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Anansi Boys Chapters 1-5 Review

In the first few chapters are introducing characters. We learn about the main
character of the book Fat Charlie who is not in fact fat. We learn about Fat Charlies
dad and the strained relationship between the two Fat Charlie does not know a lot
about his father they did not have much of a relationship. Charlies dad is also a god
the god Anansi Charlie only learns this after his fathers funeral. Also after the
funeral Charlie learns that he has a brother Spider who has all their fathers powers.
In these chapters we are also introduced to Rosie Charlies fianc and Rosies
mother who hates Charlie we are also introduced to Graham Coats Charlies weasel
of a boss.
Being embarrassed is NOT an excuses for you not to have a relationship with
your father. Dont wait until after the person is dead to try to get to know them then
it is too late. Also because to the relationship or lack thereof between Charlie and
his father Charlie forgot he had a brother which is awful. Spider didnt help either he
put off introducing himself to his brother. Also why did no one mention Spider
beforehand I mean Spider shared both parents with Charlie and neither the mom or
dad mentioned him. the only reason why someone would never be mentioned again
is if that person was shunned. Also I think Spider is going to inadvertently screw up
Charlies life.

Anansi Boy Chapter 6-7

lots of stuff happen in these chapters. So after Charlie and Spider go out and mourn
their father Charlie is a mess. Charlie wakes up next to a woman not Rosie but a girl
named Daisy who helped get Charlie home. Rosies mother also comes into to see
Charlie and runs into a half-naked Daisy much to her joy. While all this is happening
Spider is pretending to be Charlie at work and tells Graham Coats that there are
weird money transactions. Rosie Shows up because her and Charlie now Spider are
supposed to have lunch. The real Charlie shows up and becomes really upset. We
learn that Daisy is not a hooker which is what Rosies mom thought but is a
Detective put on a case involving The Graham Coats Agency. Graham Coats is
framing Charlie for the money fraud that he has committed. Spider has moved in
with Charlie against Charlies wishes. Spider is sleeping with Rosie and not letting
Charlie get back to his house. Charlie goes to Florida to find Mrs. Dunwiddy and Mrs.
Higgler to get rid of Spider. They sent him to the mountain of the old Gods. Where
Charlie meets all the gods who hated his father Anansi. After walking for a while
Charlie finds a god to help him one that did not fear his father.
A lot of Stuff happened in these chapters. Everyone in Charlies life are Awful
people. I was wrong about my thoughts about Spider he is an ass. You just
introduced yourself to your brother you move in without permission, and then steal
his fianc. Rosie is awful because she is only with Charlie because her mother does
not like him. Graham Coats is just an awful person through and through. The only
people that were good to Charlie was Mrs. Dunwiddy and Mrs. Higgler because they
knew spider was an awful person. Finally, Charlies father was mean to literally

everyone in his life and now when Charlie needs help from his fathers friends no
one will help.

Anansi Boy Chapter 8-9

Chapter 8 Starts with Spider meeting Rosies mom as Fat Charlie. Rosies mom is
more observant than most people so Spider has to be careful so she does not figure
out he is no Fat Charlie. Graham Coats is getting ready to leave because of all the
money has stolen until Maeve Livingstone Rode comes in and questions Coats about
the money that is owed to her from her dead husband. Rode has figured out all the
illegal actions that have occurred and Coats cannot use Charlie as an excuse
because the evidence has gone back for years. Coats tells Rode the he will pay her
and if she doesnt accept the money she will get none at all. Rode accepts Coats the
offer and Coats show Rode his safe. While looking at the safe Coats tries to hit Rode
in the hit with a hammer he grazes her cheek they fight and Coats kills Rode. Spider
is feeling guilty he wants to tell Rosie that he is not Fat Charlie. He takes Rosie to
caf to tell her and when they start talking a Bird comes out of Rosies mouth and
then more birds start attacking him. Chapter 9 Spider finally tells Rosie that he is
not Fat Charlie. Rosie never wants to see either one of them again. She is talking to
her mom who is elated that there will be no more wedding but Rosie does admit to
loving Spider. Rosies mother then suggests going on Holiday. Charlie back at his
apartment find Spider there they argue and Charlie answers the door and is
arrested and Spider goes into his room and is attacked by flamingos.
Spider is becoming more and more like an actual human he is feeling guilty
for what he has done to Charlie and wants to tell Rosie who he really is. Coats is an
awful person not only has he stolen money form a bunch of money but he killed a
woman and fled the country. I am glad Spider told Rosie and I like Spider and Rosie
a couple more that Rosie and Charlie.

