-na,n) crowded/
[] /(v5r) to bite off/to gnaw through/
/(n) comeback/(P)/
/(n) cameraman/(P)/
[] /(n) (rice) gruel/
[] /(n) body build/figure/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to entangle/to entwine/(P)/
[] /(n) borrowing/debt/loan/(P)/
[] /(n) hunting/(P)/
[)] /(adv) temporarily/provisionally/for example/for argument's
/(de:) (n) clinical records (de: Karte)/(P)/
/(n) curry (abbr. for curry and rice)/(P)/
/(n) garage (at house)/(P)/
[] /(n) overwork/strain/(P)/
/(adv) barely/narrowly/just manage to do st/
[] /(v5s) to exchange (messages)/to dodge/to parry/to avoid/to turn
[] /(adv) alternately/
[] /(n,n-suf) pipe/tube/(P)/
[] /(n) cancer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/easiness/quasi-/(P)/
[] /(n) irrigation/(P)/
[] /(n) ophthalmology/(P)/
[] /(n) eyeball/
[] /(n) (uk) toy/
[] /(adj-na,n) brevity/conciseness/simplicity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) resolution/reduction/return to origins/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/(army) nurse/(P)/
[] /(n) Chinese word/Sino-Japanese word/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) stubbornness/obstinacy/(P)/

[] /(n) publication/issue/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) customary practice/habit/traditional event/
[] /(n,vs) advice/counsel/remonstrance/recommendation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conversion/change/exchange/
[] /(n,vs) observation/guarding/inspection/surveillance/(P)/
[] /(n) usual (historical) custom/(P)/
[] /(n) spectators/onlookers/members of the audience/(P)/
[] /(n) written application or petition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interference/intervention/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) solid/firm/stout/burly/strong/sturdy/(P)/
[] /(n) sense of touch/feeling/sensation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/
[] /(n) cheer/shout of joy/(P)/
[] /(n) customs/duty/tariff/(P)/
[] /(n) rock/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) infection/contagion/(P)/
[] /(n) main line/trunk line/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/plain/(P)/
[] /(n) point of view/
[] /(n) sensitivity/severity (quake)/
/(n) cunning/cheat/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) first year (of a specific reign)/(P)/
[] /(n) management/(executive) staff/leaders/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/flawless/
[] /(n,vs) pardon/forgiveness/forbearance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) deep feeling/inexpressible feeling/filled with
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) participation/taking part in/participating in/being
concerned in/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) forbearance/tolerance/generosity/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) originally/primarily/essentially/logically/naturally/(P)/
[] /(n) viewing/(P)/
[] /(n) bureaucrat/bureaucracy/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) custom/precedent/of convention/(P)/
[] /(n) 60th birthday/(P)/
[] /(n) presence/dignity/
[] /(n) relief/mitigation/(P)/
[] /(n) legislative bill/
[] /(n) injury/harm/danger/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) planning/project/(P)/
[] /(n) standard/norm/
[] /(v5r) to dress up/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) hesitance/diffidence/feeling constraint/fear of
troubling someone/having scruples about doing something/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) cheerful/buoyant/lighthearted/(P)/
[] /(n) organ (of body)/instrument/(P)/
[] /(n) quarterly (e.g. magazine)/
[] /(n) crisis/(P)/
[] /(n) listening comprehension/(P)/
[] /(n) effect/virtue/efficacy/impression/(P)/
[] /(n) returning to Tokyo/(P)/
[] /(n) play/drama/(P)/
[] /(n) fund/foundation/(P)/
[] /(n) comedy/funny show/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) resolution/decision/vote/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abstain from voting/renunciation of a right/(P)/
[] /(n) origin/beginning/rise/(P)/
[] /(n) mechanism/organization/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) marriage/married/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) affectation/conceit/snobbery/(P)/
[] /(n) mention/entry/(P)/
[] /(num) sign/omen/indication/portent/1,000,000,000,000/trillion
(American)/billion (British)/(P)/
[] /(n) spirit/character/trait/temperament/disposition/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed date/settlement date/(P)/
/(v5m) (uk) to jar/to creak/to grate/
[] /(n) Diet building/
[] /(n,vs) describing/descriptor/(P)/
[] /(n) weather/climate/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to build/to pile up/to amass/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be hurt/to be wounded/to get injured/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wound/to hurt someone's feelings/(P)/
[] /(n) regulation/(P)/
[] /(n) sacrifice/(P)/
[] /(n) steamship/(P)/
[] /(n) donation/presentation/(P)/
[] /(n) forgery/falsification/fabrication/counterfeiting/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) noble/aristocrat/(P)/
[] /(n) topic of discussion/agenda/(P)/
[] /(v1) to forge/to drill/to temper/to train/to discipline/(P)/
[] /(vk) to come/to come to hand/to arrive/to approach/to call on/to
come on (rain)/to set in/to be due/to become/to grow/to get/to come from/to be
caused by/to derive from/(P)/
/(adv) exactly/perfectly/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) methodical/punctual/steady/(P)/
/(adv) exactly/precisely/
/(adv,n) precisely/tightly/(P)/
/(adv,n) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) regulation/provisions/(P)/
[] /(n) starting point/(P)/

[] /(n) (1) orbit/(2) railroad track/(P)/

[] /(n) technical skill/ability/capacity/(P)/
[] /(n) model/standard/pattern/norm/criterion/example/(P)/
[] /(n) aroma/
[] /(n) character/traits/ethos/
[] /(n) undulation/
[] /(n) scale/scope/plan/structure/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) whim/caprice/whimsy/fickle/moody/uneven temper/
[] /(adj-na,n) too serious/person who is too
/end of the season or term/
/(adj) feeling awkward/being ashamed/
[] /(n) signature/register/
[] /(n) agreement/rules/code/
[] /(n) dramatization (e.g. film)/(P)/
[] /(n) (sudden) change/reversal/turn-around/coming from behind
[] /(n) scenario/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) luxury/pomp/delicate/slender/gorgeous/
[] /(n) objective/(P)/
/(n) catch/(P)/
/(n) career/career government employee/(P)/
[] /(n) relief/rescue/reinforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) temporary absence from school/suspension/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) ultimate/final/eventual/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) (plant) bulb/
[] /(n) relief/aid/rescue/salvation/help/(P)/
[] /(n) office boy (girl)/page/waiter/
[] /(n,vs) school lunch/providing a meal/(P)/
[] /(n) truce/armistice/(P)/
[] /(n) palace/(P)/
[] /(n) old friend/old friendship/
[] /(n) poverty/(P)/
[] /(n) hill/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contribution/service/
[] /(n) wonder/miracle/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/curriculum/
[] /(n) association/society/organization/(P)/
[] /(n) coeducation/(P)/
[] /(n) sympathy/response/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conference/consultation/discussion/negotiation/(P)/
[] /(n) environment/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n) lesson/precept/moral instruction/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) forcing/enforcement/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) teaching materials/(P)/
[] /(n) bad harvest/poor crop/(P)/
[] /(n) trader/merchant/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reception/acceptance/enjoyment/being given/(P)/
[] /(n) training/instruction/
[] /(n) nostalgia/homesickness/(P)/
[] /(n) teaching certificate/the teaching profession/
[] /(v1) to amuse oneself/to make merry/
[] /(n,vs) obligation/coercion/compulsion/enforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) administration/(P)/
[] /(n) achievement/performance/results/work/contribution/(P)/
[] /(n) coexistence/(P)/
[] /(n) co-operation/conciliation/harmony/firm (market) tone/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/pact/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) native place/birth place/one's old home/(P)/
[] /(n) threat/menace/coercion/terrorism/(P)/
[] /(n) business/affairs/duties/work/
[] /(n) resonance/sympathy/(P)/
[] /(n) birth-place/home town/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strong/intense/severe/(P)/
[] /(n) republicanism/cooperation/
[] /(n,vs) limit/localize/
[] /(adj-na,n) extreme/extremity/(P)/
[] /(n) residence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) refusal/rejection/(P)/
[] /(n) fishing boat/(P)/
[] /(n) fishing village/(P)/
[] /(n) denial/veto/rejection/refusal/(P)/
[] /(n) permission/pardon/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clean/pure/chaste/(P)/
/(adj-na) gorgeous/gaudy/dazzling/gay/
[] /(n,suf) limits/end/bounds/period/place to leave off/closing
sentence/all there is/only/since/(P)/

[] /(n) duty/sense of duty/honor/decency/courtesy/debt of

gratitude/social obligation/(P)/
[] /(n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/
[] /(n) atmospheric current/
[] /(n)
break/pause/gap/end/rift/interruption/cut/section/notch/incision/end (of a
[] /(n) doubt/misgivings/distrust/suspicion/(P)/
[] /(adv) exceedingly/extremely/(P)/
[] /(n) germ/bacterium/bacillus/

[] /(n) nearsightedness/shortsightedness/myopia/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/pressing/emergency/(P)/
[] /(n) suburbs/outskirts/(P)/
[] /(n) equilibrium/balance/(P)/
[] /(n) shortsightedness/(P)/
[] /(v1) to prohibit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) industry/diligence/(P)/
[] /(n) testing/scrutiny/careful investigation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) service/duty/work/(P)/
[] /(n) taboo/forbidden thing/(P)/
[ 'r#] /(n) labor/exertion/diligent service/(P)/
/(n) quiz/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to cross each other/to run counter to/to differ/to
clash/to go awry/(P)/
[] /(n) space/room/airspace/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) hunger/(P)/
[] /(n) division/section/compartment/boundary/area/block/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) section (of track, etc)/(P)/
[] /(n) stalk/(P)/
[] /(n) an end/a stop/punctuation/
/(v5r) (1) to drive/to pass through/(2) to evade/to hide/(3) to dive (into
or under water)/to go underground/(P)/
[] /(n) lottery/lot/(P)/
/(n) (uk) lottery/drawn lot/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) ticklish/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) idle complaint/grumble/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to hum/
[] /(n) (uk) beak/bill/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rot/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to overturn/to upset/to overthrow/to undermine/(P)/
/(adv,n) distinctly/clearly/boldly/
[] /(n) bending/indentation/refraction/(P)/
/(adv) firmly/fast/much/more/
[] /(n) necklace/(P)/
[] /(n) necklace/choker/
[] /(v5m) to insert/to include/to cut in (printing)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to join together/to combine/to join up/(P)/
[] /(n)
/(adj-na,n) grey/gray/(P)/
/(n) crane/(P)/
[] /(n) expert/professional/geisha/prostitute/(P)/
[] /(n) balance (figure) in the black/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) group (math)/(P)/
[] /(n) warship/battleship/(P)/

[] /(n) military affairs/(P)/

[] /(n) ruler/monarch/(P)/
[] /(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
[] /(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
[] /(n) armaments/military preparations/(P)/
[] /(n) military or naval uniform/
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) penalty/sentence/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) art/accomplishment/performance/
[] /(n) (1) details/whole story/sequence of events/particulars/how it
started/how things got this way/(2) complications/position/(P)/
[] /(n) passage/expiration/progress/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rhythmical (e.g. melody)/casual (e.g.
[] /(n,vs) warning/admonition/vigilance/(P)/
[] /(n) meter/gauge/
[] /(n) opportunity/chance/(P)/
[] /(int,n) Sincerely yours/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abatement/
[] /(n,vs) appearance (e.g. article in paper)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inclination/slant/slope/bevel/list/dip/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) formation/(P)/
[] /(n) condition/situation/prospects/
[] /(adj-na,n) rash/thoughtless/careless/hasty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) carrying something/(2) mobile telephone (abbr)/(P)/
[] /(n) form/shape/figure/
[] /(n) judgment/penalty/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) expenses/cost/outlay/(P)/
[] /(n) police inspector/
[] /(n,vs) scorn/disdain/(P)/
[] /(n) personal history/career/(P)/
[] /(n) course/route/channel/(P)/
/(n) case/(P)/
/(adj) filthy/unfair/(P)/
[] /(n) troupe/theatrical company/
[] /(n,vs) encouragement/(P)/
/(n) guest/(P)/
[] /(n) beast/brute/(P)/
[] /(n) decision/vote/
[] /(n) decision/determination/(P)/
[] /(n) tuberculosis/tubercule/(P)/
[] /(n) blood vessel/(P)/
[] /(n) resolution/vote/decision/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) doing (with resolve)/carrying out (i.e. a plan)/
[] /(n,vs) combination/union/(P)/
[] /(n) balance sheet/settlement of accounts/(P)/

[] /(n) monthly tuition fee/(P)/

[] /(n) decision of a contest/finals (in sports)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) crystal/crystallization/(P)/
[] /(n) formation/(P)/
[] /(n) union/unity/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) being disheartened/losing weight/
[] /(n) decision/determination/(P)/
[] /(n) monthly installment/(P)/
[] /(n) want/shortage/famine/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to kick away/to kick off/to kick (someone)/to refuse/to
/(v5s) (uk) to speak ill of/
[] /(adj) smoky/feeling awkward/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to smoke (e.g. fire)/(P)/
[] /(n) beast/brute/(P)/
[] /(n) retainer/retinue/servant/(P)/
[] /(n) diarrhoea/(P)/
[] /(n) matter/case/item/(P)/
[] /(n) authority/power/influence/(P)/
[] /(n) side line/second business/
[] /(n) original form/base form/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) prototype/model/pattern/archetypal/(P)/
[] /(n) power/authority/jurisdiction/(P)/
[] /(n) present/current/in operation/
[] /(adj-na,n) in good health/well/(P)/
[] /(n) original work/(P)/
[] /(n) public prosecutor/(P)/
[] /(n) atom/(P)/
[] /(n) ruler/sovereign/(P)/
[] /(n) original document/(P)/
[] /(n) offering prizes/winning/reward/(P)/
[] /(n) decrease/reduction/decline/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) health/soundness/wholesome/(P)/
[] /(n) chemical element/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) developing (film)/(P)/
[] /(n) principle/general rule/(P)/
[] /(n) point of view/(P)/
[] /(n) actual place/local/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) limit/restriction/(P)/
[] /(n) origin (coordinates)/starting point/(P)/
[] /(n) original (text)/
[] /(n) origin (coordinates)/starting point/(P)/
[] /(n) atomic bomb/(P)/
[] /(n) the text/original/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strict/close/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) wisdom/intelligence/prudence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) thrift/economy/frugality/(P)/
[] /(n) crude oil/(P)/
[] /(n) multi-use/combined use/combination/serving two purposes/
[] /(n) (political) power/authority/influence/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/(P)/
[] /(n) vocabulary/glossary/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to fall in love with/to love/(P)/
[] /(n) 1st in rank/first sign of the Chinese calendar/shell/instep/grade
[] /(n) good will/favor/courtesy/(P)/
[] /(n) act/deed/conduct/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/consent/mutual understanding/(P)/
[] /(n) public performance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) regret/repentance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sail/voyage/(P)/
[] /(n) engineering/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) protest/objection/(P)/
[] /(n) consultation/conference/
[] /(n) Imperial Palace/(P)/
[] /(n) prosperous conditions/healthy economy/
[] /(n) mining industry/(P)/
[] /(n) industrial enterprise/(P)/
[] /(n) tableland/plateau/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) mutual/reciprocal/alternate/(P)/
[] /brilliantly/brightly/
[] /(adj-no,n) archaeology/
[] /(n) work/construction/handicraft/maneuvering/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cultivation/farming/(P)/
[] /(n) mine (ore)/(P)/
[] /(n) short course/training/
[] /(n) verbal statement/(P)/
[] /(n) subsidy/deduction/(P)/
[] /(n) negotiations/discussions/connection/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high/noble/refined/advanced/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) elevation/rise/improvement/advancement/progress/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) march/parade/(P)/
[] /(n) spices/
[] /(n) rainfall/precipitation/(P)/
[] /(n) flood/(P)/
[] /(n)
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) open (e.g. secret)/public/official/(P)/
[] /(n) dispute/resistance/(P)/

[] /(n) plan/plot/idea/conception/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) restriction/restraint/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) retreat/backspace (BS)/
[] /(n) brilliance/polish/luster/glossy finish (of photographs)/(P)/
[] /(n) public corporation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) favorable/promising/satisfactory/in good shape/(P)/
[] /(n) oral/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reading/translation/
[] /(n,vs) subscription (e.g. magazine)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) purchase/buy/(P)/
[] /(n) official recognition/authorization/license/accreditation/(P)/
[] /(n) cost of fuel and light/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) ruin/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) purchase/buy/(P)/
[] /(n) popularity/favorable reputation/
[] /(n,vs) delivering/furnishing (with copies)/(P)/
[] /(n) capitulation/surrender/submission/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) excitement/stimulation/agitation/arousal/(P)/
[] /(n) public appeal/public contribution/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ingenious/skillful/clever/deft/(P)/
[] /(n) government business/public use/public expense/
[] /(n,vs) retail/(P)/
[] /(n) efficiency/(P)/
[] /(n) public (institution)/(P)/
[] /(n) guard/convoy/escort/(P)/
/(n) corner/(P)/
[] /(n) knife attached to the sheath of a sword/
[] /(n) cheque/check/(P)/
[] /(n) words/phrases/(P)/
[] /(n) domestic products/(P)/
[] /(n) state-sponsored/national/
[] /(n,vs) confession/acknowledgement/(P)/
[] /(n) national defense/(P)/
[] /(n) national ownership/(P)/
[] /(n) paradise/(P)/
[] /(n) U.N./United Nations/(P)/
[] /(n) black tea/
[] /(n) word root/word derivation/etymology/(P)/
[] /(n) individual/one by one/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) knowledge/information/(P)/
[] /(n) readiness/intention/aim/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear in mind/to aim to do/(P)/
[] /(n) will/intention/motive/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to plan/to intend/to aspire to/to set aims (sights

[] /(adj) heartening/reassuring/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(n) trial/experiment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to try/to test/(P)/
[] /(adj) pleasant/agreeable/(P)/
[] /(n) error/(P)/
[] /(exp) to be (polite)/to exist/
[] /(n) orphan/
/(v1) to get complicated/to grow worse/
[] /(n) the deceased/old friend/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cross/to pass/to tide over/(P)/
[] /(n) treetop/
[] /(n) individuality/personality/idiosyncrasy/(P)/
[] /(n) census/family register/(P)/
[] /(n) coins/small change/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) ancient times/(P)/
/(n) (uk) table with heater/(orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well/(P)/
/(v5r) to fuss over/to be particular about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(n) exaggeration/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) knack/skill/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) diplomatic relations/(P)/
[] /(n) curio/
[] /(n,vs) fixation/fixing (e.g. salary, capital)/(P)/
[] /(n) matter/thing/affair/circumstance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) isolation/loneliness/solitude/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) altogether/entirely/(P)/
[] /(n) (verbal) message/
[] /(adv) especially/above all/(P)/
/depending on the circumstances/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) in very small pieces/
[] /(adj) nice/likeable/desirable/(P)/
[] /(n) Go board/(P)/
[] /(n) particular case/
/(v5s) to deceive/to falsify/to misrepresent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) meager/modest/(P)/
/(n) a commercial/(P)/
[] /(v1) to include/to put into/(P)/
/(n) comment/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to seclude oneself/to be confined in/to be implied/to be
[] /(adj-na,n,pref) characteristic/tradition/peculiar/inherent/eigen/(P)/
[] /(n) calendar/almanac/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to concentrate/to devote/to apply/to strain/to rack/

[] /(please) look/(please) try to do/

[] /(n) isolation/helplessness/(P)/
[] /(v1) to learn by experience/to be disgusted with/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stiffen/to harden/
[] /(n) (1) patience/(2) perseverance/energy/(P)/
[] /(n) basis/foundation/(P)/
[] /(n) mixed race/mixed parentage/(P)/
[] /(n) contact/contact lens/(P)/
[] /(n) insect/bug/(P)/
[] /(n) root/basis/foundation/(P)/
/(n) contest/(P)/
[] /(n) confusion/mixing/merger/(P)/
/(n) contrast/(P)/
/(n) control/(P)/
/(n) compass/(P)/
[] /(n) origin/source/foundation/root/base/principle/(P)/
[] /make/
[] /(n,n-suf) fortune/riches/(P)/
[] /(n) another meeting/meeting again/reunion/(P)/
[] /(n) calamity/disaster/misfortune/(P)/
[] /(n) bacillus/bacterium/germ/(P)/
[] /(n) work/craftsmanship/tactics/trick/(P)/
[] /(n) mining/(P)/
/(n) cycle/(P)/
[] /(n) vote/roll call/(P)/
[] /(n) (temple or shrine) rebuilding/
[] /(n) reappearance/reproduction/return/revival/
[] /(n) source of funds/resources/finances/(P)/
[] /(n) stockpile/stock/
[] /(n) profit/(P)/
[] /(n) collecting/gathering/(P)/
/(n) size/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) playback/regeneration/resuscitation/return to
life/rebirth/reincarnation/narrow escape/reclamation/regrowth/(P)/
[] /(n) economy/financial affairs/(P)/
[] /(n) the very best/
[] /(n,vs) adoption/selection/choice/(P)/
[] /(n) cultivation/(P)/
[] /(n) return/relapse/reoccurrence/
[] /(n) cell (biology)/(P)/
[] /(n) use/adopt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to interrupt/to intercept/to obstruct/(P)/
/(v5r) (uk) to sing/to chirp/to twitter/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be clear/to be serene/to be cold/to be skillful/(P)/
[] /(n) rod/pole (e.g. for drying laundry)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shine/to look attractive/to look pretty/(P)/

[] /(n) balance/difference/margin/(P)/
[] /(n) wine cups/(P)/
[] /(n) handstand/headstand/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) before/earlier
[] /(n) fraud/swindle/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) a work/a harvest/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) plan/policy/(P)/
[] /(n) fence/paling/
[] /(n) cut/reduction/curtailment/(P)/
[] /(n) mistake/(P)/
[] /(n) military or naval operations/tactics/strategy/(P)/
[] /(n) shout/scream/outcry/(P)/
[] /(v1) to split/to tear/to burst/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lift up/to give/to offer/to consecrate/to devote/to
sacrifice/to dedicate/(P)/
/(v5r) to come near to/to approach/(P)/
[] /(n) instruction/mandate/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to present/to submit/to tender/to hold out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to interfere/to hinder/to become impeded/(P)/
[] /(n) deduction/subtraction/balance/ebb and flow/rise and
[] /(v1) to grant/to award/to teach/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) (1) to rub/to scrub/(2) to draw near/to press/
[] /(adv) (uk) I am sure/certainly/no doubt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to become settled/to be fixed/(P)/
[] /(v1) to decide/to establish/to determine/(P)/
[] /(n) symposium/round-table discussion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rough/crude/(P)/
[] /(n) miscellaneous goods/general goods/sundries/
[] /(n) murder/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to guess/to sense/to presume/to judge/to sympathize
[] /(n,vs) chatting/idle talk/(P)/
/(adv) suddenly/smoothly/

[] /(v5r) to attain enlightenment/to perceive/to understand/to

[] /(n-adv,n) in the middle of; height of; in course of; midst/
[] /(v5k) to judge/(P)/
[] /(n) coordinate(s)/
/(adv) not so/not particularly/not that much/
/(v5r) to be truant/to be idle/to sabotage by slowness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) way/manner/kind/sort/appearance/like/such as/so as
to/in order to/so that/yang/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) cold/frost/(2) a cold/a chill/shivering fit/
[] /(n) Samurai/warrior/(P)/

/(adv) with gusto/with satisfaction/

[] /(n) action/operation/effect/function/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to sweep away/to wash away/to dredge/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to hinder/to interfere with/to affect/to do one harm/to be
harmful to/(P)/
[] /(n) acid/(P)/
[] /(n) oxidation/(P)/
[] /(n) mountains/(P)/
[] /(n) House of Councilors/(P)/
[] /(n) maternity leave/
/(exp) thank you/(P)/
[] /(n) remaining money/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) postpartum/after childbirth/
[] /(adj-na,n) cruelty/harshness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) yield/produce/
[] /(n,vs) reference/consultation/consultation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) calling on/visiting/
[] /(n) (bank) balance/remainder/(P)/
/Santa Claus/(P)/
[] /(n) wharf/bridge/jetty/pier/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) praise/adoration/glorification/(P)/
[] /(n) hillside/mountainside/
[] /(n) maternity and gynecology department/(P)/
[] /(n) product/result/fruit/(P)/
[] /(n) mountain range/
[] /(n,n-suf) death/decease/
[] /(n) finish/end/completion/
[] /(n) end/finishing touches/being finished/
[] /(v1,vt) to finish up/to complete/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) breeding/raising/rearing/(P)/
[] /(adv) by force/(P)/
/(n) seat/sheet/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) jeans (lit: jeans pants)/dungarees/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lay in stock/to replenish stock/to procure/(P)/
[] /(v1) to force/to compel/to coerce/(P)/
[] /(n) tide/ebb and flood/salt water/opportunity/(P)/
[] /(n) dentistry/(P)/
[] /(n) self/the ego/(P)/
[] /(n) qualifications/requirements/capabilities/(P)/
[] /(n) sense of sight/vision/
[] /(n) self-conscious/(P)/
[] /(n) device/trick/mechanism/gadget/(small) scale/half
finished/commencement/set up/challenge/

[] /(v1) to commence/to lay (mines)/to set (traps)/to wage

(war)/to challenge/
/(adv,conj) (uk) however/nevertheless/(P)/
[] /(n) command/direction/(P)/
[] /(n) magnetism/(P)/
[] /(n) porcelain/china/(P)/
[] /(n) color/hue/tints/(P)/
[] /(n) ceremonial hall/place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)/
/(n) custom/conventional practice/mores/ordinance/
[] /(n) project/enterprise/business/industry/operations/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to partition/to divide/to mark off/to settle accounts/to
toe the mark/
[] /(n) funds/capital/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) axis/stem/shaft/axle/(P)/
/(v5r) to fail/to fall through/to blunder/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) structure/construction/arrangement/contrivance/(2)
[] /(n) death penalty/capital punishment/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be damp/to be moist/
[] /(n) self/oneself/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) execution/enforcing/carrying out/
[] /(n) thought/(P)/
[] /(n) intention/aim/(P)/
[] /(n) taste/liking/preference/
[] /(n) matter/item/facts/(P)/
[] /(n) table/diagram/chart/timetable/schedule/
[] /(n) hell/(P)/
[] /(n) time difference/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) freely/at will/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/observation/(P)/
[] /(n) property/fortune/means/assets/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) support/maintenance/(P)/
[] /(n) independence/autonomy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) surrender/give oneself up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) embroidery/
[] /(n) (the) market (as a concept)/(P)/
[] /(n) resignation/(P)/
[] /(n) drop (of water)/
/(n) system/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to sink/to submerge/(P)/
[] /(n) institution/establishment/facility/(army) engineer/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) prior/beforehand/in advance/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) son/
[] /(n) continuation/(P)/
[] /(n) self-respect/conceit/(P)/
[] /(n) type/font/lettering/(P)/
[] /(n) refusal/(P)/

[] /(v5u) to yearn for/to miss/to adore/to love dearly/(P)/

[] /(n) secret intention/motive/
[] /(n) groundwork/foundation/inclination/aptitude/elementary
knowledge of/grounding in/prearrangement/spadework/signs/symptoms/first coat of
[] /(v5m) to be intimate with/to befriend/(P)/
[] /(n) preliminary investigation/preparation/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tailor/to make/to prepare/to train/to send (a
[] /(n) trade in/part exchange/
[] /(n) burning low/waning/declining/
[] /(n) fruit/nut/seed/content/good result/(P)/
[] /(n) (one's parents') home/(P)/
[] /(n) disqualification/elimination/incapacity (legal)/(P)/
[] /(n) question/
[] /(n,vs) losing one's standing/being overthrown/falling/(P)/
[] /(n) industrialist/businessman/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) chic/(P)/
/(adv) deliberately/carefully/(P)/
[] /(n) home discipline/training/upbringing/breeding/(P)/
[] /(v1) to train/to discipline/to teach manners/
[] /(n) practice/put into practice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/modesty/frugality/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/fact/(P)/
[] /(n) lack of harmony/
[] /(n,vs) jealousy/(P)/
[] /(n) actual expense/cost price/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pointing out/identification/(P)/
[] /(n) opinion/point of view/visual point/(P)/
[] /(n) rotation/spin/
[] /(n) auxiliary verb/
[] /(adj-na,n) graceful/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wilt/to fade/
/(n) scenario/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) (uk) supple/flexible/elastic/(P)/
[] /(n) excreta/raw sewage/human waste/night soil/
[] /(n) landlord/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to outdo/to surpass/to endure/to keep out (rain)/to stave
off/to tide over/to pull through/to defy/to slight/to excel/to eclipse/(P)/
[] /(n) lawn/sod/turf/(P)/
[] /(n) first train/(P)/
[] /(n) otolaryngology/(P)/
[] /(n) private property/personal effects/(P)/
/(adj) tenacious/stubborn/
[] /(n) administration of justice/(P)/
[] /(n) fat/grease/blubber/(P)/
[] /(n) wish/desire/ambition/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) (1) management/(2) dealing/settlement/(3) cleaning up

[] /(aux-v,v1) to have a touch of/to look like/
[] /(n) mission/errand/message/(P)/
[] /(n) local/(P)/
[] /(n) field of vision/outlook/(P)/
[] /weak/delicate/supple/
[] /(n) social life/social intercourse/(P)/
/(n) jazz/(P)/
[] /(n) refusal/
[] /(n) company owned house/
[] /(n-adv,n) some/few/number of/(P)/
[] /(n) three-stringed Japanese guitar/samisen/(P)/
[] /(n) slope/slanting surface/bevel/(P)/
[] /(n) gravel/ballast/pebbles/(P)/
[] /(v1) to joke/to play on words/to dress stylishly/(P)/
/(n) jacket/jumper/(P)/
/(n) jump/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) jumbo/(P)/
/(n) genre/(P)/
[] /(n) owner/master/lover/god/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) seed/pip/kind/variety/quality/tone/(2)
material/matter/subject/theme/(news) copy/(3) cause/source/trick/secret/inside
[] /(n) private ownership/(P)/
[] /(n) masses/great number/the people/(P)/
[] /(n) dwelling/living/
[] /(n) earnings/proceeds/returns/(P)/
[] /(n) learning/
[] /(n) cycle/period/(P)/
[] /(n) Lower House/House of Representatives/(P)/
[] /(n) employment/starting work/
[] /(n) employee/worker/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) totalization/aggregate/
[] /(n) attack/charge/raid/(P)/
[] /(n) income and expenditure/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) (1) beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a
thing from beginning to end/(2) consistent(ly)/(P)/
[] /(n) Masters degree program/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) engaging/pursuing/following/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) all day/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) gathering up/collection/accumulation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1)
ornamentation/embellishment/decoration/adornment/polish up (writing)/(2)
modification (gram)/(P)/

[] /(n) crossroads/(P)/
[] /(n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/
[] /(n) attachment/adhesion/tenacity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flexible/lithe/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) (1) accommodation/reception/housing/(2) seating/(3)
custody/(4) admission/(5) entering (in a dictionary)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) up to now/so far/traditional/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) end/close/termination/(P)/
[] /(n) security guard/doorkeeper/(P)/
[] /(n) starring/playing the leading part/(P)/
[] /(n) subjectivity/subject/ego/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pursuit of knowledge/studying/learning/training/ascetic
[] /(n) coaching school/lessons/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) celebration/congratulations/(P)/
[] /(n) fate/destiny/predestination/(P)/
[] /(n) handicrafts/
[] /(n) sovereignty/supremacy/dominion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) organization/sponsorship/(P)/
[] /(n) choice of subject/collecting data/(P)/
[] /(n) object/meaning/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) variety/(P)/
[] /(n) staple food/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) protagonist/main character/hero(ine) (of a
story)/(2) head of household/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/main constituent/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/theme/motif/(P)/
[] /(n) performance/stage appearance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bleeding/haemorrhage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) appearance/arrival/make one's appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) (child)birth/delivery/production (of goods)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrival (in a country, at work, etc.)/
[] /(n) birth/(P)/
[] /(n) birth/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/successful career/eminence/(P)/
[] /(n) proposing a question/(P)/
[] /(n) sailing/marching/going out/
[] /(n) expenses/disbursements/
[] /(n) exhibit/display/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) main leadership/(P)/
[] /(n) person in charge/responsible official/(P)/
[] /(n) head/brains/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/(P)/
[] /(n) technique/
[] /(n) trees and shrubs/arbour/(P)/

[] /(n) establish/create/(P)/
[] /(n) local express (train, slower than an express)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to follow/to conform/to apply to/
[] /(adj-no,n) personal use/private business/(P)/
[] /(n) way/method/resource/remedy/(technical) specification/
[] /(n) feelings/emotion/passion/(P)/
[] /(n) superior (rank not class)/higher order (e.g. byte)/host
computer (of connected device)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) performance (e.g. music)/(P)/
[] /(n) land near the castle/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) one's lifetime (i.e., one's existence until
[] /(n,vs) elimination/erasing/dying out/melting away/
[] /(n) sky/the skies/high-altitude sky/upper air/(P)/
[] /(n) shock/crash/impact/ballistic/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) evidence/testimony/(P)/
[] /(n) evidence/proof/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) collation/comparison/
[] /(adj-na,n) detail/particulars/(P)/
[] /(n) superior authorities/boss/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rising/ascending/climbing/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) (1) to take the name of/to call oneself/(2) to
pretend/to feign/to purport/(P)/
[] /(n) state of things/condition/situation/(P)/
[] /(n) news/letter/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n) natural shape/one's true colors/true
[] /(n,vs) consent/acquiescence/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) emotion/feeling/(P)/
[] /(n) emotion/feeling/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) symbol/(P)/
[] /(n) pediatrics/(P)/
[] /(n) employee/servant/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) passion/enthusiasm/zeal/(P)/
[] /(n) concession/conciliation/compromise/(P)/
[] /(n) illumination/(P)/
[] /(n) treaty/pact/(P)/
[] /(n) victory/triumph/conquest/success/win/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) landing/disembarkation/(P)/
[] /(n) distillation/
[] /(n) encouragement/promotion/message/address/(P)/

/(n) show/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exception/exclusion/(P)/
[] /(n) staff member/personnel/(P)/
[] /(n) colony/(P)/
[] /(n) professional duties/(P)/
[] /(n) Gentlemen!/Ladies!/(P)/
[] /(n) advice/suggestion/
[] /(n,vs) going slowly/(P)/
[] /(n) whereabouts/
[] /(n,vs) possession/owning/
[] /(n) Ms./(P)/
[] /(n) (gram) particle/postposition/(P)/
[] /(n) attached to/belong to/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) treatment/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) shock/(P)/
/(adv) always/constantly/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed/prescribed/
[] /(n) auxiliary verb/
[] /(n) income/earnings/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) first edition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) book review/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disposal/dealing/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) masses/common people/(P)/
[] /(n) general affairs/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) one's possessions/ownership/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) preparation/investigation/inspection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) independence/self-reliance/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to note/to write down/(P)/
[] /(n) orders/instructions/directive/(P)/
[] /(n) battle formation/camp/encampment/
[] /(n) evolution/progress/(P)/
[] /(n) personality/character/individuality/(P)/
[] /(n) deliberation/(P)/
[] /(n) advance/(P)/
[] /(n) rising/developing/emergent/(P)/
[] /(n) promotion/encouragement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) report/statement/filing a return/notification/(P)/
[] /(n) newly-wed/(P)/
[] /(n) judging/inspection/examination/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n) man of talent/(P)/
[] /(n) gentleman/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) truth/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) believer/adherent/devotee/Christian/(P)/
[] /(n) pearl/(P)/

[] /(n) advance/step forward/(P)/

[] /(n) mentality/
[] /(n) new face/newcomer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) holiness/sacredness/dignity/(P)/
[] /(n) friendship/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/real situation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) quick/fast/rapid/swift/prompt/(P)/
[] /(n) personal appearance/looks/
[] /(n) new building/new construction/(P)/
[] /(n) in one's heart/true motives/mind/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presentation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) progress/development/(P)/
[] /(n) temple/sacred place/
[] /(n) progress/
[] /(n,vs) oscillation/vibration/(P)/
[] /(n) freshman/first-year student/
[] /(n,vs) trust/confidence/credence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mystery/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) patience/endurance/(P)/
[] /(n) people/public/(P)/
[] /(n) truth/(P)/
[] /(n) aggression/invasion/raid/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) medical examination and treatment/diagnosis/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) chic/style/purity/essence/(P)/
[] /(n) source of river/fountainhead/
[] /(n) propulsion/driving force/(P)/
[] /(n) flushing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) playing wind instruments/
[] /(n,vs) guess/conjecture/(P)/
[] /(n) (water-filled) paddy field/(P)/
[] /(n) reasoning/inference/mystery or detective genre (movie, novel,
[] /(n) numeral/
[] /(n,vs) worship/adoration/admiration/cult/(P)/
[] /(v1) to install/to equip/to mount/(P)/
[] /(v1) to set (table)/to lay (foundation)/to place (gun)/to apply
/(adj) (uk) fresh/refreshing/
[] /(n) help/aid/relief/(P)/
[~] /(v5u) to build (a nest)/to haunt (a place)/to hang out
[] /(adj-na,n) vigorous/healthy/sound/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to rinse/to wash out/
[] /(n) progress/
[] /(n) (trouser) cuff/(skirt) hem/cut edge of a hairdo/foot of
/(n) studio/(P)/

/(n) steam/(P)/
/(n) strike/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) strike/(P)/
/(n) stress/(P)/
/(n) straw/(P)/
/(n) stroboscope (lit: strobo)/strobe lamp/stroboscopic lamp/(P)/
/(adj) nimble/smart/quick/
[] /(adj) fast/quick/prompt/agile/(P)/
/(adv) decisively/decidedly/once and for all/unreservedly/frankly/(P)/
/(n) spring/(P)/
/(n) space/(P)/
/(n) soaked/dripping wet/
/(n) sports car/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to clear/to make clear/to be unruffled/to look
unconcerned/to look demure/look prim/put on airs/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to finish/to get it over with/to conclude/(2) to
settle/to pay back/(3) to get along (without something)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) speed/(P)/
/(n) slacks/(P)/
/(adv) in a line/in a row/
[] /(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike
/(adj-na,adv,n) sound or act of dragging/loose/inconclusive but unwanted
/(n) chance encounter/
[] /(v1) to rub/to chafe/to wear/to become sophisticated/(P)/
/(adv,n) pass with no objection/slim/slender/
~ [~]
[] /(n) growth/development/breeding/(P)/
[] /(n) growth/raising/
[] /(n) results/fruits/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) correct/right/correct interpretation (answer,
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) regular/legal/formal/established/legitimate/(P)/
[] /(n) justice/right/righteousness/correct meaning/(P)/
[] /(n) livelihood/living/(P)/
[] /(n) (political) administration/political power/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) elaborate/delicate/exquisite/(P)/
[] /(n) constellation/(P)/
[] /(n) restraint/sanctions/punishment/(P)/
[] /(n) political measures/policy/(P)/
[] /(n) exact calculation/squaring of accounts/(P)/
[] /(n) life and death/(P)/
[] /(n) stillness/repose/standing still/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sincere/honest/faithful/(P)/

[] /(n) maturity/ripeness/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) youth/springtime of life/adolescent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) purity/innocence/
[] /(n) Bible/scriptures/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) normalcy/normality/normal/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to control/to command/to get the better of/
[] /(adj-na,n) orderly/regular/well-organized/trim/accurate/
[] /(n,vs) be dressed up/wear rich clothes/
[] /(adj-na,n) grand/prosperous/magnificent/(P)/
[] /(n) good and evil/purity and impurity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enactment/establishment/creation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) static/
[] /(n) iron manufacture/(P)/
[] /(n) fine weather/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) majority/adult age/(P)/
[] /(n) uniform/(P)/
[] /(n) conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/
[] /(n) manufacturing method/recipe/formula/
[] /(adj-na,n) precise/exact/detailed/minute/close/(P)/
[] /(n) tax office/(P)/
[] /(n) declaration/statement/proclamation/(P)/
[] /(n) full name/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) limitation/restriction/condition/constraints/(P)/
[] /(n) physiology/menses/(P)/
[] /(n) influence/power/might/strength/potency/force/energy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) stand in a row/form a line/(P)/
/(n) sale/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to hurry/to urge on/(P)/
[] /(n) son/my son/
[] /(n) duty/obligation/(P)/
/(n) section/(P)/
[] /(n) flattery/compliment/(P)/
[] /(n) household/(P)/
[] /(n) correction/revision/(P)/
[] /(n) generation/the world/the age/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) tune/tone/knot/knob/point/
[] /(n,vs) clearing (land)/opening up/cutting through/
/(n,vs) sexual intercourse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n,vs) touch/contact/(P)/
[] /(n) conjunction/
[] /(n) establishment/institution/(P)/
[] /(n) compromise/cross/blending/eclecticism/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) establishment/creation/(P)/
[] /(n) persuasion/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/trying/oppressive/suffocating/(P)/
[] /(n) out of print/
[] /(n) establishment/foundation/institution/(P)/
[] /(n) attack/offence/
/(n) (1) jelly/(2) Jerry/(P)/
/(n) ceremony/(P)/
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) the future/priority/precedence/former/previous/old/late/
[] /(n) (small) table/tray/meal/
[] /(n) Zen (Buddhism)/(P)/
[] /(n) fibre/fiber/textile/(P)/
[] /(n) complete recovery of health/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) election/(P)/
[] /(n) religious mission/
[] /(n,vs) declaration/proclamation/announcement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preceding/going first/
[] /(n,vs) selection/screening/
[] /(n) war damage/(P)/
[] /(n) specialization/
[] /(n) tactics/
/(n) good sense (for music, style, tact, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) diving/(P)/
[] /(n) height of prosperity/(P)/
[] /(n) family predecessor/previous age/previous generation/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) recently/the other day/(P)/
[] /(n) first arrival/(P)/
[] /(n) preamble/premise/reason/prerequisite/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) a
[] /(n) future prospects/outlook/the journey ahead/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) battle/fight/combat/(P)/
[] /(n) infiltration/sneaking in/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/(P)/
[] /(n) annihilation/(P)/
[] /(n,pref,suf) exclusive use/personal use/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) occupation/capture/possession/have a room to
[] /(adj-na,n) goodness/excellence/virtue/(P)/
[] /(n) war potential/
[] /(n) precedent/(P)/
[] /(n) aspect/phase/countenance/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to run along/to follow/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to accompany/to become married/to comply with/(P)/
[] /(n) monk/priest/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) statue/image/figure/picture/portrait/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) suitability/fitness/(P)/
[] /(n) general meeting/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) launching (e.g. newspaper)/first issue/(P)/
[] /(n) various kinds of small trees/assorted trees/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/
[] /(adj-na,n) urgent/
[] /(n) augment/reinforce/increase/
[] /(n) remittance/sending money/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car)/traveling/
[] /(n,vs) synthesis/coordination/putting
[] /(n,vs) search (esp. in criminal investigations)/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n) search (esp. for someone or something
[] /(n,vs) management/handling/control/manipulation/(P)/
[] /(n) Minister of Finance/(P)/
[] /(n) ornament/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) promoting/increase/advance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) creation/(P)/
[] /(n) relative/
[] /(adj-na,n) magnificent/grand/majestic/splendid/(P)/
[] /(n) strife/riot/rebellion/(P)/
[] /(n) disaster/shipwreck/accident/(P)/
[] /(n) market price/speculation/estimation/(P)/
[] /(n) equipment/
[] /(n) establishment/founding/organization/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to add to/to attach/to append/to accompany/to garnish/to
imitate/to annex/(P)/
/(n) source/(P)/
[] /immediately/right away/
[] /(n,vs) promotion/acceleration/encouragement/facilitation/spurring
[] /(vs-s) to conform to/to agree with/to be adapted to/to be based
[] /(n,vs) restraint/shackles/restriction/confinement/binding/(P)/
[] /(n) side/flank/sidelight/lateral/(P)/
[] /(io) (suf,v5u) to harm/to hurt/to injure/to damage/to fail in
/(n) (uk) everywhere/somewhere/approximately/that area/around there/
[] /(n) raw materials/subject matter/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) obstruction/check/hindrance/prevention/interdiction/(P)/
[] /(n) litigation/lawsuit/(P)/
[] /(n) breeding/growth/(P)/
[] /(n) measure/step/(P)/
/(n) socks/(P)/
/(adj) cold/short/curt/blunt/

