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Classroom Rules and Procedures

1: Respect.

Students and teachers will respect one another, and show each other
compassion and dignity, no matter their race, gender, religion, culture, looks,
dress, or opinion. Disrespectful comments will not be tolerated. When another
student or teacher is talking before the class, we will remain quiet until they are
finished. We will also respect one anothers property. If you borrow something
from another student or teacher, return it when you are finished. Destruction of
school, teacher, or student property will not be tolerated. Clean up your work
area when you leave the class.

2: Come to class prepared.

Come to class with all needed materials. This includes pencils, pens, notebooks,
paper, pencil sharpener, erasers, ect. Students will be informed in advance if they
need any special supplies such as rulers, calculators, or anything else.

3: Proceed in an orderly fashion.

Be in your seat when the bell rings, with your needed materials to get started.
Backpacks should be placed neatly in your designated area. If you need to
sharpen your pencil, or need any extra materials that you may have left in your
bag, raise your hand and ask to retrieve it. Please be quiet about this, as you
may be distracting other students from their work.

4: No fooling around.

This is a science class, and as such, we will be following lab rules for proper
behavior in regards to horseplay. Horseplay will not be tolerated in the
classroom. Do not run, throw objects, push another student, play pranks on other
students, or anything that could be potentially dangerous in a lab setting. Stay in
your assigned seat or lab table.

5: Follow the rules of the school.

You are expected to follow the rules set in place by the school in your handbook.
This includes food and drink policy, dress code, backpack policies, and general

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