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The Sea of Monsters

By: Rick Riordan

Hey, kids, interested in a good action-packed thriller? Then check

out The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan. It is about a young man
named Percy, a half-blood, meaning half-god, half human. Percy has
complete powers of the sea, because his father is Poseidon, the sea god.
Percy is friends with a satyr named Grover who is half-human, half-goat.
Grover can use a pan flute to control people. Percy is also friends with a
half-blood named Annabeth. Her mother is, Athena the goddess of wisdom.
Percys brother Tyson, is a cyclops. The story takes place in New York City
at Meriwether College Prep School and Camp Half Blood. Meriwether is a
private school for rich families. Percy is the only half blood that goes there.
Camp Half Blood is a hilly area in the country where half bloods come for
the summer to feel safe and train to fight monsters.
At Meriwether College Prep, Four Laestrygonians (8ft. Giants) came
to the gym looking for lunch. They tried to attacked Percy with flaming
dodgeballs, the size of cannonballs, and they were searing hot.Tyson
helped out Percy and got hit, but he threw the dodgeballs back anyway.
Percy, Tyson, and Annabeth left school after the fight because Percy was
blamed for destroying part of the school. They traveled to Camp HalfBlood to find out about Thalia's tree, which had been poisoned. Zeus
created the tree to protect the camp from monsters and to preserve his
dying daughter, Thalia.
The friends then set to work finding something to save the tree.
They searched for an ancient item called the Golden Fleece, which had
healing powers. It was said to be somewhere in the Sea of Monsters, also
known as the Bermuda Triangle. They traveled into the center of the Sea of
Monsters to an island where they met a Cyclops that guarded the island.

Grover pretended to be a girl to make the cyclops not eat him, but it didnt
work. The cyclops gave the group a friendly greeting, by trying to kill them.
The heroes tried to fight back, and got stuck on a bridge. Do you think they
can escape, or will they die trying?

Review by: Adam Sorley

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