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Micro Teach Lesson Plan

Abbye Lopez, Adam Alonzo, Roger Thompson

September 21, 2016
Social Studies/ Grade 7
Government Systems of the World
The students will analyze government systems of the world by
comparing dictatorship, totalitarian, and monarchy countries.
Common Core Standard:
Strand 3: Civics/Government
Concept 5: Government Systems of the World
PO 2.
Compare different types of governments:
a. dictatorship
b. totalitarian
C. monarchy
Anticipatory Set:
Think back to the last class when we discussed how negotiations with
foreign governments have led to the development of foreign policy.
Now with your shoulder partner write down one example of a foreign
policy that you can remember. The person wearing the most black will
be the one who writes it down.

(check for understanding)

Today we are going to learn about the different types of foreign
governments that we made these types of policies with.
Information: Slide Show/PowerPoint:
Check for Understanding:
(Ask the students a question after each slide Think, Pause, Call)
Using the same piece of paper from the beginning of the class and with
the same partner, the students will write down one thing they learned
about each of the three types of government system. Now the person
who is NOT wearing the most black will be the one writing it down. This
will be their ticket out the door.

Ask: Who is the one writing the answer down?

What are they writing down?
What paper are they using?
How will they turn this in?

Notes from lesson

Match the following key terms to their appropriate definition, and give
an example of three countries in which each government is
Dictatorship, Totalitarianism, Monarchy
1. A country, government, or the form of government in which absolute
power is exercised by a dictator.
2. A state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or
nominally lodged in a monarch.
3. Of or relating to a centralized government that does not tolerate
parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over
many aspects of life.
4. Give one example of a country that has a Dictatorship.
5. Give one example of a country that has a Totalitarianism
6. Give one example of a country that has a Monarchy government.
7. List the pros and cons of having a totalitarianism government.
8. List the pros and cons of having a Monarchy government.

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