[] /(n) look (or turn) the other way/

[] /(v1) to provide/to furnish/to equip/to install/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be
among/to be one of/to be possessed of/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be
among/to be one of/to be possessed of/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rise/to tower/to soar/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,n) (abbr) soft/soft hat/software/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/artlessness/naivete/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to run counter to/to go against/to disobey/to infringe/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to dye/(P)/
[] /(v1) to dye/to color/(P)/
/(v5s,vt) to bend/to warp/to curve/(P)/
[~] /(uk) sleigh/sled/
[] /(v5r) to warp/to be warped/to curve/to be curved/to be arched/to
bend (backward)/(P)/
/(conj) therefore/for that reason/so/
/(n) solo/(P)/
[] /(n) set/suit/uniform/
/(adj-na,n) rude/careless/slovenly/(P)/
[] /(n) loss/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) duration/continuance/(P)/
[] /(n) party/company/body (of troops)/corps/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) interaction/correspondence/coping with/dealing with/(P)/
[] /(n) rich family/distinguished family/
[] /(n) degeneration/retrogression/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) in general/mainly/(P)/
[] /(n) physique/constitution/(P)/
[] /(n) dropping out of school/(P)/
[] /(n) great cost/(P)/
[] /(n) treatment/reception/(P)/
[] /(n) confrontation/showdown/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) personal experience/(P)/
[] /(n) opposition/antagonism/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) extermination/(P)/
[] /(n) general public/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) deal with/cope/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) retirement (from office)/(P)/
[] /(n) attitude/conditions/preparations/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) talk/dialogue/conversation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bold/daring/audacious/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) equivalent/(P)/
/(n) title/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mess/spoiled/(come to) nothing/(P)/

[] /(n) non-payment/default/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contrast/comparison/(P)/
/(n) typist/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) most (e.g. most part)/greater/fairly/a good deal/much/
[] /(n) feces/excrement/shit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pay by proxy/act for another/speak for another/(P)/
[] /(n) expectant waiting/(P)/
[] /(n) libretto/scenario/(P)/
/(n) timer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) negligence/procrastination/carelessness/(P)/
/(n) timing/(P)/
/(n) time/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) timely/run-batted-in (baseball)/RBI/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/meeting/(P)/
[] /(n) substitution/(P)/
[] /(n) physical strength/(P)/
/(n) tile/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interactive/interaction/conversation/dialogue/(P)/
/(n-suf) down/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to
withstand/to resist/to brave/to be fit for/to be equal to/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to
withstand/to resist/to brave/to be fit for/to be equal to/(P)/
[] /(v1) to die out/to peter out/to become extinct/(P)/
[] /(n) break in the deadlock/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rise/to swell/to be promoted/(P)/
[] /(n) (open) fire/
[] /(n,vs) compromise/giving in/(P)/
/(adj) burly/strong/sturdy/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skill/cleverness/(P)/
[] /(prt) (uk) only/just/as/
[] /(n) (1) blow/shock/strike/damage/(2) batting (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) poor work/rubbish/(P)/
[] /(n) addition/(P)/
[] /(n) majority rule/
[] /(n) assistance/
[] /(v5r) to participate/to take part/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to drift about/to float/to hang in air/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to leave/to depart/to take one's leave/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stop by/to drop in for a short visit/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to sever/to cut off/to suppress/to abstain (from)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (child's) hug/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skillful/in good health/

[] /(n,vs) escape/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to escape from/to get out/
[] /(n,vs) achievement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) secession/retirement/withdrawal (e.g. from a lawsuit)/(P)/
/(conj) if it's the case/
[] /(n) shield/buckler/escutcheon/pretext/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pay in advance/to pay for another/to pay someone
else's debt as a loan to him/(P)/
[] /(n) face/official stance/public position or attitude (as opposed
to private thoughts)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to offer/to present/to revere/to do respectfully/
[] /if it's the case/
[] /(n) transitive verb (direct obj)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) example/even if/if/though/although/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to grope along to/to struggle on to/to arrive
somewhere after a struggle/
[] /(v5r) to follow (road)/to pursue (course)/to follow up/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tie up in a bundle/to govern/to manage/to control/to
fold (one's arms)/to administer/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) loose/baggy/(P)/
/(n) double/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) another side/different direction/(on) the other hand/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) busy/pressure of work/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to receive/to grant/
[] /(n) soul/spirit/(P)/
[] /collected things/gathering place/arrears/
[] /(v5r) to grant/to bestow/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to keep/to preserve/to hold/to retain/to maintain/to
support/to sustain/to last/to endure/to keep well (food)/to wear well/to be
/(adj) easy/simple/light/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) diversity/variety/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) sluggish/feel heavy/languid/dull/(P)/
[] /(n) slack/slackening/dullness/letdown/
[] /(v5m,vi) to slacken/to loosen/to relax/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) (1) to hang/to droop/to dangle/to sag/to lower/to pull
down/(2) to leave behind (at death)/to give/to confer/(3) to drip/to ooze/to
trickle/to drop/(P)/
/(n) talent/star/personality/(P)/
/(n) tower/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) single/simple/sole/individual/unitary/(P)/
[] /(n) tanka/31-syllable Japanese poem/(P)/
[] /(n) stretcher/litter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) quick temper/(P)/
[] /(n) unity/union/combination/(P)/
[] /(n) exploration/expedition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assertion/declaration/affirmation/

[] /(n,vs) shortening/abbreviation/reduction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) firmly/absolutely/definitely/(P)/
[] /(n) carbon (C)/(P)/
[] /(n) junior college/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) monotony/monotone/dullness/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) sole/independence/single/solo (flight)/(P)/
[] /(n) master (of house)/husband (informal)/(P)/
[] /(n) short wave/(P)/
[] /(n) protein/(P)/
/(n) dump/(P)/
[] /(n) cross section/
[] /(n) elasticity/flexibility/(P)/
[] /(n) public order/(P)/
/(n) teamwork/(P)/
/(n) change/(P)/
[] /(v1) to change/(P)/
[] /(n) animal husbandry/(P)/
[] /(int,n) beast/brute/damn/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) accumulation/accumulate/store/(P)/
[] /(n) terrain/geographical features/topography/(P)/
[] /(n) intelligence/(P)/
[] /(n) milk/breast/loop/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be shortened/to be contracted/to shrink/(P)/
[] /(n) order/regularity/system/method/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) suffocation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) intellectual/(P)/
/(n) chime/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) embarkation/launch/(P)/
[] /(n) coloring/coloring/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sit down/seat/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attention/
[] /(n,vs) landing/alighting/touch down/(P)/
[] /(n) start of (construction) work/
[] /(n) living room (Japanese style)/(P)/
[] /(n) tea ceremony/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) pamper/make a fuss of/spoil/
/(n) a channel/(P)/
[] /(n) somersault/looping-the-loop/(P)/
[] /(n) relay/hook-up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) advice/warning/(P)/
[] /(n) slander/libel/defamation/(P)/
[] /(n) centre/pivot/mainstay/nucleus/backbone/central
figure/pillar/key man/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lottery/raffle/drawing (of lots)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interruption/suspension/break/(P)/
[] /(n) poisoning/(P)/

[] /(n) mountain side/halfway up/

[] /(n) neutrality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) neutralize/counteract/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) guts/bowels/intestines/
[] /(n) butterfly/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,pref) super-/ultra-/hyper-/(P)/
[] /(n) signature/sign/sealing/(P)/
[] /(n) the sense of hearing/(P)/
[] /(n) chief/(government) secretary/
[] /(n) lecture attendance/auditing/(P)/
[] /(n) collection/levy/(P)/
[] /(n) stethoscope/
[] /(n) challenge/defiance/(P)/
[] /(n) arbitration/conciliation/mediation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n) long (e.g. novel, film)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) priceless treasure/convenience/usefulness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cooking/(P)/
[] /(n) harmony/(P)/
/(adv) often/frequently/now and then/occasionally/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) confrontation/
[] /(n) literary work/book/(P)/
[] /(n) savings/(P)/
[] /(n) intuition/instinct/insight/hunch/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) well-known/noted/celebrated/(P)/
/(adv) at a glance/by accident/
[] /(n) dust/dirt/(P)/
[] /(n) dustpan/
[] /(n) medical treatment/(P)/
[] /(n) wages/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) precipitation/deposition/settlement (e.g. of sediment)/
[] /(n) sinking/foundering/(P)/
[] /(n) silence/reticence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exhibition/display/show/(P)/
[] /(n) pair/couple/set/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) gaining on/carrying out/solving (crime)/(P)/
[] /(n) pursuit/(P)/
[] /(n) exile/banishment/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to spend/to devote/to waste/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) falling/crashing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) feeling keenly/fully realizing/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) common/general/normal/usual/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) keen/acute/
[] /(n) cane/(P)/

[] /(n) use/(P)/
[] /(v1) to serve/to work for/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rule/to govern/to administer/
/(adj-no,n) moment/brief time/brief/transient/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) every month/(2) trite/common/(P)/
[] /(n) joint/seam/
[] /(v1) to be used up/to be run out/to be exhausted/to be
consumed/to come to an end/(P)/
[] /(v5g) (1) to join/(2) to piece together/(3) to set (bones)/(4) to
graft (trees)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to succeed (someone in a business or inheritance)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to exhaust/to run out/(2) to devote/to serve (a
person)/to befriend/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv) (uk)
[] /(n) make-up/sliced raw fish/
[] /(n) make up/structure/physique/
[] /(v5u) to mend/to repair/to fix/to patch up/to darn/to tidy up/to
adjust/to trim/(P)/
[] /(v1) to add one thing to another/(P)/
[] /(v1) to inform/(P)/
[~] /(n) coherence/consistency/(P)/
[] /(n) pipe/tube/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (1) to thrust/to strike/to attack/(2) to poke/to nudge/to
pick at/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to prompt someone/
[] /(v5m) to be careful/to be chaste or discreet/to abstain or
[] /(v5r) to support/to become stiff/to become taut/to thrust
(ones opponent)/to stick to (ones opinion)/to insist on/(P)/
[] /(n) place of work/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) make an effort!/work hard!/(P)/
[] /(n) tsunami/tidal wave/(P)/
/(v5r) to pinch/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to invite/to solicit help, participation, etc/(P)/
[] /(n) saliva/spit/sputum/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to mutter/to murmur/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) round/rotund/
[~] /(v5r) to close the eyes/(P)/
[] /(n) tsubo jar/pot/vase/
[] /(n) bud/flower bud/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to pluck/to pick/to trim/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) dew/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to get strong/to gain strength/(P)/
[] /(v1) to strengthen/to emphasize/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to extend/to stretch out/to stand in a row/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to go through/(P)/
[] /(v1) to link/to join/to put together/(P)/
[] /(n) temple bell (for striking)/
[] /(n) strap/
[] /(n) allowance/compensation/treatment/medical care/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) definition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) offer/tender/program sponsoring/furnishing/(P)/
[] /(n) cooperation/tie-up/joint business/link-up/(P)/
[] /(n) decency/style/form/appearance/show/get-up/format/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presentation/exhibit/suggest/citation/
[tissue] paper
[] /(n) set meal/special (of the day)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) correction/revision/(P)/
[] /(n) stagnation/tie-up/congestion/retention/accumulation/falling
into arrears/(P)/
[] /(n) mansion/residence/(P)/
[] /(n) retirement age/(P)/
[] /(n) bank/weir/(P)/
/(n) data/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) being (too) late/(2) belated treatment/(P)/
/(adj) huge/(P)/
[] /(n) contact/trail/scent/on hand/hand hold/clue/key/(P)/
[] /(v1) to handle/to manage/to work with/to rear/to look
after/to have experience with/
[] /(n) trouble/labor/handling/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) easy/simple/informal/offhand/cheap/(P)/
[] /(n) adaptation/accommodation/conformity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv) suitability/(P)/
[] /(n) aptitude/(P)/
/(n) tumor/growth/boil/ulcer/abscess/rash/pimple/
[] /(n) performance/skill/tact/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to happen to meet/to come across/
/(n,vs) design/(P)/
[] /(n) process/procedure/protocol/(P)/
[] /(n) handcuffs/manacles/(P)/
[] /(n) trouble/labor/handling/(P)/
/(n) decoration/(P)/
/(n) (1) dessert/(2) desert/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) near/handy/familiar/
/(adv) surely/certainly/beyond doubt/(P)/
[] /(n) iron and steel/
/(fr:) (n) rough sketch (fr: dessin)/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to sink in/to penetrate/to devote oneself/to believe
in/to go through/to do intently and exclusively/(P)/
/(n) top/summit/apex/scalp/(P)/
[] /(n) iron rod/crowbar/horizontal bar (gymnastics)/(P)/
[] /(n) adjustment/touch up/

[] /(n) the palm/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) arrangement/search (by police)/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/plan/programme/
[] /(n) guidance/guide/introduction/(P)/
[] /(n) model/pattern/(P)/
[] /(n) preparations/arrangements/
[] /(n) (1) (money) on hand or at home/one's purse/(2) usual
[] /(v5s) to reflect/to throw back light/
/(n) (abbr) telex/teletypewriter exchange/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) division of labor/(P)/
[] /(n) heaven/sky/(P)/
[] /(n) country/rural districts/(P)/
[] /(n) the world/whole country/descent from heaven/having one's own
way/the public/the ruling power/(P)/
[] /(n) revolution/rotation/
[] /(n) convert/divert/(P)/
[] /(n) moving/changing residence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) transfer/transmission/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/examination/checking/(P)/
[] /(n) source of electricity/power (button on TV, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) change schools/
[] /(n) paradise/heaven/Kingdom of Heaven/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) verbal message/rumor/word/(P)/
[] /(n) genius/prodigy/natural gift/(P)/
[] /(n) natural calamity/disaster/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exhibition/display/(P)/
[] /(n) tradition/legend/folklore/(P)/
[] /(n) dotted line/perforated line/
[] /(v1) to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract/
[] /(v5z) to turn/to shift/to alter/to distract/
[] /(n) heavenly body/(P)/
[] /(n) transmission (e.g. news)/communication/delivery/(P)/
[] /(n) heaven and earth/the universe/nature/top and
/(adv) (not) at all/altogether/entirely/
[] /(n) change of post/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) view/outlook/prospect/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) ancestral/hereditary/imported/transmitted/handed down/
[] /(n,vs) fall/degradation/slump/spill/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) metropolitan/municipal/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to enquire/to seek information/(P)/
[] /(v5u-s) to ask/to question/to charge (i.e. with a crime)/to
accuse/without regard to (neg)/(P)/
[] /(n) ridge (of roof)/(P)/

~ [~]
[] /(n) trunk/body/frame/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/consent/same meaning/same opinion/approval/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mobilization/(P)/
[] /(n) agreement/same opinion/same feeling/sympathy/concurrence/(P)/
[] /(n) pottery/ceramics/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) debate/discussion/(P)/
[] /(n) motive/incentive/(P)/
[] /(n) grade/class/(P)/
[] /(n) the same grade/same class/
[] /(n,vs) living together/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attendance (at school)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) integration/unification/synthesis/(P)/
[] /(n) trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (corporate) bankruptcy/insolvency/(P)/
[] /(n) investment/(P)/
[] /(n) fellow/companion/comrade/(P)/
[] /(n) same mind/comrade/kindred soul/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sympathy/compassion/sympathize/pity/feel for/(P)/
[] /(n) (arch) dojo/hall used for martial arts
[] /(n) regulation/control/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) being elected/winning the prize/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) naturally/as a matter of course/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) flight/desertion/escape/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) command/lead/generalship/leadership/
[] /(n,vs) reaching/attaining/arrival/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rule/reign/government/governing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sympathy/agree with/alignment/tuning/
[] /(adv) (cannot) possibly/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) dynamic/kinetic/
[] /(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
[] /(adj) precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) equality/equal/same rights/same rank/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) magnificent/grand/impressive/
[] /(v5b) to value/to prize/to esteem/(P)/
/(adv) in some way or other/one way or another/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) throw/investment/making (an electrical circuit)/
[] /(n,vs) introduction/bringing in/leading in/(P)/
[] /(n) the one concerned/the said person/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enclosure (e.g. in a letter)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) escape/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hibernation/winter sleep/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) alliance/union/league/(P)/
/(adv) it seems like/somehow or other/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)

[] /(n) power/motive power/dynamic force/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) registration/register/entry/record/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) debate/discussion/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go far off/(P)/
[] /(n) detour/roundabout way/
/(n) tone/(P)/
/(adv,n) anyhow/anyway/somehow or other/generally speaking/in any
case/this and that/many/be apt to/(P)/
/(v1) to blame/to find fault/to take someone to task/to aggravate (an
[] /(n-adv) sometimes/(P)/
/(v1) to pause/to be interrupted/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to explain/to advocate/to preach/to persuade/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to sharpen/to grind/to scour/to hone/to polish/to wash
[] /(n) special skill/(P)/
[] /(n) dictatorship/despotism/(P)/
[] /(n) specialty/special product/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) original/peculiar/characteristic/(P)/
[] /(n) feature (e.g. newspaper)/special edition/report/(P)/
[] /(n) monopoly/(P)/
[] /(n) originality/(P)/
[] /(n) score/points made/marks obtained/runs/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) send specially/special envoy/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) characteristic (of)/peculiar (to)/(P)/
[] /(n) thorn/splinter/spine/biting words/(P)/
[] /(v1) to accomplish/to achieve/to carry out/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) age/marriageable age/age of puberty/adolescence/for some
[] /(n) closing up/fastening the doors/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) en route/half way/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bind/to file/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) foundation/base/basis/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stop/to cease/to come to an end/(P)/
[] /(n) special permission/patent/(P)/
[] /(n) privilege/special right/(P)/
/(adv) at once/(P)/
[] /(adv) suddenly/all of a sudden/(P)/
/(n) handle/grip/knob/
[] /(n,vs) breaking through/breakthrough/penetration/(P)/
[] /(n) embankment/bank/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) report/notification/registration/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stagnate/to be delayed/
[] /(v1) (1) to put in order/to arrange/to adjust/(2) to get
ready/to prepare/(3) to raise money/(P)/

[] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/

[] /(v1) to recite/to chant/to call upon/
[] /(n) feudal lord/
[] /(n) arena/(P)/
[] /(n) door/opening/(P)/
[] /(n) ditch/drain/gutter/gap/(P)/
[] /(n) walking/going on foot/(P)/
[] /(n) public works/(P)/
/(v1) (1) to play dumb/to feign ignorance/to play innocent/to have a
blank facial expression/(2) to play the fool/(3) to be in one's dotage/
[] /(adj) meager/scarce/limited/destitute/hard up/scanty/poor/
[] /(n) wealth/fortune/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be rich/to become rich/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) accompanying/attendant/companion/retinue/(P)/
[] /(n) working together/(husband and wife) earning a living
[] /(v5u) to accompany/to bring with/to be accompanied by/to be
involved in/(P)/
[] /(n) dual income/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) dry/(P)/
/(n) dry cleaning/
/(n) driver/screwdriver/(P)/
/(n) drive in/
/(n) trouble (sometimes used as a verb)/(P)/
/(n) transistor/
/(adv,n) at once/first of all/for the time being/(P)/
[] /(n) treatment/service/handling/management/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to treat/to handle/to deal in/(P)/
[] /(n) torii (Shinto shrine archway)/(P)/
[] /(n) swap/exchange/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come
to grips with/(P)/
[] /(n) control/management/supervision/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to manage/to control/to supervise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to investigate/to examine/
[] /(v1) to collect/to extort/to appoint/to promote/
[] /(v5g) to act as an agent for/to announce (someone)/to convey
(a message)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to furnish/to install/to get someone's agreement/
[] /(v5k) to remove/to take away/to set apart/(P)/
[] /(n) transactions/dealings/business/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to surround/to circle/to enclose/(P)/
[] /(v1) to mix/to put together/
[] /(v5s) to take back/to regain/(P)/
[] /(v1) to order/to send away for/(P)/
/(n) drill/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) especially/above all/

/(v1) to be enchanted with/

[] /(adj-na,n) thick headedness/stolidity/(P)/
/(adj-pn) terrible/awful/serious/preposterous/absolutely not/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lapse of memory/forget for a moment/(P)/
[] /(n) wholesale store/(P)/
[] /(n) cabinet/(government) ministry/(P)/
[] /(conj)
[] /(adj-no,n) secrecy/privacy/secret/internal evidence/one's
[] /(n-adv,n-t) innermost thoughts/real intention/inmost heart/one's
mind/in the heart/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) involvement/internal (e.g. disk)/
/(n) game under lights (e.g. baseball) (lit: nighter)/night game/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) interior/inside/internal/(P)/
[] /(n) civil war/insurrection/rebellion/domestic conflict/(P)/
[] /(n) inland/(P)/
[] /(n) rice seedling/(P)/
/(adv) all the more/still less/(P)/
[] /(n) sink/(P)/
[] /(adv) long/drawn-out/very long/
[] /(n) middle/midway/
[] /(n) water's edge/beach/shore/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to sigh/to lament/to grieve/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to throw down/to abandon/to sacrifice/to throw out/
[] /(n) go-between/matchmaker/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) mild/calm/gentle/quiet/harmonious/(P)/
[] /(n) remains/traces/memory/(P)/
[] /(n) sympathy/compassion/(P)/
[] /(adj) miserable/pitiable/shameful/deplorable/
[] /(adj) tender-hearted/compassionate/
[] /(v5r) to rebuke/to scold/to tell off/
[] /(adj) famous/celebrated/well-known/(P)/
[] /(n) avalanche/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to become emotionally attached/(P)/
[] /(v1) to name (someone)/(P)/
[] /(adj) casual/unconcerned/
/(adv) please/kindly/by all means/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,exp,n) most/best/(P)/
/(n) napkin/(P)/
[] /(n) name plate/name tag/(P)/
[] /(adj) smelling of fish or blood/fish or meat/(P)/
[] /(adj) lukewarm/halfhearted/
[] /(n) living flesh/flesh and blood/the quick/
[] /(n) lead (the metal)/(P)/
[] /line up/be in a row/rank with/rival/equal/
[] /(adj-na,n) smoothness/glassiness/(P)/

[] /(v1) to lick/to taste/to experience/to make fun of/to make light

of/to put down/to treat with contempt/
[] /(adj) seductive/melancholy/languid/
[] /(v5s) to afflict/to torment/to harass/to molest/(P)/
[] /(n) trouble(s)/worry/distress/anguish/agony/problem/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to accustom/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to domesticate/to tame/
[] /(conj) and/(P)/
[] /(v5t) (1) to consist of/(2) to be practical (logical,
feasible, viable)/to be concluded/to hold true/(P)/
/(adv) as much as possible/if possible/
[] /(n,vs) practice/experience/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) difficulty/hardships/defect/
/(adj-na,n) nonsense/(P)/
[] /(adv) a little/somewhat/somehow/(P)/
/(adv) something or other/
[] /(n) load/baggage/cargo/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to resemble closely/(P)/
/(n) pimple/acne/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to prosper/to flourish/to do thriving business/to be
crowded with people/(P)/
[] /(n) hatred/(P)/
[] /(n) blood relationship/blood relative/(P)/
[] /(n) the body/the flesh/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to run away/to escape from/(P)/
[] /(n) westering sun/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to run/to blur/to spread/to blot/to ooze/(P)/
[] /(n) imitation/counterfeit/forgery/sham/
[] /(n-adv,n) day and night/always/
[] /(n,vs) packing/baling/crating/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to carry on shoulder/to bear (burden)/to shoulder (gun)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to become less capable/to grow dull/to become blunt/to
/(conj,exp) in spite of/nevertheless/(P)/
/(n) nuance/(P)/
/(n) new/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) obtaining/coming to hand/(P)/
[] /(n) winning a prize or place (in a contest)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bathe/bathing/(P)/
[] /(n) urine/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) recognition/cognizance/(P)/
[] /(n) mentality/
[] /(n,vs) conception/pregnancy/(P)/
[] /(n) duty/function/office/mission/task/(P)/

[] /(n) appointment/nomination/ordination/commission/designation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to omit/to leave out/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to slip out/to sneak away/to excel/(P)/
[] /(n) owner/master/lover/god/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) swamp/bog/pond/lake/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/
[] /(n) tone color/tone quality/timbre/synthesizer patch/(P)/
[] /(n) value/worth/price/dignity/(P)/
/(n) (photographic) negative/(P)/
[] /(v1) to put to bed/to lay down/to ferment/(P)/
/(n) screwdriver/
[] /(v5m) to be jealous/to be envious/(P)/
/(v5r) to tease/to coax/to solicit/to demand/(P)/
[] /(n) zeal/enthusiasm/(P)/
[] /(n) boiling water/(P)/
[] /(n) temperature/
[] /(n) stickiness/viscosity/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be sticky/to be adhesive/to persevere/to persist/to stick
[] /(n) price reduction/discount/(P)/
[] /(n) making necessary arrangements/(P)/
[] /(adj) sleepy/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to knead/to work over/to polish up/(P)/
[] /(n) sense/idea/thought/feeling/desire/concern/attention/care/(P)/
[] /(n) New Year's greetings/New Year's card/(P)/
[] /(n) yearbook/(P)/
[] /(n) one's heart's desire/earnest petition/(P)/
[] /(n) name of an era/year number/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) burning/combustion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seniority/(P)/
[] /(n) fuel/(P)/
[] /(n) annual tree ring/(P)/
/(de:) (n) neurosis (de: Neurose)/(P)/
[] /(n) brain/memory/(P)/
[] /(n) farming/agriculture/(P)/
[] /(n) farm (agriculture)/(P)/
[] /(n) agricultural land/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) payment/supply/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) row of houses/(P)/
[] /(adj) desirable/hoped for/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to look out on/to face/to deal with/to attend
[] /(v5r) to capture/to occupy/to usurp/(P)/

/(adj-na,n) tranquil/calm/quiet/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to speak ill of/to abuse/(P)/
[] /(n) futures/credit (buying)/stretching/total/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/to understand/to take
in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/(P)/
[] /(v5m) (1) to board/to embark on/to get into (a car)/to ship
(passengers)/to man (a ship)/to help (someone) into/(2) to march into/to
[] /(n) blade/sword/
~ [~]
/(n) bar/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) grasp/catch/understanding/(P)/
/(n) part/(P)/
[] /(n) lung/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n,vs) annulment/disposal/abandon/scrap/discarding/repeal/
[] /(n,vs) distribution (eg. films, rice)/
[] /(n) bacteria/germ(s)/
[] /(n) spouse/wife/husband/(P)/
[] /(int,n) Dear (so and so)/(P)/
[] /(n) background/scenery/setting/circumstance/(P)/
[] /(n) back/rear/
[] /(n,vs) abolition/repeal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (hum) (pol) borrowing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exclusion/removal/rejection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reparations/indemnity/compensation/(P)/
[] /(n) drainage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) defeat/losing a war/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement (of resources)/disposition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) distribution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) distribution/allotment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) defeat (as a verb it means 'to be defeated')/(P)/
[] /(n) diameter/magnification/(P)/
[] /(n) consideration/concern/forethought/(P)/
[] /(n) arrangement/array (programming)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shine/to look attractive/to look pretty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) destruction/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make progress/to move right ahead (with the work)/to
/(adj) fleeting/transient/shortlived/
/(adj) stupid/
[] /(v5r) to consult with/to confer/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to plot/to attempt/to plan/to take in/to deceive/to
devise/to design/to refer A to B/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) revocation/annulment/breaking (e.g. treaty)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to tear off/to peel off/to rip off/to strip off/to skin/to
flay/to disrobe/to deprive of/

[] /(n,vs) persecution/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) feebleness/weakness/weak/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) confession/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) obscure/vague/equivocal/(P)/
[] /(n) bomb/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) blast/explosion/blow up/
[] /(n,vs) disclosure/exposure/revelation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to encourage/to cheer/to raise (the voice)/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be zealous/to brace oneself/to endeavor/to strive/to make
an effort/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come off/to be worn off/to fade/to discolor/(P)/
[] /(v1) to change with age/to spoil from weathering/
[] /(n,vs) dispatch/send/(P)/
[] /(n) shame/embarrassment/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/
/(n) pajamas/pajamas/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to feel shy/to be bashful/to blush/(P)/
[] /(v1) to feel ashamed/(P)/
[] /(n) "bridge building"/mediation/
/(n) (1) bus/(2) bath/(3) bass/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to spring/to bound/to bounce/to be stimulated/to be
encouraged/to get lively/to treat oneself to/to splurge on/(P)/
[] /(n) damage/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to strike/to clap/to dust/to beat/
[] /(n) barefoot/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to accomplish/to fulfill/to carry out/to achieve/(P)/
[] /(n) honey/(P)/
/(n) pachinko (Japanese pinball)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) punishment/penalty/(P)/
[] /(n) (physical) growth/development/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) burgeoning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) excavation/exhumation/(2) discovery (e.g. new
[] /(n) utterance/speech/proposal/(P)/
/(n) badge/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) outbreak/spring forth/occurrence/incidence/origin/(P)/
/(n) battery/(P)/
/(n) bat/vat/(P)/
[] /(n) attack (disease)/(P)/
[] /(n) something heard for the first time/
[] /(n) the end/the extremity/the limit(s)/the result/(P)/
[] /(v1) to end/to be finished/to be exhausted/to die/to perish/(P)/
/(v1) to be exhausted/to be worn out/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) patrol car/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/greatly/exceedingly/(P)/
[] /(adj) brilliant/magnificent/spectacular/(P)/
[] /(n) (flower) petal/

[] /(adj-na,n) gay/showy/brilliant/gorgeous/florid/(P)/
/(n) Papa/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to keep someone from doing/to stop/to prevent/to check/to
hinder/to obstruct/to oppose/to thwart/(P)/
[] /(n) beach/seashore/(P)/
[] /(n) beach/foreshore/(P)/
/(io) (oK) (v5r) to get into/to go into/to fit/to be fit for/to suit/to
fall into/to plunge into/to be deceived/to be taken in/to fall into a trap/to be
addicted to/to be deep into/
[] /(v5s) to grow/to cultivate/to wear beard/(P)/
[] /(v1) to hasten/to quicken/to expedite/to precipitate/to
[] /(n) anger/
[] /(n) open field/empty lot/plain/(P)/

/(v5k) (uk) to disseminate/to scatter/to give money freely/

[] /(n) paper patch/paper backing/poster/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) far/far-away/distant/remote/far off/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explosion/rupture/break off/(P)/
[] /(v1) to swell (from inflammation)/to become swollen/(P)/
[] /(n,suf) group/party/section (mil)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) size (of paper or books)/(P)/
[] /(n) edition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prospering/prosperity/thriving/flourishing/(P)/
[] /(n) art print/(P)/
/(n) hangar/(coat) hanger/hunger/(P)/
[] /(n) antipathy/revolt/animosity/(P)/
[] /(n) echo/reverberation/repercussion/reaction/influence/(P)/
/(n) (1) (abbr) puncture/bursting/(2) punk/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) counterattack/counteroffensive/counterblow/(P)/
[] /(n) judicial decision/judgment/sentence/decree/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reflection/reverberation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prosperity/flourishing/thriving/(P)/
[] /(n) breed/multiply/increase/propagation/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to be inconsistent with/to oppose/to contradict/to
transgress/to rebel/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) judgment/decision/award/verdict/(P)/
[] /(n) all people/everybody/10000 people/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) (one's) last years/(P)/
[] /(n) reaction/response/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) all-purpose/almighty/omnipotent/
[] /(adj-na,n) remnant/fragment/incomplete set/fraction/odd
[] /(n,vs) repelling/rebound/recover/oppose/(P)/
[] /(n) insurrection/mutiny/rebellion/revolt/uprising/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) overflowing/flood/(P)/
[] /(n) stone monument bearing an inscription/

~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf) beauty/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) not only...but also/in addition to/consequently/
/(n) virus/
[] /(n) waiting room/
[] /(v1) to draw in/to hold back/to make notes/to be temperate
[] /(n) pessimism/disappointment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to withdraw/to leave/to pull out/to retire/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lead/to spearhead (a group)/to command (troops)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cause/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pull down/to lower/to reduce/to withdraw/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to seduce/to drag along/to pull/to prolong/to
[] /(v5r) to take charge of/to take over/to retire to a private
[] /(n,vs) rejection/negation/voting down/(P)/
[] /(n) delinquency/misconduct/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) normally/habitually/
[] /(adj) long/long-continued/old (story)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) tragedy/disaster/(2) misery/wretched/pitiful/(P)/
/(n) business/(P)/
[] /(n) specific gravity/(P)/
[] /(n) art/fine arts/(P)/
[] /(n) (private) secretary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) smile/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to warp/to swerve/to deflect/to be crooked/to be
distorted/to be bent/to incline/to slant/to be perverted/to be gross-grained/to
get bent/to be strained/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) secret/private/surreptitious/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to soak/to dip/to drench/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv) (uk) nothing but/earnestly/intently/(P)/
[] /(n) left-handedness/sake drinker/left-hander/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to scratch/
[] /(n) required (subject)/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv) wet through/drenched/(P)/
[] /(n) inevitable/necessary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) comparing with/match/rival/equal/(P)/
[] /(n) puffy/a breath/a pause/an effort/
[] /(n) man's shadow/soul/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) personality/character/personal
[] /(n) sign of life/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) once/some time ago/
[] /(n) hostage/prisoner/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) a line/earnestly/blindly/straightforwardly/
[] /(n) glimpse/public gaze/(P)/

[] /(n) fixed date/appointed day/(P)/

[] /(n) young bird/chick/doll/(P)/
[] /(n) Girls' (dolls') Festival/(P)/
[] /(n) sunny place/in the sun/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) blame/attack/criticism/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) taking refuge/finding shelter/(P)/
[] /(n) the Japanese flag/(P)/
[] /(n) spark/(P)/
[~] /(n) (uk) crack/fissure/flaw/(P)/
[] /(n) shriek/scream/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to banter/to make fun of/to jeer at/to cool/to
[] /(n) sunburn/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) label/ballot/ticket/sign/(P)/
[] /(n) motto/slogan/catchword/(P)/
[] /(n) depiction/description/portrayal/(P)/
/(adv,n) possibly/accidentally/

[] /(adj) flat/even/level/simple/plain/(P)/
/(n) last on the list/at the bottom/
[] /(n) ratio/proportion/percentage/(P)/
[] /(n) minuscule amount/extremely small quantity/
[] /(n) lunch (masc.)/midday meal/(P)/
[] /(n) proportion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fatigue/weariness/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to spread/to be propagated/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sensibility/susceptibility/sensitive (to)/well attuned
[] /(adj-na,n) poverty/lack/(P)/
[] /(n) quality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poor/meager/insubstantial/(P)/
[] /(n) brand/kind/description/(P)/
/(n) hint/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) frequency/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poverty/destitute/poor/(P)/
/(n) fight/(P)/
/(n) file/(P)/
/(n) fan/fun/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) sudden/abrupt/unexpected/unforeseen/(P)/
/(n) filter/
[] /(n) seal/(P)/
[] /(n) blockade/freezing (funds)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) windmill/
[] /(n) custom/
[] /(n) (1) manners/customs/(2) sex service/sex industry/(P)/
/(n) boots/(P)/
[] /(n) natural features/topography/climate/spiritual features/(P)/

/(n) boom/(P)/
/(n) foam/form/(P)/
[] /(n) subordinate person/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) indispensable/essential/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) too big/baggy/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to deepen/to heighten/to intensify/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ominous/sinister/bad luck/ill
[] /(adj-na,n) recession/depression/slump/(P)/
[] /(n) tea-towel/dish cloth/(P)/
[] /(n) good fortune/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) composite/complex/(P)/
[] /(n) welfare/well-being/(P)/
[] /(n) mask/veil/disguise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get cross/to get sulky/to swell (out)/to expand/to be
inflated/to distend/to bulge/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) business recession/hard
[] /(v5r) to indulge in/to give oneself up to/to be obsessed by/to be
engrossed in/to be lost in/to be absorbed in/(P)/
[] /(v1) to age/(P)/
[] /(n) wealthy person/millionaire/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) edict/ordinance/proclamation/
/(n) buzzer/(P)/
[] /(n) debt/liabilities/(P)/
[] /(n) absence/(P)/
/(adj) appropriate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) irregularity/unreasonableness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) injury/wound/(P)/
[] /(n) insult/contempt/slight/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) incomplete
[] /(adj-na,n) dullness/depression/slump/stagnation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arms/armament/armed/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) token/label/(2) ticket/card/(3) charm/talisman/(P)/
[] /(n) burden/charge/responsibility/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bad condition/not to work out (ie a
deal)/disagreement/break-off/disorder/slump/out of form/
[] /(n,vs) revival (e.g. musical)/restoration/(P)/
[] /(n) public discussion (criticism)/
[] /(n,vs) restoration/restitution/rehabilitation/(P)/
[] /(n) revival/renaissance/reconstruction/(P)/
[] /(n) goods/materials/(P)/
[] /(n) Buddhist image (statue)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) superior airs/air of importance/(2) overemphasis/
[] /(n,vs) boiling/seething/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)

[] /(n) real estate/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (proceeding to) new appointment/(P)/
[] /(n) decay/depravity/(P)/
[] /(n) bad reputation/disgrace/unpopularity/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(adj-na,n) universality/ubiquity/omnipresence/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be based on/to have origin in/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to step into (someone else's territory)/to break
into/to raid/
[] /(adj-na,n)
unknown/obscure/indistinct/uncertain/ambiguous/ignorant/lack of
[] /(n) class/group/category/department/field/branch/(P)/
[] /(n) support/maintenance/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) unsteady on one's feet/stagger/reel/totter/dizzy/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) dangle heavily/swing/sway to and
fro/aimlessly/idly/lazily/loiter/loaf/be idle/stroll idly/(P)/
[] /(suf) style/manner/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn head/to look over one's shoulder/to turn
around/to look back/(P)/
[] /(n) outset/starting point/drawing or issuing (draft)/
[] /(adj-na,n) badness/delinquent/inferiority/failure/(P)/
[] /(n) buoyancy/floating power/
[] /(n) armed might/military power/the sword/force/(P)/
/(n) bull/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be shaking/to be trembling/
[] /(adj-na,n) impolite/rude/(P)/
[] /(n) appendix/supplement/(P)/
/(n) front/(P)/
[] /(n) indignation/resentment/(P)/
[] /(n) cultural assets/cultural property/(P)/
[] /(n) division of labor/specialization/assembly-line
[] /(n) written language/literary language/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dispersion/decentralization/variance (statistics)/(P)/
[] /(n) numerator/molecule/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) losing something/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) spewing/gushing/spouting/eruption/effusion/(P)/
[] /(n) document/writing/letter/note/records/archives/
[] /(n) dispute/trouble/strife/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) plentiful/abundant/lavish/
[] /(n,vs) apportionment/sharing/(P)/
[] /(n) hard struggle/strenuous effort/(P)/
[] /(n) division/sharing/(P)/
[] /(n) denominator/(P)/

[] /(n) fine powder/(P)/

[] /(n) separation/detachment/segregation/isolation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) split/division/break up/(P)/
/(n) pair/pear/(P)/
[] /(n) arms/weapons/ordinance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) (going) side by side/concurrent/abreast/at the same
time/occurring together/parallel/parallelism/(P)/
[] /(n) shut mouth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) closing/closure/shutdown/lockout/unsociable/(P)/
[] /(n) soldier/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) normal/usual/(P)/
[] /(n) square (e.g. metre)/square/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrangement/parallel/abreast/(P)/
/(n) base/bass/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) wince/shrink back/succumbing to/being
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) fawn/be very hungry/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) best/vest/(P)/
/(n) best-seller/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be distant/(P)/
[] /(n) a means, e.g. of living/
/(v5r) to deprecate oneself and praise the listener/
[] /(v1) to pass/to elapse/to experience/(P)/
[] /(n) explanation/justification/defense/excuse/(P)/
[] /(n) change/reform/revolution/upheaval/(the) Reformation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) return/restoration/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) convenience/accommodation/advantage/expedience/(P)/
[] /(n) prejudice/narrow view/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/pleading/advocacy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) repayment/(P)/
[] /(n) next
[] /(n,vs) change/transition/vicissitudes/(P)/
[] /(n) reply/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) change/fluctuation/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/debate/argument/(P)/
[] /(n) ear (of plant)/head (of plant)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nursing/nurturing/rearing/lactation/suckling/
/(n) boycott/(P)/
/(n) point/(P)/
[] /(n) bill (law)/(P)/
[] /(n) defense/protection/self-defense/(P)/
[] /(n) fire prevention/fire fighting/fire proof/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) collapse/decay (physics)/crumbling/breaking down/caving
[] /(n,vs)

[] /(n) law/jurisprudence/(P)/
[] /(n) feudalistic/
[] /(n) abundant harvest/bumper crop/(P)/
[] /(n) plan/policy/
[] /(n) attendance/service/(P)/
[] /(n) form/method/system/(P)/
[] /(n) radiation/emission/
[] /(n) radioactivity/(P)/
[] /(n) remuneration/recompense/reward/toll/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) release/emit/
[] /(v1) to inform/to report/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to inform/to report/(P)/
[] /(n) spinning/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) dumbfounded/overcome with surprise/in blank amazement/
[] /(n,vs) leave as is/leave to chance/leave alone/neglect/(P)/
[] /(n) expansion/swelling/increase/growth/(P)/
[] /(n) courtroom/(P)/
[] /(n) information/report/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) beginning/start/outset/(P)/
[] /(n) insurrection/rebellion/revolt/riot/uprising/(P)/
[] /(n) reward/prize/(P)/
[] /(n) storm/windstorm/gale/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to bury/to inter/to entomb/to consign to oblivion/to
[] /(v5m) to throw into/
[] /(v5s) to throw out/to fire/to expel/to give up/to abandon/to
[] /(n) violence/mayhem/(P)/
[] /(n) saturation/(P)/
/(n) hose/(P)/
/(n) pause/(P)/
/(n) (1) hall/(2) hole/(P)/
[] /(n) retaining warmth/keeping heat in/heat insulation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) capture/seizure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) charge/custody/safekeeping/deposit/storage/(P)/
[] /(n) supply/supplying/replenishment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) compensation/reinforcement/(P)/
[] /(n) fund-raising/collection of funds/(P)/
[] /(n) pastor/minister/clergyman/(P)/
[] /(n) whaling/whale fishing/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grow senile/to fade/(P)/
[] /(n) insurance/guarantee/(P)/
[] /(n) care/protection/shelter/guardianship/favor/patronage/(P)/
[] /(n) alma mater/(P)/
[] /(n) one's homeland/
[] /(v5r) to boast of/to be proud of/(P)/

[] /(v1) to come apart at the seams/to begin to open/to smile

~ [~]
/(n) position/(P)/
[] /(n) dried washing (clothes)/
[] /(n) conservative/maintaining/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) supplementation/supplement/replenishment/replenishing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assistance/support/aid/auxiliary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guarantee/security/assurance/pledge/warranty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) compensation/reparation/(P)/
[] /(n) pavement/road surface/(P)/
[] /(n) supplement/complement/(P)/
[] /(n) cemetery/graveyard/(P)/
[] /(n) fit/spasm/(P)/
[] /(n) forfeited/(P)/
[] /(n) starting/inauguration/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) feel relieved/
/(n) pot/(P)/
/(n) (col) cheek/(P)/
/(adv,n) gradually/here and there/spots/pimples/
[] /(n) ruin/fall/collapse/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come untied/to come apart/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to donate/to give/to conduct/to apply/to perform/(P)/
/(n) (in the) neighborhood/vicinity/nearby/
/(v5k) to grumble/to complain/
/(v1) to become dim/to become blurred/(P)/
[] /(n) health preservation/recuperation/recreation/
[] /(n) prisoner (of war)/(P)/
/(n) volt/bolt/
[] /(v1) to be ruined/to go under/to perish/to be destroyed/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to destroy/to overthrow/to wreck/to ruin/(P)/
[] /(n) propriety/fundamental rules/
[] /(n) main building/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seriousness/truth/sanctity/(P)/
[] /(n) one's own country/(P)/
[] /(n) essence/true nature/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) substance/real form/object of worship/(P)/
[] /(n) real intention/motive/(P)/
[] /(n) instinct/(P)/
[] /(n) home/habitat/center/best place/genuine/(P)/
/(n) pump/(P)/
[] /(n) text (of document)/body (of letter)/(P)/
[] /(n) real name/
/(n) mark/(P)/

[] /(n) buried property/treasure trove/(P)/

[] /(v5u,vi) to dance/to flutter about/to revolve/(P)/
[] /(n) just above/right overhead/
[] /(n) advance sale/booking/
[] /(n) preface/introduction/(P)/
[] /(adv) in advance/beforehand/previously/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to entrust/to leave to a person/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to defeat/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to give board to/to provide meals/to pay/(P)/
[] /(adj) confusing/misleading/equivocal/ambiguous/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be diverted/to slip into/(P)/
[] /(n) membrane/film/(P)/
[] /(n) sincerity/devotion/(P)/
/(v5k) to be confused/to be flustered/(P)/
[] /(adv,n)
/(adv) indeed/really/absolutely/(P)/
/(adv) surely/no doubt/evidently/
[] /(v5r) to excel/to surpass/to outrival/(P)/
~ [] ~
[] /(v1) to mix/to converse with/to cross (swords)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) right under/directly below/
/(adv,exp) still more/still less (with neg. verb)/to say nothing of/not to
[] /(v5r) to cross/to intersect/to associate with/to mingle with/to
interest/to join/(P)/
[] /(n) anesthesia/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) mass communication/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/(P)/
[~] /(v5r) to extend over or into/to straddle/
[] /(n) appointment/(P)/
[] /(adj) looking forward to/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to look anxiously for/to wait eagerly for/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1)
several/various/divergent/conflicting/different/diverse/(2) trivial/
[] /(n-adv,n) the end of/powder/(P)/
[] /(n) deathbed/hour of death/
/(n) massage/(P)/
[] /(n) in two equal parts/
/(n) mark/target/(P)/
[] /(n) conclusion/settlement/consistency/
[] /(n) settlement/conclusion/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape from/to be rescued from/to avoid/to evade/to
avert/to elude/to be exempted/to be relieved from pain/to get rid of/
[] /(n) invitation/
[] /(n) wink/twinkling (of stars)/flicker (of light)/
[] /(n) paralysis/palsy/numbness/stupor/(P)/

