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May I Have This Dance

May I have this dance? I startled her, but I didnt mean to. She turned around, her face
prevailed through darkness to make itself known. Beautiful as if God himself designed you. Her
eyes pierced through my soul. She said something, but the music overlapped her words.
What did you say? I said. She said something again, it was as if the DJ knew I was
trying to overcome the most difficult situation and thus he needed to play the music louder.
I cant hear you I screamed.
What did you say? she thrusted out. Finally a response. Oh, but that wasnt a response
to the question. Ah, should I ask the question again? Why oh why does Love play these harsh
May I have this dance? Without hesitating she said yes. My heart, seemingly, elated.
Alright the hard part is now over; now I just need to figure out how to do that dancing stuff.
Everyone else is dancing, just do what they do.
She grabbed my hand; instantly nervous tension flowed throughout. She dragged me to
the dance floor. The time it took me to muster up the courage to come over here, I should've
realized that she might actually say yes and I would actually have to dance. Bollocks.
The DJ was playing this song everybody loved; it had this dance to it. You had to move
your elbows towards your head or something. Still, dont understand the dance. Im currently
watching everyone do the dance, still dont comprehend the significance behind the dance. All
my classmates did the dance, or the move or whatever its called. I can only imagine how
awkward I look compared to everyone else.
She started doing the dance and smiling. Oh how beautiful is beautiful? I can only
imagine. Cmon you can do it? She and everyone around me were doing it perfectly. I guess
this is whats socially acceptable at senior prom. For the woman I love, I shall do the ridiculous

dance. My mom spent over three hundred dollars for me to come to this prom and do this stupid
dance and by God I shall do the damn dance. I started doing it, going at it, my arms are frolicing
like everyone else. People were staring at me, I didnt know if I was doing it right, I assumed I
was. But most importantly, she was staring at me.
Love is for fools and only fools fall in love, but he that looks at love and doesnt try is
already damned to be a fool; thus either way Im doomed.She started chuckling, which from my
online course about women I can tell this is a good thing. Youre so silly she said while she
touched my shoulder. Oh my shoulder, I shall never wash thee.
Moments passed and we kept dancing, it felt as though life couldnt prevail any further.
In that instant, the DJ switched the song to something slower. I knew it, I knew it! Cronus, Im
coming up there and Im fighting you! I took a step back and hesitated. All my classmates and
their girlfriends or whatever began to intertwine with each other. I hesitated. She took a step
closer as I took a step back. Thus began a weird game of cat and mouse.
Come here she said. How could I resist? Love, at this very moment, seemed like
anything but realistic. She grabbed my hand from against my stomach and she put her fingers in
between mine. She pushed her warm body against my chest. Instant air suspension, as if I
couldnt breathe. She grabbed my other hand and placed it on her back. Dont worry she
whispered in my ears. I couldnt say anything, so all I could do was nod my head. She placed
her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelled like coconut and something else. At that very
moment it didnt matter what it was. The entire gymnasium disappeared and it was just her and I
in the building and nothing could go wrong.
My heart was racing a thousand miles a minute, Im sure she could feel my heart racing.
She looked up at me, with our eyes so close to each other and our lips just a kiss away, she

said Relax Here. She leaned in and kissed my lips. I supposed she thought that was going
to stop my heart from racing but all that did was make it race faster.
This, this is what love is, Im certain of it. Love is this feeling you get when a girl kisses
you and you want more, or is that sex? Im so confused. Stop being in my head and get back to
the pretty girl.
We kept dancing. I dont know what to do, but I do know I want to continue that kissing
stuff. I dont know how to intentionate it. I kissed her forehead, oh that forehead. She looked up
at me, her eyes gazing up at me was definitely worth my mom spending three hundred dollars
on this. It was as if she saw all my faults, trust me there's a lot of them and still loves who I am. I
puckered up my lips and kissed hers. Oh that gratify sensation was insurmountable. It was as if
our tongues were at war and no one was winning.
She pulled back. Was that not good? I said. Why did my dumbass say that?
No that was...perfect...that was amazing she whispered while licking her lips. And it
looked like she meant it. Here, come with me. She grabbed my hand and we left the
Where are we going? Why did my dumbass keep asking these ridiculous questions?
Youll see she said. We were walking to the cafeteria. If she wanted food, there was food
inside the gym I dont understand why were leaving but Im not asking anymore dumb
questions. She opened the cafeteria door and I couldnt understand why we were here and thus
my curiosity got the best of me. Why are here? I said. Because were gonna have sex she
said, nonchalantly. Of course. Are you crazy? I have a test tomorrow! Should I say something?
I should say something. I mean, the test isnt that important. She opened the bathroom door and
proceeded to walk in. Come in she said. Those doors are barely open during lunch period why

are they open now. I walked in, obviously. Guys really shouldnt be in the girls bathroom, but I
guess were going crazy tonight. Shh she said. Could she hear my thoughts?
Her eyes began to saunter, staring at me with sexual aspirations. She gazed at me while
she took off her shirt. At this moment, all my hesitations ceased. She grabbed my hand and
placed it on her breast and I proceeded to rub her nipples in a circular motion. A sigh of relief.
Our eyes interlocked, as if nothing else in the world mattered. I cup her breast and began to
caress them. My penis began doing that thing it always does in the middle of class. I look into
her eyes as she starts to bite her lips. I slowly left her breast, rubbing my hand down her body
while feeling her warm skin pressed up against the palm of my hand. I glaze over her navel as
she jolts out a moan. With her mouth wide-open, commencing to grasp for air, I kiss her lower
lip. I disrobe her, gradually, kissing her navel after dropping each garment to the floor. I grab her
thighs and begin to caress them. Her eyes piercing with this unrelenting desire. I kiss her neck, I
kiss lower. I grab her right butt cheek as she rubbed the tip of my penis. With my waist between
hers, I pick her up and we become adjoined with the wall. Oh, she screams as her back and
the wall become one. I feel it between her thighs, this gentle moist feeling. She gasps for air. I
feel her fingernails sink deep into my skin, as she jolts out a moan. Our bodies go back in forth,
repeating this singular motion. She moans. With her waist pressed up against mine and her
thighs gripped by my hands, words become inept. Eyes closed, go slow, as she screams Oh.
At this moment, two souls intertwined and became one. Dontstop she forces out
underneath her breathe. Never I jolt out as I go deeper. Her fingernails sink deeper in my skin.
Her tight sex stretches to conform to my penis. OH FUCK she screams out. We disjoint from
the wall, with her whole body clinging onto my arms, and her arms wrapped around my neck,
her whole body was in my control. I placed her on the floor as my penis slowly leaves from her

sex. With my erection still prevalent, she kneeled down and took it into her mouth. I grabbed her
hair as her lips conformed to my penis.
And all I have to do is say May I have this dance? Im sure of it. All I have to do is walk
over their to that pretty girl and say May I have this dance? Cmon Will, you can do it. Your
mom didnt spend three hundred dollars for you to stand to the side and daydream. Cmon. But
shes so beautiful and Im so ugly, cmon you can do it. Cmon, you can do it. I put down my
glass of chocolate milk. I walked over to where she was standing. What was her name? I dont
know. Adonis, no he was a boy or was he a woman?
May I have this dance? I startled her, but I didnt mean to. She turned around, her face
prevailed through darkness to make itself known. Beautiful as if God himself designed you. Her
eyes pierced through the soul of mine. She looked torn, say something else to convince her.
Can I say something crazy? I said. She nodded. I love you. She looked at me crazy and
shunned me. Love is for fools and only fools fall in love, but he that looks at love and tries
anyways is King.

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