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Haley Selmon

The Red Pill

Sometimes the system works. Not often, but sometimes a child gets out and
doesnt come back. That is a miracle in and of itself, but when the child goes to a house
like the one at 900 Park? Well, there isnt even a word for that kind of luck.
No one knew what the Widow Cunningham was thinking when she adopted 8
year old Karen without ever even seeing her in person. The two could not be more
different: Cunningham was born into one of Americas last Golden Families in
Connecticut, and was courted by a Kennedy before shocking everyone and marrying a
young man of promise in the newspaper world. Karen, was born into a drug den on the
lower East side and moved from foster house to childrens refuge for 4 years before the
Widow decided it was time for a change and arranged for a Skype tour of the shelter
Karen happened to be staying in.
I liked the look of her. And it is said that life cannot be complete until one has
reared a child. She was often fond of saying, though in truth, Karen saw very little of
her would be mother until it was time for her to make her debut in New York society at
Until the age of 8 and her arrival at 900 Park Avenue (the only free-standing
home on New Yorks most elite street) Karen would have told you that the definition of
debutante had something to do with french cheese, or ballet dancing. But now that she
was 17, with only 6 months to finalize the event, you couldnt have a conversation
without her mentioning the word at least 6 times. Well, when mummy Cunny debuted,
she had a full brass band play her down the stairs!! So why the hell cant I get Kanye
At her final dress fitting, she brought her bezzie Lorelei with her, because for
some idiot reason Mummy Cunny scheduled it on Nannys day off! It was a stunning,
classic white gown. The kind that traditionally girls saved and re-wore on their wedding
day. But it wasnt enough for the adventurous and, dare-I-say, risqu Karen. She needed
something that would make her pop.
Take off your Loubies she snapped at Lorelei. Reluctantly, her friend prized off
her beautiful red patent, 6 inch stiletto heels. They had a delicate mary-jane strap and
the classic red sole that makes women and gay men around the world drool with envy.
Ugh. That is FUCKING fab. Thanks Lor! The now barefoot Lorelei ordered
them an Uber and they zipped back to the townhouse to get ready for the evening.
Dropping her dress bag into the waiting arms of her adoptive mothers butler, Karen
couldnt help but think of all the mischief she was going to get into that night. She and
Lorelei were the guests of honor tonight, slumming at some juniors party because, he
used to be my foster brother its weird. Well show up, get fucked, judge everyone, and
be home by 2. No biggie. You dont mind me wearing your shoes right? Go grab
something from the shoe closet, Ill trade ya
As they pulled up to the Bushwick warehouse the girls took bets on how quickly it
would take the cops to bust the event. Lorelei hoped they would be out by 1, but Karen
figured they wouldnt give a shit, no one comes down here
Lorelei never got to collect her winnings.

Haley Selmon

Early in the evening the aforementioned foster brother, introduce the girls to a
shady character by the name of Tom the Tinker. He produced his tin box and offered the
girls some refreshments, popping a peculiar looking speckled pill with a mischievous
smile. Lorelei politely declined, and went to find some beer (a much more acceptable
poison for a young debutante). Karen however, forgetting entirely that she too started in
the gutter, figured that she was a better breed than this douchebag and could double
anything the ape swallowed.
She grabbed 2 different sized red pills, to match her new shoes, and sized them
up. Which one ya thinkin, princess? Asked Tom, words already starting to slur.
Duh was all she said, and tilted her head back, dropping both into her expectant gullet.
Tom, wide eyed and obviously scared of being caught out, left the party swiftly and
silently. He knew this wouldnt end well.
The room began to twist within a few minutes. She hardly noticed, she was too
busy dancing to music that definitely wasnt playing anywhere in the room. If she had
stopped gyrating long enough to realize that she was shaking, then maybe she could
have run to the bathroom to purge out the chemicals quickly filling her system. But she
thought herself invincible. She was New York Elite! 2 tiny little pills could do nothing to
her except help her have a good time. MDMA? Ketamine? Fuck, she was practically
force-fed adderall by Nanny to keep her grades up (and lets be honest, skinny) since the
age of 12! Nothing could touch her.
Except for the drugs waging war on her brain.
The party ended soon after, with the sounds of sirens as the ambulance that
Lorelei called 2 hours earlier finally showed up. If only the ambulance had arrived. If
only Karen had stopped dancing when she realized her nose was bleeding. If only Tom
told her what the pills were. If only she hadnt wanted to show off in front of her past
tormenter. If only she had appreciated the things life had given her. If only her life were
Then maybe her heart would never have burst.

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