[] /(n) eyebrow/(P)/
[] /(n) ball/
[] /(adv) in its entirety/whole/wholly/
/(adv) completely/perfectly/just as if/
[] /(adv,n) completely/
[] /(v1) to make round/to round off/to roll up/to curl up/to
seduce/to cajole/to explain away/(P)/
[] /(n) full moon/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) unanimous/whole audience/(P)/
[] /(n) right in front/under the nose/
[] /(adj) perfectly circular/
[] /(adj) perfectly round/
~ [~]
[] /(n) formal marriage interview/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange glances/to postpone/to suspend
operations/to refrain from performing an action/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to overlook/to fail to notice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) savage land/backward region/uncivilized/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) taste/palate/sense of taste/(P)/
[] /(v1) to (happen to) see/to notice/to catch sight of/
[] /(n) (tree) trunk/(P)/
[] /(adj) unsightly/ugly/(P)/
[] /(n) forecast/prospects/expectation/hope/(P)/
[] /(n) unmarried/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) particle/atom/
[Miss] /(n) miss (mistake, error, failure)/Miss/myth/MIS (management
information system)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) moisture/dampness/vapor/
/(n) misprint/(P)/
/(adj) shabby/seedy/(P)/
/(n) Mrs/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to show off/to flaunt/(P)/
[] /(n) show/exhibition/
[] /(n) ditch/drain/gutter/gap/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to satisfy/to ingratiate/to fill/to fulfill/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to throw out of order/to disarrange/to disturb/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get confused/to be disordered/to be disturbed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) not yet known/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) near oneself/close to one/familiar/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be guided/to be shown/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) crowd/close formation/dense/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) related/connected/close/intimate/(P)/
[] /(n) density/(P)/
[] /(n) estimation/quotation/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) not yet fixed/undecided/pending/(P)/

[] /(n) perspective/unobstructed
/(v5s) to consider as/to regard/
[] /(n) source/origin/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to follow another's example/(P)/
[] /(n) personal appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) peak/ridge/(P)/
[] /(n) one's future/one's welfare/one's personal history/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to miss/to overlook/to leave at large/(P)/
[] /(n) one's personal appearance/personal belongings/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to choose at one's own discretion/
[] /(n) view/(P)/
[] /(n) gesture/(P)/
[] /(n) pulse/(P)/
/(n) music/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) lingering
[] /(v5s) to look out over/to survey (scene)/to take an extensive
view of/(P)/
[] /(n) private home providing lodging for travelers/(P)/
[] /(n) people/race/nation/racial customs/folk customs/(P)/
[] /(n) people/race/nation/racial customs/folk customs/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) nonsense/no meaning/(P)/
/(n) mood/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) reticence/(P)/
[] /(n) son-in-law/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) invalid/no effect/unavailable/(P)/
[] /(n) silence/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) innocence/simple-mindedness/(P)/
/(v5r) to pluck/to pick/to tear/
[] /(n) ending/conclusion/union/(P)/
[] /(n) connection/relation/
[] /(v5k) to be connected or related/to join together/
[] /(v1) to combine/to join/to tie on/to attach with a knot/
[] /(n) wireless/radio/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) waste money on/squander money on/flog a dead
[] /(n) without permission/without notice/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) waste money on/squander money on/flog a dead
[] /(n) without permission/without notice/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) ignorance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) confused/jumbled/mixed
[] /(adj) vacant/futile/vain/void/empty/ineffective/lifeless/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) chagrin/regret/
[] /(adj-na,n) inefficiency/incompetence/(P)/
[] /(uk) unreasonably/absurdly/recklessly/indiscreetly/at
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n)
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) unevenness/inconsistancy/erraticness/irregularity/
[] /(v5r) to swarm/to gather/(P)/
[] /(adv) of course/naturally/(P)/
[] /(n) noted product/
[] /(n) name/(P)/
[] /(n) a hit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (uk) obvious/overt/plainly/frankly/(P)/
[] /(n) register of names/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) honor/credit/prestige/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clarity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bright/clear/cheerful/(P)/
/(n) maker/(P)/
[] /(n) weight/(P)/
[] /(n) blessing/
[] /(v5m) to bless/to show mercy to/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn over/to turn pages of a book/to tear off/to strip
[] /(adj) (arch) brilliant/splendid/striking/remarkable/
[] /(v1) to wake up/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to call/to send for/to put on/to wear/to take (a bath)/to ride
in/to buy/to eat/to drink/to catch (a cold)/(P)/
[] /(n) female (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n) look/expression of the eyes/eyes/(P)/
/(n) message/(P)/
[] /(n) downfall/ruin/collapse/destruction/(P)/
/(n) media/(P)/
[] /(n) goal/outlook/
[] /(n) scale/gradations/
/(n) melody/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/(P)/
[] /(n) exemption/exoneration/discharge/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to face on/to look out on to/(P)/
[] /(n) face/honor/reputation/prestige/dignity/credit/(P)/
[] /(n) face/honor/reputation/prestige/dignity/credit/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to create/to establish/(P)/
[] /(v1) to propose/to suggest/
[] /(n)
[] /(n) proposal/request/claim/report/notice/
[] /(v1) to report to/to tell/to suggest/to submit/to request/to

make an offer/to come forward with information/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) objection/shortcomings/
[] /(n) blind spot/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) violent/vehement/rage/(P)/
/(n) motel/
/(v5k) to struggle/to wriggle/to be impatient/(P)/
[] /(n) catalogue/catalog/list/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) a plan/a scheme/a project/a program/intention/goal/
[] /(n) model/dummy/maquette/(P)/
[] /(n) groping (for)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) perhaps/possibly/
/(conj,exp) or/otherwise/(P)/
/(v5s) to bring/to take/to bring about/(P)/
[] /(n) hot topic/talk of the town/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) at present/now/(P)/
[] /(adv) wholly/solely/entirely/(P)/
/(v5s) to entertain/to make welcome/(P)/
/(exp,v1) to be well liked/to be popular/(P)/
/(n) (computer) monitor/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) (idle) curiosity/(P)/
[] /(adj) unsatisfied/unsatisfactory/(P)/
/(adv) already/now/(P)/
[] /(n) exemplar/exemplification/exemplum/model/example/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) imitation/copying/(P)/
/(v1) to disagree/to dispute/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/(P)/
[] /(n) thigh/femur/
[] /(v5s) to hold (a meeting)/to give (a dinner)/to feel/to show
signs of/to develop symptoms of/to feel (sick)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let leak/to reveal/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rouse/to swell/to rise/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to leak/to run out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to leak out/to escape/to come through/to shine through/to
filter out/to be omitted/(P)/
[] /(adj) brittle/fragile/tender-hearted/(P)/
/(adv) completely/altogether/bodily/
[] /(n) arrow/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) fields/outskirts/open air/suburbs/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) bedding/(P)/
[] /(n) post/managerial position/official position/
[] /(n) town hall/(P)/

[] /(n) mansion/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to rear/to maintain/to cultivate/(P)/
[] /(n) ambition/aspiration/designs/treachery/(P)/

[] /(adj) cheap-looking/tawdry/insignificant/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rest/to suspend/to give relief/(P)/
[] /(n) wild/(P)/
[] /(n) (vulg) fellow/guy/chap/(P)/
[] /(n) opposition party/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) darkness/the dark/blackmarketeering/
[] /(v5m) to fall ill/to be ill/(P)/
/(adj) puzzling/tangled/complicated/complex/(P)/
/(v5s) to carry through/to achieve/to complete/
/(v1) to accomplish/
[] /(v1) to soften/to moderate/to relieve/(P)/
/(n) young/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) actor/superiority/gentleness/
[] /(adj-na,n) predominance/ascendancy/superiority/
[] /(adj-na,n) depression/melancholy/dejection/gloom/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) beneficial/profitable/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) supremacy/predominance/being superior to/
[] /(adj-na,n) bravery/heroism/gallantry/(P)/
[] /(n) organic/
[] /(n-adv,n) evening/(evening) twilight/(P)/
[] /(n) financing/loan/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to own/to be endowed with/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) superiority/superior
[] /(n,vs) preference/priority/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) lending
[] /(adj-na,n) grace/refinement/elegance/
[] /(adj-na,n) good prospects/full of hope/promising/(P)/
[] /(n) nomadic/
[] /(n) sunset/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) influence/prominence/(2) potent/(P)/
[] /(n) ghost/specter/apparition/phantom/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) temptation/allurement/lure/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) reason/cause/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to warp/to swerve/to deflect/to be crooked/to be
distorted/to be bent/to incline/to slant/to be perverted/to be gross-grained/to
get bent/to be strained/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to shake/to jolt/to rock/to swing/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to rinse/to wash out/
/(n) reserve/affluence/room/time (to spare)/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) unique/(P)/
/(n) uniform/

[] /(v5s) to point at/(P)/

[] /(n) bow (and arrow)/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to swing/to sway/to shake/to tremble/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to become loose/to slacken/(P)/
[] /(v1) to loosen/to slow down/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) lenient/(P)/
[] /(n) world/society/age/generation/(P)/
[] /(adj) good/nice/pleasant/ok/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) primary factor/main cause/(P)/
[] /(n) solution (liquid)/(P)/
[] /(n) business/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) protection/nursing/protective care/(P)/
[] /(n) blank form/(P)/
[] /(n) style/form/pattern/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to demand/to require/to take/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) claim/demand/request/application/(P)/
[] /(n) aspect/(P)/
[] /(n) articles/supplies/parts/
[] /(adj-na,n) western style/(P)/
[] /(n) directions/rules of use/
[] /(n) demand for/request/(P)/
[] /(n) leisure/leisure time/spare time/(P)/
[] /(n) presentiment/premonition/(P)/
[] /(n) side show/entertainment/
[] /(n,vs) deposit/bank account/(P)/
[] /(n) greed/wants/(P)/
[] /(n) check/restraint/oppression/suppression/(P)/
[] /(n) bathroom/bath/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) control/restraint/suppression/(P)/
[] /(adj) greedy/
[] /(n) desire/appetite/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to avoid (physical contact with)/(2) to ward off/to
[] /(n) prediction/promise/prognostication/(P)/
[] /(n) sumo grand champion/(P)/
[] /(n) dirt/filth/(P)/
[] /OK!/all right!/
[] /OK!/all right!/
[] /(n) good or bad/merits or demerits/quality/suitability/
[] /(n,vs) expectation/anticipation/prediction/forecast/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) looking away/looking aside/
[] /(n) place/room/margin/scope/(P)/
[] /(conj) (uk) therefore/consequently/accordingly/because of/
[] /(n) government party/(ruling) party in power/government/(P)/
[] /(v1) to challenge/to call somebody to halt/

[] /(n) staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at

[] /(n) late at night/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/greatly/much/to a large extent/quite/(P)/
[] /(v1) to read out loud (and clearly)/to call a roll/
~ [~]
[] /(v5r,vi) to lean against/to recline on/to lean on/to rely
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(n) public opinion/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to abate/to weaken/to be emaciated/to be dejected/to
be perplexed/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to weaken/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi,vt) to weaken/to be troubled/to be downcast/to be
emaciated/to be dejected/to be perplexed/to impair/(P)/
[] /(n) attendance/
/(n) rice/(P)/
[] /(n) dairy (farm)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fall/drop/come down/(P)/
[] /(n) optimism/
/(n) label/(P)/
/(n) lamp/ramp/headlight/light/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) abuse/misuse/misappropriation/using to excess/(P)/
/(n,vs) read(ing)/lead (in a game)/being in the lead/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/reason/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (bank)/(P)/
[] /(n) profit/returns/(P)/
[] /(n) reason/sense/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (bank)/(P)/
[] /(n) solid body/(P)/
[] /(n) cube/
[] /(n) legislation/lawmaking/(P)/
[] /(n) advantage/point in favor/
[] /(n) pillage/plunder/looting/robbery/(P)/
[] /(n) abbreviation/acronym/(P)/
[] /(n) circulation of money or goods/flow of water or
[] /(n) area/domain/territory/field/region/regime/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) comprehension/consent/understanding/roger (on the
[] /(n) territorial waters/(P)/
[] /(n) both extremities/north and south poles/positive and
negative poles/
[] /(adj-na,n) favorable/satisfactory/(P)/
[] /(n) good sense/
[] /(adj-na,n) good quality/superior quality/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) acknowledgement/understanding (e.g. "please be
understanding of the mess during our renovation")/(P)/

[] /(n) conscience/(P)/
[] /(n) territory/dominion/(P)/
[] /(n) dominion/territory/possession/(P)/
[] /(n) compatibility/coexistence/standing together/(P)/
[] /(n) passenger (transport)/
[] /(n) passport/(P)/
[] /(n) personal history/background/career/log/(P)/
[] /(n) theory/(P)/
[] /(n) forestry/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) kind/sort/class/family/genus/(P)/
[] /(n) analogy/(P)/
[] /(n) analogous/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) loose/(P)/
/(n) rule/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cruelty/cold-heartedness/relentless/ruthless/(P)/
[] /(n) cold storage/refrigeration/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) coolness/indifference/(P)/
/(n) (1) race/(2) lace/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) regular/(P)/
/(n) lesson/(P)/
/(n) lady/(P)/
/(n) lever/liver/(P)/
[] /(n) love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)/
[] /(n) consecutive holidays/(P)/
/(n) range/stove/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every day/prolonged/(P)/
[] /(n) solidarity/(P)/
/(n) hire car (lit: rent-a-car)/(P)/
[] /(n) colleagues/company/a lot/(P)/
/(n) X-ray (lit: Roentgen)/(P)/
[] /(n) commonwealth/federation of states/(P)/
[] /(n) league/union/alliance/(P)/
[] /(n) senility/senile decay/(P)/
[] /(n) reading aloud/recitation/(P)/
[] /(n) waste/extravagance/(P)/
[] /(n) labor/effort/toil/trouble/(P)/
/ropeway/aerial tram/
/(n) rope/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) frank/blunt/plain/outspoken/(2)
conspicuous/open/(3) broad/suggestive/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) romantic/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/(P)/
[] /(n) logic/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) frame/slide/(P)/
[] /(n) planet/(P)/

[] /(n) art/technique/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) expressly/specially/doing something especially rather than
[] /(adj) troublesome/annoying/complicated/(P)/
[] /(n) migratory bird/bird of passage/(P)/
/(n) watt/(P)/
[] /(n) apology/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese text/sentence in Japanese/(P)/
[] /(n) straw/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing/
[] /(v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge oneself in/to
muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/
[] /(n) bad fellow/rascal/ruffian/scoundrel/(P)/
[] /(n) me/oneself/self/ego/(P)/


[] /(int) Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) love/(P)/
/(adv,n) as ever/as usual/the same/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) greeting/salutation/(P)/
[] /(n) love/affection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sign/signal/(P)/
/(n) ice cream/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to love/(P)/
[] /(n) space/room/time/pause/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) companion/partner/company/(2) other party/addressee/(P)/
/(n) idea/(P)/
/(n) idea/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) unfortunately/Sorry, but..../(P)/
/(adj-na,n) vague/ambiguous/(P)/
/(n) (electric) iron/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to fit/to suit/to agree with/to match/to be correct/to be
[] /(v5u) to meet/to interview/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to meet/to encounter (undesirable nuance)/(P)/
/(n) out/(P)/
[] /(n) blue/green/green light/(P)/
[] /(adj) blue/pale/green/unripe/inexperienced/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to fan/to flap/(P)/
[] /(adj) pale/pallid/(P)/
[] /(adj) red/(P)/
/(n) baby/infant/(P)/
[] /(n) lamplight/light (in general)/brightness/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rise/to ascend/to be promoted/to go up/to climb/to go to
(the capital)/to add up to/to advance (in price)/to sail up/to come up (on the
/(n) baby/(P)/
[] /(n) room/time to spare/emptiness/vacant/
[] /(n) room/time to spare/emptiness/vacant/
[] /(n-adv) autumn/fall/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) obvious/evident/clear/plain/(P)/
[] /(v1) to give up/to abandon/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get tired of/to lose interest in/to have enough/(P)/
/(v1) to be amazed/to be shocked/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) (1) to open/to become open/to become empty/(2) to be less

[] /(n,vs) handshake/(P)/
/(n) accessory/(P)/
/(n) accent/(P)/
/(n) yawn/yawning (and stretching)/(P)/
[] /(n) devil/demon/fiend/Satan/evil spirit/(P)/
[] /(adv) to the end/to the last/stubbornly/persistently/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) dawn/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become civilized/to become opened up/be up-to-date/(P)/
[] /(v1) to dawn/to become daylight/(P)/
[] /(v1) to give/to raise/to elevate/to fly (kites)/to praise/to
increase/to advance/to promote/to vomit/to usher in/to admit/to send (to
school)/to offer/to present/to leave with/to finish/to arrange (expenses)/to
observe/to perform/to quote/to mention/to bear (a child)/to improve (talents)/to
do up (the hair)/to arrest/to engage/to fry/(rains) to stop/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lift/to fry/(P)/
[] /(v1) to long for/to yearn after/to admire/to be attracted
[] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/(P)/
[] /(adj) shallow/superficial/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) oversleeping/late riser/(P)/
[] /(n) foot/pace/gait/leg/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flavor/taste/(P)/
/Asia (i.e. the Far East)/(P)/
[] /(n) footprints/(P)/
/(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) at one's feet/underfoot/(2) gait/pace/step/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to taste/to savor/to relish/(P)/
[] /(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vt) to keep in custody/to receive on deposit/to take
charge of/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to give into custody/to leave (a child) in the care
of/to entrust/to deposit/(P)/
[] /(n) sweat/perspiration/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/yonder/(2) (X) (col)
[] /(n,n-suf) playing/(P)/
[] /(v1) to give/to present/to award/(P)/
[] /(adj) warm/mild/genial/(P)/
[] /(adj) warm/mild/genial/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to warm oneself/to sun oneself/to warm up/to get
[] /(v5r) to warm oneself/to sun oneself/to warm up/to get
[] /(v1) to warm/to heat/(P)/
[] /(v1) to warm/to heat/(P)/
[] /counter for large animals/(P)/

[] /(adj) new/(P)/
[] /(n) (in the) neighborhood/vicinity/nearby/
[] /(v5r) to be hit/to be successful/to face (confront)/to lie (in
the direction of)/to undertake/to treat/to be equivalent to/to apply to/to be
applicable/to be assigned/(P)/
/(adv,n) (uk) here and there/(P)/
/(n) (col) over there/(P)/
/(adv,n) (uk) here and there/(P)/
[] /(adj) cordial/kind/warm(hearted)/thick/deep/(P)/
[] /(adj) hot/warm/(P)/
[] /(adj) hot (thing)/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to handle/to deal with/to treat/(P)/
[] /(adj) impudent/shameless/brazen/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) compression/condensation/pressure/(P)/
[] /(n) gathering/meeting/assembly/collection/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to gather/to crowd round/to swarm/to flock/(2) to
extort from/to sponge off/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to collect/to assemble/(P)/
[] /(n) address/direction/(P)/
/(v5r,vi) to be applicable/to come under (a category)/to fulfill/
/(v1,vt) to apply/to adapt/
[] /(v1) to hit/to apply a patch/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) trace/tracks/mark/sign/(2) remains/ruins/(3) scar/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) trace/tracks/mark/sign/(2) remains/ruins/(3) scar/(P)/
[] /(n) (col) ass/arse/buttocks/
/(n) announcer/(P)/
/(n) (1) (uk) the other/the other side/(2) there/yonder/that/
[] /(n) (hum) older brother/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) older sister/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) (uk) that over there/(P)/
/(n,adv) (1) apartment (abbr)/(2) apartment building (abbr)/(3)
[] /(v1) to act violently/to rage/to struggle/to be riotous/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bathe/to bask in the sun/to shower/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(n) oil/(P)/
[] /(n) nicotine/resin/sleep in one's eyes (eye mucus)/

[~] /(v5r) (uk) to scorch/

/(v1) to flood/to overflow/to brim over/(P)/
[] /(adj) delicious/
[] /(n) sliding storm door/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to pamper/to spoil/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used as
ss/other/too much/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used as
ss/other/too much/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to remain/to be left over/to be in excess/to be too
[] /(n) knitting/web/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to knit/(P)/
[] /(n) rain/(P)/
[] /(n) (hard) candy/(P)/

[] /(adj)
[] /(adj) suspicious/dubious/doubtful/(P)/
[] /(n) error/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to apologize/(P)/
[] /(n) defect/flaw/blemish/weak point/
[] /(adj) rough/rude/wild/(P)/
[] /(adj) coarse/rough/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to wash/(P)/
[] /(n) storm/tempest/(P)/
/(n) outline/summary/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to dispute/to argue/to be at variance/to compete/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) new/fresh/novel/(P)/
[] /(adv) another time/again/over again/anew/formally/(P)/
[] /(v1) to change/to alter/to reform/to revise/(P)/
/(adj-pn) (uk) all/every/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to express/to show/to reveal/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to show/to indicate/to display/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to write/to publish/(P)/
[] /(n) embodiment/materialization/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to appear/to come in sight/to become visible/to come
out/to embody/to materialize/(2) to express oneself/(P)/
[] /(adj) grateful/thankful/welcome/appreciated/evoking
[] /(io) (conj,exp,int) Thank you/(P)/
[] /(v5r-i) (uk) to be/to have/(P)/
[] /(v5r-i) to live/to be/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) a certain.../some.../(P)/
/(adv,conj,exp) (uk) or/possibly/
[] /(v5k) to walk/(P)/
/(de:) (n) part-time job (esp. high school students) (de: Arbeit)/(P)/
/(n) album/(P)/

[] /(n) stormy weather/tempest/chaps (of skin)/

/(adv,n) (uk) one thing or another/this and that/this or that/
[] /(v1) to be stormy/to be rough/to lose one's temper/(P)/
[] /(n) bubble/foam/froth/head on beer/(P)/
[] /(v1) to join together/to be opposite/to face/to unite/to
combine/to connect/to add up/to mix/to match/to overlap/to compare/to check
/(adj) busy/hurried/confused/flurried/(P)/
/(v1) to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,int,n)
[] /(n,n-suf) plan/suffix meaning draft/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) easy-going/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv) unexpectedly/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) memorization/learning by heart/(P)/
[] /(n) (Buddhism) obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic
[] /(adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) stability/equilibrium/(P)/
/(n) antenna/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn) such/so/that/sort of/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) information/guidance/leading/(P)/
/(exp) to that extent/to that degree/
/(adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used as adverb)/not
ss/other/too much/(P)/
[] /(n) stomach/(P)/
~ [~]
/(adj) (col) (uk) good/(P)/
/(adj) good/nice/pleasant/ok/(P)/
[] /(int,n) (uk) no/nay/yes/well/(P)/
[] /(int,n) (uk) no/nay/yes/well/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to start talking/to speak/to tell/to propose/to
suggest/to break the ice/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tell/to tell on (someone)/to order/to charge/to
[] /(n) committee member/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to say/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to say/(P)/
[] /(suf) house/family/(P)/
[] /(n) less than/up to/below/under/and downward/not exceeding/the
following/the rest/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) with the exception of/excepting/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unexpected/surprising/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) how/in what way/(P)/
[] /(n) medical science/medicine/(P)/
[] /(n) going/(P)/
[] /(n) going/(P)/

[] /(n) breath/tone/(P)/
[] /(n) meaning/significance/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) vividly/lively/
[] /(adv,n)
(of events)/tendency/necessarily/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) abruptly/suddenly/all of a sudden/without warning/(P)/
[] /(n) living thing/animal/(P)/
[] /(v1) to live/to exist/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/
[] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/
[] /(n) childcare/nursing/upbringing/(P)/
[] /(n) how many?/how old?/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) somewhat/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) how much?/how many?/(P)/
[] /(n) pond/(P)/
/(adj,exp) must not do/bad/wrong/not good/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) flower arrangement/(P)/
[] /(n) opinion/view/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) after this/from now on/hereafter/thereafter/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) on and after/hereafter/thereafter/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) equal/(P)/
[] /(adj) brave/valiant/gallant/courageous/(P)/
[] /(n) volume measure (approx. 180l, 5 bushels, 10 cub.ft)/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor/physician/(P)/
[] /(n) intention/purpose/
[] /(n) will/volition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) maintenance/preservation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) consciousness/senses/(P)/
/(v1) to tease/to torment/to persecute/to chastise/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor (medical)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) more than/exceeding/greater than/this is
all/over/above/and up/beyond/the above-mentioned/since/as long as/the end/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strangeness/abnormality/disorder/(P)/
[] /(n) necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) malicious/ill-tempered/unkind/(P)/
[] /(n) chair/(P)/
[] /(n) spring/fountain/(P)/
/(adv,n) where/which/who/anyway/anyhow/at any rate/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) ago/since/before/previous/(P)/
[] /(adj) busy/irritated/
[] /(v5g) to hurry/to rush/(P)/
[] /(n) board/plank/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) greatness/(P)/

[] /(v5k) (sl) to embrace/to hug/to harbor/to entertain/`to sleep

[] /(v5s) (hum) to do/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) tease/prank/trick/practical joke/mischief/(P)/
[] /(exp) expression of gratitude before meals/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to receive/to take food or drink (hum)/to be crowned
with/to wear/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/to accept/to
buy/to take/(P)/
[] /(n) pain/ache/sore/grief/distress/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to come/to arrive/(P)/
/(n) market/fair/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n,vs) place/situation/position/location/(P)/
/(adv,n) one by one/separately/
[] /(adv) once/tentatively/in outline/for the time being/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) moment/time/(P)/
[] /(adv) greater/more/further/still more/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) once/one time/on one occasion/
[] /(adv) all at once/(P)/
[] /(n) (the) market (as a concept)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) (1) best/first/number one/(2) a game/a round/a bout/a
fall/an event (in a meet)/(P)/
[] /(n) first class/top grade/school (of art)/foremost/topnotch/
/be lost/peace/hide/mistake/beautiful/in turn/
[] /(n) five days/the fifth day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(adv) (uk) sometime/someday/one day/some time or other/the other
day/in due course/in time/
[] /(n) a house/a home/a family/a household/one's family/one's folks/a
[] /(n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) year before last/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) a species/a kind/a variety/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) a moment/an instant/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) together/meeting/company/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) whole life/a lifetime/all through life/one
existence/a generation/an age/the whole world/the era/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with
all one's might/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) simultaneous/all at once/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) much more/still more/all the more/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) (1) one object/one body/(2) what on earth?/really?/(3)
[] /(adv) once/for a moment/one morning/temporarily/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) coincidence/agreement/union/match/(2)
conformity/consistency/(3) co-operation/(P)/
[] /(n) five/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs)


/(adv) (uk) (at) any time/always/at all times/never (neg)/whenever/(P)/

/(adv) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) (1) a cup of/a drink/(2) full/(3) to the
utmost/up to (one's income)/a lot of/much/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) general/liberal/universal/ordinary/average/(P)/
[] /(conj,n-adv,n) (1) on the other hand/one side/one way/one
direction/one party/the other party/(2) meanwhile/(3) only/simple/in turn/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) forever/for good/eternally/as long as one
[] /(adv,n) always/usually/every time/never (with neg. verb)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) moving/transfer/demise/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) thread/yarn/string/(P)/
[] /(n) water well/(P)/
[] /(n) latitude (nav.)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) removal/migration/movement/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) cousin (male)/
[] /(n) (uk) cousin (female)/
[] /(n,n-suf) within/inside of/less than/(P)/
[] /(gikun) (n) rural/not particularly urban/countryside/suburb/(P)/
[] /(n) dog/(P)/
[] /(n) rice-plant/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dozing/nodding off/(P)/
[] /(n) command/decree/life/destiny/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to pray/to wish/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be proud/to swagger/(P)/
[] /(n) violation (of law)/transgression/infringement/breach/(P)/
[] /(n) clothes/(P)/
[] /this/now/
[] /(n) living room (western style)/(P)/
[] /(adv) before long/even now/(P)/
[] /(adv) at any time/soon/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) meaning/significance/(P)/
/(n) one's image/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) younger sister/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) disagreeable/detestable/unpleasant/reluctant/(P)/
[] /(n) no/the noes/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to hate/to dislike/(P)/
/(adv) more and more/all the more/increasingly/at last/beyond doubt/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) since/henceforth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) request/commission/dispatch/(2) dependence/trust/(P)/
/(oK) (adv,n,vs) (uk) getting nervous/irritation/
/(int,n) welcome/

/(v5aru) (hon) to be/to come/to go/(P)/

[] /(n) entrance/gate/approach/mouth/
[] /(n) medical care/medical treatment/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)/to be/to exist/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to need/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to parch/to fry/to fire/to broil/to roast/to boil down (in
[] /(n) container/case/receptacle/(P)/
[] /(v1) to put in/to take in/to bring in/to let in/to admit/to
introduce/to commit (to prison)/to usher in/to insert/to set (jewels)/to
employ/to listen to/to tolerate/to comprehend/to include/to pay (interest)/to
cast (votes)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) color/(2) sensuality/lust/(P)/
[] /(n) rock/crag/(P)/
[] /(n) celebration/festival/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to congratulate/to celebrate/(P)/
[] /(adv) so to speak/(P)/
/(adj-pn,adv) the so-called/so to speak/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) ink/(P)/
/(n) ink/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) printing/(P)/
[] /(n) impression/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) retire/(P)/
/(n) interview/(P)/
[] /(n) quotation/citation/(P)/
[] /(n) gravity/(P)/
/(n) whisky/(P)/
/(n) woman/(P)/
/(n) wool/(P)/
[] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3)
governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a
ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/
[] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3)
governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a
ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/
/(n) waitress/(P)/
[] /(n) garden shrubs/trees/potted plant/(P)/
[] /(v1) to plant/to grow/(P)/
[] /(v1) to starve/(P)/
[] /(n) fish/(P)/
/(n,vs) gargle/rinse mouth/
[] /(v5u,vi,vt) (hon) to visit/to ask/to inquire/to hear/to be
told/to implore (a god for an oracle)/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5b) to float/to rise to surface/to come to mind/
[] /(v1) to float/to express/to look (sad, glad)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to float/to become merry/to become loose/(P)/

[] /(v5r) (hum) to hear/to be told/to know/(P)/

[] /(n) receipt/acceptance/reception (desk)/information desk/(P)/
[] /(n) receipt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to interpret/to
[] /(v5t) to take (be in) charge of/(P)/
[] /(v1) to undertake/to accept/to take (lesson, test, damage)/to
undergo/to experience/to catch (e.g. a ball)/to become popular/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to move/to shift/to set in motion/to operate/to
inspire/to rouse/to influence/to mobilize/to deny/to change/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to move/to stir/to shift/to shake/to swing/to operate/to
run/to go/to work/to be touched/to be influenced/to waver/to fluctuate/to
vary/to change/to be transferred/(P)/
[] /(n) rabbit/hare/cony/(P)/
[] /(n) cattle/cow/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to lose/to part with/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
[] /(adj) thin/weak/watery/diluted/(P)/
[] /(adj) dim/gloomy/(P)/
[] /(v1) to dilute/to water down/(P)/
[] /(n) lie/falsehood/incorrect fact/inappropriate/(P)/
[] /(n) song/poetry/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to sing/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to doubt/to distrust/to be suspicious of/to suspect/(P)/
[] /(n) inside/(P)/
[] /(suf) house/family/(P)/
[~] /(n) inside/
[] /(n) business meeting/previous arrangement/appointment/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to deny/to negate/to contradict/(P)/
[] /(n) universe/cosmos/space/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to hit/to strike/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to attack/to avenge/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to attack/to defeat/to destroy/(P)/
/(adv,n) carelessly/thoughtlessly/inadvertently/(P)/
[] /(adj) beautiful/lovely/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to film/to transcribe/to duplicate/to reproduce/to trace/to
describe/to picture/to photograph/to imitate/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to project/to reflect/to cast (shadow)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to remove/to transfer/to infect/(P)/
[] /(v1) to sue (a person)/to resort to/to appeal to/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be photographed/to be projected/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be reflected/to harmonize with/to come out (photo)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to move (house)/to transfer (department)/(2) to be
infected/to be contagious/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) arm/(2) skill/(P)/
/(n) (uk) noodles (Japanese)/(P)/
/(v5k) (uk) to nod/to bow one's head in assent/(P)/
/(v5r) to groan/to moan/to roar/to howl/to growl/to hum/to buzz/to

[] /(v5u) to snatch away/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) horse/(2) promoted bishop (shogi)/(P)/
[] /(adj) delicious/
[] /(n) birth/birth-place/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be born/(P)/
[] /(n) sea/beach/(P)/
[] /(n) yes or no/existence/flag indicator (comp)/presence or absence
[] /(n) plum/plum-tree/lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bury/to fill up/to fill (a seat, a vacant position)/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to show respect/to honor/(P)/
[] /(n) reverse side/wrong
side/back/undersurface/inside/palm/sole/opposite/rear/lining/last half (of an
[] /(v5s) to turn inside out/to turn the other way/to turn
(something) over/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to betray/to turn traitor to/to double-cross/(P)/
[] /(n) backdoor/rear entrance/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to forecast/to predict/(P)/
[] /(n) resentment/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to curse/to feel bitter/(P)/
[] /(adj) envious/enviable/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to envy/
[] /(n) amount sold/proceeds/
[] /(n) sold-out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be sold out/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) place where things are sold/sales floor/counter (in
[] /(v5r) to sell/(P)/
/(adj) noisy/loud/fussy/(P)/
[] /(adj) happy/glad/pleasant/(P)/
[] /(n) sales/
[] /(v1) to be sold/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) loitering/aimless wandering/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/(P)/
[] /(n) rumor/report/gossip/common talk/(P)/
[] /(n) fortune/luck/(P)/
[] /(n) fortune/luck/(P)/
[] /(n) canal/waterway/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) operation/motion/driving/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) motion/exercise/(P)/
[] /(n) handle/grip/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) picture/drawing/painting/sketch/
[] /(adj-na,n) eternity/perpetuity/immortality/permanence/(P)/

[] /(n) movie/film/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) eternity/perpetuity/immortality/
[] /(n,vs) influence/effect/(P)/
[] /(n) business/trade/management/(P)/
[] /(n) the English language/(P)/
[] /(n) satellite/(P)/
[] /(n) sentence in English/(P)/
[] /(n) nutrition/nourishment/(P)/
[] /(n) English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)/(P)/
[] /(conj,int,n) yes/(P)/
[] /(int) let me see/well/er..../
[] /(n) smiling face/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to draw/to paint/to sketch/to depict/to describe/
[] /(n) station/(P)/
[] /(n) liquid/fluid/(P)/
[] /(n) feed/bait/(P)/
/(n) escalator/(P)/
[] /(n) branch/bow/twig/limb/(P)/
/(n) etiquette/(P)/
/(de:) (n) energy (de: Energie)/(P)/
[] /(n) colors/paints/(P)/
/(n) apron/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(v5b) to choose/to select/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get/to gain/to win/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get/to gain/to win/(P)/
/(n) elevator/(P)/
[] /(n) circle/money/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) party/banquet/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) postponement/adjournment/(P)/
[] /(n) acting/performance/(P)/
[] /(n) horticulture/gardening/(P)/
[] /(n) play (theatrical)/(P)/
[] /(n) circumference/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assistance/aid/support/(P)/
/(n) engine/(P)/
[] /(n) speech/address/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) musical performance/(P)/
[] /(n) trip/hike/picnic/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) extension/elongation/prolongation/lengthening/(P)/
[] /(n) chimney/(P)/
[] /(n) pencil/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) diffidence/restraint/reserve/(P)/

[] /(pref) honorable/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) old age/old person/the old/the aged/
[] /(v1) to chase or run after someone/to run down/to
[] /(v5s) to pass (e.g. car)/to outdistance/to outstrip/(P)/
/(adj) delicious/tasty/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to overtake/to catch up (with)/(P)/
/(v5r) (hon) (uk) to be/
/(n) oil/engine oil/kerosene/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) (1) king/ruler/sovereign/monarch/(2) king (for senior
player) (shogi)/
[] /(v5u) to chase/to run after/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n) king/(P)/
[] /(n) prince/(P)/
[] /(n) princess/(P)/
[] /(v1) to respond/to satisfy/to accept/to comply with/to apply
[] /(v5z) to answer/to respond/to meet/to satisfy/to accept/(P)/
[] /(n) reception/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) receiving/dealing with/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) crossing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (col) round trip/coming and going/return ticket/(P)/
[] /Europe and America/the West/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) application/put to practical use/(P)/
[] /(v1) to finish/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj) many/numerous/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/much/greatly/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to cover/to hide/to conceal/to wrap/to disguise/(P)/
[] /(adj) big/large/great/(P)/
/(n) orchestra/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) rough (as in not precise)/broad/sketchy/
[] /(n) great number of people/
[] /(n) main street/(P)/
/(n) automation/(P)/
/(n) motorcycle (lit: auto-bi(ke))/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) (1) overcoat/(2) over/exceeding/going
beyond/exaggeration/(3) ball hit over the head of an outfielder (baseball)/(P)/

[] /(n) rich family/distinguished family/

[] /(adv,n) (uk) about/roughly/as a rule/approximately/
[] /(n) hill/height/knoll/rising ground/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) mother/(P)/

[] /return/welcome/
/(n) thanks or owing to/

[] /(exp) Thanks to god/thanks to you/

/(adj) (uk) strange/funny/amusing/ridiculous/
/(n) (uk) side dish/accompaniment for rice dishes/(P)/
[] /(exp,n,pol) please don't fuss over me/
[] /(v5m) to worship/to beg/to make a supplication/(P)/
[] /(n) second helping/another cup/(P)/
[] /(n) open sea/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to compensate for/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get up/to rise/(P)/
[] /(n) interior/inner part/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to put/to place/(P)/
[] /(num) 100,000,000/hundred million/(P)/
[] /(n) outdoors/(P)/
/(n) (hon) wife/your wife/his wife/married lady/madam/(P)/
[] /(n) rooftop/(P)/
[] /part of word written in kana/(P)/
[] /(n) present/gift/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to send (a thing)/to dispatch/to take or escort (a person
somewhere)/to see off (a person)/to spend a period of time/to live a life/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to send/to give to/to award to/to confer on/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be late/to be delayed/to fall behind schedule/(P)/
[] /(n) (someone else's) child/
[] /(io) (v5s) to raise/to cause/to wake someone/
[] /(v5r) to neglect/to be off guard/to be feeling better/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to perform/to do/to conduct oneself/to carry out/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to occur/to happen/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to get angry/to get mad/(2) to be angry/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stop/to restrain/to seize/to repress/to suppress/to
press down/
[] /(adv) before/ahead/previously/
[] /(adj) very young/childish/(P)/
[] /(v1) to obtain/to reap/to pay/to supply/to accept/(P)/
[] /(v1) to obtain/to reap/to pay/to supply/to accept/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to govern/to manage/(2) to subdue/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)/
[] /(n) uncle (younger than one's parent)/(P)/
[] /(adj) regrettable/disappointing/precious/(P)/
/(n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/
[] /(n) closet/(P)/
[] /(v1) to teach/to inform/to instruct/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bow/

[] /(n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged gentleman/uncle/(P)/

[] /(n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged gentleman/uncle/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) (uk) middle-aged gentleman/uncle/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,n) smartly dressed/someone smartly
/(adj-na,adj-no,n,vs) (uk) chattering/talk/idle
[] /(exp) Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you/
[] /(n) (1) (hon) daughter/(2) young lady/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to push/to press/to stamp (i.e. a passport)/(P)/
[] /(n) pollution/contamination/(P)/
[] /(adj) late/slow/(P)/
/(adv) perhaps/(P)/
[] /(v1) to fear/to be afraid of/(P)/
[] /(adj) terrible/dreadful/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be taught/(P)/
[] /(exp) Take care of yourself/
[] /(n) mutual/reciprocal/each other/
[] /(adj-na,n) calm/gentle/quiet/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to calm down/to settle down/to be steady/to settle in/to
take up one's residence/to harmonize with/to match/to restore presence of mind/
/(v5aru) (hon) to say/to speak/to tell/to talk/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) (my) husband/(P)/
[] /(n) font of purifying water placed at the entrance of a
[] /(n) maid/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) father/(P)/
[] /(n) younger brother/faithful service to those older/brotherly
/(v5s) to threaten/to coerce/(P)/
[] /(n) man/(P)/
[] /(n) boy/(P)/
[] /man/(P)/
[] /(n) lost property/
[] /(io) (v5s) to drop/to lose/to let fall/
/(n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) year before last/(P)/
[] /(n) adult/
/(adj) obedient/docile/quiet/(P)/
[] /(n) dance/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to fall behind/to be inferior to/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to dance/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to surprise/to frighten/to create a stir/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to be surprised/to be astonished/(P)/
[~] /(n) stomach/
[] /(adj-na,n) same/identical/equal/uniform/equivalent/similar/common
[] /(n) ogre/demon/"it" (i.e., in a game of tag)/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) older brother/(vocative) "Mister?"/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) older sister/(vocative) "Miss?"/(P)/
[] /(hon) please/
[] /each/every/either/respectively/severally/
[] /(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)/
[] /(n) aunt (younger than one's parent)/(P)/
/(n) grandmother/female senior-citizen/
[] /(n) (hon) aunt/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) aunt/(2) middle-aged lady/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) lady/woman/ma'am/(P)/
/(int,n) (abbr) Good morning/
[] /(n-suf) band (e.g. conduction, valence)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) lunch/noon/
/(n) office/(P)/
[] /(v1) to remember/to memorize/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be drowned/to indulge in/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) worship/shrine visit/(P)/
/(n) (fam) you (sing)/presence (of a high personage)/
[] /(exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you waiting/
/(n) policeman (friendly term)/
/(n) (uk) happy event/matter for congratulation/auspicious
[] /(ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!/an auspicious occasion!/
[] /(adj) (1) heavy/massive/(2)
[] /(adj) unexpected/casual/
[] /(adv,n) with all one's strength
[] /(v5m) to be under impression that/to be convinced that/to
imagine that/to set one's heart on/to be bent on/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to recall/to remember/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to think of/to hit upon/to come into one's mind/to be
struck with an idea/(P)/
[] /(n) memories/recollections/reminiscence/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to think/to feel/(P)/
/(adj) interesting/amusing/(P)/
[] /(adj) heavy/massive/serious/important/severe/oppressed/(P)/

/(n) (uk) toy/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) table (e.g. Tab 1)/chart/list/(P)/
[] /(adv) mainly/primarily/(P)/
[] /(adv) unintentional/spontaneous/(P)/
[] /(n) parents/(P)/
[] /(n) parents/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) holiday/absence/rest/(2) (exp) Good night/
/(n) (1) (uk) between meal snack/afternoon refreshment/afternoon tea/(2)
mid-day snack/
[] /(n) thumb/(P)/
[] /(n) swimming/
[] /(v5g) to swim/(P)/
/(adv,n) about/roughly/as a rule/approximately/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to exert/to cause/to exercise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a
[] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a
[] /(v5r) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)/to be/to exist/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to break/to fold/to pick flower/(P)/
/(n) organ/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi,vt) to break/to be folded/to give in/to turn (a
[] /(v5s) to lower/to let go down/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to take down/to launch/to drop/to lower/to let (a person)
off/to unload/to discharge/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to sell wholesale/grated (vegetables)/(P)/
[] /(n) the end/
[] /(io) (v5r) to finish/to close/
~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/
[] /(n) favor/obligation/debt of gratitude/(P)/
[] /(n) music/musical movement/(P)/
[] /(n) grace/favor/blessing/benefit/(P)/
[] /(n) greenhouse/(P)/
[] /(n) spa/hot spring/onsen/(P)/
[] /(n) temperate zone/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) warmth/(P)/
[] /(n) and Company/Messrs./(P)/
[] /(n) temperature/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/girl/daughter/
[] /(n) girl/(P)/
[] /woman/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) passable/(P)/
[] /(n) mosquito/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) counter for chapters (of a book)/(P)/
~ [~]

~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[car] /(n) car/(P)/
/(n) curtain/carton/(P)/
/(n) card/curd/(P)/
/(n) (1) curve/(2) curve ball (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,vs) meeting/assembly/party/association/club/(P)/
[] /(n) counter for occurrences/(P)/
[] /(n) shell/shellfish/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) injury/harm/evil influence/damage/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) member/the membership/(P)/
[] /(n) picture/(P)/
[] /(n) opening of a meeting/(P)/
[] /(n) foreign/abroad/overseas/(P)/
[] /(n) meeting hall/assembly hall/(P)/
[] /(n) coast/beach/(P)/
[] /(n)
[] /(n)
[] /(n,vs) settlement/solution/resolution/(P)/
[] /(n) meeting/assembly/(P)/
[] /(n) diplomacy/(P)/
[] /(n) foreign country/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) examination of tickets/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) breakup/dissolution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) start/commencement/beginning/(P)/
[] /(n) company/corporation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explanation/interpretation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) outing/going out/
[] /(n) assembly hall/meeting place/the grounds/(P)/
[] /(n) sea bathing/seawater bath/(P)/
[] /(n) number of times/frequency/(P)/
[] /(n) book of tickets/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) revision/amendment/alteration/(P)/
[] /(n) good weather/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explanation/commentary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) betterment/improvement/incremental and continuous

