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How did you feel about TP today/this week?

What areas are you focused on and what progress

have you made? Explain.
On the first day of teaching practice in RAAKAG, I felt that the school in following serious regulations
and the meeting was strict, so, I decide to be committed and follow all the rules to be on the right track. I
believe that if you follow the rules, you will not face any problem in any place and any position around
the world. In addition, on the first day, I felt that Im confused because I had two mentors, two sections,
and two schedules. My effort was going to the both teachers, the math and science teacher and the
English teacher. During the first day, I learned how to be responsible and manage my time in a good
way. Even that I was having all these responsibilities, but I was managing my time, and I attend all the
classes with both teachers. It was a good experience because of the strategies and methods in teaching,
managing the class and organizing the work and duties.
On Monday, I discuss the issue with MCT, and he deals with the situation. So, he selects one mentor for
the lessons and the observations, while the other mentor for the duties only. Honestly, I felt happy on this
day because being with one instructor giving a particular work and this is save effort and make TP easier.
Besides, I attend all the Math and science classes.
On Tuesday, I was responsible more about mentoring science exams for the both sections, boys, and
girls, and I gain experience in how to deal with students during exams and how to manage their
behaviors. Also, from this experience, I learned that there are differing between boys and girls during the
exams. Girls are always raising their hands if they need help and never feel shy to ask, while boys are not
asking, so, you as a teacher should move around the class and notice the process of solving the exam.
On Wednesday, the most important thing is the Math exams for the both sections, 5a and 5b for girls
and boys. From this day, I learned that there are different attitude will happen from the student's if they
have math exam or science. I notice that they have difficulties with math, so, now both of them ask
questions and need help.
Moreover, during the first week of the teaching practice, I focused on learning the process of science
classes and how that the teacher explains the science lesson. So, I noticed that the teacher is following
the 5e stages in teaching lessons. Also, I focused on the strategies that used by my mentor to manage
student's behaviors. My mentor said, Aamna if you want to arrive the information for all students, and if
you want to achieve your lesson goals, manage them. My mentor only uses the strategy of that if you
misbehave, you will fail in the exam.
So, I decide to apply the strategy of managing the students by using the red, black and green stickers to
reinforce their behaviors during the lesson. The red sticker for the individual good attitude, the green for
group working and the black for the misbehavior.
What duties / activities did you carry out during the school today? Critically Reflect: Did you feel
that you did a good job?
During this week, I mentored math and science classes; I help my mentor in the classes, and I was
helping her managing the class. Also, while shes explaining the lesson, I was moving around to check if
any students need help. 5a class includes 32 girls, while class 5b include 14 boys and I learned that boys
need more effort than girls in arriving the information or even managing the behavior. I also marked

exam papers of math and science, and I learned my mentor strategy in correcting exam papers.
Moreover, with the English teacher I'm taking my duties, I attended the morning preparation and
assembly. Also, I helped in taking the attendance to help me saving the students names. In fact, I took
two duties this week. One of the duties was outside, in the yard of the school. After students finish
eating; they can go out and play to take vitamin D and break the routine before the classes begin again. I
felt that I did a good job because I was managing the behaviors of the students and I didnt face any
problem during this duty. Furthermore, the second duty is in the canteen, it was noisy and crowded, but I
enjoyed it more because the place is away from the sun, so, it's not hitting the head and causing a
headache. I felt that this duty had also been good because I didnt face any problem during the 35
minutes of the break and all students were following the rules in a good way.

What was the most interesting science activity or strategy you saw? Why did you think it was
interesting and worth noting/remembering?
I like that my MST uses a site that include all the lessons. This site includes activities, quiz, memorizing
sheet and explanation for the lesson. This website follows the 5es that help in explaining the lesson in a
gradual way. I found this strategy of using website in teaching science lessons very useful because it
includes simple ideas that can help in arriving the information to the students and help them
understanding the lesson well without big effort.
Moreover, I like that after explaining the lesson, the teacher asks each group if they have difficulties or
not. She asked them who is the student that have trouble or struggle in understanding the first part of the
lesson, and then brining these students and explain the lesson again for them by using the white boards
and letting them apply the steps until they understand the concept well.

What did you try out? Was it successful? Why/why not? Which TP competencies do you feel you
achieved and which do you think that you need to focus on next time?
During this week, I explained part of a science lesson with my MST. I was trying to take an idea of the
strategies that can help in explaining the lessons in a good way for the students and help them
understand the lesson well. So, I begin with explaining the part that the teacher selected to me directly
and I was trying to give all my effort to arrive the information for the students. I think that this
experience was good, but I noticed that students are making an effort in focusing with me and trying to
catch the most amount of information thats given in the lesson. I found that the mistake was that that I
didnt make a brainstorming or a warming up for the students to prepare their minds and make them
ready for the lesson. So, next time I will focus on preparing useful warming up that can help in doing a
good brainstorming for the students.

What was the most important thing you learnt about students or teaching science today? Can you
think of any way you could better engage students in any activity you saw today?
I think that teaching science should include experiments or even related to the lesson with something that
the students can apply. For example, the site that the teacher used in explaining lessons include an
experiment, but the site only explained it with pictures and words. So, one student asks the teacher to
apply the experiment in the laboratory because she didnt get it. So, science is all about learning by
doing. Even that the lesson is about animals or animal adaptations, students want to try or apply. So,
when I mentored this situation, I went home, and I prepared an activity which about giving each student
a picture of an animal and different materials, cotton, feathering, leather, eyes and glue. Student's will
stick these materials to the suitable picture, and then they will present it and explain how that animal can
adapt by their big eyes or their tall tongue and select the function of these characterizes.

Critically Reflect: Identify an aspect of your own behavior (e.g. time / behavior management) that
you feel you could improve upon. Discuss ways in which you could improve this.
Honestly, I think that I havent faced any problem yet. I arrived at the school earlier that 7:15 AM every
day. Particularly at first day, I arrived at 7:05 AM to organize my schedule and to see what should I do
on the first day. I always went to the class before that the teacher arrived, and I sit with my mentor in her
staff room to help her if she need help and to correct papers, books, and notebooks. And I only take a
break when she allows me to take a break. Also, I deal in a respect way with all teachers and students in
Even the first day when the principal gave me the class schedule I was sitting in the class, and I was
attending all lessons because I don't want to give a bad idea about me from the first day.

What are your agreed responsibilities for your next day/week in TP? Be specific
I will sit with my MST to plan with her because I will explain a science lesson. The lesson will be about
animals because the unit is talking about animals. I will do all my duties. I will correct notebooks, books
and math exam papers. Also, I will plan for explaining another science lesson because I think that there
is no time for being lazy and delay works.

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