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Marissa Ballestero
Dr. Kamahra Ewing
HON 1000-520
07 November 2016
More Than A Park
Belle Isle Park is located in the Detroit River between the US and Canada, and is the
nations largest city island park1. For many, this park is more than just a place to visit on the
weekends and relax. For many Detroit residents, the park represents community, and
preservation of not only nature, but of the city itself. From its many amenities, to its beautiful
landscaping and architecture, Belle Isle is a perfect representation of the city. The park not only
helps to further unite members of the community, but provides a peaceful getaway from city life.
Belle Isle is rich with history related to the city, and is on its way back to its former glory. After
doing research on Belle Isle and visiting with my group, I can confidently say that Belle Isle is
symbolic of where we are going as a city.
Belle Isle was settled in the 1700s by French explorers, originally called Hog Island2. In
1879, the island was purchased from by the city of Detroit for $200,0003. One year later, the
island was opened to the public, where many go and enjoy the new addition to their city. For
many years the only way to access the island was via ferry, until a wooden bridge was
constructed in the late 1890s4. In 1915, the wooden bridge was destroyed after catching fire.

1 See Belle Isle Park from Detroit Historical Society.

2 See Belle Isle Park from Detroit Historical society.
3 See Park History from Belle Isle Conservancy.
4 See Belle Isle Park and Olmsteds Legacy In Detroit from Smithsonian Gardens.

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Then, in 1923 a new bridge, known today as the Douglas MacArthur Bridge, was completed5.
This bridge allowed for many people to have more convenient access to the island. During 1925,
the James Scott Memorial Fountain was completed, which included design aspects that fell in
line with the city beautiful movement of the early twentieth century6. Its design was the result of
a nationwide competition in which Cass Gilbert, a prominent American architect, won7. Belle
Isle is known for more than being a place of leisure, the island was subject to the Detroit Race
Riots in 1943. On June 20, 1943, racial tensions spilled over and several incidents occurred
between teenagers of both races8 on the island. The fighting continued for several days and
required federal intervention, in which 6,000 troops were ordered to restore peace. Over the
years, Belle Isle has had its ups and downs. The beloved aquarium was closed in 2005 due to
economic struggle within the city, but later reopened in 2012 by the Belle Isle Conservancy9. The
island also has its fair share of dilapidated structures, another result of economic downfall in the
city. However, a group of boosters are trying to get recreation grants, corporate help, and raising
money to help maintain the park10. This goes to shows that Belle Isle has major significance to
the history of Detroit and many people want to preserve it. Through the bad and the good, Belle
Isle has remained a constant for the city. Belle Isle has shown that Detroit is a place far more

5 See Belle Isle Bridge from Historic Bridges.

6 See Belle Isle Park and Olmsteds Legacy In Detroit from Smithsonian Gardens.
7 See A Notable Fountain for Detroit from Art and Progress.
8 See Detroit Race Riots 1943 from PBS-American Experience.
9 See The Belle Isle Aquarium from Detroit Aquarium.
10 See Belle Isle boosters push rescue plan.. from Detroit News.

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valuable than the products and byproducts of manufacturing and industry11. When visiting the
Park, it was evident to my group and I that this place is far more than just another state park.
As a group, we viewed the park as a place of community and importance to the city for a
variety of reasons. We felt as if the parks rich history mixed with its beauty and the communitys
will to maintain it, just goes to show that Detroit is far more than what it appears to be. Detroit is
a place full of people with pride in what they have, people who do not settle for less than the
best. Also, we viewed the park as a representation of the greatness that the city has to offer.
Greatness that many outsiders may overlook when casting judgement upon the city. Based on
who we are, Belle Isle is perfect example of the people of Detroit. Belle Isle is the place where
Detroiters can show their togetherness and just how tight knit of a community it is. On any
summer day, one can go to Belle Isle and see a variety of people enjoying the park, side by side,
regardless of background. We also felt as if Belle Isle is a good way to view the preservation of
nature within the city. Being in agreement with my group, I too feel as if Belle Isle has a lot to
offer for the city of Detroit.
For me, Belle Isle also represents the rebuilding of the city and the determination of the
people. After the economic downfall Detroit suffered in the mid 2000s, the city began to rebuild
itself and bounce back. With the help of many people who wanted to see their city succeed, they
began to pick up the pieces and put it back together again. When I see old buildings being
restored on Belle Isle and members of the community coming together to maintain it, I am
reminded of the city. I am reminded that in a place regarded in a negative light by others, there is
still beauty and hope. From my perspective as a prospective engineer, the park is a place of
architectural excellence. In regards to cities in general, this site represents the fact that their is
11 See Belle Isle Park and Olmsteds Legacy In Detroit from Smithsonian Gardens.

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always more to a city than what there appears to be. There is always a deep history and a group
of people who care for the city.
After visiting Belle Isle, its clear that this place means more to the city than many may
know. There are great efforts to preserve it and make it accessible to all. Belle Isle is a place full
of history. Many aspects of the design of the park help to include the history of Detroit. The
island has been used as a place where people can come together, regardless of their background.
Belle Isle shows that Detroit is a place enjoyed by many and a place on the rebound.

James Scott Memorial Fountain

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Works Cited
"Belle Isle Aquarium." Detroit Aquarium. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
"Belle Isle Bridge." Historic Bridges. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
"Belle Isle Park and Olmsted's Legacy in Detroit." Smithsonian Gardens. N.p., 03 Sept. 2013.
Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <>.
"Detroit Race Riots 1943." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
"Encyclopedia Of Detroit." Belle Isle Park. Detroit Historical Society, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.
"Encyclopedia Of Detroit." Belle Isle Park. Detroit Historical Society, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
<>., By DAN AUSTIN of. "Historic Detroit." James Scott Memorial Fountain -.
N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <>.
Margarita Bauza. "Belle Isle Boosters Push Rescue Plan for Detroit Gem Group Envisions a
Renewal to Rival N.Y.'s Central Park: [AFTERNOON EDITION]." Editorial. Detroit
News [Detroit] 24 Aug. 2001: A.01. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

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Works Cited
"A Notable Fountain for Detroit." Art and Progress. 12th ed. Vol. 5. N.p.: Frick Collection, n.d.
437. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <
"Park History." Belle Isle Conservancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

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