[] /(n,vs) (1) remodeling/(2) modding (comp)/(P)/

[] /(n) stairs/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) opening/open/
[] /(adj-na,n) pleasant/agreeable/comfortable/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rotation/revolution/turning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) answer/solution/(P)/
[] /(n) reply/answer/(P)/
[] /(n) the outside/external/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) recovery (from
[] /(n,vs) release/liberation/emancipation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) open/throw open/liberalization/(P)/
[] /(n) shopping/(P)/
[] /(n) ocean/(P)/
[] /(n) intro/outline/general remarks/(P)/
[] /(n) conversation/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to buy/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to keep/to raise/to feed/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to return something/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to send back/(P)/
[] /(adv) on the contrary/rather/all the more/instead/(P)/
[] /(n) return/coming back/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange/to interchange/to substitute/to replace/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange/to interchange/to substitute/to replace/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange/to interchange/to substitute/to replace/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to change/to alter/to vary/to convert/to revise/to amend/
[] /(v5r) to warp/to be warped/to curve/to be curved/to be arched/to
bend (backward)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go back/to go home/to come home/to return/(P)/
[] /(n) face (person)/(P)/
[] /(n) house/building/(P)/
[] /(n) aroma/fragrance/scent/smell/(P)/
[] /(n) painter/artist/(P)/
[] /(v1) to hold or carry under or in the arms/(P)/
[] /(n) price/value/cost/(P)/
[] /(n) science/(P)/
[] /(n) chemistry/(P)/
[] /(n) mirror/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to shine/to glitter/to sparkle/(P)/
[] /(n) official/duty/person in charge/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to take (e.g. time, money, etc)/to hang/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to suffer from/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to concern oneself in/to have to do with/to affect/to
influence/to stick to (opinions)/(P)/
[] /(n) key/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) writing down/putting on record/recording/making a note
of/registration (of mail)/(P)/

[] /(n) dictation/(P)/
[] /(n) hedge/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) limit(s)/as far as possible/as much as possible/to the
best of one's ability/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to restrict/to limit/to confine/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to write/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (uk) to scratch/to perspire/(P)/
[~] /(v5k) to draw/to paint/to sketch/to depict/to describe/
~ [~]
[] /(v5g,vt) to sniff/to smell/(P)/
[] /(n) furniture/(P)/
[] /(n) learning/scholarship/erudition/knowledge/
[] /(n) forehead/brow/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) aerial/overhead/fiction/fanciful/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) resolution/resignation/readiness/preparedness/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) individual/each/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) certainty/reliability/soundness/(P)/
[] /(n) scholar/(P)/
[] /(n) expansion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) study/learning/(P)/
[] /(n) science/learning/scholarship/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to hide/to conceal/(P)/
[] /(n) student/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) magnification/enlargement/(P)/
[] /(n) every place/various places/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) expansion/extension/enlargement/escape (ESC)/(P)/
[] /(n) angle/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) affirmation/confirmation/(P)/
[] /(n) year in school/grade in school/(P)/
[] /(n) department of a university/undergraduate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) exceptional/(P)/
[] /(n) scholarship/study/learning/(P)/
[] /(n) probability/(P)/
[] /(n) scholarship/knowledge/literary ability/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to hide/to be hidden/to conceal oneself/to
[] /(n) shade/shadow/other side/(P)/
[] /(n) shade/shadow/other side/(P)/
[] /(n) multiplication/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) approval/adoption (e.g. motion, bill)/passage/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(aux-v,v1) (1) to wear/to put on/to hang/to begin to/to cover/to
multiply/to turn on (a switch)/to play (a record)/to pour (water)/(2) to sit
down/(3) to make a phone call/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be lacking/(P)/
[] /(n) addition and subtraction/allowance

ence (of the weather)/state of health/chance/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n) the past/bygone days/the previous/(P)/
[] /(n) basket/cage/(P)/
[] /(n) a burner/origin of a fire/
[] /(n) downward/descent/fall/drop/subsidence/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to surround/to encircle/(P)/
[] /(n) umbrella/parasol/(P)/
[] /(n) conflagration/fire/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be piled up/lie on top of one another/overlap each
[] /(v1) to pile up/to put something on another/to heap up/to
add/to repeat/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) decoration/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to decorate/to ornament/to adorn/(P)/
[] /(n) volcano/(P)/
[] /(n) loan/lending/(P)/
[] /(n) pastry/(P)/
[] /(n) fire/conflagration/(P)/
[] /(n) housework/domestic chores/(P)/
[] /(adj) wise/clever/smart/(P)/
[] /(exp) certainly!/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lending/loaning/(P)/
[] /(n) error/blunder/accident/(P)/
[] /(n) fruit/nut/berry./(P)/
[] /(n) room to let/(P)/
[] /(n) house for rent/(P)/
[] /(n) singer/(P)/
[] /(n) passage/place/point/part/
[] /(adj-na,n) excess/over-/(P)/
/(v5r) to chew/to bite (at)/to gnaw/to nibble/to munch/to crunch/to have a
smattering of/
[] /(v5s) to lend/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) number/figure/(P)/
/(n) gas/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf) method/manner/way/(P)/
[] /(n) cold (illness)/common cold/
[] /(n,vs) taxation/(P)/
[] /(n) underline/underscore/
[] /(v5g) to earn income/to labor/(P)/
/(n) cassette (tape)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to count/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) acceleration/(P)/
[] /(n) family/members of a family/(P)/
[] /(n) acceleration/
/(n) gasoline/petrol/(P)/
/(n) gasoline stand/gas station/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) side/(P)/

[] /(n) mold/model/style/shape/data-type/(P)/
[] /(n) shoulder/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj) stubborn/firm (not viscous or easily
[] /(adj) hard (esp. wood)/steadfast/honorable/stuffy writing/(P)/
[] /(adj) solid/hard (esp. metal, stone)/unpolished writing/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj,n-adv,n-t) persons/this and that/here and
there/everywhere/any way/all sides/all gentlemen/all people/(P)/
[] /(n) katakana/(P)/
[] /(n) form/shape/figure/type/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to put in order/to dispose of/to solve/to finish/to get
[] /(v1) to tidy up/to put in order/to straighten up/to put
[] /(n) sword/saber/knife/engraving tool/
[] /(n) lump/mass/clod/cluster/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to harden/to solidify/to become firm/to become
[] /(n) one-way (trip)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to incline toward/to slant/to lurch/to heel over/to be
disposed to/to trend toward/to be prone to/to go down (sun)/to wane/to sink/to
[] /(v5r) to be one-sided/to incline/to be partial/to be
prejudiced/to lean/to be biased/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to talk/to tell/to recite/(P)/
[] /(n) win/victory/(P)/
[] /(n) value/worth/merit/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to win/to gain victory/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) study subject/course of study/(P)/
[] /(n) scientific society/academic meeting/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) feel disappointed/be dejected/lose heart/feel emotionally
drained/feel let down/(P)/
[] /(n) energy/liveliness/(P)/
[] /(n) musical instrument/(P)/
[] /(n) term (school)/(P)/
[] /(n) grade in school/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to shoulder/to carry on shoulder/(P)/
[] /(n) parenthesis/brackets/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,adj-na,n) shape/form/posture/suitability/moderateness (in
[] /(n) school/(P)/
[] /(n) printing type/(P)/
[] /arbitrarily/of it's own accord/involuntarily/willfully/as one
[] /(n,vs) action/activity/(P)/

[] /(n) activity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conjugation/practical use/(P)/
[] /(n) vitality/energy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) assumption/supposition/hypothesis/(P)/
[] /(n) home/family/household/(P)/
[] /(n) process/(P)/
[] /(n) course/curriculum/(P)/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(ok) (n) alias/pseudonym/pen name/nom de plume/(NB the karina
reading is the origin of the word `kana')/
[] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/
[] /(adj) sad/sorrowful/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be sad/to mourn for/to regret/(P)/
[] /(n) kana orthography/syllabary spelling/(P)/
[] /(adv) necessarily/certainly/without
[] /(adv) (not) always/(not) necessarily/(not) all/(not)
/(adj-na,adv) (uk) considerably/fairly/quite/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) (1) gold/(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr)/(P)/
[] /(n) bell/chime/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) heating/
[] /(n) rich man/(P)/
[] /(suf,v1) to hold (position)/to serve/to be unable/to be beyond
one's ability/to combine with/to use with/cannot/to hesitate to/to be
[] /(adj-na,n) possible/practicable/feasible/(P)/
[] /(n) she/girl friend/sweetheart/(P)/
/(n) cover (ex. book)/(P)/
/(n) bag/satchel/briefcase/basket/(P)/
[] /(n) majority/(P)/
[~] /(n) mold/mildew/(P)/
[] /(n) (flower) vase/(P)/
[] /(n) share/stock/stump (of tree)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to cover (with something)/to plate something (with a
metal)/to pour or dash a liquid (on something)/to charge (a person with a
[] /(v5r) to suffer/(P)/
[] /(n) wall/(P)/
[] /(n) iron pot/kettle/(P)/
[] /it doesn't matter/
[] /(v5u) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) patience/endurance/perseverance/tolerance/selfcontrol/
[] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3)
governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a
ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/
[] /(n) god/(P)/

[] /(n) hair/(P)/
[] /(n) wastepaper/(P)/
[] /(n) god/(P)/
[] /(n) razor/(P)/
[] /(n) thunder/(P)/
[] /(n) hair (head)/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to bite/to chew/to gnaw/(P)/
/(n) chewing gum/(P)/
/(n) camera/(P)/
[] /(n) (school) subject/curriculum/course/(P)/
/(exp) may/might/perhaps/may be/possibly/(P)/
[] /(n) cargo/freight/(P)/
/(adj) itchy/itching/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to go back and forth/to ply between/(2) to commute/to
attend (school, church, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) (abbr) Tuesday/(P)/
[] /(n) song/ballad/(P)/
[] /(n) sky/(P)/
[] /(n) shell/husk/hull/chaff/(P)/
[] /(n) hilt (of a sword)/haft (of a dagger)/handgrip/
/(n) collar/color/colour/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/heart-breaking/(P)/
/(v5u) to ridicule/to tease/to banter with/to make fun of/(P)/
/(n) glass/pane/(P)/
[] /(n) appearance/air/condition/state/form/
[] /(adj-na,n) empty/vacant/hollow/(P)/
[] /(v1) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on
[] /(v5r) to cut (hair)/to mow (grass)/to harvest/to clip/to shear/to
reap/to trim/to prune/(P)/
[] /(adj) light/non-serious/minor/(P)/
/(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)/(P)/
[] /(n) he/boyfriend/(P)/
[] /(n) they (usually male)/
[] /(v1) to wither/to die (plant)/to be blasted (plant)/(P)/
/(n) calendar/(P)/
/(n) calorie/(P)/
[] /(n) river/(P)/
[] /(n) river/stream/(P)/
[] /(n) skin/hide/leather/fur/pelt/bark/shell/(P)/
[] /(n) leather/(P)/
~ [~]
/(adj) (sl) pretty/cute/lovely/charming/dear/darling/pet/(P)/
/(v5r) to love/to be affectionate/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) poor/pitiable/pathetic/(P)/
/(adj) lovely/sweet/(P)/

[] /(v5s,vt) to dry (clothes, etc.)/to desiccate/(P)/

[] /(v5k,vi) to get dry/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be thirsty/(P)/
[] /(n) money order/exchange/(P)/
[] /(n) roof tile/(P)/
[] /(n) substitute/deputy/proxy/alternate/relief/compensation/second
[] /(io) (v5r,vi) to take the place of/to relieve/to be substituted
for/to be exchanged/to change places with/to take turns/to be replaced/
[] /(v5r,vi) to change/to be transformed/to vary/to be revised/to be
different/to move location/(P)/
[] /(n) can/tin/(P)/
[] /(n) perception/intuition/the sixth sense/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) thinking/thought/ideas/intention/(P)/
[] /(v1) to consider/(P)/
[] /(n) sense/sensation/(P)/
[] /(n) space/interval/SPC/(P)/
[] /(n) ventilation/(P)/
[] /(n) audience/spectator(s)/(P)/
[] /(n) environment/circumstance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) relation/connection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) welcome/reception/(P)/
[] /(n) deep emotion/impression/inspiration/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sightseeing/(P)/
[] /(n) (female) nurse/(P)/
[] /Kansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) observation/survey/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/sense/impression/(P)/
[] /(n) Chinese characters/kanji/(P)/
[] /(n) New Year's Day/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) thanks/gratitude/(P)/
[] /(n) a patient/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) appreciation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) calculation/counting/consideration/reckoning/settlement
of an account/allowance/(P)/
[] /(n) emotion(s)/feeling(s)/sentiment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to feel/to sense/to experience/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to feel/to sense/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) admiration/Well done!/(P)/
[] /(n) concern/interest/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to concern/to be related/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) complete/completion/(2) perfection/accomplishment/(P)/

[] /(n) indirection/indirectness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) dry/arid/insipid/dehydrated/(P)/
[] /(n) impressions/thoughts/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) observation/(P)/
[] /(n) frigid zone/
[] /(adj-na,n) simple/(P)/
[] /(n) government office/authorities/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) misunderstanding/wrong guess/(P)/
[] /(n) packing (in cans)/canning/canned goods/tin can/(P)/
[] /(n) dry cell/battery/(P)/
[] /Kantou (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) being deeply moved emotionally/excitement/impression/deep
[] /(n,vs) supervision/control/superintendence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) idea/notion/conception/(2) sense (e.g. of duty)/(3)
[] /(n,vs) toast (drink)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to persist/to insist on/to stand firm/to try one's
[] /(n)
n/closing time/(P)/
[] /(n) nursing (a patient)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
crown/diadem/first/best/peerless/cap/naming/designating/initiating on coming of
age/top character radical/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) control/management (e.g. of a business)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) completion/conclusion/(P)/
[] /(n) relation/connection/relevance/(P)/
[] /(n) Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary)/(P)/
[] /(n) tree/wood/timber/(P)/
[] /(n) spirit/mood/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) atmospheric pressure/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) yellow/
[] /(adj) yellow/(P)/
[] /(n) member of the Diet, congress or parliament/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go out/to vanish/to disappear/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) memory/recollection/remembrance/(P)/
[] /(n) temperature/(P)/
[] /(n) chance/opportunity/(P)/
[] /(n) machine/mechanism/(P)/
[] /(n) instrument/(P)/
[] /(n) Diet/congress/parliament/(P)/
[] /(n) changing clothes/change of clothes/(P)/

[] /(v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/

[] /(n) period/term/(P)/
[] /(n) organ/mechanism/facility/engine/(P)/
[] /(n) locomotive/engine/(P)/
[] /(n) enterprise/undertaking/(P)/
[] /(n) famine/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to hear/to listen/to ask/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be effective/(P)/
[] /(n) utensil/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) danger/peril/hazard/(P)/
[] /(n) term/period/(P)/
[] /(n) humor/temper/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) climate/(P)/
[] /(n) symbol/code/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be heard/to be audible/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to mince/to carve/to engrave/to cut fine/to chop up/to
hash/to chisel/to notch/(P)/
[] /(n) bank/coast/shore/(P)/
[] /(n) birthplace/(P)/
[] /(n) article/news story/report/account/(P)/
[] /(n) engineer/technician/(P)/
[] /(n) ceremony/rite/ritual/service/(P)/
[] /(n) train (steam)/(P)/
[] /(n) reporter/(P)/
[] /(n) art/technique/technology/skill/(P)/
[] /(n) standard/basis/criteria/norm/(P)/
[] /(n) standard/basis/criteria/norm/(P)/
[] /(n) rising/getting out of bed/(P)/
[] /(n) wound/injury/hurt/cut/gash/bruise/scratch/scar/weak point/
[] /(n) season/(P)/
[] /(v1) to put on clothes/(P)/
[] /(n) foundation/basis/(P)/
[] /(n) rule/regulations/(P)/
[] /north/
/(n) guitar/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) expectation/anticipation/hope/(P)/
[] /(n) vapor/gas/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) returning home/(P)/
[] /(adj) dirty/unclean/filthy/(P)/
[] /(n) base/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) precious/valuable/(P)/
[] /(n) chairman/(P)/
/(adv) precisely/accurately/(P)/
/(adj) tight/close/intense/(P)/
/(n) chance/start/cue/excuse/motive/impetus/occasion/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to notice/to recognize/to become aware of/to perceive/to

/(adv,n) (1) (uk) surely/undoubtedly/certainly/without fail/(2)
/(adv) tightly/fully/(P)/
[] /man of ability/
/(adv,n) (1) (uk) surely/undoubtedly/certainly/without fail/(2)
[] /(n) ticket/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be pleased with/to suit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) entry/filling in of forms/(P)/
[] /(n) silk/(P)/
[] /(n) commemoration/memory/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) yesterday/(P)/
[] /(n) function/faculty/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pitiful/a pity/(P)/
[] /(n) foundation/basis/(P)/
[] /(adj) severe/strict/stern/austere/grave/solemn/majestic/intense
[] /(n,vs) contribution/donation/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/mood/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hope/wish/aspiration/(P)/
[] /(n) foundation/basis/standard/(P)/
[] /(n) settlement/conclusion/regulation/rule/custom/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5r) to be decided/to be settled/to look good in (clothes)/
[] /(n,suf) Mr (junior)/master/boy/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) -like/-looking/-looked/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) strange/queer/curious/(P)/
[] /(n) duty/obligation/responsibility/(P)/
[] /(v1) to decide/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) kimono/(P)/
[] /(n) question/problem/doubt/guess/(P)/
[] /(n) guest/customer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) reverse/opposite/(P)/
[] /(n) guest seating/(P)/
[] /(n) parlor/guest room/(P)/
/(n) captain/(P)/
/(n) gang/(P)/
/(n) campus/(P)/
/(n) camp/(P)/
[] /(num) nine/(P)/
[] /(n,pref) ex-/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) class, grade, rank/school class, grade/
[] /(n) globe/sphere/ball/(P)/
[] /(n) holiday/day off/furlough/(P)/
[] /(n) closed (e.g. store)/business

[] /(n,vs) rest/break/recess/intermission/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sudden/precipitous/radical/(P)/
[] /(n) express (e.g. train that bypasses many stations)/(P)/
[] /(n) lecture cancelled/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) absorption/suction/attraction/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) relief/aid/rescue/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rapid (e.g. progress)/(P)/
[] /(n) rest/relief/relaxation/(P)/
[] /(n) (cow's) milk/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) allowance/grant/supply/(P)/
[] /(n) rest/break/recreation/(P)/
[] /(n) salary/wages/(P)/
[] /(adj) clear/pure/noble/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skillful/handy/(P)/
[] /(n-t) today/this day/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) strengthen/intensify/reinforce/solidify/(P)/
[] /(n) church/(P)/
[] /(n) boundary/(P)/
[] /(n) text book/(P)/
[] /(n) game/match/contest/(P)/
[] /(n) manners/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) supply/provision/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) teacher (classroom)/(P)/
[] /(n) event/function/(P)/
[] /(n) classroom/(P)/
[] /(n) teaching/instruction/professor/(P)/
[] /(exp,n) shame/very kind of you/sorry to trouble/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) competition/contest/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) siblings/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) emphasis/stress/stressed point/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n,vs) commonness/community/(P)/
[] /(n) cooperation/association/collaboration/joint/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) be afraid/dread/dismay/terror/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (in something)/(P)/
[] /(n) culture/education/refinement/cultivation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cooperation/collaboration/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) herculean strength/mountain carrier-guide/
[] /(n,vs) (1) line/procession/(2) matrix (math)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) permission/approval/(P)/
[] /(n) fishing (industry)/(P)/

[] /(n) court lady/lady in waiting/

[] /(n) curve/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) huge/gigantic/enormous/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) last year/
[] /(adj-na,n) dislike/hate/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to hate/to dislike/to loathe/(P)/
[] /(n) fog/mist/(P)/
[] /(n) order/rules/law/(P)/
[] /(suf,v5r) to cut/to chop/to hash/to carve/to saw/to clip/to shear/to
slice/to strip/to fell/to cut down/to punch/to sever (connections)/to pause/to
break off/to disconnect/to turn off/to hang up/to cross (a street)/to
discount/to sell below cost/to shake (water) off/to finish/to be through/to
[] /(oK) (v5r) to behead/to murder/
[] /(n) cloth/piece/cut/chop/strip/slice/scrap/counter for such/(P)/
~ [~]
/(oK) (adj-na) (uk) pretty/clean/nice/tidy/beautiful/fair/
[] /(v1) (1) to cut well/to be sharp/(2) to break (off)/to snap/to
wear out/(3) to be injured/(4) to burst/to collapse/(5) to be disconnected/to be
out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/(6) to be shrewd/to have a sharp
/(n,pref) (abbr) kilo-/kilogram/kilometre/10^3/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) record/minutes/document/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) argument/discussion/dispute/(P)/
[] /(exp) to be careful/to pay attention/to take care/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) (1) gold/(2) gold general (shogi) (abbr)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) silver/silver coin/silver paint/
[] /(exp) No Smoking!/(P)/
[] /(n) amount of money/(P)/
[] /(n) goldfish/(P)/
[] /(n) safe/vault/treasury/provider of funds/(P)/
[] /(n) bank/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prohibition/ban/(P)/
[] /(n) neighborhood/(P)/
[] /(n) money/cash/(P)/
[] /(n) metal/(P)/
[] /(n) present day/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) tension/mental strain/nervousness/(P)/
[] /(n) muscle/sinew/(P)/
[] /(n) monetary circulation/credit situation/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) (abbr) Friday/(P)/
[] /(num) nine/(P)/
[] /sentence/
[] /(n) condition/state/manner/health/(P)/
[] /(n) limits/boundary/domain/zone/sphere/territory/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (male) (vulg) to eat/(P)/
~ [~]

[] /(n) air/atmosphere/(P)/
[] /(n) airport/(P)/
[] /(n) even number/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n-adv,n) (by)
[] /(n) daydream/fantasy/fancy/vision/(P)/
[] /(n) sky/air/(P)/
/(n) cooler/air conditioner/(P)/
[] /(n) nail/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vt) to punctuate/to cut off/to mark off/to stop/to put an
end to/(P)/
[] /(n) grass/(P)/
[] /(n) odour/scent/smell/stench/fragrance/aroma/perfume/(P)/
[] /(n) chain/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rot/to go bad/(P)/
[] /(n) comb/(P)/
/(n) (uk) sneeze/(P)/
[] /(n) complaint/troubles/objection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pain/trouble/anxiety/diligence/hard work/(P)/
[] /(n) waste/scrap/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to destroy/to pull down/to make change (money)/(P)/
[] /(n) medicine/(P)/
[] /(n) ring finger/(P)/
[] /(v1) to collapse/to crumble/(P)/
[] /(n) a habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice)/peculiarity/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) pipe/tube/(P)/
[] /(n) concrete/tangible/material/
[] /(v5k,vt) to break/to smash/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to break/to be broken/(P)/
[] /(v5aru) (hon) to give/to confer/(P)/
/(v1) to get tired/to wear out/(P)/
[] /(n) fruit/(P)/
/(adj) good-for-nothing/stupid/trivial/worthless/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) down-train (going away from Tokyo)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to get down/to descend/(P)/
[] /(n) mouth/orifice/opening/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) lips/(P)/
[] /(n) lipstick/(P)/
[] /(n) shoes/footwear/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pain/agony/(P)/
[] /(n) socks/(P)/
/(v5k) to adhere to/to keep close to/(P)/
/(v1) to attach/(P)/
/(adv) sound asleep/fast asleep/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) verbose/importunate/heavy (taste)/(P)/

[] /(n) punctuation marks/(P)/

[] /(n) country/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to distribute/to deliver/(P)/
[] /(n) neck/(P)/
[] /(n) laborer/worker/(P)/
[] /(n) division/section/demarcation/(traffic)
[] /(n,vs) distinction/differentiation/classification/(P)/
[] /(n) class/group/team/set/
[] /(n) association/union/(P)/
[] /(n) combination/(P)/
[] /(v1) to assemble/to set up/to construct/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to put together/(P)/
[] /(v5m) (1) to draw (water)/to ladle/to dip/to scoop/to pump/(2) to
have a drink together/(3) to consider/to sympathize with/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to serve sake/
[] /(n) cloud/(P)/
[] /(n) cloudiness/cloudy weather/shadow/
[] /(v5r) to become cloudy/to become dim/(P)/
[] /(adj) regrettable/mortifying/vexing/
[] /(v5m) to mourn/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n,suf,vs) grade/rank/court
order/dignity/nobility/situation/throne/crown/occupying a
position/about/almost/as/rather/at least/enough to/(P)/
[] /(adj) (uk) dark/gloomy/(P)/
[] /(n) living/livelihood/subsistence/circumstances/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) classic(s)/(P)/
/(n) class/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to live/to get along/(P)/
/(n) (1) glass/(2) grass/(P)/
[] /(v1) to compare/(P)/
/(n) gram/gramme/(P)/
/(n) gland/grand/(electrical) ground/(P)/
/(n) cleaning/dry cleaning/laundry service/(P)/
/(n) cream/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to repeat/to do something over again/(P)/
/(n) Christmas/(P)/
[] /(vk) to come/to come to hand/to arrive/to approach/to call on/to
come on (rain)/to set in/to be due/to become/to grow/to get/to come from/to be
caused by/to derive from/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to go mad/to get out of order/(P)/
/(n) group/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/difficult/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to suffer/to groan/to be worried/(P)/
[] /(n) car/vehicle/wheel/(P)/
/(v5m) to be engulfed in/to be enveloped by/to wrap up/to tuck in/to
pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/to conceal/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n) year end/sunset/nightfall/end/(P)/

/(adv) repeatedly/sincerely/earnestly/(P)/
/(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run
[] /(n) (1) black/(2) dark/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) black/(2) dark/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) troubles/hardships/(P)/
[] /(v1) to append/to sum up/to add (up)/to include/to increase/to
[] /(adj) knowing very well/detailed/full/accurate/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to join in/to accede to/to increase/to gain in
[] /(n) native Japanese reading (rendering) of a Chinese character/
~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf) army/force/troops/(P)/
[] /(n) country/district/(P)/
[] /(n) army/troops/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) practice/training/(P)/
[] /(n) hair/fur/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) under/below/beneath/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) plan/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) respect/honor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) management/administration/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) plan/project/schedule/scheme/program/(P)/
[] /(n) policeman/(P)/
[] /(n) condition/state/business (condition)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) experience/(P)/
[] /(n) practice/training/study/(P)/
[] /(n) honorific/term of respect/(P)/
[] /(n) tendency/trend/inclination/(P)/
[] /(n) fluorescent lamp/person who is slow to react/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) warning/advice/(P)/
[] /(n) economics/business/finance/economy/(P)/
[] /(n) police/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) calculation/reckoning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) notice/bulletin/(P)/
[] /(n) criminal case/(police) detective/(P)/
[] /(n) form/formality/format/math expression/(P)/
[] /(n) (fine) art/the arts/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) continuation/(P)/
[] /(n) knitting wool/(P)/
[] /(n) longitude/(P)/

[] /(n) system/family line/geological formation/lineage/ancestry/(P)/

[] /(n) public entertainment/accomplishments/attainments/(P)/
[] /(n) horse racing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) defense/guard/policing/security/
[] /(n) contract/compact/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) go by the way/via/(P)/
[] /(n) "true" adjective/(P)/
[] /(n) adjectival noun/quasi-adjective/
/(n) cake/(P)/
[] /(n) case/(P)/
/(n) game/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) injury (to animate object)/hurt/(P)/
[] /(n) surgical department/(P)/
[] /(n) fur/skin/pelt/(P)/
[] /(n) drama/play/(P)/
[] /(n) theatre/playhouse/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sudden increase/
[] /(ik) (n-t) this morning/(P)/
[] /(n) scenery/scene/landscape/(P)/
[] /(n) eraser/India rubber/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) alighting/getting off/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) boarding/lodging/boarding house/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) month (last third of)/(P)/
[] /(n) make-up (cosmetic)/
[] /(v5s) to erase/to delete/to turn off power/(P)/
[] /(n) drainage/sewage/ditch/gutter/sewerage/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to cut down little by little/to take a percentage/
[] /(n) column/beam/digit/(P)/
[] /(n) geta (Japanese footwear)/wooden clogs/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) (uk)
stinginess/miser/miserliness/skinflint/tightwad/niggard/pinching pennies/
[] /(n) blood pressure/(P)/
[] /(n) blood/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) result/consequence/(P)/
[] /(n) defect/fault/deficiency/(P)/
[] /(n) monthly salary/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) after all/eventually/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) (uk)
splendid/nice/wonderful/delicious/sweet/(2) (arch) construction/architecture/(3)
well enough/tolerably/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) marriage/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) masterpiece/best work/boner/blunder/(P)/
[] /(adv) never/by no means/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) determination/resolution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) absence/non-attendance/(P)/
[] /(n) decision/determination/(P)/
[] /(n) faults/defect/weakness/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) end of the month/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) Monday/(P)/
[] /(n) conclusion/(P)/
[] /(n) indication/market trend/worry/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vulgarity/meanness/indecency/coarseness/(P)/
[] /(adj) smoky/(P)/
[] /(n) smoke/fumes/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to kick/(P)/
[] /(conj) but/however/(P)/
[] /(adj) inaccessible place/impregnable position/steep place/sharp
[] /(n,n-suf) ticket/coupon/bond/certificate/(P)/
[] /(n) prefecture/(P)/
[] /(n) eaves/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) cause/origin/source/(P)/
[] /(n) quarrel/(drunken) brawl/failure/(P)/
[] /(n) opinion/point of view/(P)/
[] /(n) limit/bound/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection/study by observation/field trip/(P)/
[] /(n) entranceway/entry hall/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n,vs) study/research/investigation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) modesty/humility/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cash/ready money/mercenary/self-interested/(P)/
[] /(n) language/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) health/sound/wholesome/(P)/
[] /(n) manuscript/copy/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inspection (e.g. customs, factory)/examination/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) present/up to now/nowadays/modern times/current/(P)/
[] /(n) place of origin/habitat/
[] /(n) origin/primeval/(P)/
[] /(n) reality/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) training/
[] /(adj-na,n) strict/rigor/severe/firm/strong/secure/(P)/
[] /(n) phenomenon/(P)/
[] /(n) present condition/existing state/status quo/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) construction/establishment/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) humble/humility/modesty/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n) nowadays/modern times/present-day/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) construction/architecture/(P)/
[] /(n) prefectural office/(P)/
[] /(n) limit/bounds/(P)/
[] /(n) be found/aim/mark/estimate/guess/approx/direction/(P)/

[] /(n,vs)
[] /(adv) actually/really/(P)/
[] /(n) actual spot/scene/scene of the crime/(P)/
[] /(n) microscope/(P)/
[] /(n) a sight/an attraction/something worth seeing/
[] /(n) constitution/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) eagerness/earnestness/risking one's life/
[] /(n) right/privilege/(P)/
[] /(n) principle/theory/fundamental truth/(P)/
[] /(n) raw materials/(P)/
[] /(n) first sign of Chinese zodiac (The Rat, 11pm-1am, north, November)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(num) five/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) language/word/(P)/
[] /(n) Go (board game of capturing territory)/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) love/tender passion/(P)/
[] /(adj) thick (as of color, liquid)/dense/strong/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) dear/beloved/darling/(2) yearned for/(P)/
[] /(n) lover/sweetheart/(P)/
[] /(n) box/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) factory worker/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) overbearing/coercive/pushy/forcible/high-handed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) good luck/fortune/(P)/
[] /(n) (public) park/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lecture/address/(P)/
[] /(n,adj-no) effect/effectiveness/efficacy/result/(P)/
[] /(n) coin/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high price/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) wonderful/gorgeous/splendor/pomp/extravagance/(P)/
[] /(n) suburb/outskirts/(P)/
[] /(n) public nuisance/pollution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) success/passing (e.g. exam)/eligibility/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
exchange/interchange/reciprocity/barter/substitution/clearing (of checks)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lecture/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high class/high grade/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) public/community/public

[] /(n) (manufacturing) industry/(P)/

[] /(n) aviation/flying/(P)/
[] /(n) scene/spectacle/(P)/
[] /(n) industrial arts/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sum total/total amount/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attack/strike/offensive/criticism/censure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contribution/services/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) filial piety/(P)/
[] /(n) senior high school/(P)/
[] /(n) advertisement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cross/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) company/friendship/association/society/acquaintance/(P)/
[] /(n) crossing/intersection/(P)/
[] /(n) lecturer/(P)/
[] /(n) construction work/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) formula/formality/official/(P)/
[] /(n) excuse/(P)/
[] /(n) school building/(P)/
[] /(n) the latter/(P)/
[] /(n) the public/(P)/
[] /(n) factory/plant/mill/workshop/(P)/
[] /(n) factory/plant/mill/workshop/(P)/
[] /(n) perfume/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) justice/fairness/impartiality/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) organization/composition/(P)/
[] /(n) achievements/merit/meritorious service/meritorious deed/(P)/
[] /(n) beam/light ray/(P)/
[] /(n) upper/(P)/
[] /(n) structure/construction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high speed/high gear/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) alternation/change/relief/relay/shift/(P)/
[] /(n) arable land/(P)/
[] /(n) black tea/(P)/
[] /(n) communication/transportation/traffic/intercourse/(P)/
[] /(n) transportation facilities/
[] /(n) campus/(P)/
[] /(n) positive/affirmation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) altitude/height/advanced/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) high class/high grade/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) action/conduct/behavior/mobilization/(P)/
[] /(n) auditorium/(P)/
[] /(n) robbery/burglary/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /senior high school/(P)/

[] /(n) junior (at work or school)/(P)/

[] /(n) police box/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) official announcement/proclamation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) happiness/blessedness/(P)/
[] /(n) mineral/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) fairness/impartial/justice/(P)/
[] /(n) candidacy/(P)/
[] /(n) official business/public business/(P)/
[] /(n) item/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) (Japanese) maple/(P)/
[] /(n) rational/(P)/
[] /(n) alternating current/intercourse/(cultural)
[] /(n,vs) confluence/union/linking up/merge/
[] /(n,vs) consideration/taking into account/(P)/
[] /(n) effect/efficacy/validity/potency/(P)/
[] /(n) voice/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exceed/to cross over/to cross/to pass through/to pass
over (out of)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exceed/to cross over/to cross/to pass through/to pass
over (out of)/(P)/
/(n) course/(P)/
/(n) coach/(P)/
/(n) coat/tennis court/(P)/
/(n) code/cord/chord/(P)/
/(n) coffee/(P)/
/(n) chorus/(P)/
[] /ice/hail/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to freeze/to be frozen over/to congeal/(P)/
/(n) goal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) misunderstanding/(P)/
[] /(n) language study/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to burn/to scorch/to singe/to char/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) breath/respiration/(P)/
[] /(n) home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native
place/one's old home/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adv,n) quite/very/(P)/
[] /(n) king/(P)/
[] /(n) national language/(P)/
[] /(n) international/(P)/
[] /(n) nationality/(P)/
[] /(n) blackboard/(P)/
[] /(n) subjugation/conquest/(P)/
[] /(n) national/people/citizen/(P)/
[] /(n) grain/cereal/corn/(P)/

[] /(n) national/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) Thank you very much for your..../
[] /(v1,vi) to burn/to be burned/(P)/
[] /(n) cry of a baby at its birth/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) afternoon/p.m./pm/(P)/
[] /(v1) to freeze/to be chilled/to be frozen/(P)/
[] /nine days/the ninth day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) nine/(P)/
[] /(n) core/heart/wick/marrow/(P)/
[] /(n) having some knowledge of/happening to know/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be informed/to have thorough knowledge/(P)/
[] /(n) hip/(P)/
[] /(n) seat/bench/(P)/
[] /(v1) to sit (down)/(P)/
[] /(n) the Japanese syllabary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) break-down/failure/accident/out of order/(P)/
[] /(n) pepper/(P)/
/(v1) to make/to manufacture/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) individual/private person/personal/private/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to go over (e.g. with audience)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cross/to pass/to tide over/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike
[] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/A.M./am/(P)/
[] /(n) an individual/(P)/
[] /(n) answer/response/(P)/
[] /(v1) to answer/to reply/
[] /(n,vs) feast/treating (someone)/
[] /(int) feast/
[] /(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4)
[] /(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4)
[] /(exp) it is I who should say so/
[] /(n) state/country/nation/(P)/
[] /(n) National Diet/parliament/congress/(P)/
[] /(n) personal expenses/pocket money/spending money/incidental
[] /(n) national or state border/(P)/
/(n) (1) cook (nl:)/(2) tap/spigot/faucet/cock/(P)/
[] /(n) bone fracture/(P)/
/(adv) stealthily/secretly/(P)/
[] /(n) parcel/package/(P)/
/(n) (a) glass (nl: Kop)/(P)/
[] /(n) old book/classics/classic/(P)/
[] /(n) thing/matter/fact/circumstances/business/reason/experience/(P)/

[] /(n) Koto (Japanese harp)/(P)/

~ [~]
~ []
[] /(n-adv,n-t) this year/
[] /(v1) to send word/to send a message/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to differ/to vary/to disagree/(P)/
[] /(n) word(s)/language/speech/(P)/
[] /(n) speech/expression/wording/(P)/
[] /(n) child/children/(P)/
[] /(n) small bird/(P)/
[] /(n) proverb/maxim/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to refuse/to inform/to ask leave/to decline/to dismiss/(P)/
[] /(n) flour/meal/powder/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn,int) (uk) this/(P)/
/(n-adv) the other day/recently/lately/during this period/
/(n-adv,n-t) the other day/lately/recently/
/these days/nowadays/
[] /(n) liking/taste/choice/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to like/to prefer/(P)/
[] /(n) rice (cooked)/meal/(P)/
/(n) (1) a (photo)copy/(2) blurb on a book jacket/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) not writing or contacting for a while/(P)/
/(v5s,vt) to spill/(P)/
/(v1,vi) to overflow/to spill/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) small/(2) fine/minute/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be worried/to be bothered/(P)/
[] /(n) dust/dirt/(P)/
[] /(n) trash/rubbish/
~ [~]
/(n) gum/rubber/eraser/(P)/
[] /(n) wheat/(P)/
[] /(n) uncooked rice/(P)/
[] /(int,n) your pardon/declining
[] /(exp,int) May I come in?/
[] /(exp,int) I beg your pardon/excuse me/
[] /(n) hut/cabin/shed/(animal) pen/(P)/
[] /(n) little finger/(P)/
/(v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to
withstand/to resist/to brave/to be fit for/to be equal to/(P)/
[] /(n) pleasure/amusement/(P)/
[] /(int,n) (hon) look/inspection/try/
[] /(int,n) (uk) this/
/(n) (1) collection/(2) correction/(P)/
/(uk) these/
[] /(n-adv,n,n-suf) (uk) time/about/toward/approximately (time)/

[] /(v5s,vt) to roll/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to roll/to tumble/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to kill/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to fall down/to fall over/
[] /(adj) scary/frightening/eerie/dreadful/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to break/to break down/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to be broken/to break/(P)/
[] /(n) navy blue/deep blue/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) now/this time/lately/(P)/
/(fr:) (n) contest (fr: concours)/(P)/
/(n) concrete/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) from now on/hereafter/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mixing/mixture/(P)/
/(n) concert/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) confusion/congestion/(P)/
/(n) (1) consent/(2) concentric/(3) electrical outlet (concentric
[] /(n) menu/program/schedule/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) now/this time/next time/another time/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like this/(P)/
/(n) so/like this/in this way/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) difficulty/distress/(P)/
[] /(n-t) today/this day/(P)/
[] /(int) hello/good day (daytime greeting, id)/(P)/
[] /(exp,int) good evening/(P)/
/(n) computer/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) engagement/betrothal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disorder/chaos/confusion/mayhem/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) difference/variation/(P)/
[] /(conj,int) come (int)/come now/(P)/
/(n) circle/sports club (i.e. at a company)/(P)/
/(n) (1) service/support system/(2) goods or services without
[] /(n-adv,n) on the occasion of/circumstances/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) (enrolled) in school/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) latest/most recent/nowadays/(P)/
[] /(n) last/end/conclusion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) highest/supreme/the most/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) again and again/repeatedly/(P)/
[] /(n) property/fortune/assets/(P)/
[] /(n) national holiday/festival day/(P)/

[] /(n) last/final/closing/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beginning/outset/first/onset/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) request/demand/claim/urge (action)/press for/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) in the middle of; height of; in course of; midst/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) (1) least/lowest/worst/(2)
[] /(n,vs) marking/grading/looking over/(P)/
[] /(n) calamity/misfortune/(P)/
[] /(n) talent/ability/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) trial/judgment/(P)/
[] /(n) purse/wallet/(P)/
[] /(n) sewing/(P)/
[] /(n) lumber/timber/(P)/
[] /(n) ingredients/material/(P)/
/(n) siren/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) happiness/blessedness/(P)/
/(n) (1) autograph/(2) sign/(3) sine/(P)/
[] /(n) slope/hill/(P)/
[] /(n) border/boundary/mental state/(P)/
[] /(n) reverse/inversion/upside down/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) inversion/upside down/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to search/to seek/to look for/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to search/to seek/to look for/(P)/
[] /(n) fish/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go back/to go upstream/to make retroactive/(P)/
[] /(n) bar/bar-room/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to go against/to oppose/to disobey/to defy/(P)/
[] /(n) helping/serving/
[] /(v5r) to get down/to descend/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) popularity/prosperous/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) the future/priority/precedence/former/previous/old/late/
/(n-adv,n-t) two days before yesterday/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) some time ago/(P)/
[] /(n) work/operation/manufacturing/fatigue duty/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to bloom/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to tear/to split/(P)/
[] /(pref) last (year)/yesterday/(P)/
[] /(n) index/indices/(P)/
[] /(n) author/authoress/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) elimination/cancellation/deletion/erasure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) frame/draw up/make/producing/creating/preparing/writing/
[] /(n,vs) manufacture/(P)/
[] /(n) work/opus/performance/production/(P)/
[] /(n) composition/writing/(P)/
[] /(n) produce (e.g. agricultural)/crops/(P)/
[] /(n) cherry blossom/cherry tree/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to search/to look for/to sound out/(P)/

[] /(n) alcohol/sake/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to shout/to cry/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to avoid (physical contact with)/(2) to ward off/to
[] /(v1) to hang/to lower/to move back/to wear/to dismiss/to
[] /(v1) to be blocked/to choke/to be obstructed/to feel a pressure
on one's chest/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to whisper/to murmur/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stick/to be stuck/(P)/
[] /(n) spoon/(P)/
[] /(v1) (pol) to give/to hold up/to lift up/to offer/(P)/
[] /(n) tatami room/(P)/
[] /(n) hindrance/impediment/(P)/
[] /(n) deduction/subtraction/balance/ebb and flow/rise and
[] /(n) sliced raw fish/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pierce/to stab/to prick/to thrust/to bite/to sting/to pin
down/to stitch/to put (a runner) out/to pole (a boat)/to catch (with a line)/to
[] /(v5s) to raise (stretch out) hands/to raise umbrella/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to point/to put up umbrella/to play/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to insert/to put in/to graft/to wear in belt/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pour (drink)/to serve (drinks)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to shine/to strike/(P)/
[~] /(v5s) to light (a fire)/to apply moxa cautery/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) clever/adept/good/expectations/as one would
[] /(n) seat/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to invite/to ask/to call (for)/(2) to tempt/to lure/to
[] /(n) (1) token/label/(2) ticket/card/(3) charm/talisman/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) photographing/(P)/
[] /(n) noise (jarring, grating)/(P)/
[] /(n) author/writer/novelist/artist/(P)/
/(n) thirst for blood/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) composition/setting (of music)/(P)/
/(adv,n) quickly/(P)/
[] /(n) journal/magazine/(P)/
[] /(adv) at once/immediately/without delay/promptly/(P)/
/(adv) roughly/in round numbers/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n,vs) feeling refreshed/feeling relieved/neat/trimmed/(P)/
/(conj,int) (uk) well/now/then/
[] /(n) sugar/(P)/
[] /(n) desert/(P)/
[] /(n) rust (colour)/(P)/

