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What is Gastroschisis?

Gastroschisis is an abdominal wall defect like omphalocele in which

the anterior abdomen does not close properly allowing the intestines to
protrude outside the fetus. ( That is what
Gastroschisis is and what is it does to the fetus while it is in the mothers womb.
The intended audience are for Medical Students and people wanting to
start a family. The Audience knows that this is a risk factor during a mothers
pregnancy. The audience will have the entire paper to understand the genres
in detail. The audience will understand that this is an informative paper that
will let them know what this risk factor in pregnancy is. Both genres will try
to established both how credible and informative they are for people trying
to understand what this is. The emotions will be trying to go for a shock
factor will all of the images from the video and how this is described to them.
It is in organized in bullet points with mini description on what the bullet
points are. Yes, the limitation to this information is that you will not have a
personal story on some one that has or is experiencing this by a personal
family level but you will hear doctors talk about it. By trying to be short and
to the point on what Gastroschisis is. The genres both have formal language since both of
them are trying to get the masses to understand what Gastroschisis is. The using medical
terminology when discussing the topic. In one of the informative pieces they show a video on
Gastroschisis, while the other one just has images here and there.

In conclusion both of these pieces only serve the purpose on letting the mass population
know what happens to babies when they have Gastroschisis.

Reference: /Typographic Iconography

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