Chapter 10 and 11
So Chapter 9 ended with Fat Charlie being arrested. Chapter 10 started with Charlie
in a gross jail cell. He eventually went outside and was met by tons and tons of
birds. Then we learn about Maeve Livingstone Rode who recently had her head
bashed in. So Maeve starts to wake up and use her phone to call people and she
eventually get her late husband on the phone and at this point we start to realize
that Maeve is dead. Back in his cell Spider walks and takes Charlie to get hot
chocolate and talk about what has been happening. Spider tells Charlie about
happened with Rosie and Charlie tells Spider about the bird lady and how he gave
up Anansis blood and how that also includes Charlie. Spider puts Charlie back in his
cell to keep him safe. Charlie is freed when he tells the police about Graham Coats
secrete room, goes on a date with Daisy and Spider is taken by the bird and now for
the third time has to go to Florida to get his bird feather. Chapter 11 Charlie is in
Florida at his fathers grave because he thinks he is playing a trick on the boys.

After this he goes to a dying Mrs. Dunwiddy house. There he learns that Spider was
once a part of him and that Mrs. Dunwiddy pulled him out and made him go away
and that Callyanne Higgler went home to Saint Andrews so now Charlie is going to
Saint Andrews. Ghost Maeve ends up in Florida and meets another Ghost who say
he can point her in the right direction. On Saint Andrew we find an unhappy Graham
Coats and Rosie and her mother. Graham offers the women to spend time at his
house and the locks them in a meat Cellar so they cant tell anyone he is there.
Daisy decides to go on holiday to find Graham Coats. Spider had his tongue ripped
out by the bird.
Charlie and Spiders relationship is starting to heal because they both realized
how royally they both screwed everything up. Like Daisy and Charlie as a couple
and think both Charlie and Spider will end up with the right person. Mrs. Dunwiddy
is crazy mean everyone has a bad side and a good side that does not mean that you
do that to a kid. Because The person that ghost Maeve ran into in Florida was totally
ghost Anansi. I think Graham Coats is the embodiment of Tigre the god that hates
Anansi and Tiger is also the one behind the bird thing. Rosies Mother Should start
to listen to Rosie because if she had they would not be held captive in a meat

Chapter 12 and 13
Charlie is now in Saint Andrews looking and asking around for Mrs. Higgler. Daisy is
going on holiday to find Grahame Comes and ends up at the same hotel as Charlie.
Spider is trapped and tied to a post and being hunted. He meets ghost Maeve she
cannot help him so she moves on. Grahame is growing nervous and going crazy.
Spider is slowly making another spider with clay, blood, and spit. Spider then tries
to remove the post from the ground. Charlie runs into Daisy they go to dinner while
they are having dinner Grahame Coats comes up and points a gun at Daisy. To get
them out of the situation Charlie gets up sings and then proposes to Daisy to get
her away for from Grahame Coats. After this happens Charlie finally find Mrs.
Higgler. Rosie planning how to escape from Grahame Coats. Spider got the post out
of the ground just in time to hit Tiger in the nose and turn him off. Spider moves to a
stream and prepares himself for a fight. Charlie does another sance and meets his
father again. Charlies father gives him his hat and fixes his feather. Tiger attacks
and an army of spiders appear fighting back Tiger. A drunk Grahame Coats goes
down to kill Rosie and her mother. Rosie fights back they escape Grahame stabs
himself and tiger possess him. Charlie leaves to find the bird lady Charlie finds her
gives her the feather she gives him Spiders tongue. Charlie gives Spider back his
tongue and tell him that he has powers also. Now Triger Grahame Coats is going
after Rosie Rosies mother steps in the way and protects her. Ghost Maeve comes in
and starts beating up Tiger Graham Coat and loses. Daisy comes in and finds the
two women and Grahame Coats.

Chapter 14

Spider and Charlie go see Rosie in the hospital. They learn that Grahame Coats has
died and that Rosies mom is in critical condition. Charlie learns that Rosie loves
Spider. Charlie and Spider go to save Rosies mom in the old god place. Charlie
starts to sing embarrasses Tiger and fixes everything. Spider locks Tiger in his cave.
Back in the human world Spider, Rosie and Rosies mom decide to stay in Saint
Andrew. Charlie proposes to Daisy properly. Charlie is a singer now and he and Daisy
have a son named Marcus. Tiger is trapped with weasel Grahame Coats.
I really loved the progression of Charlie. Grahame Coats got what he deserved and
so did tiger overall happy ending. With people ending up with the person they love.

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