[] /(adj) lonely/lonesome/solitary/desolate/
[] /(v1,vi) to rust/to become rusty/(P)/
[] /(n) cushion (Japanese)/square cushion used when sitting on
one's knees in a tatami-mat floor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) discrimination/distinction/differentiation/(P)/
[] /(n) manners/etiquette/propriety/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) varied/various/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to cool/to dampen/to let cool/to throw a damper on/to
[] /(v5s) to awaken/(P)/
[] /(v1) to disturb/to prevent/(P)/
[] /(adj) cold (e.g. weather)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become cool/to wear off/to abate/to subside/to dampen/to
cool down (interest)/to come down (fever)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to wake/to wake up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) left and right/(2) influence/control/domination/(P)/
[] /(conj,int) (uk) good-bye/(P)/
[] /(n) plate/dish/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) month after next/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) week after next/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) year after next/(P)/
/(n) salad/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj) (uk) furthermore/again/after all/more and
/(n) salary man/company employee/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to leave/to go away/(P)/
[] /(n) monkey/(P)/
[] /(adj) noisy/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) uproar/disturbance/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to make noise/to clamor/to be excited/to be alarmed/to kick
up a fuss/to make merry/to be annoying/to be troublesome/to make a noise/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) fresh/refreshing/invigorating/clear/fluent/eloquent/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to touch/to feel/(P)/
[] /(num) three/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) participation/(P)/
[] /(n) triangle/triangular/(P)/
[] /(n) industry/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reference/consultation/(P)/
[] /(n) arithmetic/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) approval/agreement/support/favor/(P)/
[] /(n) acidity/(P)/
[] /(n) oxygen/(P)/
/(n) sandal/(P)/

[] /(n) producing area/(P)/

/(n) sandwich/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) deplorable/bad luck/regret/disappointment/(P)/
/(n) sample/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) walk/stroll/(P)/
[] /(n) mountain forest/mountains and forest/(P)/
[] /(num) four/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) city/(P)/
[] /(n) family name/lineage/birth/(P)/
[] /(n) poem/verse of poetry/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) match/game/bout/contest/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be finished/
/(n-adv,n-t) (uk) (in) three days time (two days after tomorrow)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) happiness/good fortune/luck/blessing/(P)/
/(n) season (sporting)/(P)/
/(n) sheet/(P)/
[] /(n) temple/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) silent (as the grave)/(deathly) quiet/
/(n) jeans/(P)/
[] /(n) self-defense/(P)/
[] /(n) jet airplane/(P)/
[] /(n) salt/(P)/
[] /(adj) salty (taste)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) chairmanship/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) square/(P)/
[] /(adj) square/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) however/but/(P)/
[] /(n) way/method/means/resource/course/(P)/
/(adj,exp) it can't be helped/it's inevitable/it's no use/can't stand
it/being impatient/being annoyed/
[] /(adv) immediately/readily/directly/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) moreover/furthermore/nevertheless/and yet/
[] /(v5r) to scold/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) time/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) timetable/schedule/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) equation/formula/ceremony/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n) four seasons/(P)/
[] /earnestly/immediately/exactly/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) time/season/period/(P)/

[] /(n) site/(P)/
[] /(n) payment/allowance/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) urgent/pressing/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) frequently/repeatedly/incessantly/eagerly/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to spread out/to lay out/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(v5r) to grow thick/to luxuriate/to be luxurious/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) examination/test/study/(P)/
[] /(n) resources/(P)/
[] /(n) event/affair/incident/case/plot/trouble/scandal/(P)/
[] /(n) accident/incident/trouble/circumstances/reasons/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) instant/time/moment/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) work/occupation/employment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) suicide/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bringing/taking/carrying/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) fact/truth/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) magnet/(P)/
[] /(n) rounding up (fractions)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) continuously/from beginning to end/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) self-study/(P)/
[] /(n) expenditure/expenses/(P)/
[] /(n) dictionary/lexicon/(P)/
[] /(n) circumstances/consideration/conditions/situation/reasons/(P)/
[] /(n) poet/(P)/
[] /(n) by oneself/personally/(P)/
[] /(n) earthquake/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) quiet/peaceful/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to quieten down/to calm down/to subside/to die down/to
abate/to be suppressed/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to sink/to feel depressed/(P)/
[] /(n) attitude/posture/(P)/
[] /natural science/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) nature/spontaneous/(P)/
[] /(n) thought/idea/(P)/
[] /(n) speed (per hour)/(P)/
[] /(n) descendants/posterity/offspring/(P)/
[] /(n) under/below/beneath/(P)/
[] /(n) tongue/(P)/
[] /(n) corpse/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) (1) order/precedence/(2) circumstances/(3)
immediate(ly)/as soon as/dependent upon/(P)/
[] /(n) situation/present state of affairs/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(n-t) period/epoch/era/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to abide (by the rules)/to obey/to follow/to accompany/(P)/
[] /(n) rough copy/draft/(P)/
[] /(conj) (uk) therefore/consequently/in accordance with/(P)/

[] /(n) underwear/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/
[] /(n) one's home/(P)/
[] /(adj) intimate/close (e.g. friend)/(P)/
[] /(n) Shitamachi/lower parts of town/(P)/
[] /(num) seven/(P)/
[] /(n) self-government/autonomy/(P)/
[] /(n) quality/nature (of person)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
/(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) firmly/tightly/reliable/level-headed/steady/
[] /(n) feelings (actual, true)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) unemployment/(P)/
[] /(n) moisture/humidity/dampness/(P)/
[] /(n) moisture/humidity/dampness/(P)/
[] /(n) experiment/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) implementation/materialization/realization/(P)/
/(adj) insistent/obstinate/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) practice/performance/execution (e.g.
[] /(adj-no,adv,n) practical/actual condition/status quo/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enforcement/enact/put into practice/carry
[] /(n,vs) practice/training/(P)/
[] /(n) achievements/actual results/(P)/
[] /(n) level of humidity/(P)/
/(adv,n) fixedly/firmly/patiently/quietly/(P)/
[] /(adv) indeed/truly/surely/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) as a matter of fact/by the way/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) failure/mistake/blunder/(P)/
[] /(n) writing/(P)/
[] /(n) real thing/original/(P)/
/(n) (uk) tail (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disappointment/despair/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) question/inquiry/(P)/
[] /(n) practical use/utility/(P)/
[] /(n) merit/efficiency/arms/force/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,int,n,vs,exp) (1) discourtesy/impoliteness/(2) Excuse
[] /Excuse me./I'm sorry./
[] /(n) example/illustration/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disappointed love/broken heart/unrequited love/be
[] /(n,vs) designation/specification/assignment/pointing at/(P)/
[] /(n) private railway/(P)/
[] /(n) branch store (office)/(P)/

[] /(n) dictionary/(P)/
[] /(n) bicycle/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) leadership/guidance/coaching/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) automatic/self-motion/(P)/
[] /(n) children/juvenile/(P)/
[] /(n) automobile/(P)/
[] /(n) thing/article/goods/dignity/article (goods)/counter for meal
[] /(n) goods/article/thing/(P)/
[] /(v5n) to die/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) rule/control/direction/(P)/
[] /(n) play/drama/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) often/again and again/frequently/
[] /(n) lawn/(P)/
[] /(n) payment/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to pay/(P)/
/(adv,int) little while/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to tie/to bind/(P)/
[] /(n) (the) ground/
[] /(n) dictionary/(P)/
/(v1) to become numb/to go to sleep (i.e., a limb)/(P)/
[] /(n) myself/oneself/(P)/
[] /(n) paper money/notes/bills/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) death/mortality/(P)/
/(v5m) to wither/to fade (away)/to shrivel/to wilt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to press/to wring/to squeeze/(P)/
[] /(n) funds/capital/(P)/
[] /(n) island/(P)/
[] /(n) stripe/(P)/
[] /(n) sisters/(P)/
[] /(n) sisters/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (uk) to finish/to close/to do something completely/to
put away/to put an end to/(P)/
[] /(exp,int) Damn it!/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to close/to be closed/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pride/boast/(P)/
[] /(n) soil fertility/product of the soil/
[] /(n) citizen/townspeople/(P)/
[] /(n) business/office work/(P)/
[] /(n) full name/identity/(P)/
[] /(n) closing/cut-off/end/deadline/Closed/No Entrance/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to shut up/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to denote/to show/to point out/to indicate/(P)/
[] /I've got it/all right/fine/
[] /(v1) (1) to comprise/to account for/to make up (of)/(2) to
hold/to occupy/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to be wet/to become wet/to be damp/(P)/

[] /(v1,vt) to close/to shut/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tie/to fasten/(P)/
[] /(n) ground/earth's surface/(P)/
[] /(n) under/below/beneath/(P)/
[] /(n) frost/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(conj,int) well/well then/(P)/
/(n) journalist/(P)/
[] /(n) society/public/(P)/
[] /social science/(P)/
/(v5m) to squat/(P)/
[] /(n) faucet/tap/(P)/
[] /(n) weak point/weakness/(P)/
[] /(n) garage/car shed/(P)/
[] /(n) (train) conductor/(P)/
[] /(n) photograph/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sketching/drawing from nature/portrayal/description/(P)/
[] /(n) editorial/leading article/(P)/
/(n) shirt/singlet/(P)/
[] /(n) debt/loan/liabilities/(P)/
/(n) (uk) hiccough/hiccup/(P)/
/(n) shutter/(P)/
/(v5r) to suck/to chew/
/(v5r) to talk/to chat/to chatter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) hindrance/intrusion/(P)/
[] /(n) (car) wheel/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) joke/pun/witticism/(P)/
/(n) jam/(P)/
/(n) shower/(P)/
/(iK) (n) rock-scissors-paper game/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf) week/(P)/
[] /(n) sandbank/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,exp,n) freedom/liberty/as it pleases you/(P)/
[] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/
[] /gun/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) surroundings/circumference/environs/(P)/
[] /(n) meeting/assembly/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) harvest/crop/ingathering/(P)/
[] /(n) week/weekly/(P)/
[] /(n) custom/habit/manners/(P)/
[] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
[] /(n) religion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) money collection/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) gathering/assembly/meeting/set (math)/(P)/
[] /(n) penmanship/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) importance/stress/serious consideration/(P)/
[] /(n) address (e.g. of house)/residence/domicile/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) finding employment/inauguration/(P)/
/(n) juice/soft drink (both carbonated and uncarbonated)/deuce/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) repair/mending/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seriously ill/serious condition/critical state/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) congestion (e.g. traffic)/delay/stagnation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) serious/important/grave/weighty/(P)/
[] /(n) resident/housing/(P)/
[] /(n) group/mass/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) carpet/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) concentration/focusing the mind/(P)/
[] /(n) terminus/last stop (e.g train)/(P)/
[] /(n) important point/lay stress on/colon/emphasis/(P)/
[] /(n) income/receipts/revenue/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) inauguration/assumption of office/(P)/
[] /10 minutes/
[] /(n) circumference/outskirts/environs/(computer) peripheral/(P)/
[] /(n) citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)/
[] /(n) director/high executive/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) important/momentous/essential/principal/major/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) repairing/mending/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) end/close/termination/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) weight/(2) heavyweight boxer/(P)/
[] /(n) gravity/(P)/
[] /(n) doctrine/rule/principle/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lesson/class work/(P)/
[] /(n) idiom/idiomatic phrase/kanji compound/(P)/
[] /(n) national holiday/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reduction/curtailment/(P)/
[] /(n) homework/(P)/
[] /(n) lodging/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) taking an examination/(P)/
[] /(n) (gram) subject/(P)/
[] /(n) surgical operation/(P)/
[] /(n) Prime Minister/(P)/

[] /(n) master/head (of a household)/landlord/one's

[] /(n) means/way/measure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) going to work/at work/(P)/
[] /(n) predicate/
[] /(n) one's turn/place of projection/production center/
[] /(n) graduate from/come from/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) attendance/presence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) official tour/business trip/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) departure/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) publication/(P)/
[] /(n) capital city/(P)/
[] /(n) housewife/mistress/(P)/
[] /(n) hobby/tastes/preference/(P)/
[] /(n) life span/(P)/
[] /(n) leading part/leading actor (actress)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) chief/main/principal/major/(P)/
[] /(n) demand/request/(P)/
[] /(n) variety/kind/type/category/counter for different sorts of
[] /(n) (telephone) receiver/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf) order/turn/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) moment/second/instant/(P)/
[] /(n) circulation/rotation/cycle/(P)/
[] /(n) police/policeman/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) in order/in turn/
[] /(n) order/sequence/procedure/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pure heart/naivete/self-sacrificing devotion/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pure/true/genuine/unmixed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) favorable/doing well/O.K./all right/(P)/
[] /(n) turn (in line)/order of things/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) use/application/employment/utilization/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) chapter/section/(2) medal/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) prize/award/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]

~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3)
governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a
ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) digestion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) introduction/(P)/
[] /(n) obstacle/impediment (fault)/damage/(P)/
[] /(n) scholarship/(P)/
[] /(n) grade school student/(P)/
[] /(n) New Year/New Year's Day/the first month/January/(P)/
[] /(n) primary school/elementary school/(P)/

[] /(n) Japanese chess/(P)/

[] /(n) steam/vapor/(P)/
[] /(n) (measuring) ruler/(P)/
[] /(n) passenger/(P)/
[] /(n) advanced level/high grade/senior/(P)/
[] /(n) commerce/trade/business/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)/(P)/
[] /(n) state of affairs/situation/circumstances/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) passive/(P)/
[] /(n) prize/monetary award/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) high and low/up and down/unloading and loading/praising
and blaming/(P)/
[] /(n) conditions/terms/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) noon/mid-day/(P)/
[] /(n) paper sliding door/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) honesty/integrity/frankness/(P)/
[] /(n) common sense/(P)/
[] /(n) trading company/firm/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) taking a train/entraining/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) first 10 days of month/(P)/
[] /(n) daughter/young lady/virgin/maiden/little girl/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp,n-adv,n) just a minute/small quantity/(P)/
[] /(n) symptoms/condition/(P)/
[] /(v1) to produce/to yield/to result from/to arise/to be
[] /(v5z) to cause/to arise/to be generated/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skill/skillful/dexterity/(P)/
[] /(n) fraction (part of)/decimal/(P)/
[] /(n) novel/story/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) invitation/(P)/
[] /(n) condition/situation/circumstances/state/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) improvement/advance/progress/(P)/
[] /(n) jest/joke/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n) shop/business firm/(P)/
[] /(n) focus/point/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) superiority/first class/very good/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disinfection/sterilization/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) collision/conflict/(P)/
[] /(n) trader/shopkeeper/merchant/(P)/
[] /(n) recognition/acknowledgement/approval/consent/agreement/(P)/
[] /(n) boys/juveniles/(P)/
[] /(n) victory or defeat/issue (of battle)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) trade/business/commerce/transaction/occupation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) evaporation/unexplained disappearance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) consumption/expenditure/(P)/
[] /(n) commodity/article of commerce/goods/stock/merchandise/(P)/
[] /(n) prize/trophy/(P)/
[] /(n) Buddhism's highest paradise/
[] /(n,vs) victory or defeat/match/contest/game/bout/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) hero/gentleman/warrior/manly person/(2) good
[] /(n) (col) urine/piss/
[] /(n) fire fighting/fire department/(P)/
[] /(n) fire station/(P)/
[] /(n) information/(military) intelligence/(P)/
[] /(n) net (weight)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) proof/verification/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) the front/honesty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) exhaustion/consumption/(P)/
[] /(n) soy sauce/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) future/prospects/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) omission/abbreviation/abridgment/(P)/
[] /(n) queen/(P)/
[] /(n) elementary level/(P)/
[] /(n) assistant professor/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) employment/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) table salt/(P)/
[] /(n) occupation/business/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) meal/(P)/
[] /(n) dining table/(P)/
[] /(n) cafeteria/dining hall/(P)/
[] /(n) worker/mechanic/artisan/craftsman/(P)/
[] /(n) one's post/place of work/workplace/(P)/
[] /(n) commodity/foodstuff/(P)/

[] /(n) plant/vegetation/(P)/
[] /(n) food/foodstuff/(P)/
[] /(n) appetite (for food)/(P)/
[] /(n) food/(P)/
[] /(n) provisions/rations/(P)/
[] /(n) study/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/girl/(P)/
[] /(n) helper/helpmeet/assistant/tutor/
[] /(n-adv,n) first 10 days of the month/
[] /(adv) slowly/little by little/gradually/steadily/quietly/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/(P)/
[] /(n) book/publication/(P)/
[] /(n) tableware/(P)/
/(n) a shop/(P)/
[] /(n) bookshop/(P)/
[] /(n) calligraphy/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) elements/rudiments/ABC's of../(P)/
[] /(n,vs) signature/(P)/
[] /(n) books/(P)/
[] /(n) actress/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) processing/dealing with/treatment/disposition/disposal/(P)/
[] /(n) documents/official papers/(P)/
[] /(n) white or grey hair/trendy hair bleaching/(P)/
[] /(n) notice/(P)/
[] /(v1) to notify/to advise/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to investigate/to check up/(P)/
[] /(n) buttocks/bottom/(P)/
[] /(n) acquaintance/(P)/
/(n,n-suf) series/(P)/
[] /(n) private (establishment)/
[] /(n) materials/data/(P)/
[] /(n) juice/sap/soup/broth/
[] /(v5r) to know/to understand/to be acquainted with/to feel/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) mark/(2) symbol/(3) evidence/(P)/
[] /(n) white/(P)/
[] /(n) castle/(P)/
[] /(adj) white/(P)/
[] /(n) amateur/novice/(P)/
[~] /(n) wrinkles/creases/(P)/
[] /(n) core/heart/wick/marrow/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) going on to university/(P)/
[] /(n) bullet train (very high speed)/shinkansen/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vacuum/hollow/empty/(P)/
[] /(n) nerve/sensitivity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) seriousness/earnestness/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) (religious) faith/belief/creed/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) traffic lights/signal/semaphore/(P)/
[] /(n) artificial/manmade/human work/human skill/artificiality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) serious/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) medical examination/(P)/
[] /(n) other's affairs/
[] /(n) Shinto shrine/(P)/
[] /(n) race (of people)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to believe/to believe in/to place trust in/to confide
in/to have faith in/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to believe/to believe in/to place trust in/to confide
in/to have faith in/(P)/
[] /(n) mind and body/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) application/request/petition/(P)/
[] /(n) (human) life (i.e. conception to death)/(P)/
[] /(n) relative/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) kindness/gentleness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) fresh/(P)/
[] /(n) heart/(P)/
[] /(n) man-made/synthetic/artificial/(P)/
[] /(n) the body/(P)/
[] /(n) bed/couch/
[] /(n,vs) diagnosis/(P)/
[] /(n) height (of body)/stature/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) discretion/prudence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) penetration/invasion/raid/aggression/trespass/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) worry/concern/anxiety/care/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) refereeing/trial/judgment/umpire/referee/(P)/
[] /(n) character/personality/person/man/personage/talented man/(P)/
[] /(n) newspaper/(P)/
[] /social sciences/humanities/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) progress/development/(P)/
[] /(n) (human) life/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) late at night/(P)/
[] /(n) close friend/bosom (old, intimate)
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) reliance/trust/confidence/(P)/
[] /(n) mentality/(P)/
[] /(n) forest/woods/(P)/
[] /(n) relation/kin/(P)/
[] /(n) mankind/humanity/(P)/
[] /(n) course/direction/compass bearing/
[] /(n) myth/legend/(P)/
[] /(n) nest/rookery/breeding place/beehive/cobweb/den/haunt/(P)/
[] /(n) vinegar/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) swimming/(P)/
[] /(n) marine products/fisheries/(P)/
[] /(n) cooking/culinary arts/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) water level/(2) level/standard/(P)/
[] /(n) water vapor/steam/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) recommendation/(P)/
[] /(n) hydrogen/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) vertical/perpendicular/(P)/
/(n) switch/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presumption/assumption/estimation/(P)/
[] /(n) drop of water/(P)/
[] /(n) canteen/flask/water bottle/(P)/
[] /(n) water service/water supply/(P)/
[] /(n) essays/miscellaneous writings/(P)/
[] /(n) moisture/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv) extremely/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) water level/horizon/(P)/
[] /(n) horizon/(P)/
[] /(n) sleep/(P)/
[] /(n) water's surface/
[] /(n-adv,n) Wednesday/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to smoke/to breathe in/to suck/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) number/figure/(P)/
[] /(n) mathematics/arithmetic/(P)/
[] /(n) numeral/figure/(P)/
/(adj) impudent/shameless/
/(n) suit/(P)/
/(n) suitcase/(P)/

/(n) (1) super/(2) supermarket (abbr)/(P)/

/(n) (Western) soup/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) the end of/powder/(P)/
[] /(n) youngest child/(P)/
[] /(n) figure/shape/appearance/(P)/
/(n) skirt/(P)/
/(n) scarf/(P)/
[] /(n) picture book/
[] /(adj-na,n) liking/fondness/love/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) chance or opportunity/chink (in one's armor)/(2)
[] /(n) Japanese cedar/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) skiing/(P)/
[] /(n) likes and dislikes/taste/(P)/
[] /(n) matter of taste/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to be(come) transparent/(P)/

[] /(n) crevice/crack/gap/opening/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to pass/to go beyond/to elapse/to exceed/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5k,vi) (1) to open/to become open/to become empty/(2) to be less
/(adv) instantly/
[] /(v5u) to rescue from/to help out of/(P)/
/(n) school/(P)/
[] /(adj) few/a little/scarce/insufficient/seldom/(P)/
/(adv) at least/
[] /(v1) to surpass/to outstrip/to excel/(P)/
[] /(n) figure/(P)/
/(n,vs) skate(s)/skating/(P)/
/(n) schedule/(P)/
/(adj) terrible/dreadful/terrific/amazing/great/wonderful/to a great
[] /(adv,n) (1) small quantity/little/few/something/(2) little
while/(3) short distance/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) anything of/not one bit/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to pass/to spend/to go through/to tide over/(P)/
[] /(n) muscle/string/line/stripe/plot/plan/sinew/(P)/
[] /(n) bell/(P)/
[] /(adj) cool/refreshing/(P)/
[] /(v5m,vi) to make progress/to advance/to improve/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to cool oneself/to cool off/to enjoy evening cool/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to advance/to promote/to hasten/(P)/
[] /(v1) to recommend/to advise/to encourage/to offer (wine)/(P)/
/(n) star/(P)/
/(n) start/(P)/
/(n) style/(P)/
/(n) stand/(P)/
/(n) stewardess/(P)/
[] /(n) headache/(P)/
/(adv) all/completely/thoroughly/(P)/
/(adv,n) shapely/clear/neat/(P)/
/(adv,n) straight/quickly/directly/all of a
/(adv) consecutively/throughout/a lot/(P)/
/(adj) sour/acid/(P)/
/(n) (1) stage/(2) performance/(P)/
[] /(adv) already/too late/
[] /(v1) to throw away/to cast aside/to abandon/to resign/(P)/

/(n) stereo/(P)/
/(n) stockings/(P)/
/(n) stop/(P)/
[] /(n) sand/grit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) obedient/meek/docile/unaffected/(P)/
/(adv,conj) (uk) that is/namely/i.e./(P)/
[] /(n) head/brains/intellect/(P)/
[] /(adj) wonderful/splendid/magnificent/(P)/
/(n) speaker/(P)/
/(n) speech/(P)/
[] /(n) chart/diagram/graph/(P)/
/(n) spoon/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n) all/the whole/entirely/in general/wholly/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to glide/to slide/to slip/(P)/
/(n) sport/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) smart/stylish/slim/(P)/
[] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be finished/(P)/
/(adj,exp) sorry (phrase)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) corner/nook/(P)/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(n) ink/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(exp,int) (uk) sorry/excuse me/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to abide/to reside/to live in/to inhabit/to dwell/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to clear (e.g. weather)/to become transparent/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to finish/to end/to be completed/(P)/
[] /(n) sumo wrestling/(P)/
/(n) slide/(P)/
/(v5s) to put off/to delay/(P)/

[] /(n) pickpocket/(P)/
/(n) slippers/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to print/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to change/to be of use/to reach to/
[] /(adj) (uk) sly/cunning/(P)/
[] /(conj) thereupon/hereupon/(P)/
[] /(adj) pointed/sharp/(P)/
/(v5u) to pass by one another/to disagree/to miss each other/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sit/(P)/
[] /(n) measurement/size/dimension/(P)/
[] /(n) height/stature/(P)/
[] /(n) height/stature/(P)/
[] /(n) (logical) true/regular/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) draft (beer)/(2) raw/unprocessed/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) sex/gender/(P)/
[] /(n) surname/family name/(P)/
[] /(n) cause/reason/fault/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) character/personality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n,vs) living/life (one's daily existence)/livelihood/(P)/
[] /(n) customs house/(P)/
[] /(n) century/era/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) claim/demand/application/request/(P)/
[] /(n) tax/duty/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clean/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) restriction/restraint/limitation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) success/hit/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) manufacture/production/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) work (film, book)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) production/manufacture/(P)/
[] /(n) politics/government/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) due form/official/formality/(P)/
[] /(n) nature/property/disposition/(P)/
[] /(n) clean copy/(P)/
[] /(n) youth/young person/(P)/
[] /(n) mind/soul/heart/spirit/intention/(P)/
[] /(n) adult/(P)/
[] /(n) integer/(P)/
[] /(adv) at the most/at best/to the utmost/as much (far) as
[] /(n) results/record/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cleaning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) manufacture/production/(P)/
[] /(n) existence/being/survival/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) luxury/extravagance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) growth/grow to adulthood/(P)/
[] /(n) growth/increment/(P)/
[] /(n) pupil/(P)/
[] /(n) system/institution/organization/(P)/
[] /(n) (member of) political party/(P)/
[] /(n) youth/young man/(P)/
[] /(n) birth date/(P)/
[] /(n) ability/efficiency/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) adjustment/completion/consolidation/(P)/
[] /(n) manufactured goods/finished goods/(P)/

[] /(n) government/administration/(P)/
[] /(n) raw food/(P)/
[] /(n) ingredient/component/composition/(P)/
[] /(n) distinction by sex/sex/gender/(P)/
[] /(n) square/(P)/
[] /(n) life/existence/(P)/
[] /(n) main gate/main entrance/(P)/
[] /(n) the west/Western countries/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sorting/arrangement/adjustment/regulation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) coming into
[] /(n) Christian Era/anno domini (A.D.)/(P)/
/(n) sweater/jumper/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to be burdened with/to carry on back or shoulder/(P)/
[] /(n) the world/society/the universe/(P)/
[] /(n) seat/(P)/
[] /(n) cough/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) coal/(P)/
[] /(n) equator/(P)/
[] /(n) duty/responsibility/(P)/
[] /(n) oil/petroleum/kerosene/(P)/
[] /(n) world/society/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) theory/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) with trouble/at great pains/long-awaited/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) positive/active/proactive/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) getting closer/drawing nearer/approaching/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) plan/design/(P)/
[] /(n) soap/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to come in contact with/to connect/to attend/to

[] /(n,vs) (1) connection/union/join/link/(2) changing trains/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) absolute/unconditional/absoluteness/(P)/
/(n) set/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) equipment/device/facilities/installation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explanation/exposition/(P)/
[] /(n) destruction/extinction/
[] /(n,vs) economizing/saving/(P)/
[] /(n) earthenware/crockery/china/(P)/
[] /(n) back (of body)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) (uk) certainly/without fail/(P)/
/(adv) by all means (with sense of not taking "no" for an answer)/
[] /(n) business suit/(P)/
[] /(adj) narrow/confined/small/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to draw near/to press/(P)/
/(de:) (n) seminar/(P)/

/(n) offense/method of attack/

[] /(v1) to attack/to assault/(P)/
[] /(v1) to condemn/to blame/to criticize/(P)/
/(n) cement/(P)/
[] /(n) speech/words/one's lines/remarks/
/(n) zero/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) looking after/help/aid/assistance/(P)/
[] /thousand/many/(P)/
[] /(n) stopper/cork/stopcock/
[] /(n,n-suf) line (also telephone, railway)/wire/beam/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) good/goodness/right/virtue/(P)/
[] /(n,pref) all/whole/entire/complete/overall/pan/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n) all members (unanimity)/all hands/the whole crew/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,suf) around/throughout/front and back/before and
behind/before and after/about that
[] /(n,vs) major subject/special study/(P)/
[] /(n) country-wide/nation-wide/whole country/national/
[] /(n) detergent/washing material/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) the other day/a few days ago/(P)/
[] /(n) the former/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) player (in game)/(2) team/(P)/
[] /(n) complete works/(P)/
[] /(n) the whole body/full-length (portrait)/(P)/
[] /(n) advance/drive/progress/(P)/
[] /(n) folding fan/(P)/
[] /(n) teacher/master/doctor/(P)/
[] /(n) despotism/autocracy/(P)/
[] /(adv) (1) wholly/entirely/completely/(2) not at all (with neg.
[] /(n-t) month before last/
[] /(n) ancestor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) war/(P)/
/(n) a center/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) washing/laundry/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) selection/choice/(P)/
[] /(n) pointed end/tip/fine
point/spearhead/cusp/vanguard/advanced/leading edge/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) centimeter/centi-/10^-2/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) propaganda/publicity/(P)/
[] /(n) head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)/

[] /(n) senior (at work or school)/superior/elder/older

[] /(adj-no,n) (the) whole/universal/wholly/general/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) all/entire/whole/altogether/(P)/
[] /(n) electric fan/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) wash up (one's face)/have a wash/(P)/
[] /(n) specialty/subject of study/expert/(P)/
[] /(n) all one's power/whole energy/(P)/
[] /(n) line/track/roadbed/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /destroy/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) elephant/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) difference/discrepancy/variation/(P)/
/(exp) which reminds me ../
[] /(n) noise/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) increase/addition/(P)/
[] /(n) house-cloth/dust cloth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) increase and decrease/fluctuation/(P)/
[] /(n) storehouse/warehouse/godown/(P)/
[] /(n) mutual/reciprocal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) operation/management/processing/(P)/
[] /(n) production/literary creation/work/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)/
[] /(n) funeral/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) and/like that/(P)/
[] /(n) shipbuilding/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) imagination/guess/(P)/
[] /(adj) noisy/boisterous/(P)/
[] /(n) succession/inheritance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) enlargement/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) consultation/discussion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) equipment/installation/apparatus/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n-adv) suitable/fair/tolerable/proper/(P)/
[] /(n) farewell/send-off/(P)/
[] /(n) zoori (Japanese footwear)/sandals/(P)/
[] /Prime Minister/(P)/
[] /(n) postage/carriage/
~ [~]
[] /(vs-s) to belong to/to come under/to be affiliated with/to be
subject to/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) successively/one after another/(P)/
[] /(n) express/special delivery/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) measurement/(P)/
[] /(n) speed/velocity/rate/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) measurement/surveying/(P)/
[] /(n) speed/(P)/
[] /(n) bottom/sole/(P)/
[] /(n) bottom/sole/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) so (conj)/accordingly/now/then/thereupon/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (1) organization/(2) structure/construction/(3) tissue/(4)
[] /(n) character/qualities/genius/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) and/(P)/
[] /(n) ancestor/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to pour (into)/to irrigate/to pay/to fill/to feed (e.g. a
/(adj) careless/thoughtless/(P)/
[] /(v5t,vi) to raise (child)/to be brought up/to grow (up)/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to raise/to rear/to bring up/(P)/
/(n) (uk) over there/the other/(P)/
/(n) (uk) your (that) place/the other/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) graduation/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) all/altogether/entirely/be just like/the splitting image
[] /(adj-na,n) frankness/candour/openheartedness/
/(n) face of the earth/
[] /(n) sleeve/(P)/
[] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/
[] /(v1) to furnish/to provide for/to equip/to install/to have
ready/to prepare for/to possess/to have/to be endowed with/to be armed with/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be furnished with/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) (uk) the/that/
/(conj) in addition/furthermore/
/(adv) eventually/sooner or later/of the previously mentioned/(P)/

/hence/for that reason/

/(conj,n) otherwise/
/(adj-no) (uk) without change/as it is (i.e. now)/(P)/
[] /(n) side/edge/third person/
[] /(n) soba (buckwheat noodles)/(P)/
[] /(n) grandfather/(P)/
/(n) sofa/couch/(P)/
[] /(n) grandmother/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) crude/rough/plain/humble/(P)/
[] /(n) sky/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to shave/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) it/that/(P)/
/(uk) and then/after that/(P)/
/(uk) and (conj)/thereupon/because of that/(P)/
/(exp) (uk) in that situation/well then .../(P)/

/(uk) but (still)/and yet/nevertheless/even so/notwithstanding/(P)/

/(conj) (uk) or/or else/(P)/

/(uk) If that's the case.../If so.../That being the case.../(P)/

/(uk) besides/moreover/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) to that degree/extent/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stray (turn) from subject/to get lost/to go astray/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to become complete/to be equal/to be all present/to
[] /(v1) to put things in order/to arrange/to make uniform/to get
something ready/(P)/
/(n) gradually/steadily/quietly/slowly/soon/(P)/
[] /(n) abacus/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf,vs) loss/disadvantage/(P)/
[] /(n) damage/injury/loss/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) respect/esteem/reverence/honor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) existence/being/(P)/
[] /(v1) (hum) to know/(P)/
[] /(n) respect/esteem/regard/(P)/
[] /(n) loss and gain/advantage and disadvantage/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like that/that sort of/(P)/

[] /(n) rice field/(P)/

[] /(n) paddy field/farm/
[] /(n-adv,n) other (esp. places and things)/
[] /(n) pair/couple/set/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) stand/rack/table/support/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) title/subject/theme/topic/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) physical education/gymnastics/athletics/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) first/foremost/# 1/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) leaving hospital/(P)/
[] /(n) temperature (body)/(P)/
[] /(n) convention/tournament/mass meeting/rally/(P)/
[] /(n) university/(P)/
[] /(n) graduate school/(P)/
[] /(n) atmosphere/(P)/
[] /(n) price/payment/cost/charge/the money/the bill/(P)/
[] /(n) carpenter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) tedium/boredom/(P)/
[] /(n) system/organization/(P)/
[] /(n) drum/tambourine/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) stay/sojourn/(P)/
[] /(n) counter-plan/counter-measure/(P)/
[] /(n) ambassador/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) considerable/great/important/significant/a big
[] /(adv) (not so) much/(not) very/(P)/
[] /(n) one's body weight/(P)/
[] /(n) target/object (of worship, study, etc)/subject (of taxation,
[] /(n) contrast/antithesis/comparison/(P)/
[] /(n) size/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) safe/all right/O.K./(P)/
[] /(n) cabinet minister/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to face/to confront/to oppose/(P)/
[] /(n) order/system/structure/set-up/organization/(P)/
[] /(n) capacity/volume/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) important/(P)/
[] /(n) great war/great battle/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) very much/exaggerated/very fine/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) gymnastics/physical exercises/calisthenics/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) general/substantially/outline/main point/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) usually/generally/(P)/
[] /(n) attitude/manner/(P)/
[] /(n) president/chief executive/(P)/
[] /(n) kitchen/(P)/
[] /(n) majority/mostly/generally/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
/(n) type/style/typing/(P)/
[] /(adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/
[] /(adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/
[] /(n) typhoon/(P)/
[] /(n-t) most part/greater part/majority/(P)/
/(n) typewriter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) awful/dreadful/terrible/very/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrest/apprehension/capture/(P)/
[] /(n) large tree/
[] /(n) title/(P)/
[] /(n) pronoun/(P)/
/(n) (1) dyer/(2) diagram/(3) (railway) schedule/(4) diamond/(P)/
/(n) diagram/
/(n) diamond/(P)/
/(n) dial/(P)/
[] /(n) sun/solar/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flatness/level/smooth/calm/plain/sitting tailor

[] /(n)
(principal, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) continent/(P)/
[] /(n) confrontation/opposition/antagonism/(P)/
[] /(n) rice planting/(P)/
[] /(adv) constantly/(P)/
[] /(n) ellipse/
[] /(v5s,vt) to throw down/to beat/to bring down/to blow down/to
fell/to knock down/to trip up/to defeat/to ruin/to overthrow/to kill/to leave
unpaid/to cheat/(P)/
/(n) (hand) towel/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to collapse/to break down/to go bankrupt/to fall/to
drop/to die/to succumb to/to fall senseless/to be ruined/to have a bad debt/(P)/
[] /(adj) tall/high/expensive/(P)/
[] /(n) mutual/reciprocal/(P)/
[] /(v1) to raise/to lift/to boost/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to till/to plow/to cultivate/(P)/
[] /(n) treasure/(P)/
[] /(conj,n) so/therefore/(P)/
[] /(n) waterfall/(P)/
[] /(n) house/home/husband/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to boil/to cook/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to burn/to kindle/to build a fire/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (sl) to embrace/to hug/to harbor/to entertain/`to sleep
/(adj-na,adv,n) many/a lot/much/(P)/
/(n) taxi/(P)/
[] /(v1) to store/to lay in stock/(P)/
[] /(n) bamboo/middle (of a three-tier ranking system)/(P)/
/(conj) however/
[~] /(adj-na,adv,exp,n) certain/sure/definite/if I'm not
mistaken/if I remember correctly/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,exp,n) certain/sure/definite/if I'm not mistaken/if I
remember correctly/(P)/
[] /(v1) to ascertain/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,adv,n) more or less/somewhat/a little/some/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to add (numbers)/to do (e.g. one's business)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to put out/to send/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be saved/to be rescued/to survive/to be helpful/(P)/
[] /(v1) to help/to save/to rescue/to give relief to/to spare
(life)/to reinforce/to promote/to abet/(P)/
[] /(v1) to visit/(P)/
[] /(v1) to ask/to enquire/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn,adv,conj) free of charge/mere/sole/only/usual/common/(P)/

[] /(adj-pn,adv,conj) free of charge/mere/sole/only/usual/common/(P)/

[] /(adj-pn,adv,conj) free of charge/mere/sole/only/usual/common/(P)/
[] /(oK) (adv,int,n) (uk) Here I am/I'm home!/presently/right
away/right now/just now/
[] /(n) battle/fight/struggle/conflict/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to fight/to battle/to combat/to struggle against/to wage
war/to engage in contest/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to strike/to clap/to dust/to beat/
[] /(conj) but/however/provided that/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(adv) at once/immediately/directly/in person/(P)/
[] /(n) tatami mat (Japanese straw floor coverings)/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to fold (clothes)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stand up/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stop/to halt/to stand still/(P)/
[] /(n) standpoint/position/situation/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) at once/in a moment/suddenly/all at once/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to stand/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to erect/to be erected/to be built/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)/
[] /(v5t) to pass/to lapse/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to reach/to get to/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) derailment/digression/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn,adv,conj) free of charge/mere/sole/only/usual/common/(P)/
/(conj) but/because/even/also/too/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) full/in plenty/ample/(P)/
[] /(n) length/height/(P)/
[] /(n) building/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stand (something) up/to erect (something)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to build/to construct/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) valid/proper/right/appropriate/(P)/
[] /(n) simile/metaphor/allegory/
[] /(adv) for example/e.g./(P)/
[] /(v1) to compare/to liken/to speak figuratively/to illustrate/to
use a simile/(P)/
[] /(n) shelves/rack/(P)/
[] /(n) valley/
[] /(n) another person/unrelated person/outsider/stranger/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) seed/pip/kind/variety/quality/tone/(2)
material/matter/subject/theme/(news) copy/(3) cause/source/trick/secret/inside
[] /(adj) enjoyable/fun/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) enjoyment/pleasure/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to request/to beg/to ask/(P)/

[] /(adj) reliable/trustworthy/hopeful/promising/(P)/
[] /(n) handbreadth/bundle/
/(pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tobacco)/cigarettes/
[] /(n) tabi/Japanese socks (with split toe)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) counter for occurrences/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) travel/trip/journey/(P)/
/(adv) often/repeatedly/frequently/
/(n) double/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) perhaps/probably/(P)/
[] /(v1) to eat/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) ball/sphere/coin/
[] /(n) globe/sphere/ball/(P)/
[] /(n) bullet/shot/shell/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) even number/couple/man and wife/friend/same
[] /(n) (1) egg(s)/spawn/roe/(2) (an expert) in the making/(P)/
/(v5s) to trick/to cheat/to deceive/(P)/
[] /(adv) casually/unexpectedly/accidentally/by chance/(P)/
/(adv,suf) occasionally/once in a while/(P)/
/(adj,exp) intolerable/unbearable/unendurable/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to collect/to gather/to save/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be silent/(P)/
/(n) dumb/(P)/
[] /(n) good/advantage/benefit/welfare/sake/to/in order to/because of/as a
result of/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) useless/no good/hopeless/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) (uk) a sigh/
[] /(n) trial/test/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to attempt/to test/(P)/
/(v5u) to hesitate/(P)/
[] /(v1) to amass/to accumulate/(P)/
[] /(n) news/tidings/information/correspondence/letter/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rely on/to have recourse to/to depend on/(P)/
/(adj) slovenly/loose/a slut/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be sufficient/to be enough/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be sufficient/to be enough/(P)/
[] /(n) who/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) someone/somebody/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) step/stair/flight of steps/grade/rank/level/
~ [~]
[] /(n) unit/denomination/credit (in school)/(P)/
[] /(n) gradation/grade/stage/(P)/
[] /(n) short term/(P)/
[] /(n) word/vocabulary/(usually) single-character word/(P)/

[] /(n) coal mine/coal pit/

[] /(n) youth/young man/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simplicity/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) defect/demerit/weak point/(2) disadvantage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) birth/(P)/
/(n) chest of drawers/(P)/
/(n,vs) dance/(P)/
[] /(n) fresh water/(P)/
[] /(n) water outage/(P)/
[] /(n) singular (number)/(P)/
[] /(n) male/man/(P)/
[] /(n) organization/association/(P)/
/(adv,n) gradually/by degrees/
[] /(n) multi-unit apartments/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) conclusion/decision/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (in) charge/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) mere/simple/sheer/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) simply/merely/only/solely/(P)/
[] /(n) short (e.g. story, film)/
[] /(n) heating/(P)/
[] /(n) blood/consanguinity/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) earth/(P)/
[] /(n) (social) position/status/(P)/
[] /(n) area/region/(P)/
[] /(adj) small/little/tiny/(P)/
/(n) cheese/(P)/
/(n) team/(P)/
[] /(n) wisdom/wit/sagacity/sense/intelligence/advice/(P)/
[] /(n) basement/underground/(P)/
[] /(adj,suf) near/close by/short/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) difference/discrepancy/(P)/
[] /(adj,exp) (phrase) sure/no mistaking it/for certain/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to swear/to vow/to take an oath/to pledge/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to differ (from)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) near/neighborhood/vicinity/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) lately/recently/nowadays/(P)/
[] /(n) underground water/
[] /(adv) nearness/before long/
[] /(v1) to bring near/to put close/to let come near/to
associate with/(P)/
[] /(n) underground train/subway/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to approach/to draw near/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) strength/power/(P)/
[] /(adj) reassuring/emboldened/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) the earth/(P)/
/(v5r) to cut up fine/to pick (fruit)/(P)/

[] /(n) district/section/sector/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lateness/late coming/(P)/
[] /(n) prefectural governor/(P)/
[] /(n) knowledge/information/(P)/
[] /(n) geological features/(P)/
[] /(n) friend/acquaintance/(P)/
[] /(n) map/(P)/
[] /(n) area/zone/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) father/(P)/
[] /(n) father/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to shrink/to be contracted/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shorten/to reduce/to boil down/to shrink/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be wavy/to be curled/(P)/
/(adv) not at all (neg. verb)/(P)/
/(n) (1) gratuity/tip/(2) chip/(P)/
[] /(n) site/point on a map/(P)/
[] /(n) intelligence/brains/(P)/
[] /(n) horizon/(P)/
[] /(n) area/locality/district/region/the coast/(P)/
[] /(n) place name/(P)/
[] /(n) tea/(P)/
[] /(n) light brown/tawny/(P)/
~ [] ~
~ [] ~
[] /(adv) steadily/(P)/
[] /(n) rice bowl/tea cup/teacup/
/(n) chance/opportunity/(P)/
/(adv,n) perfectly/properly/exactly/(P)/
[] /(n) inside/middle/among/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) annotation/explanatory note/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) caution/being careful/attention (heed)/warning/advice/(P)/
[] /(n) centre/central/center/middle/(P)/
[] /(n) middle school/junior high school/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) middle/midway/interim/(P)/
[] /(n-t) (1) used/second-hand/old/
[] /(n,vs) suspension/stoppage/discontinuance/interruption/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) injection/(P)/
[] /(n) parking (e.g. car)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) second third of a month/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) abstract/(P)/
[] /(n) lunch/midday meal/
[] /(n) center/core/heart/pivot/emphasis/balance/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) Middle Ages/mediaeval times/(P)/

[] /(n) neuter gender/neutral (chem.)/indifference/sterility/(P)/
[] /(n) in the middle/half-way/(P)/
[] /(n) middle-aged/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) notice/attention/observation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) order/request/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) excess/being more than/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) long time period/(P)/
[] /(n) carving/engraving/sculpture/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) investigation/examination/inquiry/survey/(P)/
[] /(n)
of health/strain/impetus/spur of the moment/trend/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) strong point/merit/(2) advantage/(P)/
[] /(n) eldest daughter/(P)/
[] /(n) top/summit/peak/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) regulation/adjustment/tuning/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) regulation/adjustment/control/(P)/
/(int,vs) (1) please do for me (preceded by -te)/(2) reception/being
[] /(n) length/long and short/+-/(P)/
[] /(n) top/summit/(P)/
/(n) supplies/furniture/fixtures/
[] /(n) eldest son/(P)/
[] /(n) rectangle/oblong/(P)/
[] /(n) condiment/seasoning/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) chock/chalk/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (bank) savings/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) immediately following/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv) direct/immediate/personal/firsthand/(P)/
[] /(n) straight line/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) just before/(P)/
[] /(n) direct communication/(P)/
[] /(n) direct current/
[] /(n) author/writer/(P)/
[] /(n) storage/preservation/(P)/
[] /(n) right angle/(P)/
[] /(n) diameter/(P)/
/(ateji) (adv,int) (uk) just a minute/a short time/a while/just a

