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Contribution Johana Mndez

Cuckoo = crazy
In the words of informal language used with a meaning or colloquial. In this case it
refers to a cute crazy, or rare decisions person.
Below is a simple phrase that refers to this.
Crazy; very eccentric; Diana: Where do you get these ideas cuckoo? It's a pretty
crazy idea to go through the fire without shoes.

But in another context it refers to a bird called in this way.

Buddy = friend; pal

In the words colloquial meaning. Buddy refers in this case to a partner or close
In the context of the phrase refers to a great partner.
My buddy helped me with this big problem of mathematics, he is a great pal. It is
very friendly, he gave me their time and what I mean.

Moreover and in another context refers to work closely:

Meet with a student from another high school to complete the project

Go on
In the words of colloquial meaning refers to Go on verb. Of which the following
explanations are derived.
Word formal
I can not go to preach.
I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket, but no more.
I can not continue to work well. I am tired of studying

When you're done with your soup, you can go on to serve the main dish.

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