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Natalia Molina

Victor Ha
ELA 11
According to Bell Hooks, [Support] can be given and just as easily withdrawn.
Solidarity requires sustained, ongoing commitment. However what Hooks fails to include is
how much strength someone needs to show solidarity. In her novel The Color Purple, Alice
Walker explores the importance of solidarity in the characters lives. In the story of
African-American women who live in violence, the characters exemplify solidarity by sticking

together through racism, rape, and sexuality. Solidarity is the most impactful force in The Color
Purple because Nettie fights to empower Celie, Shug protects Celie, and Celie strives to make
her friends feel admired and loved.
Solidarity is the most important force in Celie's life because Nettie, Celie's sister, fought
to empower Celie. A time Nettie fought to empower Ceile was after Pa took Celie out of school,
Nettie still continued to teach her at home. In the novel, Walker says, But Pa, Nettie say,
crying, Celie smart too (10). Later on, Walker continues, Helping me with spelling and
everything else she think I need to know. No matter what happened, and she say, she tried to
teach me what go on in the world. And she a good teacher too (16). This shows that Nettie
empowered Celie by striving to give her an education. Their empowerment came from their
solidarity, because they were able to go against Pas word and prove that Celie, a poor black
women, was able to learn. Hich is looked down on by society. Celie needs solidarity because she

gets her perseverance to learn, which can symbolize overall strength from her sister Nettie. This
specific quote shows that because no matter what happens, Nettie says she will keep teaching
Ceile as learning is something both of the girls care about. Although her father forced the idea
that she can't be educated, she still persevered to learn and she couldn't do this without the
support and empowerment of Nettie. It affects her life because without solidarity she wouldn't
have this connection or bond with her sister. Solidarity is the most important force in Celie's life
because without it she wouldn't have the support from Nettie and wouldn't be empowered
through her education.
Not only do women empower Celie, but what is more is women protect her. A time
Shug protected Celie was when she protected her from Mr.___. Celie says he beats her because
he doesnt like who she is. In the novel, Shug says, I won't leave you, not until I know Albert
won't even think about beating you (Walker 75). Celie at this point of the book needs Shugs
solidarity because she needs her protection and her love. Without Shug protecting her, Mr. would
keep beating on her because he does have Shug there as a distraction. Mr. not having time to beat
Celie affects her life because she knows she can feel safe in her very own home. Solidarity
makes them special because it shows that in an environment of such violence, there can still be
love and protection between two black woman lovers which is why it's so important.
The last example of how solidarity is the most important force in Celie's life is
because through solidarity she strives to make her friends feel loved. In the story Celie
voluntarily makes pants for her friends not because she has to but because she is showing
solidarity to her friends because she wants them to feel comfortable. The novel says, Then
finally one day I made the perfect pair of pants for my sugar naturally. What make them so good

is they're totally comfortable. Cause shug eat a lot of junk on the road, and drink, her stomach
bloat so the pants can be let out without messing up the shape Because she have to pack her stuff
and fight wrinkles these pants are so soft, hardly wrinkle at all. Plus one should put them on, she
knock your eyes out (Walker 212). Celie needs solidarity because it creates a stronger bond
between her and the girls. This example shows that because Celie knows how easy it is for
women in this time to feel uncomfortable so she is giving back to shug by making her these pants
with the intention of making her feel comforted. Solidarity affects her life because without she
would have that sense of sticking together that she has learned throughout the story. This shows
Celie is special because normally people don't care about other people or go out of their way to
create a way for the people around them to feel comfortable like Celie did. This is an important
force in her life because she has found the need to stand together with these people in her life and
she shows that to them by creating a way to support them. This is important because in a story
where these women are constantly surrounded by negativity, Celie uses her solidarity to bring
something positive into their lives.

Solidarity is the most impactful force in The Color Purple because Nettie fights to
empower Celie, Shug protects Celie, and Celie strives to make her friends feel loved. All the
examples of solidarity are connected because they are done in strength and impact Celies life
making her a stronger person. This is important because in the beginning of the novel, Celie
didn't understand her self worth verses the end of the book where Celie has become a stronger
women through not just the support but the solidarity of the people around her. Solidarity effects
the struggle of these who are oppressed today because without solidarity it would be harder for

the victims of oppression to cope with it. When someone is being oppressed and no one is there
for them they don't feel confident in trying to overcome these struggles. We must make the effort
to stand in solidarity with the people we see being oppressed around us. Are you ready to make
that difference?


The careful, text-based analysis in PEAT 1 and PEAT 3 (I think you could add more A to

The conclusion! You take the three main points and truly weave them together to show us
why solidarity matters (because it makes individuals stronger)

To make this essay stronger, I suggest that you:


Attend to the small comments I left throughout in the margins

Make every Tie-Back as strong as your T for PEAT 2

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