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English 10/10H
Lord of the Flies Assignment
Choose ONE of the following choices for your creative
writing topic for your journal.
Length 1 to 2 pages (if typed 12 times new roman,
double spaced - you can staple into your journal)
1. Where are they now?
After 10 years or more (you decide how long), write an
article and/or interview with/about characters from Lord of
the Flies
Think about what they are doing? Where are they living?
Their relationships, are any friends? Etc.
2. Rewrite or add on to the original ending of the book.
Dont like the ending? Rewrite it. Did it leave you
hanging? Let us know how you think it went after the
naval officer shows up.
3. A girls version of Lord of the Flies
How would the story go if there were girls on the island?
How different would it be? You can rewrite a specific
scene with girls and show the difference or condense the
story and write a shortened version. If you use people
from school, you can only use your friends who are okay
with you using them (ASK them first!)

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