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Abuse of Social Media


By Pranav Gupta, Symbiosis Law School, Pune

Editors Note: This research paper emphasizes on several
attributes of violence that prevails in India and which provokes the
aggression and crime. It also includes numerous issues related to
religion and community violence, also the present date rumor tools
like social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, SMS etc.) which have
emerged as one of the sharpest weapons, complimenting politics
and media which easily misguides the mob. The paper also explains
the relation between intercommunity and interreligious violence
and showcases the impact of such aggression and how different
religions and religious texts backed their views over crime. It also
attempts to take a broad but detailed account of use and misuse
of social media, print and electronic media in during riots .The need
for responsible use of social networking sites like twitter,
Facebook and others during a communal riot will be taken up for
discussion in the context of hate propaganda, instances of fake and
misleading videos or rumors being propagated. It also presents a
case study on the role social media played in the recent
Muzzafarnagar riots.


India can be marked by the diversity of traditions and practices.
India is the birthplace of various religions; namely Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Cultural diversity & tolerance are
both brought about in the country by law and custom, which
associates them to religious communities. The amount of diversity
in the belief systems of India today has resulted in to certain social
structures with religious ideas and expressions claiming sizable
Human society is a collection of various groups and individuals with
distinct identities which are divided on the basis of class, religion,
and culture. Every society has its unique identity which differs it
from another and the struggles for limited resources put these
groups or divided societies to a conflicting stage. These communal
or social conflicts whether non-violent or violent are somehow a
form of human action. Communalism is an extensive phenomenon

in the social life of an Indian citizen and communal riots are the
morally reprehensible way of expressing it. Communal riots have
become an undiminished entirety part of communalism.
An event can be classified as a communal riot on two grounds:
firstly, if there is violence and,secondly, if two or more communally
identified groups confront each other or the members of the other
group, at some point during the violence.[i] There have been several
horrific communal riots have been the 1984 Sikhriots and the 2002
Gujarat (Godhra) riots & the recent Muzaffarnagar riots. Social
media had a key role in the Assam violence, Kishtwar (Jammu) &
this time in the Muzaffarnagar riots also, the posts by user over
Facebook, Twitter, SMS & coverage by the Indian media tend to
affect the mold the opinions and actions of the other individuals of
the society.
The internet has become an integral part of modern living. The
spread of social media and the use of platforms is changing the way
society operates. Social media has been playing a destructive role in
inciting communal violence in India and time has come to check its
misuse. Social networking sites are a threat to national security as
they are used as tools for drug trafficking, money laundering and
match-fixing, terrorism, instigating violence and for rumor tools etc.
Social media tools like



Discussion forums

Micro blogs


And the most burning issue, i.e. Social networking sites

Facebook, Twitter etc.

Social media can be defined, among other things, as tools; how

they are used, by whom they are used and for what reason can
represent either a threat or an opportunity for national security, it
is itself shouldnt be seen as a potential threat to national security
but those who use these tools may pose a potential risk.
It is now a given that social media environments are important
sources of data for understanding the dynamics of the diffusion of
information and human behavior[1]. Evidence suggests that social
media had an impact on events such as Mujaffarnagar riots,
Godhara Riots, Babri Masjid riots etc. Groups representing a

potential threat to national security like International terrorist

groups, Transnational Crime Orgs, Cracker groups, Religious sects,
Hacker groups, NGOs, International organizations,Allied foreign
states, terrorist groups etc.[ii]


Rumor tools have a lethal role in inciting communal violence in India
and time has come to have a check on its harmful misuse[iii] so that
it does not again cause erosion in inter-community relations. First of
all it is important for everybody including police& other governing
sources to understand how the new media is used by miscreants. An
effective mechanism is needed to monitor such misuse of social
media. The sad part is riot control plans that exist at present were
made by (the colonial) British rulers. It has not been modernized to
suit present times[iv]. According to reports Uttar Pradesh Police, a
dubious video clip that reportedly showed the execution by mob of
two Hindu Jat boys that was circulated fuelled the riots in
Muzaffarnagar. But the footage was later found to be a video shot in
Pakistan and its role in Muzzaffarnagar riots is still in question, the
video became so popular that its snapshots were also published into
the pages of some Hindi dailies. Certain political figures were also
booked under Sections 420 (forgery), 153-A (promoting enmity on
religious grounds) and 120-B (conspiracy) of the IPC and Section 66
of the Information Technology Act for making this video public and
inciting communal violence.[v]
In July 2012, during the violence between indigenous Bodos and
Muslims in Assam, certain images were circulated, fueling panic
resulting in the exodus of thousands of northeastern to their native
places from different parts. Similarly, riots that broke in Kishtwar in
Jammu and Kashmir after Eid celebrations were also aggravated by
certain postings on the social media. The situation was checked
within the right time and the riots were restrained. In Kishtwar, the
material on social media were immediately tracked and curbed,
otherwise the result riots would have been different.
Certain newspapers which are morphed with inflammatory headlines
also have a larger role in the curving opinions and actions of the
common people who do not follow Facebook or twitter.
Dainik Jagran s Muzaffarnagar edition on September 9 reads:[vi]
Musalmaanon dwaaraa Hinduon kaa katleamjaari [Muslims continue
to slaughter Hindus].
September 8 was also morphed with a fake headline:

