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Lindsay Hill
Isela King
Katie MacArthur
Noah Rodriguez
Changing the Size of the High School Basketball Lab
Question: What should the size of a basketball be for the high school basketball teams?

When calculating the difference between men's and women's hand size in the NBA and WNBA
is a minor 0.24in. The size of the ball in women's basketball ranges from 28 1/2 to 29 inches in
circumference. The basketball in the men's game is between 29 1/2 and 30 inches. Women's
hands are smaller than men's hands on average. Therefore, it is most likely easier for a woman to
handle a smaller ball, because of this the WNBAs ball size is about a full inch smaller than the
NBAs ball size. Men traditionally have bigger hands, and have an easier time handling a larger
ball. The weight difference between the different sexes ball size is very minute and doesnt play
a large factor. In the end, other than a few small measurement differences, and the size and
biological differences between men and women, the game of basketball is the same the same for
both sexes. There is a constant debate on whether the change is ball size is unfair and changes
the game greatly or simply serves to even the playing field and make the game the same for

Hypothesis: Both the girls and boys high school team will be within 0.25cm of each other in

hand size.
1.) We took the measurement and recorded, in centimeters, of the height of the girl and then the
boy basketball players.
2.) We took the measurement and recorded, in centimeters, of the hand length of the girl and then
boy basketball players.
3.) We calculated and recorded the average of the girls height.
4.) We then calculated and recorded the average of the girls hand length.
5.) We calculated and recorded the average of the boys height.
6.) We then calculated and recorded the average of the boys hand length.


Girls Basketball Team

Girls Average Height: 164.58cm

Girls Average Hand Length: 16.96cm

Boys Basketball Team

Boys Average Height: 184cm

Boys Average Hand Length: 20cm

Quantitative Analysis:
1.) Average Boy Height: 184cm
Average Boy Hand Length: 20cm
2.) Average Girl Height: 164.58cm
Average Girl Hand Length: 16.96cm

Optimal Size of the Ball for Womenavg height = 164.58cm
avg hand length= 16.96cm
ball size= 28.625in= 72.708cm
164.58cm = 9.704cm 72.708cm = 7.493cm

The ratio of ball circumference to average height and hand length is 7.493cm.

Optimal Size of the Ball for Menavg height: 184cm

avg hand length= 20cm
ball size= 29.625in= 75.248cm
184cm= 9.2cm
75.248cm= 8.179cm
The ratio of ball circumference to average height and hand length is 8.179cm.

Qualitative Analysis:
1.) The girls differed from the boys average height by being 20.23cm smaller. The girls also
differed from the boys average hand length by being 3.04cm smaller.
2.) It would be advantageous to change the size of the ball to the womens ball size for the men
because theoretically playing with the smaller ball would be easier to maneuver than the ball size
the men currently use. The men switching to using the female ball size would also level the
playing field for both sexes, and vice versa to change the women to the mens ball size. It would
be disadvantageous for the men to switch to the female ball size as they may be too overpowered
and have a lack of control with the ball. The change would disrupt their performance abilities;
the current ball size is how they are conditioned to play and is conducive to their height and hand
3.) It would be advantageous to change the size of the ball to the mens ball size for the women
because it would level the playing field for both sexes, and vice versa to change the men to
womens ball size. It would be a disadvantage for the girls to use the mens size ball because the

hand size of the girls team is nominally smaller than that of the boys. The change would disrupt
their performance abilities, making it harder for them to maneuver the ball; the current ball size
is how they are conditioned to play and is conducive to their height and hand size

1.) Our hypothesis was not supported, as our hypothesis predicted that the girls and boys high
school basketball teams would be within 0.25cm of each other in hand size and the teams were
actually within 3.04cm of each other.
2.) Experimental errors that could have occurred that would have affected our results would have
been the mismeasurement of the basketball players height and hand length, and/or the
miscalculation of data we collected. If we did not measure our basketball players height and
hand length correctly all of our data would be incorrect and offset all the averages, as well as our
equation, and ultimately our conclusion. If we had miscalculations in the data table that would
mean our data is incorrect, as well as the averages, results of the equation, and ultimately our
conclusion. On top of this our conclusion may not be as accurate as possible because the number
of boy basketball players measured is 9 less than the girls. This unequal analysis could have
altered our data and therefore our average, potentially completely changing our facts and
3.) Based on our project results, we do not believe that there should be a change in the size of the
basketball used in high school competitions. The change is not needed and would affect the
athletes performance negative ways that would disrupt their maneuverability with the ball and
therefore overall performance in the sport.

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