[] /(v5s) to scatter around/to leave untidy/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to be in disorder/to lie scattered around/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to scatter/to disperse/to distribute/(P)/
[] /(n) geography/(P)/
[] /(n) tissue paper/toilet paper/
[] /(v5r) to fall/to scatter (e.g. blossoms)/(P)/
[] /(adv) finally/at last/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) addition/supplement/appendix/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) first of month/(P)/
/(n) (uk) opportunity/occasion/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) passage through/passing/(P)/
[] /(n) currency/(P)/
[] /(n) commuting to school/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) commuting to work/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) passage/passing/(P)/
[] /(v1) to run to/to lead to/to communicate/to understand/to be
well informed/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) correspondence/communication/news/signal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) notice/notification/(P)/
[] /(n) passbook/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) interpretation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) popular use/circulation/(P)/
[] /(n) passage/pathway/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5u) to use/to handle/to manipulate/to employ/to need/to want/to
spend/to consume/to speak (English)/to practise (fencing)/to take (one's
lunch)/to circulate (bad money)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to catch/to arrest/to seize/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be caught/to be arrested/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to seize/to catch/to grasp/to grip/to grab/to hold/to catch
hold of/to lay one's hands on/(P)/
[] /(n) tiredness/fatigue/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get tired/to tire/(P)/
[] month /(n-t) moon/month/(P)/
[] moon /(n-t) moon/month/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) next/stage station/stage/subsequent/(P)/
[] /(n) association/socializing/fellowship/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to associate with/to keep company with/to get on with/
[] /(n) end (e.g. of street)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to run into/to collide with/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) in succession/one by one/
[] /(n) time/years/days/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to adjoin/to be attached/to adhere/to be connected with/to

be dyed/to be stained/to be scarred/to be recorded/to start (fires)/to follow/to

become allied to/to accompany/to study with/to increase/to be added to/
[] /(v5k) to arrive at/to reach/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to settle in (place)/to take (seat, position)/to study (under
[] /(v5k) to catch fire/(electricity) comes on/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (1) to thrust/to strike/to attack/(2) to poke/to nudge/to pick
[] /(v5g) to rank next to/to come after/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to pour (into)/to irrigate/to pay/to fill/to feed (e.g. a
[] /(n) desk/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make/to create/to manufacture/to draw up/to write/to
compose/to build/to coin/to cultivate/to organize/to establish/to make up (a
face)/to trim (a tree)/to fabricate/to prepare (food)/to commit (sin)/to
[] /(v5r) to make/to create/to manufacture/to draw up/to write/to
compose/to build/to coin/to cultivate/to organize/to establish/to make up (a
face)/to trim (a tree)/to fabricate/to prepare (food)/to commit (sin)/to
[] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to
stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house
with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to
appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or
doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep
(an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to
stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house
with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to
appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or
doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep
(an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/
[] /(v1) (uk) to turn on/to switch on/to light up/(P)/
[] /(v1) to dip in/to soak/
[] /(v1) to soak/to moisten/to pickle/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) circumstances/condition/convenience/(P)/
[] /(v1) to convey/to report/to transmit/to communicate/to tell/to
impart/to propagate/to teach/to bequeath/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be handed down/to be introduced/to be transmitted/to
be circulated/to go along/to walk along/(P)/
[] /(n) earth/soil/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) sequel/continuation/(also suffix) continuation (in time
and space)/second series/succession/spell/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to be continued/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1,vt) to continue/to keep up/to keep on/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5m) to plunge into/to go into deeply/(P)/
[] /(n) bundle/package/parcel/bale/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be engulfed in/to be enveloped by/to wrap up/to tuck
in/to pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/to conceal/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) service/duty/business/responsibility/task/(2) Buddhist

religious services/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) service/duty/business/responsibility/task/(2) Buddhist
religious services/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to serve/to fill a post/to serve under/to work
(for)/(2) to exert oneself/to endeavor/to be diligent/(3) to play (the part
[] /(v1) (1) to serve/to fill a post/to serve under/to work
(for)/(2) to exert oneself/to endeavor/to be diligent/(3) to play (the part
[] /(v1) (1) to serve/to fill a post/to serve under/to work
(for)/(2) to exert oneself/to endeavor/to be diligent/(3) to play (the part
[] /(n) rope/(P)/
[] /(n) connection/link/relationship/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be tied together/to be connected to/to be related
[] /(v5g) (uk) to tie/to fasten/to connect/to transfer (phone
[] /(v1) to connect/
[] /(adv) always/constantly/(P)/
[] /(n) wings/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) grain/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to smash/to waste/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be smashed/to go bankrupt/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/
/(v5k) to stumble/to trip/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) insignificant/boring/trifling/(P)/
/(adv,n) in short/in brief/in other words/that is to say/in the long
run/after all/blockade/stuffing/ultimate/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be blocked/to be packed/(2) to hit the ball near the
handle of the bat (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) crime/fault/indiscretion/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to pile up/to stack/(P)/
[] /(n) fingernail or toenail/claw/talon/hoof/(P)/
[] /(adj) cold (to the touch)/chilly/icy/freezing/coldhearted/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pack/to shorten/to work out (details)/(P)/
/(n) intention/plan/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to pile up/(P)/
[] /(n) gloss/glaze/(P)/
[] /(n) rainy season/rain during the rainy season/(P)/
[] /(adj) strong/powerful/mighty/potent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) firm/strong/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/heart-breaking/(P)/
~ [~]
[] fishing
[] /(v5u) to balance/to be in harmony/to suit/(P)/
[] fishing /(v5r) to fish/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to hang/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to hang/
[] /(n,vs) companion/company/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lead/to take (a person)/(P)/
[] /(n) hand/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) outflow/coming (going) out/graduate (of)/rising (of the
sun or moon)/one's turn to appear on stage/
[] /(n) meeting/rendezvous/encounter/
[] /(n) an encounter/
[] /(v5u) to meet by chance/to come across/to happen to encounter/to
hold a rendezvous/to have a date/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to meet by chance/to come across/to happen to encounter/to
hold a rendezvous/to have a date/(P)/
[] /(n) restroom/lavatory/hand-washing/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) proposal/proposition/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed number of regular personnel/capacity (of boat, hall,
airplane, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) established price/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fall/decline/lowering/deterioration/(P)/
[] /(n) fixed term/(P)/
[] /(n) commuter pass/season ticket/(P)/
[] /(n) regular holiday/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) electrical resistance/resistance/opposition/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) stopping (e.g. train)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) presentation/submission/filing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) failure of electricity/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n,n-suf) degree/amount/grade/standard/of the order of
(following a number)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) in and out/coming and going/free association/income and
expenditure/debits and credit/
[] /(n) exit and entrance/(P)/
[] /(n) bus or tram stop/(P)/
[] /(n) repairs/maintenance/(P)/
/(n,vs) date/go on a date/(P)/
/(n) tape/(P)/
/(n) table/(P)/
/(n) tape recorder/(P)/
/(de:) (n) theme/project/topic (de: Thema)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to depart/to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)/to
set out/to start/to be going out/(P)/
[] /(n) enemy/rival/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) be finished/ready/made for/cut out/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be finished/to be ready/by definition/(2) to

be very drunk/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) precise/accurate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) precise/accurate/(P)/
[] /(n) incident/affair/happening/event/(P)/
/(n) (1) text/(2) text book/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to fit/to suit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pertinent/appropriate/adequate/relevance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) moderate/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) fitness/suitability/adequacy/relevance/(P)/
[] /(n) applying/(P)/
[] /(v1) (uk) to be able to/to be ready/to occur/(P)/
[] /if at all possible/(P)/

[] /(n) exit/gateway/way out/outlet/leak/vent/(P)/

[] /(n) wrist/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unevenness/roughness/ruggedness/
[] /(adj-na,n) moderate/handy/
[] /(n) pupil/disciple/adherent/follower/apprentice/young
person/teacher's student-helper/(P)/
[] /(n) sleight of hand/conjuring trick/magic/juggling/(P)/
/(conj) therefore/(P)/
/(n,vs) test/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) (1) (uk) irresponsible utterance/nonsense/nonsensical/(2)
[] /(n) notebook/(P)/
[] /(n) iron/(P)/
[] /(n) philosophy/(P)/
[] /(n) railway bridge/iron bridge/(P)/
[] /(n) help/helper/assistant/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to help/to assist/to take part in/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) procedure/(legal) process/formalities/(P)/
[] /(n) thoroughness/completeness/(P)/
[] /(n) railroad/(P)/
[] /(n) gun/(P)/
[] /(n) all night/all night vigil/sleepless night/(P)/
/(n) tennis/(P)/
/tennis court/(P)/
[] /(n) (hand) towel/(P)/
[] /(n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of
departure/beginning of work/
/(n) (abbr) department store/(P)/
[] /(n) glove/(P)/
[] /(n) time/labor/(P)/
[] /(n) before/this side/we/you/(P)/
[] /(n) meeting/reception/(P)/
[] /(v1) to meet/to greet/
[] /(conj,prt) but/however/

/(n) (abbr) demo/demonstration/(P)/

[] /(n) temple/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to shine on/to illuminate/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to shine/(P)/
[] /(v1) to appear/to come forth/to leave/(P)/
/(n) television/TV/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) spot/mark/point/dot/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) shop assistant/employee/clerk/salesperson/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) develop/expansion (opposite of compression)/(P)/
[] /(n) weather/the elements/fine weather/(P)/
[] /(n) electricity/(electric) light/(P)/
[] /(n) biography/life story/(P)/
[] /(n) light bulb/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) type/pattern/archetypal/(P)/
[] /(n) weather/(P)/
[] /(n) electron/(P)/
[] /(n) electric train/(P)/
[] /(n) marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)/
[] /(n) contagion/(P)/
[] /(n) battery/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) here and there/little by little/sporadically/scattered in
[] /(n) telephone pole/telegraph pole/light pole/(P)/
/(n) tent/(P)/
[] /(n) electric light/(P)/
[] /(n) tradition/convention/(P)/
[] /(n) nature/spontaneity/(P)/
[] /(n) Emperor of Japan/(P)/
[] /(n) electro-magnetic wave/(P)/
/(n) tempo/(P)/
[] /(n) telegram/(P)/
[] /(n) exhibition/(P)/
[] /(n) electric current/(P)/
[] /(n) electric power/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) telephone/(P)/
[] /(n) door (Japanese style)/(P)/
[] /(n) capital/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) counter for occurrences/(P)/
/(n) door (Western style)/(P)/
[] /(n) question/query/(P)/
[] /(n) enquiry/ENQ/
/(n) toilet/restroom/bathroom/lavatory/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) party (political)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) tower/pagoda/(P)/

~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /child/servant/foolishness/
[] /(n) copper/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) examination paper/examination script/(P)/
[] /(int) you are welcome/don't mention it/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) unity/consolidation/uniformity/unification/compatible/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n)
/(n) copper coin/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) the same rank/equality/apposition/
[] /(n) implement/tool/means/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) ridge/(mountain) pass/difficult part/(P)/
[] /scattering/a scatter/dispersion/
[] /(n) action/movements/motions/bearing/behavior/manners/(P)/
[] /(n) East and West/whole country/Orient and Occident/Your
attention please/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) at that time/in those days/(P)/
[] /(n) verb/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) simultaneous(ly)/concurrent/same time/synchronous/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) appointed day/very day/(P)/
/(adv,int) (uk) why?/for what reason/how/in what way/for what
purpose/what for/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) by all means/at any cost/no matter what/after all/in the
long run/cravingly/at any rate/surely/(P)/
[] /(n) letter to the editor/letter from a reader/contribution/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) entry (on stage)/(P)/
/(adv) anyhow/in any case/at any rate/after all/at best/at most/at
/(adv) please/kindly/by all means/(P)/
[] /(exp) (uk) pleased to meet you/
[] /(n) lighthouse/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrival/(P)/
[] /vast/calm/
[] /(n) morals/(P)/
[] /(n) theft/robbery/(P)/
[] /(n) being on duty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) voting/poll/(P)/
[] /(n) animal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) division into equal parts/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) transparency/cleanness/(P)/
/(adv,int) (abbr) thanks/how/(very) much/very/quite/really/somehow/no
matter how hard one may try/(P)/
[] /(n) lamp oil/kerosene/(P)/

[] /(n) Orient/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) identical/equal to/same (kind)/like/(P)/
[] /(n) children's song/nursery rhyme/(P)/
[] /(n) coworker/colleague/associate/(P)/
[] /(n) road/highway/(P)/
[] /(n) fairy tale/(P)/
[] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/
[] /(adj) far/distant/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let pass/to overlook/to continue/to keep/to make way
for/to persist in/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) in accordance with ~/following ~/~ Street/~
[] ~ /(n-suf) in accordance with ~/following ~/~ Street/~
~ [~]
[] /(v5r) to happen to pass by/(P)/
[] /(v1) to pass/to pass through/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to pass (by)/to go through/to walk along/to pass exams/(P)/
[] /(n) city/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to melt/to dissolve/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to taper to a point/to become sharp/to be sour/to look
[] /(n-adv,n) (1) time/hour/(2) occasion/moment/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) sometimes/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) throb/beat (fast)/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vt) to dissolve (paint)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to unfasten/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) (1) to retreat/to recede/to withdraw/
[] /(n) poison/toxicant/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pride/triumph/prosperity/one's strong point/one's
forte/one's specialty/customer/client/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) special/unique/(P)/
[] /(n) reading/(P)/
[] /(n) characteristic/feature/(P)/
[] /(n) bachelorhood/single/unmarried/celibate/(P)/
[] /(n) feature/characteristic/(P)/
[] /(n) forte/merit/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) specific/special/particular/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) peculiarity/uniqueness/characteristic/(P)/
[] /(adv) particularly/especially/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) special sale/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) special/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) independence (e.g. Ind. Day)/self-support/(P)/
[] /(n) watch/clock/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to melt into/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to melt/to thaw/to fuse/to dissolve/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come untied/to come apart/(P)/

[] /(v1) to remove/to take away/to dislodge/to put something out of

the way/(P)/
/(n) (uk) where/what place/(P)/
/(adv,exp,n) (uk) somewhere/anywhere/in some respects/(P)/
[] /(n) alcove/(P)/
[] /(n) barber/(P)/
[] /(n) place/(P)/
/(conj) however/while/even if/(P)/
/by the way/even if/no matter what/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) here and there/some parts (of something)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mountain-climbing/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) year/age/(P)/
[] /(n) town/city/municipal/urban/(P)/
[] /(n) months and years/(P)/
[] /(n) books/(P)/
[] /(n) old people/the aged/
[] /(v1) to close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.)/to shut/(P)/
[] /(n) heart (of city)/(P)/
[] /(n) cupboard/locker/closet/wardrobe/(P)/
[] /(n) just (now, at the moment, etc.)/(P)/
[] /(n) plot of land/lot/soil/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) on the way/en route/midway/(P)/
/(n) (uk) which (of two)/who/(P)/
/(n) (uk) which way/which one/(P)/
[] /(n) limited express (train, faster than an express)/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) long ago/already/a long time ago/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv) abruptly/suddenly/unexpectedly/all at
/(adv) suddenly/
/(n) top/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) very/awfully/exceedingly/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to reach/(P)/
[] /(v1) to deliver/to forward/to send/to report/to file notice (to
the authorities)/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to be prepared/to be in order/to be put in order/to be
[] /(v5r) (1) to be fixed/(2) to abide/to stay (in the one
/(n) (uk) who?/(P)/
[] /(n) next to/next door to/(P)/
/(v5r) to shout/to yell/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) anyhow/at any rate/anyway/somehow or other/generally
speaking/in any case/(P)/
[] /(pol) person/Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an
~ [~]
[] /(v5s) to skip over/to omit/(P)/

[] /(v5m) to jump in/to leap in/to plunge into/to dive/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to jump out/to rush out/to fly out/to appear
suddenly/to protrude/to project/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to jump/to fly/to leap/to spring/to bound/to hop/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to jump/to fly/to leap/to spring/to bound/to hop/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to come to a halt/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to be fixed/(2) to abide/to stay (in the one
[] /(v5r) to stay at (e.g. hotel)/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/
[] /(v1) to fasten/to turn off/to detain/(P)/
[] /(v1) to give shelter to/to lodge/(P)/
[] /(n) friend/companion/pal/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) anyhow/anyway/somehow or other/generally speaking/in any
[] /(n) friend/(P)/
[] /(adv,vs) sharing with/participate in/both/alike/together/along
[] /(n-adv,n) Saturday/(P)/
[] /(n) tiger/(P)/
/(n) drive/trip by car/driving/(P)/
[] /(v1) to seize/to grasp/to capture/to arrest/(P)/
/(n) (1) truck/(2) (running) track/(P)/
/(n) drama/(P)/
/(n) playing cards (lit: trump)/(P)/
[] /(n) bird/fowl/poultry/(P)/
[] /(v1) to take up/to pick up/to disqualify/to confiscate/to
[] /(v1) to harvest/to take in/to adopt/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange/to replace/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cancel/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to take out/to produce/to pick out/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) great effort/exertion/endeavor/effort/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to adopt (measure, proposal)/(2) to pick (fruit)/(3) to
assume (attitude)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to take/to catch (fish)/to capture/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to take (a photo)/to make (a film)/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) well/now/let me see/which (of three or more)/(P)/
/(n) training/(P)/
/(n) dress/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come off/to be taken off/to be removed/to be obtained/to
leave/to come out (e.g. photo)/to be interpreted/(P)/
[] /(n) mud/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/(P)/
[1000] kg /(n) ton/(P)/
/(adj,exp) unexpected/offensive/outrageous/What a thing to say!/No

/(adv) rapidly/steadily/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn,n) what/what kind of/(P)/
/(adv) how/how much/(P)/
/(n) tunnel/(P)/
[] /(n) porcelain bowl/bowl of rice with food on top/(P)/
[] /(n) name/reputation/(P)/
[] /(adj) there isn't/doesn't have/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) internist clinic/internal medicine/(P)/
[] /(n) phone extension/indoor wiring/inner line/(P)/
/(n) knife/(P)/
[] /(n) subject/contents/matter/substance/detail/import/(P)/
/(n) nylon/(P)/
/(adj-na) straight/mischief/ordinary/common/
[] /(v5s,vt) to cure/to heal/to fix/to correct/to repair/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to cure/to heal/to fix/to correct/to repair/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) inside/middle/among/(P)/
[] /(n) relation/relationship/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj) long/(P)/
[] /(adj) long/lengthy/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to drain/to float/to shed (blood, tears)/to cruise (e.g.
[] /(n,vs) reconciliation/make peace with/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) very/considerably/easily/readily/by no means
[] /(n-adv,n) middle/half/semi/halfway/partly/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be prolonged/to drag on/(P)/
[] /(n) company/fellow/colleague/associate/comrade/mate/group/circle
of friends/partner/(P)/
[] /(n) contents/interior/substance/filling/(sword) blade/(P)/
[] /(n) contents/interior/substance/filling/(sword) blade/
[] /(n) scene/view/prospect/outlook/(P)/
[] /(v1) to view/to gaze at/(P)/
[] /(n) middle finger/(P)/
[] /(n) intimate friend/bosom buddy/chum/(P)/
[] /(n) stream/current/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stream/to flow/to run (ink)/to be washed away/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to cry/to sing (bird)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to bark/to purr/to make sound (animal)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to comfort/to console/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to lose something/to get rid of/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to lose someone, wife, child, etc/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to disappear/to get lost/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to die/(P)/
/(v5r) to strike/to hit/(P)/

[] /(v1) to throw/to cast away/(P)/

/(v5aru) (hon) to do/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) without/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to accomplish/to do/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) why/how/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) because/(P)/
[] /(n) riddle/puzzle/enigma/(P)/
[] /(n) riddle/puzzle/enigma/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) summer/(P)/
[] /(adj) dear/desired/missed/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(v1) to brush gently/to stroke/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,prt) (uk) et cetera/etc./and the like/
[] /(num) seven/(P)/
[] /(n) seven/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) obliqueness/(P)/
[] /(int,n) what/(P)/
[] /(int,n) what/(P)/
[] /(exp) something/(P)/
/(adv,conj) at any rate/anyhow/anyway/in any case/(P)/
[] /(int,n) such and such/What?/What is the matter?/What are the
[] /(n) what minute?/how many minutes?/
/(adv,exp) nothing/
[] /(n-adv) seven days/the seventh day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) saucepan/pot/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) draft (beer)/(2) raw/unprocessed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) name/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be idle/to neglect/(P)/
[] /(n) wave/(P)/
[] /(n) roadside tree/row of trees/(P)/
[] /(n) tear/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be worried/to be troubled/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to learn/(P)/
[] /(ok) (v5u) (uk) to imitate/to follow/to emulate/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to ring/to sound/to chime/to beat/to snort (nose)/(P)/
[] /(v5b,vi) to line up/to stand in a line/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to line up/to set up/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to change/to be of use/to reach to/
[] /(v5r) (uk) to become/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to bear fruit/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to rumble/(P)/
/(adv) as much as possible/(P)/

[] /(adv,exp) (uk) I see/That's right!/indeed/(P)/

[] /(v1) to grow accustomed to/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become domesticated/to become tame/to get too familiar
[] /(n) rope/hemp/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) south pole/Antarctic/(P)/
[] /(adv) Why?/What for?/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) by all means/everything/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp,n) somehow/anyhow/one way or another/(P)/
/(adv) somehow or other/for some reason or another/
/(adv) nothing (with neg. verb)/quite/not a bit/
/(n) number/(P)/
[] /(n) South America/(P)/
[] /(n) south and north/(P)/
[] /(num) two/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to suit/to match/to become/to be like/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to boil/to cook/to be cooked/(P)/
[] /(n) odour/scent/smell/stench/fragrance/aroma/perfume/(P)/
[] /(v5u,vi) to be fragrant/to smell/to stink/to glow/to be
[] /(adj) bitter/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) poor (at)/weak (in)/dislike (of)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bustling/busy/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to grasp/to seize/to mould sushi/(P)/
[] /(n) meat/(P)/
[] /(adj) hateful/abominable/poor-looking/detestable/(P)/
~ [] ~
[] /(v5m) to hate/to detest/(P)/
[] /(adj) odious/hateful/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape/to run away/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to become muddy/to get impure/(P)/

[] /(n) west/(P)/
[] /(n) rainbow/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) sun/sunshine/day/(P)/
[] /(n) date and time/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) ordinary/regular/everyday/usual/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Sunday/(P)/
[] /(n) daily necessities/(P)/
[] /(n) daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)/
[] /(n) diary/journal/(P)/
[] /(n) sunlight/(P)/
[] /(n-t) daytime/broad daylight/

/(adv,n) smile sweetly/smile/grin/

[] /(n) agenda/(P)/
[] /Japan/(P)/
[] /Japan/(P)/
[] /(adj) dull (e.g. a knife)/thickheaded/slow (opposite of
[] /(n) luggage/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hospitalization/(P)/
[] /(n) entry to school or university/matriculation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) entry to a company/(P)/
[] /(n) entrance/admission/entering/(P)/
/(n) news/(P)/
[] /(n) wife/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to glare at/to scowl at/to keep an eye on/(P)/
[] /(v1) to resemble/to be similar/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to boil/to cook/(P)/
[] /(n) garden/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) sudden/abrupt/unexpected/improvised/offhand/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) sign of life/
[] /(n) doll/puppet/figure/(P)/
[] /(n) human being/man/person/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to sew/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to extract/to omit/to surpass/to draw out/to unplug/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to take off clothes/(P)/
[] /(v1) to come out/to fall out/to be omitted/to be missing/to
[] /(v5m) to steal/(P)/
[] /(n) cloth/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to wet/to soak/to dip/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to paint/to plaster/to lacquer/to varnish/(P)/
[] /(adj) (uk) lukewarm/tepid/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get wet/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) value/price/cost/worth/merit/
[] /(n) root/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) value/price/cost/worth/merit/
[] /(n) desire/wish/request/prayer/petition/application/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to desire/to wish/to request/to beg/to hope/to implore/(P)/
/(n) tie/necktie/(P)/
[] /(n) cat/(P)/
/(n) (a) screw/
[] /(v5r) to twist/
[] /(n) (1) mouse/rat/(2) dark gray/slate color/(P)/
[] /(n) price/cost/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) fever/temperature/(P)/
/(n) necklace/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) zeal/enthusiasm/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to heat/(P)/
[] /(n) tropics/(P)/
[] /(n) nuts!/enthusiasm/zeal/mania/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sleeping in late/(P)/
[] /(n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pajamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
[] /(n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pajamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) aestivation/estivation/(2) sleepy/drowsy/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sleep/(P)/
[] /(n) aim/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to aim at/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go to bed/to lie down/to sleep/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-t) year/(P)/
[] /(n) months and years/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) whole year/always/everyday/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) age/era/period/date/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) year/fiscal year/school year/term/(P)/
[] /(n) age/years/(P)/
[] /(n) field/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) being skilled
[] /(n) farmer/farm family/(P)/
[] /(n) agriculture/(P)/
[] /(n) agricultural produce/(P)/
[] /(n) agricultural community/farm village/rural/(P)/
[] /(n) concentration/brightness/(P)/
[] /(n) farmers/peasants/(P)/
[] /(n) agricultural chemicals/
[] /(n) efficiency/(P)/
[] /(n) ability/faculty/(P)/
/(n) notebook/copy-book/exercise book/(P)/
[] /(n) eaves/(P)/
/(n) saw/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to leave (behind, over)/to bequeath/to save/to reserve/(P)/
[] /(adv) all/entirely/completely/without exception/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) remnant/residue/remaining/left-over/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to remain/to be left/(P)/
[] /(v1) to place on (something)/to take on board/to give a ride/to
let (one) take part/to impose on/to record/to mention/to load (luggage)/to
publish/to run (an ad)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to place on (something)/to take on board/to give a ride/to
let (one) take part/to impose on/to record/to mention/to load (luggage)/to
publish/to run (an ad)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to peep in/to look in/to peek in/to stick out/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to remove/to exclude/to except/(P)/

[] /(n) wish/desire/(a) hope/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to desire/to wish for/to see/to command (a view of)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
/(n) (1) knock/(2) fungo (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) throat/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to lengthen/to stretch/to reach out/to postpone/to
prolong/to extend/to grow (beard)/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to lengthen/to stretch/to reach out/to postpone/to
prolong/to extend/to grow (beard)/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to stretch/to extend/to make progress/to grow (beard,
body height)/to grow stale (soba)/to lengthen/to spread/to be postponed/to be
straightened/to be flattened/to be smoothed/to be exhausted/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be prolonged/(P)/
[] /(v1) to state/to express/to mention/(P)/
[] /(n) up-train (going to Tokyo)/ascent/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rise/to ascend/to be promoted/to go up/to climb/to go to
(the capital)/to add up to/to advance (in price)/to sail up/to come up (on the
[] /(v5r) to arise/to ascend/to go up/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to climb/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to drink/(P)/
[] /(n) paste/starch/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.)/
[] /(v1) to transfer (trains)/to change (bus, train)/(P)/
[] /(n) riding past (one's station)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to get on/to ride in/to board/to mount/to get up on/to
spread (paints)/to be taken in/(2) to share in/to join/to be found in (a
dictionary)/to feel like doing/to be mentioned in/to be in harmony with/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to appear (in print)/to be recorded/(P)/
[] /(adj) dull (e.g. a knife)/thickheaded/slow (opposite of
/(adv,n) slowly/sluggishly/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) carefree/optimistic/careless/reckless/heedless/
/(adv,n) carefree/at leisure/(P)/
[] /(n) tooth/(P)/
[] /(n) leaf/(P)/
[] /(n) place/field (physics)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) case/situation/(P)/
/(n) percent/(P)/
/(n) party/(P)/
[] /wear/put on (sword)/
[] /(n) ash/(P)/
[] /(n,vi,vs,vt) twice/times/-fold/double/be doubled/increase/(P)/
[] /(n) grey/gray/ashen/(P)/
[] /(n) rainy season/rain during the rainy season/(P)/
/(n) violin/(P)/

/(n) hiking/(P)/
[] /(n) haiku poetry (17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines of 5, 7 and
5 syllables)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing/look at/(P)/
[] /(n) ashtray/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) delivery/distribution/(P)/
[] /(n) shop/stand/(P)/

[] /(n) trade/buying and selling/(P)/

/(n) (1) pipe/tube/(2) channels, official or otherwise/(P)/
[] /(n) actor/actress/player/performer/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to enter/to break into/to join/to enroll/to contain/to
hold/to accommodate/to have (an income of)/(P)/
/(n) pilot/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to creep/to crawl/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to grow/to spring up/(2) to cut (teeth)/(P)/
[] /(n) grave/tomb/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,exp,n) fool/idiot/trivial matter/folly/(P)/
[] /(n) postcard/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5s) to tear off/to peel off/to rip off/to strip off/to
skin/to flay/to disrobe/to deprive of/to detach/to disconnect/
[] /(n) doctorate/PhD/(P)/
/(adj) absurd/(P)/
[] /(n) scales/weighing machine/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to measure/to weigh/to survey/to time (sound, gauge,
[] /(v5r) to measure/to weigh/to survey/to time (sound, gauge,
[] /(v5r) to measure/to weigh/to survey/to time (sound, gauge,
[] /(n) nausea/sickness in the stomach/(P)/
/(adv,n) lucidly/
[~] /(v5k) to wear/to put on (a sword)/
[] /(v5k) to wear/to put on (lower body)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to sweep/to brush/to gather up/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (1) to breathe/(2) to tell (lies)/(3) to vomit/to
~ [~]
[] /(n) clapping hands/applause/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) enormous/vast/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explosion/detonation/eruption/(P)/
[] /(n) museum/(P)/
[] /(n) gear/cog-wheel/(P)/
[] /(adj) violent/vehement/intense/furious/tempestuous/(P)/
/(n) bucket/pail/(P)/
[] /(n) box/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to transport/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to get between/to be caught in/(P)/

/(n) scissors/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to interpose/to hold between/to insert/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (personal) bankruptcy/(P)/
[] /(n) bridge/(P)/
[] /(n) end (e.g. of street)/edge/tip/margin/point/
[] /(n) chopsticks/(P)/
[] /(n) ladder/stairs/(P)/
[] /(n) origin/beginning/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to begin/(P)/
[] /to begin with/first of all/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) for the first time/(P)/
[] /(exp,int) How do you do?/I am glad to meet you/
[] /(v1,vt) to start/to begin/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) place/location/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to run/(P)/
/(n) it should be so/(P)/
/(n) (1) bus/(2) bath/(3) bass/(P)/
/(n,vs) path/pass (in games)/(P)/
[] /(adj) shy/ashamed/embarrassed/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to unfasten/to remove/(P)/
/(n) passport/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to be disconnected/to get out of place/to be off/to be
out (e.g. of gear)/(P)/
[] /(n) flag/(P)/
[] /(n) skin/body/grain/texture/disposition/(P)/
/(n) butter/(P)/
/(n) pattern/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) naked/nude/bare/(P)/
[] /(n) underwear/lingerie/singlet/chemise/(P)/
[] /(n) field/(P)/
[] /(adv) as was expected/really/
[] /(n) 20 years old/20th year/(P)/
[] /(n) 20 years old/20th year/
[] /(n)
[] /(v5k) to work/to labor/to do/to act/to commit/to practise/to work
on/to come into play/to be conjugated/to reduce the price/(P)/
[] /(num) eight/
[] /(n) a bowl/a pot/a basin/a flowerpot/a crown/a brainpan/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) pronunciation/(P)/
[] /(n) twenty days/twentieth (day of the month)/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) exhibition/demonstration/utilization/display/(P)/
/(adv,n) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(P)/
/(n) back/(P)/
/(n) bag/bug/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) discovery/detection/finding/(P)/
[] /(n) issue (publications)/(P)/
[] /(n) departure of a vehicle/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) firing/shooting/discharge/catapult/(P)/
[] /(vs-s) to punish/to penalize/(P)/
[] /(n) expression (music)/conceptualization/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) development/growth/(P)/
/(adv) with a clash (thud)/with a
[] /(n,vs) development/growth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) generation (e.g. power)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sale/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) announcement/publication/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) invention/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) showy/loud/gay/flashy/gaudy/(P)/
[] /(n) flower/(P)/
[] /(n) nose/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) talk/speech/chat/story/conversation/(P)/
[] /(n) discussion/conference/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to discuss/to talk together/(P)/
[] /(v1) to accost a person/to talk (to someone)/(P)/
[] /(n) while talking/the line is busy/
[] /(v5s) to speak/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to part/divide/separate/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to separate/to set free/(P)/
[] /(adj)
extreme/excessive/terrible/intense/severe/serious/tremendous/heavy (damage)/(P)/
[] /(n) fireworks/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cherry-blossom viewing/flower viewing/(P)/
[] /(n) bride/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be separated from/to leave/to go away/to be a long way
[] /(v1) to leave/to get free/to cut oneself off/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) counter for birds/counter for rabbits/(P)/
[] /(n) shuttlecock/(P)/
/(n) spring (e.g. coil, leaf)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to jump/to leap/to prance/to spring up/to bound/to hop/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) mother/(P)/
[] /(n) width/breadth/(P)/
[] /(n) mother/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to omit/to eliminate/to curtail/to economize/(P)/
[] /(n) fragment/splinter/broken piece/(P)/
[] /(n) dentifrice/toothpaste/(P)/

/(v1) (col) to get in/to insert/to put on/to make love/(P)/

[] /(n) scene/setting (e.g. of novel)/(P)/
[] /(adj) early/(P)/
[] /(adj) quick/fast/swift/(P)/
[] /(n) fast-talking/(P)/
[] /(n) woods/forest/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to flourish/to thrive/to be popular/to come into
[] /(n) abdomen/belly/stomach/(P)/
[] /(n) field/plain/prairie/tundra/moor/wilderness/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to deposit/to pay in/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to repay/to pay back/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to pay/(2) to brush/to wipe/(P)/
/(n) balance/(P)/
[] /(n) needle/fish hook/pointer/hand (e.g. clock)/(P)/
[] /(n) wire/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be in high spirits/to be full of vigor/to be
enthusiastic/to be eager/to stretch to breaking point/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) spring/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stick/to paste/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi,vt) to stick/to paste/to put/to affix/to stretch/to
spread/to strain/to stick out/to slap/to be expensive/to tighten/(P)/
[] /(n) clear weather/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be sunny/to clear away/to stop raining/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n,n-suf) half/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/
/(n) bun/van (caravan)/VAN (value-added network)/(P)/
[] /(n) extent/scope/sphere/range/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reflection/influence/(P)/
/(n) handkerchief/(P)/
[] /(n) program (e.g. TV)/(P)/
[] /(n) radius/(P)/
[] /(n) seal (used for signature)/(P)/
[] /(n)
[] /(n) number/series of digits/(P)/
[] /(n) crime/(P)/
[] /strolling comic dancer/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) handsome/(P)/
[] /(n) judge/judiciary/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(adj-na,n,vs)
/opposite/vice versa/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)

[] /(n) house number/address/(P)/
/(n) underpants/(P)/
/(n) band/(P)/
[] /(n) peninsula/(P)/
/(n) handbag/(P)/
/(n) handle/steering wheel/(P)/
[] /(n) offender/criminal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) sale/selling/marketing/(P)/
[] /half minute/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) sun/sunshine/day/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) fire/flame/blaze/(P)/
[] /(n) light/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) exposure to the sun/sunny place/(P)/
/(n) piano/(P)/
/(n) beer/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to grow cold/to get chilly/to cool down/(P)/
[] /(n) damage/(P)/
[] /(n) day trip/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) comparison/(P)/
[] /(adv) comparatively/relatively/(P)/
[] /(n) shadow/(P)/
[] /(n) east/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) glitter/sparkle/(P)/
[] /(n) light/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to shine/to glitter/to be bright/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to undertake/to take up/to take over/to be responsible
for/to guarantee/to contract (disease)/
[] /(v5s) to repeat/to send back/to bring back/to retrace one's
[] /(n) subtraction/(P)/
[] /(n) drawer/drawing out/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pull out/to take out/to draw out/to withdraw/(P)/
[] /(v1) to detain/to check/to restrain/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cowardice/meanness/unfairness/(P)/
[] /(n) a draw (in competition)/tie game/(P)/
[] /(v5k) minus/to pull/to play (string instr.)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to run somebody over (with vehicle)/to knock someone down/(P)/
[] /(adj) short/low/humble/low (voice)/(P)/
/(n) picnic/(P)/
[] /(n) moustache/beard/whiskers/(P)/
[] /(n) tragedy/(P)/

[] /(n) aviation/(P)/
[] /(n) airport/(P)/
[] /(n) knee/lap/(P)/
[] /(n) sunlight/rays of the sun/
[] /(exp) after a long time/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) elbow/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) emergency/extraordinary/unusual/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/extremely/exceedingly/(P)/
[] /(n) beautiful person (woman)/(P)/
/(n) pistol/(P)/
[] /(n) forehead/brow/(P)/
/(n) vitamin/(P)/

[] /(n) left hand side/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to be caught in/to be stuck in/to be cheated/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (taking) notes/copying/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) (uk) be surprised/be amazed/be frightened/astonishment/
[] /(v5s) to turn over/to overturn/to knock over/to
upset/to turn inside out/
[] /(v5r) to be overturned/to be upset/to topple over/to
be reversed/(P)/
[] /(n) date/dating/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) moving (dwelling, office, etc.)/changing residence/
[] /(v5s) to move/to change residence/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to draw back/to sink/to cave in/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) inevitable death/desperation/frantic/inevitable
[] /(n) writer/author/(P)/
[] /(n) necessities/necessary article/requisite/essential/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) exactly/neatly/sharp/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to pull/to draw/to stretch/to drag/(2) to pull the
ball (baseball)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) necessary/essential/indispensable/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) negation/denial/repudiation/(P)/
/(n) video/(P)/
[] /(n) man/person/human being/mankind/people/character/personality/true
man/man of talent/adult/other people/messenger/visitor/(P)/
~ [~]
/(adj) cruel/awful/severe/very bad/serious/terrible/heavy/violent/
[] /(n) single word/(P)/
[] /(n) crowd of people/(P)/
[] /(n) index finger/
[] /(adj) equal/(P)/
[] /(n) one/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) ordinary/usual/in general/briefly/(P)/
[] /(n) pedestrian traffic/(P)/
/(adv) for the present/once/in outline/

[] /(n) pupil (of eye)/(P)/

[] /(n) a rest/(P)/
[] /(n) one person/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) alone/unmarried/(P)/
[] /(n) a soliloquy/a monologue/speaking to oneself/(P)/
/(adv) by itself/automatically/naturally/(P)/
[] /(n-t) one by one/each/one at a time/(P)/
/(n) vinyl/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) cynicism/sarcasm/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every day/daily/day after day/
[] /(v5r) to turn (a switch) on or off/to twist/to puzzle over/(P)/
[] /(n) sunset/(P)/
[] /(n) sunrise/(P)/
[] /(n) criticism/judgment/comment/(P)/
[] /(n) echo/sound/reverberation/noise/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to resound/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) criticism/review/commentary/(P)/
[] /(n) skin/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) free time/leisure/leave/spare time/(2) farewell/
[] /(adj-na,n) secret/secrecy/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) delicate/subtle/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) string/cord/(2) pimp/(P)/
[] /(num) 100/hundred/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to cool/to refrigerate/(P)/
/(n) encyclopedia/(P)/
[] /(n) cost/expense/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) table (e.g. Tab 1)/chart/list/(P)/
[] /(n) beauty of figure or form/(P)/
[] /(n) second (60th min)/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) hospital/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) valuation/estimation/assessment/evaluation/(P)/
[] /(n) illness/disease/sickness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) expression/presentation/representation (math)/(P)/
[] /(n) front cover/binding/(P)/
[] /(n) sign/mark/(P)/
[] /(n) standard/level/(P)/
[] /(n) facial expression/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) equality (a)/impartiality/evenness/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) fame/reputation/popularity/arrant/(P)/
[] /(n) example/specimen/(P)/
[] /(n) surface/outside/face/appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) criticism/critique/(P)/
[] /(n) hiragana/47 syllables/the cursive syllabary/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) building/bill/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) noon/daytime/(P)/
/(n) building/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) nap (at home)/siesta/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) daytime/during the day/(P)/
[] /(adj) spacious/vast/wide/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to pick up/to find/to gather/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to spread (out)/to extend/to stretch/to reach to/to get
[] /(v1) to spread/to extend/to expand/to enlarge/to widen/to
broaden/to unfold/to open/to unroll/(P)/
[] /(n) extent/(P)/
[] /(n) plaza/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) extensive/spacious/
[] /(v1) to broaden/to propagate/(P)/
[] /(n) thing/article/goods/dignity/article (goods)/counter for meal
[] /(n) bottle/(P)/
[] /way/means/
/(n) pin/(P)/
/(adj-no,n) pink/(P)/
[] /(n) writing paper/stationery/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) bottling/bottled/(P)/
[] /un/non/negative prefix/
[] /un/non/negative prefix/
[] /(n) nothing/naught/nil/zero/
[] /(n,n-suf,pref) dividing/part/segment/share/ration/rate/degree/one's
lot/one's status/relation/duty/kind/lot/branch/detached/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) fastener/zipper/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) anxiety/uneasiness/insecurity/suspense/(P)/
/(n) film (roll of)/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) scenery/(P)/
[] /(n) balloon/(P)/
[] /(n) envelope/(P)/
[] /(n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/
/(n) swimming pool/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unlucky/misfortune/bad luck/fate/(P)/
[] /(n) flute/pipe/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to increase/to multiply/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to increase/to multiply/(P)/
/(n) folk/fork/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) wrong/bad/improper/unjustifiable/inadvisable/(P)/
[] /(adj) deep/profound/thick/close/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to deepen/to heighten/to intensify/(P)/
[] /(n) weapon/arms/ordinance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) irregularity/unsteadiness/disorderly/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) diffusion/spread/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) neighborhood/vicinity/environs/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (1) to blow (wind, etc)/(2) to emit/to spout/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to wipe/to dry/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) clothes/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) complexity/complication/(P)/
[] /(n) adverb/(P)/
[] /(n) copy/duplicate/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) review/revision/(P)/
[] /(n) plural/multiple/(P)/
[] /(n) garments/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to hold in the mouth/to bear in mind/to understand/to
cherish/to harbor/to contain/to comprise/to have/to hold/to include/to
embrace/to be charged or loaded with/to be dripping with/to be full of/to be
suffused with/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to include/to instruct/to make one understand/to put in
one's mouth/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to swell/to expand/to inflate/to bulge/
[] /(v5m) to expand/to swell (out)/to get big/to become
[] /(n) bag/sack/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unclean/dirty/filthy/impure/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get late/to advance/to wear on/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) sign/mark/symbol/(P)/
[] /(n) man and wife/married couple/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be plugged up/to be shut up/(P)/
[] /(v5g,vt) to stop up/to close up/to block (up)/to occupy/to fill
up/to take up/to stand in another's way/to plug up/to shut up/(P)/
/(v1) to romp/to gambol/to frolic/to joke/to make fun of/to flirt/
[] /(n) neglecting to stay in contact/
[] /(n-suf) tune/tone/knot/knob/point/
[] /(n) warrior/samurai/
[] /(adj-na,n) safety/peace/quietness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) wonder/miracle/strange/mystery/marvel/curiosity/(P)/
[] /(n) radical (of a kanji character)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) discomfort/disability/inconvenience/destitution/(P)/
[] /(n) wife/Mrs/madam/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/female/(P)/
[] /(n) sliding screen/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(v5g,vt) to defend (against)/to protect/to prevent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) insufficiency/shortage/deficiency/lack/dearth/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)