The actual version read Panchayat se laute do logo kigoli mar

kehatya (Two killed on their way back from Panchayat).
read: MuzaffarnagarmeinMusalmanokaaatank,
(Muzaffarnagar terrorized by Muslims, Hindus in fear.
It has become difficult for government to check the activities on
social networking sites. In August2012, when morphed pictures
were used by mischief makers in the form of MMS to fuel communal
tension by targeting people from northeast. The Government had
then braced down by banning bulk SMS and MMS for a certain
period. The task was made more difficult with most pictures
morphed and uploaded on websites in Pakistan and some other
countries where viewing them was easily possible.The government
has to depend on the micro-blogging and social-networking sites
whose servers are located in the US to act against the posts and
uploads. As these companies interpret individuals privacy, it took
days before objectionable content was blocked.[vii] Social
networking sites are becoming a tool to benign anyones image.
And, it is quite difficult for us to take legal action against owners of
the sites that are situated in the different countries, as they are not
bound to obey our law.[viii]


The face of media is changing with new communications
technologies such as camera-enabled mobile phones, spy cameras
& voice recorders are giving journalists an opportunity to gather and
disperse information gathered very easily.[ix] Digitization of the
news media has led to compression of time and distance but various
hidden realities and factor still affect the reporting of conflicts. The
images broadcast in our living rooms are not only informing the
global audience of the horrific happenings but might also instigate
further violence in an existing violent situation. Therefore, the
medias report of a clash situation leads to the clarifying of the
conflict itself. The media kindles the opinion-building and impact the
political decisions and audiences reactions in society. This
eventually shapes crises and conflicts as in carefully selected news
& tight control over the media. Since independence until the
invasion of cable television in India, the electronic media had served
as the mouthpiece of the government. In the Operation Blue star
1984 the local media were not supportive of the Sikh causes.
Moreover, since the beginning of the problems in Punjab, the

Government had strict control on the media and imposed heavy

censorship. There was a tight control over media so capture the
horrific events were not even allowed in the local land. But during
2002 Gujarat riots the two English-language national newspapers in
India, The Times of India and the Indian Express were critical of the
state government. The result of the multiple and complex interests
of regions, groups within them leads to economic, social and
political conflicts. Such conflicts are difficult to handle and requires
negotiations between the parties involved.

The concept of hate crimes by analyzing the various definitions
stated by different criminologist throughout the world, Hate
Crime or Hate Violence is said to be, crime or violence committed
due to the victims real color, race, religion, disability, sexual
orientation or origin[x]. Its an offence that shows the evidence
prejudice made on religion, race, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
Various jurists from USA and Europe assumed that the
distinctiveness is only the exclusive criteria for studying the concept
of hate crimes. However, in hate crimes, the state of socio-economic
should be examined thoroughly. The social economic factors like
social learning of bias, inequality, policy of selective handling of
groups violence, economic factors etc. have major impact over hate
Here is a case study of such nature which recently shook not only
the roots of Indian government but also displays the political as well
as ethical side of India which has turned out too abysmal.





In the recent decades, with a sharp rise in the communal incidents
and religion based tensions, the growth of communal riots and force
has acquired a dangerous position in India. Communal violence has
been prevailing in India since a long time. For example, the 1984
anti-Sikh riots.
27th August 2013, a terrifying yet sad day in India which gave birth
to a new group of communal riots namely Muzaffarnagar Riots.

Severe clashes between the two communities, the Muslims and

Jats in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli, India broke out in the parts of
rural areas and communally sensitive district of Muzaffarnagar in
Uttar Pradesh which claimed more than 43 lives leaving 93 plus
injured. These riots in Muzaffarnagar have not only raised questions
about the social stability in India but also about the ability of the
civil administration in order to remove disorder and enforce tough
rules and laws against targeted communal violence.
From inception, the situations and factors which led to the
emergence of such serious riots and violence was, on this one day
when a Hindu girl was walking past a Muslim community on her way
to school; she was being harassed by a man who passed lewd,
insulting comments on her. The girl then further complained to her
brothers about the incident. Without giving it a thought, the brothers
took the matter in their own hands and decided to teach that guy a
lesson by inserting a knife into the guys stomach, which ultimately
resulted in his death. The guy who had harassed the girl belonged to
the Muslim community. The friends, family and neighbors of that
Muslim boy caught hold of the girls brothers and lynched them
mercilessly in front of many witnesses. This was not the end but a
beginning which opened doors to the Muzaffarnagar communal
riots. The girls father, when tried filing a FIR against the family of
the boy who had harassed the girl, the police refused to register the
FIR. On the other hand, when the Muslim family went to file a FIR for
the murder of their son who harassed the girl, the police readily
registered the case and arrested the Father of the girl with his other
close relatives.
Here, the problem actually started, as by thinking that clear
discrimination was done by the administration, the Jat community
requested the panchayat of their community to force the police in
order to drop the charges against girls father. Nonetheless, the
Administration did not take any final decision. The Jat community
again approached the Panchayat under the Bahu Beti Bachao
Sammelan and distributed a few inflammatory videos and pictures
via CD/MMS. With no action brought in by the main people of the
district, people of the Muslim community took advantage of the
situation and on a certain day attacked the people of the Hindu
community. After this incident, the riots spread like fire which
became uncontrollable.
The vernacular media and a few major national news channels
(electronic) have seemed to have played a vital role in provoking
and instigating serious violence and aggression against the Muslim
community. Through unfound and false stories, a mischievous and
deliberate attempt in spreading hatred between the communities
was a part of the role which the media played. Nonetheless, with the
support of the representatives of political parties like BJP, they used