[] /(n) cover/lid/cap/(P)/
[] /(n) stage (theatre)/(P)/
[] /(n) twins/a twin/(P)/
[] /(adv) again/once more/a second time/(P)/
[] /(n) two/(P)/
[] /(n) two persons/two people/pair/couple/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,adj-na,n-adv,n) usually/habitually/ordinarily/always/(P)/
[] /(n) a means, e.g. of living/
[] /(v5t) to hit/to strike/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) (1) generally/ordinarily/usually/(2) train
that stops at every station/(P)/
[] /(n) suspension/interruption/stoppage/tie-up/cessation/(P)/
[] /(n) second day of the month/two days/(P)/
[] /(n) prices of commodities/prices (in general)/(P)/
/(v5r) to strike/to collide with/(P)/
/(v1) to knock/to run into/to nail on/to strike hard/to hit and
[] /(n) material/substance/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) dangerous/disturbed/insecure/(P)/
/(adv,n) grumbling/complaining in a small voice/(P)/
[] /(n) physics/(P)/
[] /(n) writing brush/(P)/
[] /(adv)
[] /(adj) fat/thick/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to grow fat (stout, plump)/to become fat/(P)/
[] /(n) bedding (Japanese style)/futon/(P)/
[] /(n) surface mail (ship)/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/
[] /(n) parts/accessories/(P)/
[] /(n) snow storm/(P)/
[] /(n) portion/section/part/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) complaint/discontent/dissatisfaction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) inconvenience/inexpediency/unhandiness/(P)/
[] /(n) father and mother/parents/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) railway crossing/level crossing/starting
[] /(v5m) to step on/to tread on/(P)/
[] /(n) the foot/the bottom/the base (of a mountain)/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to increase/to add to/to augment/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to increase/to add to/to augment/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) winter/(P)/

/(n) fry pan/frying pan/(P)/

/(n) blouse/(P)/
/(v1) to hang/to suspend/to dangle/to swing/(P)/
/(n) brushy/brush/(P)/
/(n) plus/(P)/
/(n) plastic/(P)/
/(n) platform/(P)/
/(n) plan/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) disadvantage/handicap/unfavorable/drawback/(P)/
~ [~]
/(adj-na,n) free/(P)/
[] /furigana (hiragana over kanji)/pronunciation key/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to turn one's face/to turn around/(P)/
/(n) print/handout/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to precipitate/to fall (e.g. rain)/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vt) (1) to wave/to shake/to swing/(2) to sprinkle/(3) to cast
(actor)/to allocate (work)/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj) old (not
person)/aged/ancient/antiquated/stale/threadbare/outmoded/obsolete article/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shiver/to shake/to quake/(P)/
[] /(n) home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native
place/one's old home/(P)/
[] /(n) home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native
place/one's old home/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to behave/to conduct oneself/to entertain (vt)/
/(n) a brake/(P)/
/(n) present/gift/(P)/
[] /(v1) to touch/to be touched/to touch on a subject/to feel/to
violate (law, copyright, etc.)/to perceive/to be emotionally moved/(P)/
[] /(n) bath/(P)/
/(n) professional/(P)/
/(n) brooch/(P)/
/(n) program/(P)/
[] /(n) wrapping cloth/cloth wrapper/(P)/

~ [~]
[] /(n,n-suf,pref) dividing/part/segment/share/ration/rate/degree/one's
lot/one's status/relation/duty/kind/lot/branch/detached/(P)/
[] /(n) sentence/(P)/
[] /(n) atmosphere (e.g. musical)/mood/ambience/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) eruption/(P)/
[] /(n) culture/civilization/(P)/
[] /(n) analysis/disassembly/(P)/
[] /(n) literature/(P)/
[] /(n) literature/art and literature/belles-lettres/(P)/
[] /(n) literature/books (reference)/(P)/

[] /(n) sentence/article/(P)/
[] /(n) water fountain/(P)/
[] /(n) fraction (in math)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) analysis/(P)/
[] /(n) literary style/(P)/
[] /(n) distribution/(P)/
[] /(n) grammar/(P)/
[] /(n) stationery/(P)/
[] /(n) context/(P)/
[] /(n) civilization/culture/(P)/
[] /(n) field/sphere/realm/division/branch/(P)/
[] /(n) amount/quantity/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) classification/(P)/
[] /(n) wall/fence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) closure/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) coolness/calmness/composure/unconcern/(P)/
[] /(n) equilibrium/balance/average/mean/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) (going) side by side/concurrent/abreast/at the same
time/occurring together/parallel/parallelism/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) weekday/ordinary days/(P)/
[] /(n) soldier/sailor/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) common/commonplace/ordinary/mediocre/(P)/
[] /(n) plain/open field/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) peace/harmony/(P)/
/(n) page/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be dented/to be indented/to yield to/to give/to sink/to
collapse/to cave in/to be snubbed/(P)/
/(n) navel/belly-button/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unskillful/poor/awkward/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be shut out/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf)
[] /(n) holiday house/villa/(P)/
/(n) bed/(P)/
[] /(adv) (not) particularly/nothing/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) separately/individually/(P)/
/(n) veteran/(P)/
[] /(n) room/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to abate/to decrease/to diminish/to shorten/(P)/
/(n) helicopter/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to decrease (in size or number)/to diminish/to abate/(P)/
[~] /(v5r,vi) to decrease (in size or number)/to diminish/to
/(n) bell (BEL)/(P)/
/(n) Belt for western clothes/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) change/incident/disturbance/strange/flat

[] /(n) area/vicinity/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]

[~] /(n) speech/dialect/

[] /(n) goblin/ghost/apparition/bugbear/
/(nl:) (n) paint (nl: pek)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) study/diligence/discount/reduction/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) change/modification/alteration/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reply/answer/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) editing/compilation/editorial (e.g. committee)/(P)/
[] /(n) toilet/lavatory/rest room/latrine/comfort station/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) pliers (lit: pinchers)/(P)/
/(n) bench/(P)/
[] /(n) box lunch/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) convenient/handy/useful/(P)/
~ [~]
~ []
[] /(n-adv,n) side/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) Act (law: the X Act)/(P)/
~ []
[] /(n) pole/rod/stick/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) trade (foreign)/(P)/
[] /(n) telescope/(P)/
[] /(n) direction/way/compass point/(P)/
[] /(oK) (n) broom/(P)/
[] /(n) dialect/(P)/
[] /(n) risk/venture/adventure/(P)/
[] /(n) direction/course/way/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) report/information/(P)/
[] /(n) Buddhist priest/monk/(P)/
[] /(n) hat/(P)/
[] /(n) prevention/check/(P)/
[] /(n) objective/plan/policy/(P)/
[] /(n) gem/jewel/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) broadcast/broadcasting/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) packing/wrapping/(P)/
[] /(n) law/rule/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) bandage/dressing/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) huge/bulky/enormous/extensive/swelling/expansion/(P)/
[] /(n) kitchen knife/carving knife/
[] /(n) equation/(P)/
[] /(n) prevention of crime/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) abundance/wealth/plenty/bounty/(P)/

[] /(n) method/manner/way/means/technique/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj,n-adv,n-t) persons/this and that/here and
there/everywhere/any way/all sides/all gentlemen/all people/(P)/
[] /(n) direction/district/field (e.g., of study)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) call/visit/(P)/
[] /(n) boy/
[] /(n) law/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to let go/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bark/to bay/to howl/to bellow/to roar/to cry/(P)/
/(n) boy/(P)/
/(n) rowing boat/(P)/
/(n) bonus/(P)/
/(n) (1) platform/(2) home/(P)/
/(n) ball/bowl/(P)/
/(n) ball-point pen/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) other (esp. places and things)/
[] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) brightness/cheerfulness/melodious/(P)/
[] /(n) (male) I/manservant/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) farm (livestock)/(2) pasture land/meadow/grazing
[] /(n) stock-farming/(P)/
/(n) pocket/(P)/
[] /(n) health preservation/hygiene/sanitation/(P)/
[] /(n) pride/(P)/
[] /(n) dust/(P)/
[] /(n) star/(P)/
[] /(adj) wanted/wished for/in need of/desired/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) recruiting/taking applications/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) guarantee/security/assurance/pledge/warranty/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to air/to dry/to desiccate/to drain (off)/to drink up/(P)/
/(n) poster/(P)/
/(n) post/post-/mail box/(P)/
[] /(adj) thin/slender/fine/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preservation/conservation/storage/maintenance/(P)/
/(pt:) (n) button (pt: bota~o)/(P)/
[] /(n) North Pole/(P)/
[] /(n) son (of others)/(P)/
/(n) hotel/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) degree/extent/bounds/limit/(P)/
[] /(n) footpath/walkway/sidewalk/(P)/
/(v5k) to unfasten/(P)/
[] /(n) Buddha/merciful person/Buddhist image/the dead/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) mostly/almost/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) bone/(P)/
[] /(n) flame/

[] /(n) cheek (of face)/(P)/

[] /(n) cheek (of face)/(P)/
[1 ] /(adv) almost/roughly/approximately/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to smile/(P)/
[] /(v1) to praise/to admire/to speak well/(P)/
[] /(n) moat/canal/(P)/
[] /(n) moat/
[] /(v5r) to dig/to excavate/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to carve/to engrave/to sculpture/to chisel/(P)/
/(n,pref) rag/scrap/tattered clothes/fault (esp. in a pretense)/defect/rundown
or junky/
[] /(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin/original/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) Lantern Festival/Festival of the Dead/tray/(P)/
[] /(n) basin (e.g. between mountains)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) truth/reality/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) truth/reality/(P)/
[] /(n) the person himself/(P)/
[] /(n) headquarters/(P)/
[] /(n) genuine article/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) translation/de-encryption/deciphering/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) absent-minded/block-head/dim/faint/vague/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t,adj-no) essentially/naturally/by nature/in (and of)
[] /(n) space/room/time/pause/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj,int,n) (fem) you might say/(P)/
/(n) market/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,int) so-so/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) mike/(P)/
[] /(n) lost (stray) child/(P)/
[] /(n) the number of flat things/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) each time/common service-sector greeting/(P)/
/(n) minus/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) (hum) to go/to come/to call/(2) to be defeated/to
collapse/to die/(3) to be annoyed/to be nonplussed/(4) to be madly in love/(5)
to visit (shrine, grave)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t,suf) (1) before/in front/fore part/ago/previously/(2) head
(of a line)/(3) in the presence of/lady (so-and-so)/(4) (five minutes) to/(5)
~ [~]
[] /(v1) (1) to entrust to another/to leave to/(2) to do something
at one's leisure/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to wind/to coil/to roll/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to sow (seeds)/(P)/

[] /(v5k) to scatter/to sprinkle/to sow/(P)/

[] /curtain/bunting/act (in play)/
[] /(n,n-suf) pillow/bolster/(P)/
[] /(n) defeat/loss/losing (a game)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lose/to be defeated/(P)/
[] /(v1) to bend/to crook/to lean/(P)/
[] /(n) grandchild/(P)/
/(adv,n) confused/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) by no means/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) friction/rubbing/rubdown/chafe/(P)/
/(adv) correctly/surely/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be mixed/to be blended with/to associate with/to
mingle with/to join/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be mixed/to be blended with/to associate with/to
mingle with/to join/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) diligent/serious/honest/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be mixed/to be blended with/to associate with/to
mingle with/to interest/to join/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be mixed/to be blended with/to associate with/to
mingle with/to interest/to join/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vi) to increase/to grow/(P)/
[] /(adv) first (of all)/to start with/about/almost/hardly (with neg.
/(adj) (uk) unappetizing/unpleasant (taste, appearance,
/(n) mask/(P)/
[] /(adj) poor/needy/(P)/
/(n) proprietor/manager/bar owner/master (e.g. arts, science)/(P)/
/(adv) increasingly/more and more/
[] /(v1) to mix/to stir/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to be mixed/to be blended with/(P)/
[] /(adv,conj,n) again/and/(P)/
[] /(adv) yet/still/more/besides/(P)/
/(v5g) to straddle/(P)/
[] /(conj,exp) or/otherwise/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) town/(2) street/road/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) town/(2) street/road/(P)/
[] /(n) waiting room/(P)/
[] /(v1) to rendezvous/to meet at a prearranged place and
[] /(n) mistake/(P)/
[] /(v1) to err/to make a mistake/(P)/
[] /(n) street corner/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to wait/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) pine tree/(2) highest (of a three-tier ranking system)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) deep red/flushed (of face)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) total darkness/shortsightedness/pitch dark/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pitch black/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) deep blue/ghastly pale/(P)/

[] /(n) the head/the foremost/beginning/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pure white/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) straight
[] /(adv)
/(n) match/(P)/
[] /(n) festival/feast/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to deify/to enshrine/(P)/
[] /(n) window/(P)/
[] /(n) ticket window/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be collected/to be settled/to be in order/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to put in order/to collect/to bring to a
[] /(v5b) to study (in depth)/to learn/to take lessons in/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to be in time for/(2) to serve (suit, meet) the
purpose/to be good enough/to be enough/(P)/
[] /(n) mimicry/imitation/behavior/pretense/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to invite/(P)/
[] /(v1) to mimic/to imitate/(P)/
/(adj) dazzling/radiant/(P)/
/(n) eyelids/(P)/
/(n) muffler/scarf/(P)/
/(n) Mama/(P)/
[] /(n) beans/peas/
[] /(adv) soon/before long/in a short time/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to protect/to obey/to guard/to abide (by the rules)/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to be puzzled/to be perplexed/to lose one's way/(P)/
/(n) marathon/(P)/
[] /(n) circle/full (month)/perfection/purity/suffix for ship names/(P)/
[] /(n) circle/money/
[] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/
[] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/
/(adv) quite/entirely/completely/at all/as if/as though/so to speak/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) rare/seldom/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to turn/to revolve/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) circumference/surroundings/circulation/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) circumference/surroundings/circulation/(P)/
[] /(n) detour/(P)/
[] /(adv,num) 10,000/ten thousand/myriads/all/everything/
[] /(adv,n) by some chance/by some possibility/if by any
chance/10E4:1 odds/(P)/
[] /(n) full house/no vacancy/sold out/standing room only/full (of
[] /(n) comic/cartoon/(P)/

/(n) large apartment/apartment house/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n,vs) satisfaction/(P)/
[] /(n) perfect score/(P)/
[] /(n) middle/centre/mid-way/
[] /(n) fountain pen/(P)/
[] /(n) body/main part/oneself/sword/(P)/
[] /(n) fruit/nut/seed/content/good result/(P)/
~ [~]
~ []
[] /(v1) to look up at/to raise one's eyes/to admire/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be seen/to be in sight/to look/to seem/to appear/(P)/
[] /(n) seeing one off/farewell/escort/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to see off/to farewell/(2) to escort/(3) to let
pass/to wait and see/(4) to let a pitch go by (baseball)/to watch a batted ball
go into the stands/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to overlook/to command a view of/to look down on
[] /(v5k) to polish/to shine/to brush/to refine/to improve/(P)/
[] /(n) outward appearance/(P)/
[] /(n) friend/ally/supporter/(P)/
[] /(n) new moon/crescent moon/(P)/
[] /(n) right hand side/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) splendid/magnificent/beautiful/admirable/(P)/
[] /(n) cape (on coast)/(P)/
[] /(adj) short/(P)/
/(adj-na) (arch) sad/pitiful/wretched/
/(n) sewing machine/(P)/
/(n) miss (mistake, error, failure)/Miss/myth/MIS (management information
[] /(n) water/(P)/
[] /(n) lake/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) for one's self/personally/(P)/
[] /(n) bathing suit (woman's)/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) store/shop/establishment/(P)/
[] /(n) store/shop/
[] /(v1) to show/to display/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) miso/bean paste/(2) key (main) point/(P)/
[] /(n) heading/caption/subtitle/index/(P)/
[] /(n) road/street/way/method/(P)/
[] /(n) itinerary/route/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be full/to rise (tide)/to mature/to expire/(P)/
[] /(n) three days/the third day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (uk) to be found/to be discovered/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be familiar/to discover/to find fault/to detect/to
find out/to locate/(P)/

[] /(n) three/(P)/
/(uk) shameful/indecent/(P)/
[] /(v1) (uk) to stare at/to gaze at/to look hard at/to watch
intently/to fix one's eyes on/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to recognize/to appreciate/to approve/to admit/to
[] /(n) greenery/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to look again/to get a better opinion of/(P)/
[] /(n) harbor/port/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) South/proceeding south/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become used to seeing/to be familiar with/(P)/
[] /(adj) ugly/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to bear fruit/to ripen/(P)/
[] /(n) social position/social status/(P)/
[] /(n) sample/(P)/
[] /(n) enquiry/expression of sympathy/expression of concern/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to ask after (health)/to visit/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) less than/insufficient/(P)/
[] /(n) ear/(P)/
[] /(n) present/souvenir/(P)/
[] /(n) capital/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) strange/unusual/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(n) surname/family name/(P)/
[] /(n) future (life, tense)/(P)/
[] /(n) milli-/10^-3/(P)/
[] /(n) charm/fascination/glamour/(P)/
[] /(v1) to see/to watch/(P)/
[] /(v1) to examine (medical)/(P)/
/(n) milk/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) private/civilian/civil/popular/folk/unofficial/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) folk song/popular song/(P)/
[] /(n) nothing/naught/nil/zero/
[] /six days/sixth (day of month)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5u) to face/to go towards/
[] /(n) meeting/person sent to pick up an arrival/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go out to meet/to accept as a member of a group or
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) olden days/former/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to face/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to peel/to skin/to pare/to hull/(P)/
~ [~]

[] /(v1) to turn towards/to point/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) infinite/(P)/
[] /(n) beyond/over there/opposite direction/the other party/(P)/
[] /(n) insect/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) disregard/ignore/(P)/
[] /(n) plain/unfigured/(P)/
[] /(adj) humid/sultry/(P)/
[] /(n) cavity/tooth decay/decayed tooth/caries/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) contradiction/inconsistency/(P)/
[] /(adv) rather/better/instead/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to steam/to poultice/to be sultry/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) countless number/infinite number/(P)/
[] /(adj) difficult/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) son/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to tie/to bind/to link/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) daughter/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) futility/uselessness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) daze/(in a) trance/ecstasy/delirium/engrossment/(P)/
[] /(num) six/
[] /(n) breast/chest/(P)/
[] /(n) village/(P)/
[] /(n) purple colour/violet/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) unreasonable/impossible/overdoing/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) free/no charge/(P)/
[] /(n) group/crowd/flock/herd/bevy/school/swarm/cluster (of
[] /(n) eye/eyeball/(P)/
[] /(n) sprout/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) niece/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) clear up/clarify/define/(P)/
[] /(n) masterpiece/(P)/
[] /(n) business card/(P)/
[] /(n) noun/(P)/
[] /(n) famous place/(P)/
[] /(v1) to order/to command/to appoint/(P)/
[] /(v5z) to command/to appoint/(P)/
[] /(n) superstition/(P)/
[] /(n) master/expert/(P)/
[] /(n) famous product/special product/specialty/(P)/
[] /(n) each/individual/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) order/command/decree/directive/(software) instruction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) trouble/bother/annoyance/(P)/
[] /(n) superior(s)/senior/(P)/

/(n) meter (clock)/(P)/

/metre (meter) (old form)/
[] /(n) spectacles/glasses/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be blessed with/to be rich in/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go around/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to aim at/to have an eye on/(P)/
[] /(n) (abbr) alarm-clock/(P)/
[] /(n) (sl) meals/food/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (pol) to eat/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) at present/now/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mark/sign/landmark/(P)/
[] /(adj) unusual/rare/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to be conspicuous/to stand out/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) (uk) absurd/unreasonable/excessive/messed
/(adv) remarkably/(P)/
[] /(adv) rarely (with neg. verb)/seldom/(P)/
/(adj) happy/simple soul/propitious/joyous/(P)/
/(n) menu/(P)/
/(n,vs) dizziness/giddiness/
/(n) memorandum/(P)/
[] /(n) criterion/aim/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) face/mug/surface/facial features/mask/face guard/side or
[] /(n) cotton/padding/(P)/
[] /(n) license/permit/license/certificate/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) tax exemption/duty exemption/(P)/
[] /(n) area/(P)/
[] /(n) interview/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)/
[] /(adj) bother to do/tiresome/(P)/
/(n) member/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be profitable/to yield a profit/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get/to earn/to gain/to have (bear, beget) a child/(P)/
[] /(v1) to say/to tell/to state/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to apply for/to make an application/to propose
(marriage)/to offer (mediation)/to make an overture (of peace)/to challenge/to
lodge (objections)/to request (an interview)/to subscribe for/to book/to
[] /(n) apology/excuse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) inexcusable/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (hum) to be called/to say/(P)/
[] /(n) blanket/(P)/
[] /(v1) to burn/(P)/
/(n) motor/(P)/
[] /(n) lumber/timber/wood/(P)/

[] /(n) table of contents/(P)/

[] /(n) purpose/goal/aim/objective/intention/(P)/
[] /(n) mark/objective/target/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Thursday/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to drive/to pass through/(2) to evade/to hide/(3) to
dive (into or under water)/to go underground/(P)/
/(n) sham examination/
[] /(n) letter (of alphabet)/character/(P)/
[] /(n) letter (of alphabet)/character/(P)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)/
/(adv) if/(P)/
[] /(conj,int) hello (on phone)/(P)/
/(v1) to lean against/to lean on/to recline on/to lie heavy (on the
/(adj-na,n) modern/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) sticky rice cake/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to raise/to lift up/to flatter/
[] /(v1) to use/to make use of/(P)/
[] /(adv) (uk) of course/certainly/naturally/(P)/
[] /(v5t) (1) to hold/to carry/(2) to possess/(P)/
/(adj) (uk) too good/more than one
deserves/wasteful/sacrilegious/unworthy of/
/(adv) more/longer/farther/(P)/
[] /(adv) most/extremely/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,conj,n) quite right/plausible/natural/but
/(n) model/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin/original/(2) former/(P)/
[] /(n) basis/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,n) prime/
[] /(v5s) to restore/to put back/to return/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be grounded on/to be based on/to be due to/to
originate from/(P)/
[] /(v1) to seek/to request/to demand/to want/to wish for/to search
for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job)/to buy/(P)/
[] /(adv,adj-no) originally/by nature/from the start/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn back/to return/(P)/
[] /(n) thing/object/(P)/
[] /(n) person/(P)/
[] /(n) storage room/(P)/
[] /(n) sounds/(P)/
[] /(n) tale/story/legend/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to tell/to indicate/(P)/
[] /(n) things/everything/(P)/
[] /(n) ruler/measure/(P)/

[] /(adj) earth-shattering/staggering/to a very great extent/(P)/

/(n) monorail/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) (Japanese) maple/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to rub/to crumple (up)/to wrinkle/to massage/to be troubled
about/to worry over/to train/to coach/(P)/
[] /(n) cotton/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to burn/(P)/
[] /(n) pattern/figure/design/(P)/
[] /(n) event/festivities/function/social
gathering/auspices/opening/holding (a meeting)/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (uk) to receive/(P)/
[] /(n) forest/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to serve (food, etc.)/(2) to fill up/(3) to prescribe/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) gate/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) phrase/complaint/(P)/
[] /(n) problem/question/(P)/
[] /(n) questions and answers/dialogue/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) greengrocer/(P)/
/(adv) before long/soon/at length/(P)/
/(adj) (1) noisy/(2) strict/fussy/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) at night/nighttime/(P)/
[] /(n) kettle/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to bake/to grill/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) use/service/role/position/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) approximately/about/some/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) meaning/reason/circumstances/can be deduced/situation/(P)/
[] /(n) actor/actress/(P)/
[] /(n) government office/public office/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to translate/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) arrangement/promise/(P)/
[] /(n) government official/(P)/
[] /(n) medicine(s)/chemical(s)/(P)/
[] /(n) duty/business/(P)/
[] /(n) part/assigning (allotment of) parts/role/duties/(P)/
[] /(n) burn/scald/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to burn/to be roasted/to be sun burnt/(P)/
[] /(n) walking around at night/night train/night travel/(P)/
[] /(n) vegetable/(P)/
[] /(adj) easy/plain/simple/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(n) directing arrow/(P)/
[] /(adj) cheap/inexpensive/peaceful/quiet/gossipy/thoughtless/(P)/
~ [~]

[] /(n) (1) rest/recess/respite/(2)

vacation/holiday/absence/suspension/(3) moulting/(P)/
[] /(v5m,vi) to rest/to have a break/to take a day off/to be
finished/to be absent/to retire/to sleep/(P)/
[] /(io) (v1) to become thin/to lose weight/to reduce (one's)
weight/to slim/(P)/
[] /(n) rent/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
[] /(n) pharmacy/drugstore/(P)/
[] /(num) eight/
/(v1) to attack (an enemy)/to beat/to do away with/to finish off/
/(adv) at last/at length/(P)/
[] /(n) inn/lodging/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to employ/to hire/(P)/
[] /(n) landlord/(P)/
[] /(n) roof/(P)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of
/(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of
[] /(v5r,vt) to tear/to violate/to defeat/to smash/to destroy/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get torn/to wear out/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) mountain/(2) pile/heap/(3) climax/critical point/(P)/
[] /(v5m,vi) to cease/to stop/to be over/(P)/
/(exp) cannot be helped/unavoidable/
[] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/
[] /(v1) to retire/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) a little/partially/somewhat/a short time/a while/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to give
(to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to
perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to
run or operate (a restaurant)/
[] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to
give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to
perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to
run or operate (a restaurant)/
[] /(adj) soft/tender/limp/(P)/
[] /(adj) soft/tender/limp/(P)/
[] /(n) hot water/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) only/sole/unique/(P)/
[] /(n) amusement park/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/
[] /(n) evening paper/(P)/
[] /(n) courage/bravery/valor/nerve/boldness/(P)/
[] /(n) friendship/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) validity/availability/effectiveness/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) superiority/excellence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) overall victory/championship/(P)/
[] /(n) friendship/fellowship/(P)/
[] /(n) friend/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) mailing/(P)/
[] /(n) (sudden) evening shower (rain)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) able/capable/efficient/skill/(P)/
[] /(n) (in) the evening sun/setting sun/(P)/
[] /(n) mail/postal service/(P)/
[] /(n) evening/
[] /(adj-na,n) fame/(P)/
/(n) humor/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) quiet/calm/leisurely/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) advantageous/better/profitable/lucrative/(P)/
[] /(n) admission-paid/toll/(P)/
[] /(n) floor/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) pleasant/happy/(P)/
[] /(n) bathrobe/informal summer kimono/yukata/
[] /(n) snow/(P)/
[] /(n) one's whereabouts/(P)/
[] /(n) steam/vapor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) blood transfusion/
[] /(n,vs) export/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to turn over/to assign/to hand over/to transmit/to convey/to
sell/to dispose of/to yield/to surrender/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) transport/transportation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) abundant/wealthy/plentiful/rich/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) negligence/unpreparedness/(P)/
/(adv,n) slowly/at ease/(P)/
/(v1) to boil/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) importation/import/introduction/(P)/
[] /(n) teacup/(P)/
[] /(n) finger/(P)/
[] /(n) (finger) ring/(P)/
[] /(n) dream/(P)/
[] /(adj) loose/lenient/slow/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to permit/to allow/to approve/to exempt (from fine)/to
excuse (from)/to confide in/to forgive/to pardon/to excuse/to release/to let
[] /(v1) to shake/to sway/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/night/(P)/
[] /(n) dawn/daybreak/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) task/business/use/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) way/manner/kind/sort/appearance/like/such as/so as
to/in order to/so that/yang/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to get drunk/to become intoxicated/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) easy/simple/plain/(P)/
[] /(n) eight days/the eighth (day of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) lava/(P)/
[] /(n) container/vessel/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) season/weather/cheerfulness/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) request/demand/requisition/(P)/
[] /(n) term/terminology/(P)/
[] /(n) gist/essentials/summary/fundamentals/(P)/
[] /(n) tasks/things to do/(P)/
[] /(n) infant/baby/child/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) care/precaution/guarding/caution/(P)/
[] /(n) aspect/state/appearance/(P)/
[] /(adv,exp) in a word/after all/the point is ../in
short ../(P)/
[] /(n) capacity/volume/(P)/
[] /(n) element/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) infancy/childish/infantile/(P)/
[] /(n) kindergarten/(P)/
[] /(n) gist/main point/(P)/
[] /(n) use/usefulness/(P)/
[] /(n) day of the week/(P)/
[] /(n) shop which handles Western-style apparel and
[] /(n) Western-style clothes/(P)/
[] /(n) nourishment/nutrient/
[] /(n) wool/(P)/
[] /(adv) gradually/finally/hardly/(P)/
[] /(n) point/gist/essentials/outline/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) expectation/assume will happen/forecast/(P)/
/(adv,n,vs) nicely/properly/well/skilled in/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-na,n) avarice/covetousness/greed/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) too
[] /(n) beside/side/width/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to cross (e.g. arms)/to traverse/(P)/
/(v5s) (1) to send/to forward/(2) to hand over (e.g. money)/
[] /(v5s) (1) to disgrace/to dishonor/(2) to pollute/to contaminate/to
soil/to make dirty/to stain/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get dirty/to become dirty/(P)/
[] /(n) estimate/budget/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation for a lesson/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to cease/to abolish/to resign/to give up/(P)/
[] /(v1) to collect/to gather/to add/to put aside/(P)/
[] /(n) another place/somewhere else/strange parts/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) prediction/estimation/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) 4th day of month/(2) four days/(P)/
[] /(n) four corners/crossroads/(P)/
[] /(n) four/(P)/
/(n) yacht/(P)/
[] /(n) drunkard/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n-adv,n-t) midnight/dead of night/(P)/
[] /(n) society/the world/the times/(P)/
[] /(n) preparation/preliminaries/reserve/spare/(P)/
[] /(v1) to call out to/to accost/to address (crowd)/to
[] /(v5s) to summon/to call (e.g. phone)/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to call out/to invite/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) extra/excess/surplus/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) forecast/prediction/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) prevention/precaution/protection against/(P)/
[] /(n) reading/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be resurrected/to be revived/to be resuscitated/to be
[] /(v5m) to read/(P)/
[] /(n) bride/daughter-in-law/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) reservation/contract/subscription/booking/pledge/advance
[] /(n) surplus/composure/margin/room/time/allowance/scope/rope/(P)/
/(n) twist/ply/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/night/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to visit/to drop in/to approach/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to come from/(P)/
/according to/
[] /(oK) (n) (a) joy/(a)
[] /(n) (a) joy/(a)
[] /(v5b) to be delighted/to be glad/(P)/
[] /(adj) (hon) good/OK/all right/fine/very well/will
[] /(adv,exp,int) well/properly/suitably/best regards/please
remember me/(P)/
[] /(adj) weak/frail/delicate/tender/unskilled/weak (wine)/(P)/
[] /(num) four/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /since (last month)/for (10 days)/next (year)/(P)/
/(n) lighter/rider/writer/(P)/
[] /(n) arrival in Japan/coming to Japan/visit to Japan/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf) comfort/ease/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) failure/dropping out of a class/(P)/
/(n) paddle/racket/(P)/
/(n) radio/(P)/
/(n) rush hour/(P)/
[] /(n) column of text (e.g. as in a newspaper)/(P)/
/(n) launch/lunch/(P)/
/(n) (1) running/(2) tank top/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs)
[] /(n) profits/gains/(political, economic) interest/(P)/
[] /(n) science/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) understanding/comprehension/(P)/
[] /(n) advantages and disadvantages/interest/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) six (used in legal documents)/
[] /(adj-na,n) clever/shrewd/bright/sharp/wise/intelligent/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) divorce/(P)/
/(n) rhythm/(P)/
[] /(n) ideal/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) rate/ratio/proportion/percentage/(P)/
/(n) litre/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
/(n) ribbon/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to abbreviate/(P)/
[] /(n) reason/pretext/motive/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) (river) basin/(P)/
[] /(n) studying abroad/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) fashionable/fad/in vogue/prevailing/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) use/utilization/application/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) quantity/amount/volume/portion (of food)/(P)/
[] /(n) hostel/dormitory/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) change/money exchange/(P)/
[] /(n) both sides/
[] /(n) fee/charge/fare/(P)/
[] /(n) fisherman/(P)/
[] /(n) consul/(P)/
[] /(n) receipt/voucher/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cooking/cookery/cuisine/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese hotel/inn/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) travel/trip/(P)/

[] /(n) temporary/special/extraordinary/(P)/
[] /(n) absence/being away from home/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) care-taking/caretaker/house-watching/(P)/
[] /(n)
[] /(n) expression of gratitude/(P)/
[] /(n) zero/nought/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) exception/(P)/
[] /(n) manners/courtesy/etiquette/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) calm/composure/coolness/serenity/(P)/
[] /(n) refrigerator/(P)/
[] /(n) zero/no marks/(P)/
[] /(n) freezing/cold storage/refrigeration/(P)/
[] /(n) cooling/air-conditioning/(P)/
/(n) raincoat/(P)/
[] /(n) history/(P)/
/(n) recreation/(P)/
/(n) record/(P)/
/(n) leisure/(P)/
/(n) restaurant/(P)/
[] /(n) queue/line/row/(P)/
[] /(n) train (ordinary)/(P)/
[] /(n) chain of islands/(P)/
/(n) level/(P)/
/(n) report/paper/(P)/
/(n) report/paper/(P)/
[] /(n) brick/(P)/
[] /(n) union/alliance/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) practice/(P)/
/(n) lens/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) association (of ideas)/suggestion/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) serial/consecutive/continuity/occurring in
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n) corridor/(P)/
[] /(n) the aged/old person/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) candle/(P)/
[] /(n) manual labor/toil/work/(P)/
/(n) romanization/Roman letters/(P)/
[] /(num) six/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (audio) recording/(P)/
/(n) locket/rocket/(P)/
/(n) locker/(P)/
/(n) lobby/(P)/
~ [~]

[] /(v1) to argue/to discuss/to debate/(P)/

[] /(v5z) to argue/to discuss/to debate/(P)/
[] /(n) controversy/dispute/(P)/
[] /(n) thesis/essay/treatise/paper/(P)/
[] /(n) ring/hoop/circle/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
/(n) shirt (lit: white shirt)/business shirt/(P)/
/(n) wine/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese-English/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj) young/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to boil/to heat/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) selfishness/egoism/willfulness/disobedience/whim/
[] /(io) (v5r) to be understood/
[] /(n) parting/separation/farewell/(lateral)
[] /(v1) to be divided/to part from/to separate/to bid
[] /(v1) to branch off/to diverge from/to fork/to split/to
dispense/to scatter/to divide into/(P)/
[] /(adj) youthful/young/(P)/
[] /(n) side/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to boil/to grow hot/to get excited/to gush forth/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to boil/to grow hot/to get excited/to gush forth/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) meaning/reason/circumstances/can be deduced/situation/(P)/
[] /(v1) to divide/to separate/(P)/
/(adv) on purpose/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) only/merely/a little/small quantity/(P)/
[] /(n) lost article/something forgotten/(P)/
[] /(v1) to forget/to leave carelessly/to be forgetful of/to forget
about/to forget (an article)/(P)/
[] /(n) cotton/padding/(P)/
[] /(n) topic/subject/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) I/myself/private affairs/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) I/myself/private affairs/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to pass over/to hand over/(P)/
[] /(v1) to apologize/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese clothes/(P)/
[] /(n) laugh/laughter/smile/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to laugh/to smile/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) (1) rate/ratio/percentage/proportion/(2)
comparatively/(3) contrary to expectations/(P)/
[] /(adv) comparatively/(P)/
[] /(n) division (math)/
[] /(n,suf) discount/reduction/rebate/tenths discounted/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to divide/to cut/to break/to halve/to separate/to split/to

rip/to crack/to smash/to dilute/(P)/
[] /(adj) bad/inferior/(P)/
[] /(n) abuse/insult/slander/evil speaking/
[] /(v1,vi) to break/to split/to cleave/to fissure/to be smashed/to
crack/to be torn/(P)/
[] /(n) we/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) bay/gulf/inlet/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese soup bowl/wooden bowl/(P)/
[] /(n) bowl/
/(n) one-piece dress/(P)/


[] /(int) Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/
/(n,vs) greeting/salutation/(P)/
[] /(n) space/room/time/pause/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to fit/to suit/to agree with/to match/to be correct/to be
/(n) baby/infant/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to rise/to ascend/to be promoted/to go up/to climb/to go to
(the capital)/to add up to/to advance (in price)/to sail up/to come up (on the
[] /(n) baby/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) (1) to open/to become open/to become empty/(2) to be less
[] /(v1) to lift/to fry/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) oversleeping/late riser/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) flavor/taste/(P)/
[] /(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) playing/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to gather/to crowd round/to swarm/to flock/(2) to
extort from/to sponge off/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to collect/to assemble/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to apologize/(P)/
/(de:) (n) part-time job (esp. high school students) (de: Arbeit)/(P)/
[] /(n) (Buddhism) obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic
[] /(adj-na,n) safety/security/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn) such/so/that/sort of/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) information/guidance/leading/(P)/
[] /(n) less than/up to/below/under/and downward/not exceeding/the
following/the rest/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) with the exception of/excepting/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) how/in what way/(P)/
[] /(n) medical science/medicine/(P)/
[] /(v1) to live/to exist/(P)/
[] /(n) opinion/view/(P)/
[] /(n) volume measure (approx. 180l, 5 bushels, 10 cub.ft)/(P)/
/(v1) to tease/to torment/to persecute/to chastise/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) more than/exceeding/greater than/this is
all/over/above/and up/beyond/the above-mentioned/since/as long as/the end/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to hurry/to rush/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (hum) to do/(P)/
/(v5k) to receive/to take food or drink (hum)/to be crowned with/to
wear/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/to accept/to buy/to
[] /(n-adv) once/one time/on one occasion/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with

all one's might/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,adv,n) (1) a cup of/a drink/(2) full/(3) to the
utmost/up to (one's income)/a lot of/much/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) thread/yarn/string/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) within/inside of/less than/(P)/
[] /(gikun) (n) rural/not particularly urban/countryside/suburb/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to pray/to wish/(P)/
/(v5aru) (hon) to be/to come/to go/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v1) to plant/to grow/(P)/
/(v5u,vi,vt) (hon) to visit/to ask/to inquire/to hear/to be told/to
implore (a god for an oracle)/(P)/
[] /(n) receipt/acceptance/reception (desk)/information desk/(P)/
[] /(v1) to undertake/to accept/to take (lesson, test, damage)/to
undergo/to experience/to catch (e.g. a ball)/to become popular/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to move/to stir/to shift/to shake/to swing/to operate/to
run/to go/to work/to be touched/to be influenced/to waver/to fluctuate/to
vary/to change/to be transferred/(P)/
/(n) lie/falsehood/incorrect fact/inappropriate/(P)/
[] /(n) inside/
[] /(v5t) to hit/to strike/(P)/
[] /(adj) beautiful/lovely/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to film/to transcribe/to duplicate/to reproduce/to trace/to
describe/to picture/to photograph/to imitate/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to move (house)/to transfer (department)/(2) to be
infected/to be contagious/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) arm/(2) skill/(P)/
/(adj) delicious/
[] /(n) reverse side/wrong
side/back/undersurface/inside/palm/sole/opposite/rear/lining/last half (of an
[] /(adj-no,n) place where things are sold/salesfloor/counter (in
/(adj) noisy/loud/fussy/(P)/
/(adj) happy/glad/pleasant/(P)/
[] /(n) fortune/luck/(P)/
[] /(n) driver/chauffeur/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) operation/motion/driving/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) motion/exercise/(P)/
/(n) escalator/(P)/
[] /(n) branch/bow/twig/limb/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to choose/to select/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) diffidence/restraint/reserve/(P)/
/(v5r) (hon) (uk) to be/
[] /(n) congratulation/celebration/(P)/
[] /(n) reception room/(P)/
[] /(adj) many/numerous/(P)/

/(n) motorcycle (lit: auto-bi(ke))/(P)/

/(adj-na,n,vs) (1) overcoat/(2) over/exceeding/going
beyond/exaggeration/(3) ball hit over the head of an outfielder (baseball)/(P)/
/(n) thanks or owing to/
/(adj) (uk) strange/funny/amusing/ridiculous/
[] /(num) 100,000,000/hundred million/(P)/
[] /(n) rooftop/(P)/
[] /(n) present/gift/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to send (a thing)/to dispatch/to take or escort (a person
somewhere)/to see off (a person)/to spend a period of time/to live a life/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be late/to be delayed/to fall behind schedule/(P)/
[] /(n) (someone else's) child/
[] /(io) (v5s) to raise/to cause/to wake someone/
[] /(v5u) to perform/to do/to conduct oneself/to carry out/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to get angry/to get mad/(2) to be angry/(P)/
[] /(n) closet/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) (hon) daughter/(2) young lady/(P)/
[] /(n) (pol) your house/your home/you/(P)/
/(v5aru) (hon) to say/to speak/to tell/to talk/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) sound/note/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5s) to drop/to lose/to let fall/
[] /(n) dance/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to dance/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be surprised/to be astonished/(P)/
[] /(n) calling on someone who is ill/enquiry/
[] /(n) present/souvenir/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to recall/to remember/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to think/to feel/(P)/
/(n) (uk) toy/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) table (e.g. Tab 1)/chart/list/(P)/
[] /(n) parents/(P)/
[] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a
[] /(v5r) to break/to fold/to pick flower/(P)/
[] /(n) thanking/expression of gratitude/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi,vt) to break/to be folded/to give in/to turn (a
[] /(n) the end/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) curtain/carton/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) coast/beach/(P)/
[] /(n)

[] /(n) assembly hall/meeting place/the grounds/(P)/

[] /(n) conversation/(P)/
[] /(n) return/coming back/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to change/to alter/to vary/to convert/to revise/to amend/
[] /(n) science/(P)/
[] /(n) mirror/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5r) to decorate/to ornament/to adorn/(P)/
[] /(n) fire/conflagration/(P)/
/(n) gasoline/petrol/(P)/
/(n) gasoline stand/gas station/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) many/plentiful/
[] /(n) form/shape/figure/type/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tidy up/to put in order/to straighten up/to put
[] /(v5t) to win/to gain victory/(P)/
/(n) descent (in skiing)/
[] /(adj) sad/sorrowful/(P)/
[] /(adv) necessarily/certainly/without
[] /(n) rich man/(P)/
[] /(n) she/girl friend/sweetheart/(P)/
[] /(n) wall/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(P)/
[] /(n) hair/(P)/
/(v5m) to bite/to chew/to gnaw/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to go back and forth/to ply between/(2) to commute/to
attend (school, church, etc.)/(P)/
/(n) glass/pane/(P)/
[] /(n) he/boyfriend/(P)/
[] /(n) they (usually male)/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to get dry/(P)/
[] /(n) substitute/deputy/proxy/alternate/relief/compensation/second
[] /(v5r,vi) to change/to be transformed/to vary/to be revised/to be
different/to move location/(P)/
[] /(v1) to consider/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) relation/connection/(P)/
[] /(n) (female) nurse/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) simple/(P)/
/(v5r) to persist/to insist on/to stand firm/to try one's best/(P)/
[] /(n) spirit/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) machine/mechanism/(P)/
[] /(n) chance/opportunity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) danger/peril/hazard/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be heard/to be audible/(P)/
[] /(n) train (steam)/(P)/

[] /(n) art/technique/technology/skill/(P)/
[] /(n) season/(P)/
[] /(n) rule/regulations/(P)/
/(adv,n) (1) (uk) surely/undoubtedly/certainly/without fail/(2)
[] /(n) silk/(P)/
[] /(adj) severe/strict/stern/austere/grave/solemn/majestic/intense
[] /(n) feeling/mood/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5r) to be decided/to be settled/to look good in (clothes)/
[] /(n,suf) Mr (junior)/master/boy/(P)/
[] /(v1) to decide/(P)/
[] /(n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/
[] /(n) kimono/(P)/
[] /(n) guest/customer/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) urgent/sudden/(2) steep/(P)/
[] /(n) express (e.g. train that bypasses many stations)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) training/education/(P)/
[] /(n) church/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) competition/contest/(P)/
[] /(n) interest (in something)/(P)/
[] /(n) neighbourhood/(P)/
[] /(n) condition/state/manner/health/(P)/
[] /(n) air/atmosphere/(P)/
[] /(n) airport/(P)/
[] /(n) grass/(P)/
/(v5aru) (hon) to give/to confer/(P)/
[] /(n) neck/(P)/
[] /(n) cloud/(P)/
[] /(v1) to compare/(P)/
/(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run out/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get dark/to end/to come to an end/to close/to run
~ [~]
[] /(n) hair/fur/(P)/
[] /(n) hair/fur/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) plan/project/schedule/scheme/program/(P)/
[] /(n) policeman/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) experience/(P)/
[] /(n) economics/business/finance/economy/(P)/
[] /(n) police/(P)/
/(n,vs) injury (to animate object)/hurt/(P)/
[] /(n) scenery/scene/landscape/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) boarding/lodging/boarding house/(P)/
[] /(adv) never/by no means/(P)/
/(conj) but/however/(P)/
/(conj,prt) but/however/(P)/

~ [~]
[] /(n) cause/origin/source/(P)/
/price of a cocoon/
[] /(n,vs) study/research/investigation/(P)/
[] /(n) seminar room/laboratory/prof's office/
[] /(n) a sight/an attraction/something worth seeing/
[] /(n) first sign of Chinese zodiac (The Rat, 11pm-1am, north, November)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) box/
[] /(n) suburb/outskirts/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) lecture/(P)/
[] /(n) (manufacturing) industry/(P)/
[] /(n) senior high school/(P)/
[] /senior high school/(P)/
[] /(n) senior high school student/(P)/
[] /(n) factory/plant/mill/workshop/(P)/
[] /(n) principal/headmaster/(P)/
[] /(n) communication/transportation/traffic/intercourse/(P)/
[] /(n) auditorium/(P)/
[] /(n) government worker/public (civil) servant/(P)/
[] /(n) international/(P)/
[] /(n) core/heart/wick/marrow/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) break-down/failure/accident/out of order/(P)/
[] /(n) knowing/acquaintance/(P)/
[] /(n) answer/response/(P)/
/(n,vs) feast/treating (someone)/
/(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4)
/(n) thing/matter/fact/circumstances/business/reason/experience/(P)/
[] /(n) small bird/(P)/
/(n-adv) the other day/recently/lately/during this period/
/these days/nowadays/
[] /(adj) (1) small/(2) fine/minute/(P)/
/(n) (uk) rubbish/trash/garbage/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be crowded/(P)/
[] /(n) uncooked rice/(P)/

/(n-t) (uk) after this/(P)/

[] /(adj) scary/frightening/eerie/dreadful/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to break/to break down/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to be broken/to break/(P)/
/(n) concert/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) now/this time/next time/another time/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) this evening/tonight/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) latest/most recent/nowadays/(P)/

[] /(n) last/end/conclusion/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beginning/outset/first/onset/(P)/
[] /(n) purse/wallet/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to search/to seek/to look for/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to get down/to descend/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) popularity/prosperous/(P)/
[] /(v1) to hang/to lower/to move back/to wear/to dismiss/to
[] /(v1) (pol) to give/to hold up/to lift up/to offer/(P)/
/(n) thirst for blood/(P)/
[] /(adj) lonely/lonesome/solitary/desolate/
~ [~]
[] /(v5g) to make noise/to clamor/to be excited/to be alarmed/to kick
up a fuss/to make merry/to be annoying/to be troublesome/to make a noise/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to touch/to feel/(P)/
/(n) sandal/(P)/
/(n) sandwich/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) deplorable/bad luck/regret/disappointment/(P)/
[] /(n) character/hand-writing/(P)/
[] /(n) match/game/bout/contest/(P)/
[] /(n) way/method/means/resource/course/(P)/
/(adj-pn) a particular/a certain/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) examination/test/study/(P)/
[] /(n) accident/incident/trouble/circumstances/reasons/(P)/
[] /(n) earthquake/(P)/
[] /(n-t) period/epoch/era/(P)/
[] /(n) underwear/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) (uk) firmly/tightly/reliable/level-headed/steady/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) failure/mistake/blunder/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,int,n,vs,exp) (1) discourtesy/impoliteness/(2) Excuse
[] /(n) dictionary/(P)/
[] /(n) goods/article/thing/(P)/
/(adv,int) little while/(P)/
[] /(n) island/(P)/
/(v5u) (uk) to finish/to close/to do something completely/to put away/to
put an end to/(P)/
[] /(n) office/(P)/
[] /(n) society/public/(P)/
[] /(n) company president/manager/director/(P)/
/(adj-na,n,vs) hindrance/intrusion/(P)/
/(n) jam/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,exp,n) freedom/liberty/as it pleases you/(P)/
[] /(n) custom/habit/manners/(P)/

[] /(n) address (e.g. of house)/residence/domicile/(P)/

[] /(n) judo/(P)/
[] /10 minutes/
[] /(n,vs) attendance/presence/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) departure/(P)/
[] /(n) hobby/tastes/preference/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) introduction/(P)/
[] /(n) New Year/New Year's Day/the first month/January/(P)/
[] /(n) primary school/elementary school/(P)/
[] /(n) novel/story/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) invitation/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n-adv,n-t) future/prospects/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) meal/(P)/
[] /(n) foodstuff/groceries/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/(P)/
[] /(v1) to notify/to advise/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to investigate/to check up/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) population/(2) common talk/(P)/
[] /(n) Shinto shrine/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) kindness/gentleness/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) worry/concern/anxiety/care/(P)/
[] /(n) newspaper company/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) swimming/(P)/
[] /(n) water service/water supply/(P)/
/(adj-na,n-adv) extremely/(P)/
[] /(n) mathematics/arithmetic/(P)/
/(n) suitcase/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to pass/to go beyond/to elapse/to exceed/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be transparent/to leave a gap/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to be transparent/to leave a gap/(P)/
/(adj) few/a little/scarce/insufficient/seldom/(P)/
/(adj) terrible/dreadful/terrific/amazing/great/wonderful/to a great
/(adv) all/completely/thoroughly/(P)/
/(adv,n) straight/quickly/directly/all of a
/(n) stereo/(P)/
[] /(v1) to throw away/to cast aside/to abandon/to resign/(P)/
[] /(n) sand/grit/(P)/
/(adj) wonderful/splendid/magnificent/(P)/
/(v1) to control/to supervise/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) corner/nook/(P)/

[] /(v5m) to finish/to end/to be completed/(P)/

/(n) pickpocket/(P)/
/(conj) thereupon/hereupon/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) living/life (one's daily existence)/livelihood/(P)/
[] /(n) politics/government/(P)/
[] /(n) the west/Western countries/(P)/
[] /(n) the world/society/the universe/(P)/
[] /(n) seat/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) explanation/exposition/(P)/
[] /(n) back (of body)/(P)/
/(adv,n) (uk) certainly/without fail/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) looking after/help/aid/assistance/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) line (also telephone, railway)/wire/beam/(P)/
/(adv) (1) wholly/entirely/completely/(2) not at all (with neg.
[] /(n,vs) war/(P)/
[] /(n) senior (at work or school)/superior/elder/older
[] /(n) speciality/subject of study/expert/(P)/
[] /destroy/
[] /(n,vs) consultation/discussion/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to raise/to rear/to bring up/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) graduation/(P)/
[] /(n) grandfather/(P)/
[] /(n) grandmother/(P)/
/(uk) and (conj)/thereupon/because of that/(P)/
/(uk) besides/moreover/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) to that degree/extent/(P)/
/(n) gradually/steadily/quietly/slowly/soon/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like that/that sort of/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) leaving hospital/(P)/
[] /(n) college student/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/(P)/
/(n) battalion/
/(n) type/style/typing/(P)/
[] /(adv) considerably/greatly/a lot/(P)/
[] /(n) typhoon/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to collapse/to break down/to go bankrupt/to fall/to
drop/to die/to succumb to/to fall senseless/to be ruined/to have a bad debt/(P)/
[] /(conj,n) so/therefore/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,exp,n) certain/sure/definite/if I'm not mistaken/if I
remember correctly/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to add (numbers)/to do (e.g. one's business)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to visit/(P)/

[] /(adj)
[] /(n) tatami mat (Japanese straw floor coverings)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to stand (something) up/to erect (something)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to build/to construct/(P)/
[] /(adv) for example/e.g./(P)/
[] /(n) shelves/rack/(P)/
/(adv,suf) occasionally/once in a while/(P)/
/(n) cesspool/sink/manure sink/
/(adj-na,n) useless/no good/hopeless/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be sufficient/to be enough/(P)/
[] /(n) male/man/(P)/
[] /(n) heating/(P)/
[] /(n) blood/consanguinity/(P)/
[] /(n-suf) strength/power/(P)/
/(adv) not at all (neg. verb)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) caution/being careful/attention (heed)/warning/advice/(P)/
[] /(n) junior high school/middle school pupil/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) injection/(P)/
[] /(n) parking lot/parking place/(P)/
[] /(n) geography/(P)/
[] /(v1) to catch/to arrest/to seize/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) attached
to/impression/sociality/appearance/furnished with/under/to/
~ [~]
[] /(v5k) to possess/to haunt/to attach to/
[] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to
stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house
with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to
appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or
doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep
(an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to soak/to moisten/to pickle/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) circumstances/condition/convenience/(P)/
[] /(v1) to convey/to report/to transmit/to communicate/to tell/to
impart/to propagate/to teach/to bequeath/(P)/
[] /(v5k,vi) to be continued/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to continue/to keep up/to keep on/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to be engulfed in/to be enveloped by/to wrap up/to tuck
in/to pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/to conceal/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/
/(n) intention/plan/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to fish/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lead/to take (a person)/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n)
/(n) (1) text/(2) text book/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) fitness/suitability/adequacy/relevance/(P)/
[] /(v1) (uk) to be able to/to be ready/to occur/(P)/
/if at all possible/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to help/to assist/to take part in/(P)/
/tennis court/(P)/
[] /(n) glove/(P)/
[] /(n) temple/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) spot/mark/point/dot/(P)/
[] /(n) shop assistant/employee/clerk/salesperson/(P)/
[] /weather forecast/weather report/(P)/
[] /(n) electric light/(P)/
[] /(n) telegram/(P)/
[] /(n) exhibition/(P)/
[] /(n) implement/tool/means/(P)/
[] /(n) zoo/zoological gardens/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n) far away/distant/at a distance/distant place/by
[] /(n-suf) in accordance with ~/following ~/~ Street/~ Avenue/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to pass (by)/to go through/to walk along/to pass exams/(P)/
[] /(adv) particularly/especially/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) special/(P)/
/(n) barber/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) year/age/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) on the way/en route/midway/(P)/
[] /(n) limited express (train, faster than an express)/(P)/
/(n) (uk) which way/which one/(P)/
[] /(v1) to deliver/to forward/to send/to report/to file notice (to
the authorities)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stay at (e.g. hotel)/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to end/to stop/to cease/to resign/(P)/
[] /(v1) to exchange/to replace/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to cure/to heal/to fix/to correct/to repair/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be cured/to heal/to get mended/to get well/to be
repaired/to be fixed/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to be cured/to heal/to get mended/to get well/to be
repaired/to be fixed/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) very/considerably/easily/readily/by no means
[] /(v5k) to cry/to sing (bird)/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to lose something/to get rid of/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to disappear/to get lost/(P)/

[] /(v5r) to die/(P)/
[] /(v1) to throw/to cast away/(P)/
/(v5aru) (hon) to do/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) why/how/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to rumble/(P)/
/(adv) as much as possible/(P)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) I see/That's right!/indeed/(P)/
[] /(v1) to grow accustomed to/(P)/
[] /(adj) bitter/(P)/
[] /(v1) to escape/to run away/(P)/
[] /(n) diary/journal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) hospitalization/(P)/
[] /(n) entry to school or university/matriculation/(P)/
[] /(v1) to resemble/to be similar/(P)/
[] /(n) doll/puppet/figure/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to steal/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to paint/to plaster/to lacquer/to varnish/(P)/
/(v1) to get wet/(P)/
/(n) price/cost/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) fever/temperature/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) zeal/enthusiasm/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) aestivation/estivation/(2) sleepy/drowsy/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sleep/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to remain/to be left/(P)/
/(n) (uk) throat/(P)/
[] /(v1) to transfer (trains)/to change (bus, train)/(P)/
[] /(n) vehicle/(P)/
[] /(n) leaf/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) case/situation/(P)/
[] /(n,vi,vs,vt) twice/times/-fold/double/be doubled/increase/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing/look at/(P)/
[] /(n) dentist/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to transport/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to start/to begin/(P)/
/(n) it should be so/(P)/
[] /(adj) shy/ashamed/embarrassed/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) pronunciation/(P)/
/(adv,n) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cherry-blossom viewing/flower viewing/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to pay/(2) to brush/to wipe/(P)/
[] /(n) program (e.g. TV)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs)
/opposite/vice versa/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) sun/sunshine/day/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) fire/flame/blaze/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to grow cold/to get chilly/to cool down/(P)/
[] /(n) drawer/drawing out/(P)/
/(n) moustache/beard/whiskers/
[] /(n) airport/(P)/
[] /(exp) after a long time/(P)/
[] /(n) art gallery/art museum/(P)/
[] /(adv) very/extremely/exceedingly/(P)/

[] /(v5s) to move/to change residence/(P)/

[] /(adj-na,n) necessary/essential/indispensable/(P)/
/(adj) cruel/awful/severe/very bad/serious/terrible/heavy/violent/
[] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/
/(n) (abbr) building/bill/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) daytime/during the day/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) lunch break/noon recess/noon rest period/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to pick up/to find/to gather/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to increase/to multiply/(P)/
[] /(adj) deep/profound/thick/close/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) complexity/complication/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) review/revision/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) (1) generally/ordinarily/usually/(2) train
that stops at every station/(P)/
/(n) grapes/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to grow fat (stout, plump)/to become fat/(P)/
[] /(n) bedding (Japanese style)/futon/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/
[] /(n) ship/boat/watercraft/shipping/vessel/steamship/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) inconvenience/inexpediency/unhandiness/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to step on/to tread on/(P)/
/(n) present/gift/(P)/
[] /(n) culture/civilization/(P)/
[] /(n) literature/(P)/
[] /(n) grammar/(P)/
/(adv) (not) particularly/nothing/(P)/
/(n) bell (BEL)/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) change/incident/disturbance/strange/flat
[] /(n,vs) reply/answer/(P)/
[] /(n) trade (foreign)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) broadcast/broadcasting/(P)/
[] /(n) law/(P)/
[] /(n) (male) I/manservant/(P)/
[] /(n) star/(P)/
/(n) one's walking pace/
/(n-adv,n-t) mostly/almost/(P)/

/(v1) to praise/to admire/to speak well/

[] /(n,vs) translation/de-encryption/deciphering/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) (hum) to go/to come/to call/(2) to be defeated/to
collapse/to die/(3) to be annoyed/to be nonplussed/(4) to be madly in love/(5)
to visit (shrine, grave)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to lose/to be defeated/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) diligent/serious/honest/(P)/
/(adv) first (of all)/to start with/about/almost/hardly (with neg.
/(conj,exp) or/otherwise/(P)/
[] /(v1) to err/to make a mistake/(P)/
[] /(v5u) (1) to be in time for/(2) to serve (suit, meet) the
purpose/to be good enough/to be enough/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) circumference/surroundings/circulation/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to wander around/
[] /(n) comic/cartoon/(P)/
[] /(n) middle/centre/mid-way/
[] /(v1) to be seen/to be in sight/to look/to seem/to appear/(P)/
[] /(n) lake/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) miso/bean paste/(2) key (main) point/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (uk) to be found/to be discovered/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be familiar/to discover/to find fault/to detect/to
find out/to locate/(P)/
[] /(n) greenery/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
[] /(n) harbour/port/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go out to meet/to accept as a member of a group or
[] /(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) olden days/former/(P)/
[] /(n) insect/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) son/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) daughter/(P)/
[] /(n) village/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,vs) unreasonable/impossible/overdoing/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5r) (pol) to eat/(P)/
[] /(adj) unusual/rare/(P)/
[] /(v1) to say/to tell/to state/(P)/
[] /(v5s) (hum) to be called/to say/(P)/

/(n) sham examination/

[] /(v5r) to turn back/to return/(P)/
[] /(n) cotton/(P)/
/(v5u) (uk) to receive/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to bake/to grill/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to be helpful/to be useful/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) arrangement/promise/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to burn/to be roasted/to be sunburnt/(P)/
[] /(adj)
/(v1) to become thin/to lose weight/to reduce (one's) weight/to slim/
/(adv) at last/at length/(P)/
/(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of
/(adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/of
[] /(v5m) to fall ill/to be ill/(P)/
[] /(v1) to retire/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to
kill/to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to
study/to perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a
boat)/to run or operate (a restaurant)/
[] /(adj) soft/tender/limp/(P)/
[] /(n) hot water/(P)/
[] /(n) evening meal/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) export/(P)/
[] /(n) finger/(P)/
[] /(n) (finger) ring/(P)/
[] /(n) dream/(P)/
[] /(v1) to shake/to sway/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) task/business/use/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation/(P)/
[] /(n) tasks/things to do/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get dirty/to become dirty/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) preparation for a lesson/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(n,vs) reservation/contract/subscription/booking/pledge/advance
[] /(v5r) to visit/to drop in/to approach/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to be delighted/to be glad/(P)/
/(adj) (hon) good/OK/all right/fine/very well/will do/may/can/(P)/
[] /(adj) weak/frail/delicate/tender/unskilled/weak (wine)/(P)/
[] /(n) reason/pretext/motive/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) use/utilization/application/(P)/
[] /(n) both sides/both parties/(P)/
[] /(n) Japanese hotel/inn/(P)/
[] /(n) absence/being away from home/(P)/
[] /(n) history/(P)/
[] /(n,vs)
[] /(v5s,vt) to boil/to heat/(P)/

[] /(v1) to be divided/to part from/to separate/to bid

[] /(v5k) to boil/to grow hot/to get excited/to gush forth/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) meaning/reason/circumstances/can be deduced/situation/(P)/
[] /(n) lost article/something forgotten/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to laugh/to smile/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) (1) rate/ratio/percentage/proportion/(2)
comparatively/(3) contrary to expectations/(P)/
[] /(v1,vi) to break/to split/to cleave/to fissure/to be smashed/to
crack/to be torn/(P)/


[] /(int) Ah!/Oh!/Alas!/
[] /(v5u) to meet/to interview/(P)/
[] /(adj) blue/pale/green/unripe/inexperienced/(P)/
[] /(adj) red/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) autumn/fall/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to open (e.g. a festival)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to become civilized/to become opened up/be up-to-date/(P)/
[] /(v1) to give/to raise/to elevate/to fly (kites)/to praise/to
increase/to advance/to promote/to vomit/to usher in/to admit/to send (to
school)/to offer/to present/to leave with/to finish/to arrange (expenses)/to
observe/to perform/to quote/to mention/to bear (a child)/to improve (talents)/to
do up (the hair)/to arrest/to engage/to fry/(rains) to stop/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/(P)/
[] /(n) breakfast/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/
[] /(n) foot/pace/gait/leg/(P)/
/(n-t) tomorrow/(P)/
/(n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/yonder/(2) (X) (col)
[] /(v5b) (1) to play/to make a visit (esp. for pleasure)/(2) to be
idle/to do nothing/(P)/
[] /(adj) warm/mild/genial/(P)/
[] /counter for large animals/(P)/
[] /(adj) new/(P)/
/(n) (1) there/yonder/that/(P)/
[] /(adj) hot/warm/(P)/
[] /(adj) hot (thing)/(P)/
[] /(adj) cordial/kind/warm(hearted)/thick/deep/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
/(n) (1) (uk) the other/the other side/(2) there/yonder/that/
[] /(n) (hum) older brother/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) older sister/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) (uk) that over there/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) (uk) that over there/(P)/
/(n,adv) (1) apartment (abbr)/(2) apartment building (abbr)/(3)
/(v1) to bathe/to bask in the sun/to shower/(P)/
[] /(adj)
[] /(adj) delicious/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used as
ss/other/too much/(P)/
[] /(n) rain/(P)/

[] /(v5u) to wash/(P)/
/(v5r-i) (uk) to be/to have/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to walk/(P)/
[] /(n) stormy weather/tempest/chaps (of skin)/
/(adj) (col) (uk) good/(P)/
/(adj) good/nice/pleasant/ok/(P)/
/(int,n) (uk) no/nay/yes/well/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to say/(P)/
[] /(suf) house/family/(P)/
[] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/
[] /(v5k-s) to go/(P)/
/(n) how many?/how old?/(P)/
/(adv,n) how much?/how many?/(P)/
[] /(n) pond/(P)/
[] /(n) doctor (medical)/(P)/
/(n) chair/(P)/
[] /(adj) busy/irritated/
[] /(adj) painful/(P)/
[] /(num) one/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) first of month/(P)/
/(n-adv) (1) best/first/number one/(2) a game/a round/a bout/a fall/an
event (in a meet)/(P)/
/be lost/peace/hide/mistake/beautiful/in turn/
[] /(n) five days/the fifth day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) together/meeting/company/(P)/
[] /(n) five/(P)/
/(adv,n) always/usually/every time/never (with neg. verb)/(P)/
[] /this/now/
[] /(n,vs) meaning/significance/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) younger sister/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) disagreeable/detestable/unpleasant/reluctant/(P)/
[] /(n) entrance/gate/approach/mouth/
[] /(v5r) (uk) (hum) to be (animate)/to be/to exist/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to need/(P)/
[] /(v1) to put in/to take in/to bring in/to let in/to admit/to
introduce/to commit (to prison)/to usher in/to insert/to set (jewels)/to
employ/to listen to/to tolerate/to comprehend/to include/to pay (interest)/to
cast (votes)/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) colour/(2) sensuality/lust/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-no,adv,n) various/
[] /(n,pref,suf) (1) first volume/(2) superior quality/(3)
governmental/imperial/top/best/high class/going up/presenting/showing/aboard a
ship or vehicle/from the standpoint of/as a matter of (fact)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) afterwards/since then/in the future/(P)/
[] /(adj) thin/weak/watery/diluted/(P)/
[] /(n) song/poetry/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to sing/(P)/

[] /(n) inside/
[] /(v1) to be born/(P)/
[] /(n) sea/beach/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sell/(P)/
[] /(n) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) picture/drawing/painting/sketch/
[] /(n) movie/film/(P)/
[] /(n) movie theatre (theater)/cinema/(P)/
[] /(n) the English language/(P)/
/(conj,int,n) yes/(P)/
[] /(n) station/(P)/
/(n) elevator/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) pencil/(P)/
~ []
/(adj) delicious/tasty/(P)/
[] /(adj) big/large/great/(P)/
[] /(n) great number of people/
[] /(n) (hon) mother/(P)/
[] /(n) confections/sweets/candy/(P)/
[] /(n) money/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get up/to rise/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to put/to place/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) wife/your wife/his wife/married lady/madam/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) uncle (older than one's parent)/
[] /(n) uncle (younger than one's parent)/(P)/
/(n) grandfather/male senior-citizen/
[] /(v1) to teach/to inform/to instruct/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to push/to press/to stamp (i.e. a passport)/(P)/
[] /(adj) late/slow/(P)/
[] /(n) tea (green)/(P)/
[] /toilet/restroom/lavatory/bathroom (US)/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) father/(P)/
[] /(n) younger brother/faithful service to those older/brotherly
[] /(n) man/(P)/
[] /(n) boy/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday/(P)/
/(n-adv,n-t) year before last/(P)/
[] /(n) adult/
/(n) stomach/
[] /(adj-na,n) same/identical/equal/uniform/equivalent/similar/common
[] /(n) (hon) older brother/(vocative) "Mister?"/(P)/

[] /(n) (hon) older sister/(vocative) "Miss?"/(P)/

[] /(n) (hum) aunt (older than one's parent)/
[] /(n) aunt (younger than one's parent)/(P)/
/(n) grandmother/female senior-citizen/
[] /(v1) to remember/to memorize/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) heavy/massive/(2)
/(adj) interesting/amusing/(P)/
[] /(v5g) to swim/(P)/
[] /(v1) to alight (e.g. from bus)/to get off/to descend (e.g. a
[] /(io) (v5r) to finish/to close/
[] /(n) music/musical movement/(P)/
[] /(n) woman/girl/daughter/
[] /(n) girl/(P)/
~ [~]
~ [~]
[] /(n) foreign country/(P)/
[] /(n) foreigner/(P)/
[] /(n) company/corporation/(P)/
[] /(n) stairs/(P)/
[] /(n) shopping/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to buy/(P)/
[] /(v5s,vt) to return something/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to go back/to go home/to come home/to return/(P)/
[] /(n) face (person)/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to suffer from/(P)/
/(n) key/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to write/(P)/
[] /(n) student/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5r) to soar/to fly/
[] /(v5r) to soar/to fly/
[] /(n) umbrella/parasol/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to lend/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n,n-suf) method/manner/way/(P)/
[] /(n) family/members of a family/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) many/plentiful/
[] /(n) katakana/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) school/(P)/
[] /(n) horn/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) wife/(P)/
/(n) bag/satchel/briefcase/basket/(P)/
[] /(n) (flower) vase/(P)/

/(v5r) to wear/to put on (head)/to pour or dash water (on oneself)/(P)/

[] /(n) paper/(P)/
/(n) camera/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Tuesday/(P)/
[] /(adj) painful/heart-breaking/(P)/
[] /(n) appearance/air/condition/state/form/
[] /(v1) to borrow/to have a loan/to hire/to rent/to buy on
[] /(adj) light/non-serious/minor/(P)/
/(n) calendar/(P)/
[] /(n) river/(P)/
[] /(n) river/stream/(P)/
~ [~]
/(adj) (sl) pretty/cute/lovely/charming/dear/darling/pet/(P)/
[] /(n) Chinese characters/kanji/(P)/
[] /(n) tree/wood/timber/(P)/
[] /(adj) yellow/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go out/to vanish/to disappear/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to hear/to listen/to ask/(P)/
[] /north/
/(n) guitar/(P)/
[] /(adj) dirty/unclean/filthy/(P)/
[] /(n) coffee lounge/(P)/
[] /man of ability/
[] /(n) ticket/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) yesterday/(P)/
[] /(num) nine/(P)/
[] /(n) beef/(P)/
[] /(n-t) today/this day/(P)/
[] /(n) classroom/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) siblings/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) last year/
[] /(adj-na,n) dislike/hate/(P)/
[] /(suf,v5r) to cut/to chop/to hash/to carve/to saw/to clip/to shear/to
slice/to strip/to fell/to cut down/to punch/to sever (connections)/to pause/to
break off/to disconnect/to turn off/to hang up/to cross (a street)/to
discount/to sell below cost/to shake (water) off/to finish/to be through/to
[] /(v1) to wear/to put on (from shoulders down)/(P)/
/(oK) (adj-na) (uk) pretty/clean/nice/tidy/beautiful/fair/
[] /(n,pref) (abbr) kilo-/kilogram/kilometre/10^3/(P)/
[] /(n,pref) (abbr) kilo-/kilogram/kilometre/10^3/(P)/
[] /(n) bank/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Friday/(P)/
[] /(n) medicine/(P)/

/please (kana only)/(with te-form verb) please do for me/

[] /(n) fruit/(P)/
[] /(n) mouth/orifice/opening/(P)/
[] /(n) shoes/footwear/(P)/
[] /(n) socks/(P)/
[] /(n) country/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to become cloudy/to become dim/(P)/
[] /(adj) (uk) dark/gloomy/(P)/
/(n) class/(P)/
/(n) gram/gramme/(P)/
[] /(vk) to come/to come to hand/to arrive/to approach/to call on/to
come on (rain)/to set in/to be due/to become/to grow/to get/to come from/to be
caused by/to derive from/(P)/
[] /(n) car/vehicle/wheel/(P)/
[] /(adj) (1) black/(2) dark/(P)/
[] /(ik) (n-t) this morning/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to erase/to delete/to turn off power/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) (uk)
splendid/nice/wonderful/delicious/sweet/(2) (arch) construction/architecture/(3)
well enough/tolerably/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n,vs) marriage/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Monday/(P)/
[] /(n) entranceway/entry hall/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n)
~ [~]
[] /(num) five/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) (public) park/(P)/
[] /(n) police box/(P)/
[] /(n) voice/(P)/
/(n) coat/tennis court/(P)/
[] /(n) cry of a baby at its birth/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) afternoon/p.m./pm/(P)/
[] /nine days/the ninth day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) nine/(P)/
[] /(n) (hon) your husband/her husband/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) morning/A.M./am/(P)/
[] /(v1) to answer/to reply/
/(n) (1) (uk) this person/(2) this direction/(3) this side/(4)
/(n) (a) glass (nl: Kop)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) this year/
[] /(n) word(s)/language/speech/(P)/
[] /(n) child/children/(P)/

/(adj-pn,int) (uk) this/(P)/

[] /(n) rice (cooked)/meal/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to be worried/to be bothered/(P)/
/(int,n) (uk) this/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) this month/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) this week/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn,adv,n) such/like this/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) tonight/this evening/(P)/
[] /(conj,int) come (int)/come now/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) fish/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) the future/priority/precedence/former/previous/old/late/
[] /(v5k) to bloom/(P)/
[] /(n) composition/writing/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to light (a fire)/to apply moxa cautery/
~ [~]
[] /(n) journal/magazine/(P)/
[] /(n) sugar/(P)/
[] /(adj) cold (e.g. weather)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) year after next/(P)/
[] /(num) three/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) walk/stroll/(P)/
[] /(num) four/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) salt/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) however/but/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) time/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(adj-no,n) work/occupation/employment/(P)/
[] /(n) dictionary/lexicon/(P)/
[] /(adj-na) quiet/peaceful/(P)/
[] /(n) under/below/beneath/(P)/
[] /(num) seven/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) question/inquiry/(P)/
[] /(n) bicycle/(P)/
[] /(n) automobile/(P)/
[] /(v5n) to die/(P)/
[] /(n) dictionary/(P)/
[] /(n) myself/oneself/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to close/to be closed/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to close/to shut/(P)/
[] /(v1) to tie/to fasten/(P)/

[] /(conj,int) well/well then/(P)/

[] /(n) photograph/(P)/
/(n) shirt/singlet/(P)/
[] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n,vs) lesson/class work/(P)/
[] /(n) homework/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) skill/skillful/dexterity/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) hero/gentleman/warrior/manly person/(2) good
/(iK) (n) soy sauce/
[] /(n) cafeteria/dining hall/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to know/to understand/to be acquainted with/to feel/(P)/
[] /(adj) white/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) newspaper/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Wednesday/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to smoke/to breathe in/to suck/(P)/
/(n) skirt/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) liking/fondness/love/(P)/
/(adv) instantly/
[] /(adv,n) (1) small quantity/little/few/something/(2) little
while/(3) short distance/(P)/
[] /(adj) cool/refreshing/(P)/
/(n) heater (lit: stove)/(P)/
/(n) spoon/(P)/
/(n) sport/(P)/
/(fr:) (n) trousers (fr: jupon)/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to abide/to reside/to live in/to inhabit/to dwell/(P)/
/(n) slippers/(P)/
/(v5r) to pick someone's pocket/
[] /(v5r) to sit/(P)/
[] /(n) height/stature/(P)/
[] /(n) pupil/(P)/
/(n) sweater/jumper/(P)/
/(n) economy/thrift/(P)/
[] /(n) business suit/(P)/
[] /(adj) narrow/confined/small/(P)/
/(n) zero/(P)/
[] /thousand/many/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) last month/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) last week/the week before/(P)/
[] /(n) teacher/master/doctor/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) washing/laundry/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t) all/entire/whole/altogether/(P)/
[] /destroy/
[] /(n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) and/like that/(P)/
/(conj) (uk) and/(P)/
[] /(n) bottom/sole/(P)/
/(n) (uk) over there/the other/(P)/
[] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/
[] /(adj-pn) (uk) the/that/
[] /(n) near/close/beside/vicinity/proximity/besides/while/
[] /(n) sky/(P)/
[] /(n) (uk) it/that/(P)/
/(uk) and then/after that/(P)/
/(exp) (uk) in that situation/well then .../(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) university/(P)/
[] /(n) embassy/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) safe/all right/O.K./(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) very likeable/like very much/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) important/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) usually/generally/(P)/
[] /(n) kitchen/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) awful/dreadful/terrible/very/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,adv,n) awful/dreadful/terrible/very/(P)/
[] /(adj) tall/high/expensive/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) death/the next world/
/(adj-na,adv,n) many/a lot/much/(P)/
/(n) taxi/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to put out/to send/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to stand/(P)/
[] /(n) building/(P)/
[] /(adj) enjoyable/fun/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to request/to beg/to ask/(P)/
/(pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tobacco)/cigarettes/
/(adv,n) perhaps/probably/(P)/
[] /(n) food/(P)/
[] /(v1) to eat/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) egg(s)/spawn/roe/(2) (an expert) in the making/(P)/
/(n) who/(P)/
[] /(n) birthday/(P)/
/(adv,n) gradually/by degrees/
[] /(adj) small/little/tiny/(P)/
[] /(adj,suf) near/close by/short/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to differ (from)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) near/neighborhood/vicinity/(P)/

[] /(n) underground train/subway/(P)/

[] /(n) map/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) father/(P)/
[] /(n) light brown/tawny/(P)/
/(n) rice bowl/tea cup/teacup/
~ [~]
/(n) supplies/furniture/fixtures/
/(ateji) (adv,int) (uk) just a minute/a short time/a while/just a
[] /(n) (1) first of month/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to use/to handle/to manipulate/to employ/to need/to want/to
spend/to consume/to speak (English)/to practise (fencing)/to take (one's
lunch)/to circulate (bad money)/(P)/
[] /(v1) to get tired/to tire/(P)/
[] /(n) next/stage station/stage/subsequent/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to arrive at/to reach/(P)/
[] /(n) desk/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to make/to create/to manufacture/to draw up/to write/to
compose/to build/to coin/to cultivate/to organize/to establish/to make up (a
face)/to trim (a tree)/to fabricate/to prepare (food)/to commit (sin)/to
[] /(v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to
affix/to stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a
house with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to
appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongside/(7) to place (under guard or
doctor)/(8) to follow/to shadow/(9) to load/to give (courage to)/(10) to keep
(an eye on)/(11) to establish (relations or understanding)/(P)/
[] /(v1) (1) to serve/to fill a post/to serve under/to work
(for)/(2) to exert oneself/to endeavor/to be diligent/(3) to play (the part
/(adj) (uk) insignificant/boring/trifling/(P)/
[] /(adj) cold (to the touch)/chilly/icy/freezing/coldhearted/(P)/
[] /(adj) strong/powerful/mighty/potent/(P)/
[] /(n) hand/(P)/
/(n) tape/(P)/
/(n) tape recorder/(P)/
/(n) table/(P)/
[] /(v1) to depart/to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)/to
set out/to start/to be going out/
[] /(n) letter/(P)/
[] /(v1) (uk) to be able to/to be ready/to occur/(P)/
[] /(n) exit/gateway/way out/outlet/leak/vent/(P)/
/(n,vs) test/(P)/
[] /(n) chance of going out/opportunity (to succeed)/moment of
departure/beginning of work/
/(n) (abbr) department store/(P)/
/(conj,prt) but/however/
[] /(v1) to appear/to come forth/to leave/(P)/
/(n) television/TV/(P)/

[] /(n) weather/the elements/fine weather/(P)/

[] /(n) electricity/(electric) light/(P)/
[] /(n) electric train/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) telephone/(P)/
[] /(n) door (Japanese style)/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) door (Western style)/(P)/
/(n) toilet/restroom/bathroom/lavatory/(P)/
[] /child/servant/foolishness/
/(adv,int) (uk) why?/for what reason/how/in what way/for what
purpose/what for/(P)/
/(adv) please/kindly/by all means/(P)/
[] /(n) animal/(P)/
/(adv,int) (abbr) thanks/how/(very) much/very/quite/really/somehow/no
matter how hard one may try/(P)/
[] /(num) 10/ten/(P)/
[] /(adj) far/distant/(P)/
[] /ten days/the tenth (day of the month)/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) sometimes/(P)/
[] /(n) watch/clock/(P)/
/(n) (uk) where/what place/(P)/
[] /(n) place/(P)/
[] /(n) library/(P)/
/(n) (uk) which (of two)/who/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) very/awfully/exceedingly/(P)/
/(n) (uk) who?/(P)/
[] /(n) next to/next door to/(P)/
[] /(pol) person/Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an
[] /(v5b) to jump/to fly/to leap/to spring/to bound/to hop/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to come to a halt/(P)/
[] /(n) friend/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) Saturday/(P)/
[] /(n) bird/fowl/poultry/(P)/
[] /(n) chicken meat/
[] /(v5r) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to take (a photo)/to make (a film)/(P)/
/(n) (uk) well/now/let me see/which (of three or more)/(P)/
/(adj-na,adj-pn,n) what/what kind of/(P)/
/(adj) there isn't/doesn't have/(P)/
/(n) knife/(P)/
[] /(n) inside/middle/among/(P)/
[] /(adj) long/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to bark/to purr/to make sound (animal)/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) summer/(P)/
[] /(n) summer vacation/summer holiday/(P)/

[] /(n) seven/(P)/
[] /(int,n) what/(P)/
[] /(int,n) what/(P)/
[] /(n-adv) seven days/the seventh day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) name/(P)/
[] /(v5u) to learn/(P)/
[] /(v5b,vi) to line up/to stand in a line/(P)/
[] /(v1,vt) to line up/to set up/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to sound/to ring/to resound/to echo/to roar/to
[] /(num) two/(P)/
/(adj-na,n) bustling/busy/(P)/
[] /(n) meat/(P)/
[] /(n) west/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n) Sunday/(P)/
[] /(n) luggage/(P)/
/(n) news/(P)/
[] /(n) garden/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5g) to take off clothes/(P)/
/(n) tie/necktie/(P)/
[] /(v1) to go to bed/to lie down/to sleep/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) notebook/copy-book/exercise book/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to climb/(P)/
[] /(n) drink/beverage/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to drink/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (1) to get on/to ride in/to board/to mount/to get up on/to
spread (paints)/to be taken in/(2) to share in/to join/to be found in (a
dictionary)/to feel like doing/to be mentioned in/to be in harmony with/(P)/
[] /(n) tooth/(P)/
/(n) party/(P)/
[] /wear/put on (sword)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) ashtray/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to enter/to break into/to join/to enroll/to contain/to
hold/to accommodate/to have (an income of)/(P)/
[] /(n) postcard/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to wear/to put on (a sword)/
[] /(n) box/(P)/
[] /(n) bridge/(P)/
[] /(n) chopsticks/(P)/
[] /(v5r,vi) to begin/(P)/
[] /(adv,n) for the first time/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to run/(P)/

/(n) (1) bus/(2) bath/(3) bass/(P)/

/(n) butter/(P)/
[] /(n) 20 years old/20th year/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to work/to labor/to do/to act/to commit/to practise/to work
on/to come into play/to be conjugated/to reduce the price/(P)/
[] /(num) eight/
[] /(n) twenty days/twentieth (day of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) flower/(P)/
[] /(n) nose/(P)/
[] /(io) (n) talk/speech/chat/story/conversation/(P)/
[] /(v5s) to speak/(P)/
[] /(n) (hum) mother/(P)/
[] /(adj) early/(P)/
[] /(adj) quick/fast/swift/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) spring/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to stick/to paste/(P)/
[] /(v1) to be sunny/to clear away/to stop raining/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n,n-suf) half/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/
~ [~]
/(pt:) (n) (1) bread (pt: pan)/(2) panning/(P)/
/(n) handkerchief/(P)/
[] /(n) number/series of digits/(P)/
[] /(n) dinner/evening meal/
[] /half minute/
[] /(n) east/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(v5k) minus/to pull/to play (string instr.)/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/
[] /(adj) short/low/humble/low (voice)/(P)/
[] /(n) airplane/(P)/
[] /(n) left hand side/(P)/
[] /(n) man/person/human being/mankind/people/character/personality/true
man/man of talent/adult/other people/messenger/visitor/(P)/
[] /(n) one/(P)/
[] /one month/(P)/
[] /(n) one person/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) (1) free time/leisure/leave/spare time/(2) farewell/
[] /(num) 100/hundred/(P)/
[] /(n) hospital/(P)/
[] /(n) illness/disease/sickness/(P)/
[] /(n) hiragana/47 syllables/the cursive syllabary/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) noon/daytime/(P)/
[] /(n) lunch/midday meal/
[] /(adj) spacious/vast/wide/(P)/
/(n) film (roll of)/(P)/

[] /(n) envelope/(P)/
/(n) swimming pool/(P)/
/(n) folk/fork/(P)/
[] /(v5k) (1) to blow (wind, etc)/(2) to emit/to spout/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) clothes/(P)/
[] /(n) two/(P)/
[] /(n) pork/(P)/
[] /(n) two persons/two people/pair/couple/(P)/
[] /(n) second day of the month/two days/(P)/
[] /(adj) fat/thick/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) winter/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to precipitate/to fall (e.g. rain)/(P)/
[] /(adj) old (not
person)/aged/ancient/antiquated/stale/threadbare/outmoded/obsolete article/(P)/
/(n) bath/(P)/
~ [~]
/(n) purge/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) unskillful/poor/awkward/(P)/
/(n) bed/(P)/
[] /(n) room/(P)/
[] /(n) area/vicinity/(P)/
/(n) pen/P.E.N. (club)/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) study/diligence/discount/reduction/(P)/
[] /(adj-na,n) convenient/handy/useful/(P)/
[] /divide/
[] /(n) hat/(P)/
/(n) ball-point pen/(P)/
[] /(n) other place/the rest/(P)/
/(n) pocket/(P)/
[] /(adj) wanted/wished for/in need of/desired/(P)/
[] /(adj) thin/slender/fine/(P)/
/(pt:) (n) button (pt: bota~o)/(P)/
/(n) hotel/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf,n-t) (1) origin/original/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) bookshelves/(P)/
/(adv) really/truly/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every morning/
[] /(n-adv,n) every month/each month/monthly/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n) every month/each month/monthly/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every week/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every day/(P)/
[] /(n-t) every year/yearly/annually/(P)/
[] /(n-t) every year/yearly/annually/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) every night/(P)/

[] /(n-adv,n-t,suf) (1) before/in front/fore part/ago/previously/(2) head

(of a line)/(3) in the presence of/lady (so-and-so)/(4) (five minutes) to/(5)
~ [~]
/(adj) (uk) unappetizing/unpleasant (taste, appearance,
/(adv,conj,n) again/and/(P)/
/(adv) yet/still/more/besides/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) town/(2) street/road/(P)/
[] /(v5t) to wait/(P)/
/(adj-na,adv,n) straight (ahead)/direct/upright/erect/honest/frank/
/(n) match/(P)/
[] /(n) window/(P)/
[] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/
[] /(adj) round/circular/spherical/(P)/
[] /(adv,num) 10,000/ten thousand/myriads/all/everything/
[] /(n) fountain pen/(P)/
[] /(v5k) to polish/to shine/to brush/to refine/to improve/(P)/
[] /(n) right hand side/(P)/
[] /(adj) short/(P)/
[] /(n) water/(P)/
[] /(n,n-suf) store/shop/establishment/(P)/
[] /(v1) to show/to display/(P)/
[] /(n) road/street/way/method/(P)/
[] /(n) three days/the third day (of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) three/(P)/
[] /(n) everyone/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) South/proceeding south/(P)/
[] /(n) ear/(P)/
[] /(v1) to see/to watch/(P)/
/(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
[] /six days/sixth (day of month)/(P)/
[] /(n) beyond/over there/opposite direction/the other party/(P)/
[] /(adj) difficult/(P)/
[] /(num) six/
[] /(n) eye/eyeball/(P)/
/metre (meter) (old form)/
[] /(n) spectacles/glasses/(P)/
[] /net/
[] /net/
[] /(n-adv,n) Thursday/(P)/
/(conj,int) hello (on phone)/(P)/
/(adv) (uk) of course/certainly/naturally/(P)/
[] /(v5t) (1) to hold/to carry/(2) to possess/(P)/
/(adv) more/longer/farther/(P)/
[] /(n) thing/object/(P)/

[] /(n,n-suf) gate/(P)/
[] /(n) problem/question/(P)/
~ [~]
[] /(n) greengrocer/(P)/
[] /(n) vegetable/(P)/
[] /(adj) easy/plain/simple/(P)/
[] /(adj) cheap/inexpensive/peaceful/quiet/gossipy/thoughtless/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) rest/recess/respite/(2)
vacation/holiday/absence/suspension/(3) moulting/(P)/
[] /(v5m,vi) to rest/to have a break/to take a day off/to be
finished/to be absent/to retire/to sleep/(P)/
[] /(num) eight/
[] /(n) (1) mountain/(2) pile/heap/(3) climax/critical point/(P)/
[] /(v5r) (col) (uk) to do/to have sexual intercourse/to kill/to
give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/to dispatch (a letter)/to send/to study/to
perform/to play (sports, game)/to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to row (a boat)/to
run or operate (a restaurant)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/(P)/
[] /(n) post office/(P)/
[] /(n) evening/
[] /(adj-na,n) fame/(P)/
[] /(n) snow/(P)/
/(adv,n) slowly/at ease/(P)/
[] /(n) eight days/the eighth (day of the month)/(P)/
[] /(n) Western-style clothes/(P)/
[] /(adv,n,vs) nicely/properly/well/skilled in/
[] /(adv,n,vs) nicely/properly/well/skilled in/
[] /(n) beside/side/width/(P)/
[] /(n) (1) 4th day of month/(2) four days/(P)/
[] /(n) four/(P)/
[] /(v5b) to call out/to invite/(P)/
[] /(v5m) to read/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) evening/night/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) next month/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) next week/(P)/
[] /(n-adv,n-t) next year/(P)/
/(n) radio/(P)/
[] /(n) overseas student/(P)/
[] /(n) parents/both parents/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) cooking/cookery/cuisine/(P)/
[] /(n,vs) travel/trip/(P)/
[] /(n) zero/nought/(P)/
[] /(n) refrigerator/(P)/
/(n) record/(P)/
/(n) restaurant/(P)/

[] /(n,vs) practice/(P)/
[] /(num) six/(P)/
/(n) shirt (lit: white shirt)/business shirt/(P)/
[] /(adj) young/(P)/
[] /(io) (v5r) to be understood/
[] /(v1) to forget/to leave carelessly/to be forgetful of/to forget
about/to forget (an article)/(P)/
[] /(adj-no,n) I/myself/private affairs/(P)/
/(n) ferry (crossing)/ferry(boat)/(also suffix) delivery/
[] /(v5s) to pass over/to hand over/(P)/
[] /(v5r) to cross over/to go across/(P)/
[] /(adj) bad/inferior/(P)/

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