social media like Facebook, MMS and CDs as a tool arouse hatred
before as well as during the riots. Moreover, the people of
Muzaffarnagar gave a communal color to the violence by
exaggerating the incidents. Many Hindi news channels and
newspapers misreported the happenings on daily basis by setting up
a picture in the minds of the public that it was the Muslims who
were slaughtering the Hindus and initiating distorted violence. As a
result, there was a severe rise in the rumors and passion to fight
and revolt back in the riots.


1. Setting up of a cyber surveillance agencies which can
forewarn about any such malicious intent and timely notifying
in order to take suitable action.
2. Frame guidelines for telecom operators to prevent panic
reaction and block harmful content on the internet and social
3. Prepare a legal authority approved by the government to fill
the existing gaps in the Information Technology Act for dealing
with such situation, including deterring malicious use of the
internet and social media.
Social media is just a body to broadcast information quickly
whether the information is good or bad depends ultimately on the
individual, how he takes it. Whether he gets lured immediately or
waits for the reliable source and frames his action which may be in
favour of whole society.


Despite the increased level of communication methods, very few
governments say about successful communication to the mass
during conflicts because they fail to understand the perception of
the same conflict in the minds of the common mass.[xi] The role of
the social media in covering and resolving conflicts, especially those
revolving around the religious differences that may lead to fueling
communal riots in India is extremely critical.[xii]There are enough
challenges faced by a journalist and media personnel regarding the
care he should take in such a situation.

The guidelines for a reporter in covering communal riots should be

to look out for detailed background information, not continue with
the stereotyping of communities, find residents who deal with both
the communities, talk to victims from both sides, corroborate the
victims as well as the polices accounts, discover the role of the
police, the politicians and the media and highlight stories where
communities have helped each other.The people of society form
their opinions based on the immediate coverage of reporters on the
ground and how television anchors and the media expert analyst
sitting in the studios analyze in their frame of mind. Reporters and
journalists are not value-free. A communal riot is a sensitive issue
and their personal opinion may get in the way of professional
reporting. It would be extremely difficult for a reporter or a journalist
to cover and report on a communal riot. However, this problem
would halt if the reporter or the journalist keeps the basic concept of
reporting in mind, where first of all he or she needs to understand
that conflicts where he/she is a social process in which he or she is
an important social actor, an actor whose job is to halt the conflict
and not add to it.[xiii]
On the broader aspect, there are many functions of the media in
usual and reporters in particular include preventing or calming the
conflict so that a viable solution is reached immediately. During a
communal riot, the media can even get the international
perspective on the events and thereby create an environment where
the world starts to discuss the same. Ultimately, it might force the
national and the state governments to act accordingly in fovour of
the society. The media should realize that they can either alleviate
or aggravate the situation. The media have the capability to provide
a great deal of information during an ongoing communal riot. They
can inform the public or communicate directly with the victims and
their families .Thus, controlled steps and actions should be taken in
order to prevent the situation from further aggravation.[xiv]

Through our research, we have been to conclude that responsibility
of media increase while covering the communal riots. Media
coverage & social media helps people to get new information and
new opinion to the same issue, it is necessary to insure the liberty of
the opinion giving and views by people in social media helps people
to have better and update information regarding a with range of
social, political, technical issues. But this is important that we
should not reprobates and trouble makers to misuse social media.
There is an urgency in the part of the government to install effective
mechanism and surveillance system which check objectionable
content and suspends its transmission through social media.
Telecom companies should develop effective techniques to trace the

location of the uploading content. Few sections of the media and

some users of social networking sites bid to hurt the sentiments of
the religious groups through their opinion blogs and posts, which
have tendency to provoke, deprave the peaceful ambience and lead
the communal unrest. Social networking sites should be boosted to
device greater self-check that they contribute lest to large scale law
and order disturbance. The state should use all measures to punish
those guilty for fueling the communal violence. It is also important
that media should know that they can relive the situations and
should react responsibly. Bit alone media can never bring about a
racial change overnight, support from the part of readers are also
required, and try to maintain the harmony in the society and
promote the essence of fraternity.

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